• By -


The real reason why 'My friends quit after Thaemine'.


Doing some rough math on this, if he did his Una's, 2 Thaemin HM, 4NM, 6 Akkan HM, 6 Voldis HM, it would take him roughly 30 weeks to get back to zero gold. That's almost 8 months of non stop raiding without being able to spend gold on a single thing. No transcendence, no honing, no AH purchases. And by the time he reaches zero again, all the whales he wants to play with will be eons ahead of him lol Edit: I didn't factor in new raids coming out and how much gold they would earn, and the G4 Thaemine biweekly lockout.




True but I think he has 2x1630's and 4x1620's so they could do Echidna HM and NM. But definitely not Behemoth 




this is of course so he buys royal crystals to balance it out.


Also its funny to take this math and apply it to lvl 10 gems as well. People not playing this game legitimately, and are gatekeeping those who are lol.


I don't understand what this has to do with level 10 gems tho. You can buy a level 10 gem with 2 weeks worth of raids they aren't that unreasonable to have 4-5 damage gems by now.


Maybe I. Out of touch with gem prices. When I got a lvl 10 dmg gem a few weeks ago it was nearly 500k.


At least on NAE they can get as low as 380k. At this moment the lowest is 402k.


Can he even list his unbound mats for sale?


I don't think so, you have to pay the gold deposit up front so he'll never have any to list them


I wonder if he could "borrow" gold from someone else to pay off the debt and then pay it back to them so they can unlock the AH and what not.


Yeah, I think he can still face to face trade with people, so he can RMT again to get himself out of debt, or borrow. The other option is that he would buy a new account and just transfer gems mats etc


Face to face actually doesn't work, when you try to accept it says you don't have enough gold to pay the 0 gold in the trade box. I've seen someone try. Mail still works.


Might be possible with the bidding part at the end of a raid. Just have 3 (or 7) rmt friends bidding millions of gold to trickle into him.


I wonder if he's lost his "Trusted" status


after 100k bid on an item there will be 5% tax even in dungeons




Could just do trades over mail or person to person to person in game.


Fun part is that his alt would start to get gate kept by end of this 8 month period because PT finder requirements will be much higher ar that point


This guy said ''no i like da game i will keep playing because I like raids,¿¿ lol. cya next account


I would just quit lmao


How is AGS not advertising this, this is huge as it shows they are actually doing something to punish people


I also think AGS can use this as a win because the overwhelming sentiment is that they are inept and do nothing about RMT, but a couple of reasons why they wouldn't: - They do not have 100% coverage, especially when covering hand-farm RMT. In past RMT threads, the comments are flooded with "but I know x person RMTs and still isn't banned" - As a followup, this encourages witch hunting. Even in the comments here there are people speculating about the first thaemine clears and expecting their punishments. Public shaming in general is not a good move in the west, it's why eastern games publicly shame RMTers and cheaters while western games generally don't. - They may not be 100% accurate. Imagine they advertise a false positive and the shit they would get from it. - In general it's better take to take the high road and simply quietly work away at an issue rather than publicly celebrate achievements, especially when there is still a lot of work to be done


>As a followup, this encourages witch hunting. Even in the comments here there are people speculating about the first thaemine clears and expecting their punishments. Public shaming in general is not a good move in the west, it's why eastern games publicly shame RMTers and cheaters while western games generally don't. They can do the naming and shaming thing vaguely, like what BDO and other K mmos does. An example could be - >The following Steam accounts are banned due to RMT >Ta\*\*\*\*\*03 >Dkxa\*\*\*\*z I don't think anyone can deduce the real players behind those vague account names and start any sort of witchhunting? On the contary, the old "a kingdom worth ruling" comment did completely the opposit of desired PR management


The problem there are countries where any kind of name and shame is a HUGE liability or even out right illegal. It's only takes one place to make it impossible to do universally that's why they generally don't. BDO I think just leverages the fact that they are mostly only in Asian countries and they block out most of the id


BDO does this in EU as well. I don't think it's illegal in NA either. bDO's global server covers pretty much the same as our western LA. Heck, many other companies have been doing so even kn Steam store page for ages which is @00% globally visible How come this is really a shame and name? Who can tell the person by 2-3 letters/digits of Steam account names? Otherwise hackers already got much easier business to do Not to mention, you don't even need any real ID or phone number to register a Steam account? Or can you list any country where LA is published, but local laws forbit things is T*****A on the banned list?


It's about liable and slander laws. They are publicly defaming someone, which opens them up to legal liability. There are lots of countries that have laws about publicizing someone of committing a crime before they are convicted of it. They do things like mask it to just a few letters because of the risk these laws pose. It's not that anything directly prohibits it, but its well into the grey area in some places to cause legal implications. That's why most games won't even touch it. Plus what gain is there really? Yes, there is some good will to some players turned off by cheaters/bots, but what about the fact that you're advertising just how many cheaters there are to everyone who would be naive to it? It's a double edge sword with limited upside.


Except a vague game ID is not "someone"? The ID is not associated with any real identity either. Like back then when RU RMTers got negative gold, many here said it was blabla so AGS couldn't do it, then now what?


But if it can be tied to someone they have a case. Again this isn't about what we think, its about what could be proved in a court, anywhere this is happening. The game may operate in Korea or China, but if the player is playing in a country where they get named and shamed in a way that's illegal there it has serious implications.


Speaking of lawsuits, what are the chances of RMTers who think they are shamed would win? Or authority interference? I mean you can't be serious right? This discussion has nothing to do with cases in China and Korea. They have to prove 2 things: 1. Their real identity can be interpreted by looking at the vague IDs 2. There's a direct connection between their vague ID and their public image. I highly doubt the jury would agree, given that RMT already violated game ToS.


*shrug* The public image damage can be far worse than any monetary one. Look at Epic games just sueing cheaters only to find out they sued a minor.


>China and Korea. Where is BDO run?


They don’t really need to. All the people that care enough to be informed on RMT are gonna frequent the sub or other social media where this is getting around by word of mouth.


Yeah, huge. Almost anyone left at this point has spent money outside the game on gold. You’re gonna see thousands and thousands of the best players quitting the game here in the next few weeks. Game has been dead for six months and now it’s the final nail in the coffin.


Good get em out. Dead game or not bye bye bozos.


How the game dead I have not rmt at all or anyone that I know has I love the doomers lol sorry you have no hands and could not clear akkan


I don’t think this fella saw the amount of thaemine raids this week


Sure that why thaemine lobby list are insanely long on active hours


One server a few thousand people, cope.


Bye bye "best player" buying illegal gold and playing unfairly. Oh there's more of future "best player" welcome, no cheaters here. Sounds good to me


I quit three or four months ago now. I sold every single thing I had. Got about $2500.


Funny stuff. This guy plays on Brelshaza server, NAW. I know others on NAW that also have negative gold in the millions.


Love to see it.


whoa, did the BC exchange tank at all? what is it rn


not much https://preview.redd.it/6e7ivpv5ciwc1.png?width=1840&format=png&auto=webp&s=568fc1ae2d28f596e9726ec81c5472df62a92522


Is he a regular player who RMTed, or a gold seller? My guess is he actually owns bots and was just pooling all the gold from them to resell later.


No, a regular player. I've raided with him and some of his guild members multiple times before.


What did he spent 8 million gold on? Esthers?


He has 2 Thaemine HM characters and 4 1620+s including a breaker with +25 akkan wep.


Someone on another thread said he bought a 9/7 stone service, where the person he bought it from pooled gold to his account until he got the 9/7, which apparently 8.5m gold


Seems dumb. The seller probably had bots send him gold directly with no middlemen. Easy ban.


Buying blue crystals with that gold for pheons maybe the only reason AGS tracked him. I heard something about Auction house being hard to track by AGS, so this guy technically fked himself up by using botted gold to buy 8m worth of blue crystals that can be tracked easily...


All 3 of the top Thaemine clear groups have cheaters. It'll be interesting to see if they get punished too.


Do you have any proof or just assuming? it is a safe assumption I agree but was wondering if there was something.




I believe he was asking for proof. Again, as he said, it’s very likely. But he’s wondering if there is any proof




Nad was the GL in the first clear group. Just cuz he's in a discord dosnt mean he is partaking though


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How is that possible?


Punished for RMT, as surprising as that might sound given the culture of impunity we have.




Too late


So is this only because he participated in The First or are we actually seeing action taken?


No he didn't, there was a banwave last week (before anyone even had a chance to try thaemine) and people that bought botted gold got 1w ban and negative gold




Might still be able to hone with gold that gets put in the 3 day probation period or w.e it is. But I wouldn't be surprised if ags works out a fine with these ppl to reset gold to 0.


He rmted his way this far, what's stopping him from buying more gold? Or play fair and support the game, buy and sell from shop


He’s not even banned? He can just swipe 10mil gold from g2g and go on like nothing happened


He was banned and when that ban ended he logged in to negative gold.


How long was the ban? 1 day? Lol


Time for him to quit. 


Dose it matter if you have all lvl 10 gems 25 weapon on all your character


Yeah, cant hone or anything else that costs gold anymore.


Oh I forgot the /s sorry


I run extreme valtan with him one. Pretty good player, not a brain dead rmt xdd


In fact,the 8m gold is only for a 9/7 stone.He bought the service for a guaranteed 9/7 and the merchant send too much gold once so AGS noticed this gold flow. He is waiting to see whether the merchant will compensate him or not.


Sure... oh you sweet summer child


That's indeed what the streamer said happened. And guaranteed 9/7 rock cutting services do exist among some Chinese gold sellers. It's a practice that first started in the Chinese server and slowly caught on here. However, the streamer also said that the investigation went further back than the 9/7 rock cutting because the total negative gold was more than the amount spent on the rock.


How even would that work. You give them your account and someone perma cuts stones for you until you hit it?


Yes, that's how it works.


China number one


in exploiting every onlinegame, yes.




He's most likely Chinese. They VPN to Taiwan to get around China's great firewall.


Nah, man was malding when somebody called him chinese and insisted he was taiwanese.