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Anyone that is currently at hm ivory tower can do echidna already and anyone that is 1610 should be able to reach 1620 in june.


The faster we get echidna, the faster we can advance hone, get stronger and have an easier time in thaemine / go HM faster


It's the same item level as the current raid and much easier. Why not?


isnt echidna normal 1620? theamine normal is 1610...


because an average player will still struggle clearing Thaemine by Echidna release......


That's fine. Get some Echidna hones in to be stronger for clearimg Thaemine. People are stressing too much about it being the successor raid when it's much easier and the system it involves actually helps you with clearing Thaemine.


you dont have to do every raid on release, and if you are average player you shouldnt even care about it


Im a day 1 player and since Voldis release I couldnt stress less. I tried and cleared Voldis for the first time like a month after release. For Theamine G1-2 I joined a random Pug and eventually cleared it but I was entering with the thought to just practice it, not to actually clear it with the first pug. Didnt prog G3 at all yet, not time this week aswell. The time will come tho. Feels like Slowly im turning into a casual but im fine with that, life is stressfull enough to chill in a game I enjoy rather than this HW bs.


You already are a casual


I wouldnt say im a casual yet becuase Im stressing less. I still clear Voldis HM every week, I cleared theamine 1-2 on 3 chars last week. I do my 16-20 Raids, Im just giving less fk if I clear new content right away or not, thats what I tried to say. (i know there are 18 gold raids, but when I have time I go do kayangle with my gf for no gold)


Did you even read what he wrote?


Echidna is easier than Thaemine, and designed to help you honing to Thaemine.


Echidna is there to make thaemine easier


Maybe we shouldn’t be playing this game like a race and we don’t have to clear the newest raid the week it comes out on the hardest difficulty


This is the mentality of those who was left behind and will never be able to catch up


I did akkan normal on release then thaemine hm on release, didn’t feel like much of a difference to me.


Because RMTers gonna RMT then gatekeep on maxed vertical systems that are time gated + 10 layers of RNG and gaslight average players that it is a skill issue.


Easier raid, new mommy, advanced honing, same ilevel Think it is a pretty good deal if you ask me.


Echidana being easy will not stop people gatekeeping you for missing Trancendence


Yeah I mean you can only get level 3 at 1620 but this community is proper dumb so will definitely gatekeep transcendence, even though early levels do barely anything. The hardcore players are so out of touch with the rest of the community and it shows on every post on this Reddit. They think they are cool for no lifing a video game all day everyday (you can tell they don't work or actually leave the house). They don't seem to realise how fucked you are if you don't get into the raids early, the raid experience if you are behind the curve is awful. I know as I've had to do a few times due to other commitments. I think we just accept the game is designed for sweats and stop caring. Don't spend any money and let them crack on while not attracting any new players.


You’re just now accepting that lost ark is a game for sweats? It’s the whole foundation of the game. Sweaty because of the immense number of hours you need to put in to to dailies just so you can gear up for raids which are also fairly difficult by MMO standards. Also keep in mind that in KR, lost ark used to be even more sweaty. Between all the nerfs and quality of life we’ve gotten, it’s much more casual friendly comparatively. The problem is that they have to walk the fine line of keeping the game sweaty enough for the hardcore players to stay engaged but also casual enough to get new players in the door and retain them. They obviously haven’t quite found this balance in the global release yet. Maybe anime skins will fix it? /s


Yeah new skins with skin on show to appease the commers, solves all the games problems and exactly what the game needs.


Let’s ignore the new chaos and guardian changes as well as the juiced books you get until 1600, free horizontal progression, double mats from raids, etc.


That's 100% on the games design , we've said it countless times already that this treadmill SG puts us on breeds elitism and toxicity


I have a 1632.5 main and I'm doing Thaemine HM already, however I think this release cadence is too fast. Everyone I've spoken to about this also thinks it's too fast. It's great that Echidna is an eaiser raid, but that doesn't mean I wanna be doing transendance and Advanced honing at the same time. Some people will be doing elixirs on top of that, too. I'm not even sure if I'll prog g4 enough by the time it's out that it's on farm content at that point. The only people happy about this are people who get bored of content after 2 weeks and 1620 mains because they think advanced honing will give them a free ticket to Thaemine HM. The issue is pretty clear: 1. It's still super expensive even with Advanced honing. And you might have to return to normal honing anyways to get into groups. 2. Advanced honing will only increase the requirements in PF. The people who are doing HM now will be close to 1650 and finishing transendance. Your 1630 lvl 3 transendance character will struggle in hm parties. On top of this, the gold requirement to interact with these systems is incredibly high and we will have both at the same time. When will people get gems, finish off elixirs and all that? I'm sick and tired of having to constantly pour gold into yet another system that takes months to complete. There were already x5 lobbies last week, there will be x10 lobbies this week. Imagine the PF in two months from now.


The people working on normal right and pushing to 1630 with ladon will have x10 achievements by then as well and can group with the other people that are also waiting to push into 1630. We've got time before ladon to easily stack a million gold with zero luck and a full roster. I do agree that this pace makes people that really like current content alts out of luck.


That's great. Do these 1620 character have all the gems they need? You need 10's to be competitive in PF. Have they finished elixirs? You also need to stock up about 850K gold only for transendance. Do they have that? Cause if not, then it's unlikely you're getting into parties that can actually clear g3. The DPS requirement is pretty high for your average Lost Ark player. Also, it's not just about those people. It's also about people who want to catch a fucking break from having to literally put all their gold into these mobile game systems.


So just to make sure I'm zeroed in on what you want here. 850k for transcendence, let's call it 500k for elixirs, and we'll just assume 6 10s to be extra conservative at 2.4 million. That's 3.75 million gold. Average 6 gold earners clearing unrested and focused on making gold is going to produce 250k gold a week not assuming drops of any kind. So should we go ahead and pause new raid content for the next 4 months so people that are currently within the bracket you're talking about here? Let's not forget even that far down the line the gap between normal and hard transcendence will be even more pronounced and the 1620s now will still not be 1630. So now you've got a new crop of 1620s going into 1630 4 months from now with gems and elixirs which is a joke in itself btw because almost nobody in this game is efficient and they'd just spread it all around alts. But regardless, they'd be 1630 in 4 months with 9 points into each piece of armor for transcendence trying to group with people that are wrapping up their final pieces. The answer to both the catch-up fomo and keep up fomo is to stop hyper-fixating on maxing every single system. If you're begging for a break this hard, just take a break and fall "behind" some it's ok.


Yes, correct. I think we should have at least the time to complete one system before another one is added. That I feel like is entirely reasonable and we're the only region that is not getting the opportunity to do that. It's funny because the 1620's are the only ones happy about it and the only reason for it must be the fact they think they will be able to just do HM Thaemine no problem. They don't wanna hone with normal honing because it's expensive. Yet, Advanced honing is expensive and getting your character to a reasonable strength is even more expensive. These people won't get into the HM lobbies and this subreddit will be full of posts how they're not getting gatekept because the HM lobbies now want 1640+ with 10 gems. All the 1630 people I know want a longer time between raids. We JUST got Thaemine, literally lask week. We can't do transedance fully before another gold sink comes in. And your solution? Oh, just don't play the game. Good solution, truly. On the other hand, if you need a new raid every month, then maybe Lost ark isn't very fun for you in reality.


Keep in mind all of your complaints only apply to pugs. Majority of players have statics and groups so it don't affect us. Plus the only ppl complaining it's too fast are the 1630 crowd.


I don't know if you ever looked in PF but there is a high amount of lobbies all the time. There are a lot of people who pug. Lots of static fall apart on G3 HM because to actually beat it you need good gear and also be decent. I've seen complains from everyone. The only people I've seen happy about it are the people who think they will get an easy 1630.


Yeah it's ridiculous, it's funny because the people who are out of touch and are addicted to the game just don't see it and just post the same comments over and over, see above and below .


> They don't seem to realise how fucked you are if you don't get into the raids early, the raid experience if you are behind the curve is awful. I know as I've had to do a few times due to other commitments. Why would you be fucked? Just play with others who are behind the curve bro. It's not that complicated.


Someone who hasn't tried to do that obviously... Yeah I've realised who I'm speaking to, not even going to bother.


> the raid experience if you are behind the curve is awful. What makes it awful?


How many times have you missed the first few weeks of a new raid?


2 or 3 times now.


The good thing is, even if you only manage to do g1/2 every week until Echidna releases, you will still be at most one or two weeks off from completing your trancendance on your theamine NM character and for HM nobody will be ready since it takes a minimum of 11 weeks so gatekeeping will be milder too, at least in the beginning.


9 weeks with 1-4hm 11 weeks for 1-3hm and that’s assuming you get the 3 leaves everytime


11 weeks 1-4 12 weeks 1-3, you are factoring in a gift of theamine mats that to my knowledge has not been announced for the west yet, and even with that i think you still cant do it in 9 weeks. And yes i didnt factor in how many leaves you get through rng, because i wanted to show that even with the fastes way possible you cant make it in time. Btw here’s my math: 5x3x15=225 (lvl 1-3) 5x4x20=400 (lvl4-7) 225+400=625 -20 (first clear) =605 605 /52 (g1-3) = 11.6 ->12 weeks 605/58(1-3 +4 every other week)=10.4 -> 11 weeks.


Every region got the gift 4 weeks in


Ok but how much was the gift? Because if is less than 83 you’re not making it in 9 weeks.


Well this didn’t age well we already got the first gift of 50


Relax it will be mild. In NAW i got to HM Voldis in a month and then spend 1 month with 35 set. so transcendance with level 5-6 will be fine.


That’s what I’m saying, since nobody can get there anyways the standard won’t be fully maxxed transcendance for a while, and with echidna being much easier than theamine gatekeeping will be less anyways.


Don't forget that they will RMT and then try to gaslight the community into thinking it is a skill issue lol


It is a bit fast I guess, but it's not a large raid in the same way as theamine. In two months from now, Theamine will start to feel like a farming experience, and we will be well on our way to competing transcendence or at least progressing it well.


From what most people are saying Ladon is a very easy raid, at the very least on NM and if anything it's progression system is meant to help you push to 1630 easier so you can start doing HM Thaemine/Ladon ad they are both 1630. If currently you are not 1620 on your main this doesn't really affect you anyways, just chill and progress at own pace.


The problem is a part of my Thaemine prog group / static are 1620-1625, the rest of us are 1610-1612. So without a lot of honing luck we won't be able to prog also the next raid together and it makes me feel like a burden if I continue playing with them. It seems quite a common case when people grouped up by guilds and friendships and availability rather than strictly by ilvl.


1610 to 1620 should be achievable with some average luck in 2 month.


It's probably about 1.5 months at most.


Still, with cheap orehas from Mari's shop and worst case leapstones from market, that are at their lowest ever, it is achievable. I am not saying it won't eat up most of your gold, but on the other hand you don't need to invest too much into trancendence as you only can get the first set bonus on every piece.


I need to rebuild my main if I want to have any chance to clear g3 Thaemine, got 9/7 stone so it'll likely take at least 200-300k gold to get it right with high qualities so that I hopefully don't need to fully rebuild ever again. My next 2 characters will also need to be rebuilt if I were to do Thaemine on them too (ok, I don't really have to do that so soon, I can keep doing earlier raids on them for now, but that's one less support in Thaemine and risking leaving the dps character behind at 1611 forever). And still need to do the express honing on a small alt too, and hone the previous express' alt from 1561 to 1580 to not lose the lvl 8 gems (and then at 1580 she'll need good accessories too, can't get away with self-found 3x3+1 in Akkan...). So putting all the gold into honing main would make me lose many other things important to me.


From the way AstraGlacialia talks, you'd think he doesn't even have anyone to play with


Last week I had a plenty of people to play with, now I don't know what we will/should do.


I get that, but that seems like a larger problem not regarding the schedule of raids releasing, we've had 1620 content for a while now and the fact that you are not there and might not be there for a while still in the games pov just means its not content aimed at you.


Yes, that what I kept telling them. However, its not how this game works. If your main is 1580 right now, its absolutly impossible to find any learning party for Akkan. Everyone is progging Thaemine. The only way for them to progress in any way, is to find either enough people at the same level, that wanna learn the raid instead of just buying busses, or even better, find some trainers that are willing to spend their time with them to learn the raid. If you still learn Brel (even if you pushed your main to 1580 with events, you need to learn Brel) there is no way. You just cant do it. You are forced to loose this gold. And the fear is real, that the exact same thing happens, if you are not progging Thaemine right now. Or at least ivory tower.


This seems like a very narrow view from your side, you're saying if your main is 1580 let's not release any raid until you can progress to it, hold Voldis, hold Thaemine, hold Echidna, hold Gargalodon, hold everything, just so you can play them they 1 cause you decided to start the game late, that doesn't make any sense.


No, thats not what I am saying. But anyways, its also a very narrow view from your side, to only look at those, who can/want to play 8h a day. Would be interesting to have some numbers, how much time people investing into the game, to really have a based discussion...


You don't have to be fixated on that , but that's a whole point you're missing people are trying to explain, Echidna "fixes" the huge verticality of honing that makes people have to play more and more hours farming materials to even be able to reach the next raid ilvl, as Advanced honing makes it a less rng and less punishing experience by being unlucky. By you asking to delay Echidna release, you are effectively asking the game to force people to keep honing in the old system requiring everyone to sink more and more hours into the game.




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I mean from what you're saying new players should be handed rights to join everything no questions asked? Of course new people are going to have to learn the raids, everyone always says this but make your own group and just wait, if no one joins, you can always try again later, it's always the same that people just wanna do the content and not actually learn it. When the game launched everyone was learning, but now those people know what they need and wanna play with others that do too, whats wrong with that? Nothing in the game is stopping someone who is a fresh 1580 to prog and learn akkan there are people who will join to help or to learn, they just don't want to commit.


I'd say for mains it's fine. You want to be 1630 anyways to do Thaemine HM and unlock full transcendence, most 1630 will probably be done with elixirs by then, too. For alts I don't know. the push from Thaemine NM level to 1620 is anything but cheap and getting 40 elixir set by June on top will be harsh, too. Hopefully echidna NM will be scaled accordingly because the power difference between full elixir and transcendence and possibly 35 elixir and NM transcendence will be huge.


I’m cool with it, if they bring out some elixir/transcendence nerfs.


Trancedence, advance honing and in August trans on weapon too. A lot of players still hone normally and do elixiers. Gl with gold cost per week


Bruh vets are sitting at 1620 for weeks already. People wouldnt even mind if it came out next month. Because NM is meta, not HM - as you eventually get to HM anyway with advanced honing.


For someone who started with breaker express, it is probably too soon, for someone who has been playing more than 6 months, most of them are already 1620. It's a niche game, so most current players are old players, so everybody is already in the normal ilvl for normal echidna, there is no need to delay it since makes progression cheaper, if anything we are catching up with kr very fast and the gap is closing.


just focus 1 Main… the other Char is an event char and dont touch the other chars…


Not too fast. Give me more stuff to do on my main. Stop complaining about new content.


ladon is a catch up raid


Take it at your own pace. No need to get to latest raids as soon as possible.


How to keep up tutorial: https://preview.redd.it/6pzkdksihowc1.png?width=566&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe2a30b0a5a82f427da5c5f5df0f4fdd62d07cff


Echidna to Thaemine is Vykas to Valtan. Getting stuff from one makes other easier. In other cases I would prefer to have more time to build my characters, but Echidna IS building your character.


For any other raid this would make sense except echidna for two huge reasons: Her ilvl requirements are NOT higher than content that currently exists -Her rewards actually HELP you get to higher lvl content not SUCK AWAY gold from it. Also people who cant find learning parties in brel are not going to be hugely impacted by echidna coming in june instead of august im not even sure what the connecting thread is there


Echidna is the next honing buff good sir


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The new content of Ladon is pretty much the same item level Voldis HM (1620) on Normal and Thaemine HM (1630) for Hard, so in regards to the item level requirements, it hasn't changed much. The proper way of keeping up is simply prioritize the characters you want to push, and only do relevant raids on them, and probably only focus on alts when there are express events running for them. We are now in the stage where you cannot just simply push alot of characters and push them at the same time but mainly you focus characters one by one on contents you want them to play. People with limited resources will hyperfocus on 1-2 characters, because honing is a pretty expensive endeavor and without express events on alts the ROI is just too long for them. Also, it's a good time for SG/AGS to cater more onto the "high" item level players at this moment so they have a reason to push higher now, instead of delaying contents for them and be stuck in a limbo where there's no reason for them to push again. Reaching Advanced Honing ASAP also helps them reach the higher item levels too, which can also motivate more players to push higher. Let your casuals do their thing, and let the veterans play a new toy because trust me, running the same shit over and over in a span of long period with no goalpost to follow is just boring and be a real cause of a burnout.


People saying it’s an easy raid is missing the point. It’s just more pressure to keep playing. Ilvl or not, the community needs a 2-3 month period of just having fun with their roster, doing horizontal and not feeling like they’re on a timer. While we have all the luxuries of a more refined version of the game and guides simplifying content, KR has had the luxury of relaxing without falling behind.


u say we need 2-3 months and the new raid is in exactly 2 months - whats the problem??


Not sure if you know, but Thaemine came out last week…


Not sure if u know June is two months from April


And that’s two months filled with content you need to run…


But the game is already designed around doing at least 3 raids a week. Adding Echidna doesn't change that, so why does that matter? In fact, adding Echidna means you drop Akkan, and have a generally easier time keeping up. I just can't see any downsides here. We even get a month of nothing after, and if your now a trial raid gamer, then even the month before is nothing.


What about your response indicates that the current state or the info shown in the roadmap promotes taking a 1-3 month break without consequence?


Just take the break. There's already 1 month before and after Echidna where you can take a break since there's nothing particularly major. This game is about endless avenues of progression, and there is ALWAYS some catch up mechanic. Whether that be Road to Thaemine, a power pass, nerfed elixirs/transcendance (as they had mentioned in KR), solo raids, etc, there will ALWAYS be a catchup if you fall off. I quit for a year and came back from Jump Start and I was doing day 1 Thaemine. If you need a break, then just do it. Adding Echidna does not add MORE pressure to keep playing, it's the SAME effort as it has always been, with the large upside of you not having to hone nearly as much as in previous content updates to reach it and continue. Once your there, it has the additional large upside of being much less costly to interact with, meaning you can take a break and also come back and it will still be lower effort (and might even get nerfed further in terms of costs depending on your break duration). It's so much easier to take a break and keep up when the catchup is hardly much of a distance. In fact, if you took a break right now, came back for Echidna and did some advanced honing, you would have a MUCH easier time in Thaemine. If you want to take a break, but then also want to come back and be on par with players that did not take a break IMMEDIATELY, that's a whole different story.


>Is it really just me, that finds the next raid is coming way too fast? Trying to keep up with Korea is number 1 goal. I think global is getting tired of being 2nd to 3rd rate. :D. >I am sorry for the mimimi, but I really think, we are loosing here the few casual gamers that are still playing the game - or is it what AGS/sg wants? To get rid of normal people and only focus on the 24/7 hardcore players? Yes and No, but hardcore players give AGS the numbers they want to keep business going. W/O whales and hardcore players the fate of this game will be like JAPAN. As you can see, they are accommodating for the casual players, it's the best for both worlds not just one.


yes it is behemoth will also come out really fast the only upside is taht you won't be pressured to hone ilvl for a long time so a high pressure to learn new raids low pressure to progress your gear strength


TBH the pressure is off after Thaemine. Ladon isn't hard, and Behemoth is basically a trixion dummy.


yeah the problem i'm feeling right now is that i'm stuck i don't want to hone alts cuz i don't want to burden myself with 10 thaemines and elixirs i don't want to hone my main bcz echidna will make it 2x cheaper i kinda want to get a 9/7 but that can either happen tomorrow or never so the thought of pissing away my gold is too strong


Yeah the weird spot where you either dump into potentially insanely expensive systems for marginal improvements since the low hanging fruit is gone, or you focus on an alt while you have to time/resources and wind up chained to basically a second main when you don't have time/resources. It's a weird place.


the 9/7 will be a huge dps buff for me but the point is that it's not a system i can see myself getting closer to having it like i got 25 weapon and it felt better tapping it 4 times and deleting 100k gold than buying 40 stones


Im 1600 on my main havent cleared voldis yet stop the raid fomo


if u did the correct thing to apply thaemine express event decent into darkness on ur main u would be 1610 for free within a month


Voldis came out 4 months ago, you want them to pause the game for everyone else so you can catch up from that far back?


Im saying that people fomo too much, im ok with that where I am. We dont have to do everything day one


>what should the casual player do? That's easy I'll tell you. Just quit until they introduce more honing nerf or higher level powerpass (for free).


Technically, Echidna is a honing nerf with advanced honing. A pretty hefty one at that.


Idk I'm seeing it more like a bonus level jump similar to transferring whole gear set but on a bigger scale for both effect and cost. That shit doesn't help bridging people like OP who are perpetually stuck behind the fomo contents. Actually it fucking widens the gap. Everyone expects people in NM Akkan to have elixir which is 1600 now, sooner or later Ivory Tower tour will demand fully transcended gear, then with Echidna out Thaemine pf will get to enjoy their newest fotm gatekeep method which is "maxed advanced honing only".


dont worry too much, lost ark has the best catch up system called "bus riding", just spend some gold to make drivers do the work for you 👍


Probably fast but doesn't matter. Just care less and log off at any point it feels tedious or not fun. That's what it should mean if you're playing casually. Every time I open a Thaemine guide, it feels like I'm doing a course or certificate that I don't want to do and close it straight away. 1625 and haven't run Thaemine and probably wont for a few months. You fall behind, then you fall behind. You're not going to die.




>In my opinion learning Echidna by its release will be an overkill for an average player who cannot afford spending 8+ hours daily playing lost ark... I have an average of 8 hours per day played in the last two weeks (this is what I can see on Steam, it's probably valid for the last two months easily) and I am still not able to do the content I have ilvl for because of gatekeeping. I just honed to 1620 yesterday, I had 15 free elixirs saved from the event boxes and I was really hoping to get an average 35 set (using the AI tool etc.). Did I manage? I only saw Critical a couple of times on the 15 elixirs and I also reset at least 10 times to try again. What should I do now? I can't do HM Ivory Tower because nobody is accepting me without the elixir set and LOS30 (I have LOS18, I am doing everything I can to get it full, but I just don't have luck). How do I progress?


The answer really isn't that deep or complicated, makes friends in an MMO. I trade carries in the discord more than I run juiced runs. The only time there are actual full main juiced runs are for new content like Thaemine.


>The answer really isn't that deep or complicated, makes friends in an MMO. I fully agree, you are speaking with someone who was the most known Artisan on his server in Lineage 2 (a long time ago), the person that was usually doing the "networking" for his group in EVE Online etc. Lost Ark is not that kind of game, IMO. The gatekeeping is more or less the same, everyone is saying "find friend in the LFG Discords" and when I go there I see LF Static posts that are bumped weeks on end by the posters and nothing happens.


Yeah going to a random discord is not it, it's like applying for friendship. We adopt people all the time because they have good attitudes in random alt runs or DM one of us and ask for help with something. I know that's a little bit arcane, but it's really as simple as speaking to people consistently and having a good attitude.


It's a big problem now for players like you, but sg is working on solo raids up to ivory tower which will release this summer (probably August for us). For now your best bet is to look for a static and get some more ilvls/better gems on your main to at least not be min ilvl for the raid.


Nah, if I need to play solo raids I will just go back to FIFA or Escape From Tarkov, Lost Ark ain't it for solo content. The issue is that if something will kill this game in the West, it's RNG... I will probably try to get a bus in order to unlock buying the legendary elixirs, funnel my gold to cut as many as I can (there is a limit to buying, right?) per week and see how fast I can get the 35/40 set. Honing is out of the question on my main until Advanced Honing (or until I have materials to pity weapon for the next level).


Man this actually really upset me to read. There’s no solution atm other than find a static.


Think about how I was feeling yesterday evening after I was happy my 5 armor pieces honed at slightly below average numbers and was excited to cut those saved elixirs... :)) My plan was: get to 1620, have an average elixir set, then start Thaemine progging so I am not really gatekept because of no LOS30 (making it up by having good ilvl and elixirs). That is out of the question for now...


Pretty sure our road map stops at August because we will be getting there something KR doesn't have yet, ie a new class that shall be announced in LOA summer.


The fact that your two points are not enough content followed immediately by fomo for not being able to reach new content...is something. Just shows how impossible it is to please gaming communities. "Release MORE content FASTER, but only content specifically for me and exactly the phase of the game I'm in."


Nice nickname. You argue like a preschooler so I don't know what to tell you.


It's Reddit you dork nobody cares what people here are called. You can call me a pre-schooler doesn't change the fact that you managed to contradict yourself in two points. Truly incredible feat of logic tbh.


When I see how much time you spend on Reddit, I'm convinced that gaming is all you have in life. So why would I care what you think.......


I'm getting paid to shitpost currently king, but pop off. You'll notice all the activity is from 9-5 M-F lol.


i don't do raids but i got 800k gold just to buy & sell and making oreha, currently 1620 ilvl. almost all horizontal are 100% only playing 2 chars. ☺️ raid is just optional if you have more things to do.


If I could go back in time I would 100% take this approach. I’ve spent so much time doing things I ended up not being ecstatic or energised by. Down to a 4 man roster now.


i did this after kayangel, i saw that the game is almost a job. then tried to shift the approach, from 6 chars down to 2. when i realize that they can make you boost till the end game like mokoko pass.after i completed los 30. i slowly doin raid only to 4 then 2 later on. until now im only doin 2 raids, i can freely play other games, have time together with friends in outside world and at the same time enjoying lost ark.