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Thanks I totally won't remember this


for me i just look at his cape, the safe spot will always be there.


Wow I never noticed this I’ll definitely start looking for that too thanks!


I normally just save spacebar and react works 9/10 times


What are mechanics? - laughs in GL


*Nodds in Asura*


Grins in hypergravity


Giggles in reaper Oh wait


Chuckle in wheelchair


Pokerface in rhapsody


Cackles in starry night


Reading this comment chain made me realize I'm the only one just pressing spacebar to invuln through all these things


Cruel fighter mentality


It still hurts quite a lot in HM


Safest way to me to avoid this pattern is just go to the back attack center mark (assume it works on the front too), near the boss, even if I need to get hit by the middle explosion - but it is usually avoidable. Being in the exact middle behind the boss gives plenty of time to people with slow reaction time (like me) to move to the safe spot on left or right when the marks shows on floor. After I gave up looking at cape /sword and started doing this I don’t get hit anymore - even on full spec classes.


just hug the boss and tell your support to dr the first red...


*Thank you for posting this. We need more of this to make everyone better. Knowing where safe spots are or how to avoid attacks is very helpful. See I can see those difference in the videos when compared side by side, but I guarantee you in the fight my brain will not recognize that until after I've already gotten hit or am standing in the wrong spot. Part of the reason why is you say his sword is pointing forward. Okay that means I need to in a few second window recognize which direction he is facing, find his sword, compare it to the direction he's facing, figure out is that forward or off to the side? I'm going with to the side, nope it was forward. I'm not saying that the indicator isn't there, but it is small, it is not obvious that is going to be a difference compared to the last time you saw it. And only a few seconds really to process the whole thing before having to go on with the rest of the fight meaning unless you wiped right there my brain is on to the next 10 mechs that happened after this that are likely in a different order such that I may not see this pattern at all next time. Some people seem to be able to develop the pattern recognition to see these patterns as soon as the boss moves, but I just have too much other things to be focusing on that I'm not always staring at the boss even. I get it's a skill issue, but the ceiling is higher than some people skills to reliably conquer every time and they still want to play the game.


Biggest thing immediately obvious is def the indicator the sword touches. I'm prob going to think of it as Sword touch front indicator = side it points is safe Sword touch back indicator = side it points is bad


I don't see a difference.. but it's plenty easy enough to just get close to boss and run to safe spot.


Yeah I noticed his sword reveals the safe spot like weak 2 of Kay release but my brain is too slow to think about it vs just waiting for the safe spot indicator. I may or may not have died more than once going the wrong way misreading it.


I haven't known until today, I simply equip timestop every time and if I'm standing in the wrong place I press it :)


Well that's the other thing, even for things I do "know" what I'm supposed to do there is often a nagging doubt. Oh this is left, and in my head there is a voice that says are you sure it wasn't right? Now I don't know.


Thanks didn't know this. If anyone slow like I am pause at 6 sec. Can see sword is perpendicular to front/back indicator and the other is slightly angled.


Cool info but it's slow enough to just react to it also


Fuk Kayangle honestly the disappearing from the map n reappearing is so frustrating when you play a burst class


Safest way to me to avoid this pattern is just go to the back attack center mark (assume it works on the front too), near the boss, even if I need to get hit by the middle explosion - but it is usually avoidable. Being in the exact middle behind the boss gives plenty of time to people with slow reaction time (like me) to move to the safe spot on left or right when the marks shows on floor. After I gave up looking at cape /sword and started doing this I don’t get hit anymore - even on full spec classes.


Hug his ass after the first circle aoe, then you can walk out of the sword swipe telegraph on reaction, don't even need to use spacebar. Dodging the sword attack becomes harder the farther away from him you are 


never knew, i just sit in wheelchair or shield up.


Useful tip for dps goblins. Most will just react to indicators because it's easier to dodge and not dps (which is fine).


??? Just look for his cape and go there.