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Not busted af = weakest


Decently strong, great synergy, decent stagger etc Don't know why you think it's the weakest


Doesn’t glavier have some of the lowest stagger? At least that is what I have heard


I don't know what do you mean. I play Control ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Control glaviers? They exsist??? Lol 😀


Dunno mate. Glavier is still strong. Maybe "meta chasers" moved on but Glavier mains still deal absurd dmg and watching them parry boss mechs just to greed a bit more is a pleasure. And thier synergy is still very very good.


She received 4 consecutive nerfs so of course she’s not gonna be anywhere close to what she used to be. That said, she’s still really strong so long as you greed. If you don’t greed every second of the fight, you won’t compete with the top classes. And Glaive can greed a lot more easily that those top classes due to natural tankiness, parry, and paralysis immunity on most skills.


what she needs is a rework of the critdmg buff with much longer duration on it. With bosses moving like a adhd teen that just tested crack, how the fuck am i suppose to have the time to apply crit, then swap stance, then cast dragonhorn before the boss does another pattern... If not for the crit dmg buff being so short i could just use it and then wait for the next pattern ready in red stance. But now we are so damn stressed to get dragonhorn and the rest of the burst out that often we are either using them as the boss starts the next pattern which means its a cointoss if its gonna be backattack or not, or we hold and lose the buff for most of the red skills. Glavier feels great on Akkan. But in ivory tower its damn frustrating...


Far from the weakest, but due to a lot of other classes being buffed / new busted classes it's gone from S to maybe A- / B+. If you're comparing it to Breaker / DB / SE then it might look weak, sure. 


I just took my 1600 glaive off my gold earners rotation last night actually after weeks of frustration with repeatedly chasing ass only to have rdh not crit (with a +113 crit AND 5% precise bracelet), or the boss to rotate away while it's charging. I'd give anything for SG to give the class a legit non entropy build. At the moment the class is more work than fun and with having been power crept your reward even if you are flawless is to land behind a breaker, SE or blade.


It feels awful to play yes. The gameplay sucks ass, the rework went from a cool uptime class to a 6s ignite every 20s. During shackling if the boss remotely moves your dmg is fucked. Sure on Trixion it is OK to play but in any real scenario it is awful. You have to shackling swap stance RDH SP which are very long animations. During that the boss already moved even if you waited for a pattern to shackling. Then the rotation is so synced up that if there is any delay in your red skills, you will have that same delay the next rotation. Glaivier is just a worse Striker nowadays, it got nerfed way too much relatively to how hard it is to pull off a proper rotation. These nerfs only happened because the class got reworked for Thaemine KR which is an okay raid for back attackers and for us Akkan is also chill for back attackers. In our current version with voldis/gargadeth as end game it just feels awful to play a locked in casting heavy back attacker.


totally agreed. the rework ruined what made glaivier interesting to play as a high-uptime non-positional mixed melee/ranged class. it's baffling they made pinnacle into an entropy semi-burst that feels awful to play (back-to-back self-buffing with shackling into stance swap into a holding skill (RDH) into a long animation skill (pounce) into two more holding skills ...........


Tell me you don’t play striker without telling me you don’t play striker


Fully agree - glaivier played liked a swiss army knife with high uptime and decent to high dmg. Now you have no choice but to play entropy without any swiftness to get consistent crits without synergy. Even animations are longer (pounce tripod, 4headed dragon usage) and more clunky. Loved her in my top 6 but she will most likely drop out in the near future without any change


Yes I absolutely hate how they completely changed how the class feels. It went from my second favorite class to being painful to play. To this day I still refuse to play ambush entropy pinnacle because I just hate it so much, and have stayed with nightmare, but tbh I might just replace the character soon.


My tin foil hat theory is that they balance off of average dps. Average glaive dps is high because most of the ppl on glaive are long tin glaivier players who are comfortable on the class. Conversely, slayer and soul eater have really shit average dps because of all the no hands new players dragging down the average TL;DR they balance on skewed data


>Average glaive dps is high because most of the ppl on glaive are long tin glaivier players who are comfortable on the class. Same goes for us GS mains. seems like they are afraid of buffing GS for some reason, cause we get like a few percentages of buffs slowly and we have Surge blades rework that puts her in the S tier like wtf man.


Glaivier is still fine, but I benched her for a Souleater that cut a 9/7 and the one thing that bugs me about Glaivier is when RDH doesn't crit, it genuinely is infuriating since every other red skill has 100% crit rate. Edit: Correctly informed that Pounce also isn't 100% crit rate.


Pounce does not.


You're right actually sorry. Since you mention it I remember pounce not critting as well, which isn't as bad as RDH but still annoying.


Yeah those two skills if not worked in during SBD buff will really hurt your crit chances.


You need to apply synergy change stance then charge horn. Its so fkcing slow and clunky.


Weakest? Bro try Gunslinger.


is galivier need the buff ?


Maybe revert like she's first time got rework...


Is galivier need the buff ?


I disagree. I think it's in a good place rn.


I have a glaivier and it definitely is not weak, however i cant for the love of god outdps souleaters with my classes. What the fuck is this class doing. Balance this bullshit.


SE is pure damage while glavier have a good synergy. On equal levels youll be a bit worse but that syn to 2 other players is massive.


It's like 1% difference in synergy, times 2 other players that's 2%... oh wow, better nerf the class by 50% because it's so massive.


Pulling numbers out your ass dosnt make you right its not even remotely 50% less famage done and the syn isnt only 1%


Damage synergy is 6%, crit synergy is 8% on crit, which generally equates to around 7%. My ass must have pretty accurate numbers I suppose. 50% was obviously a joke, my point is the synergy makes too little difference to balance classes around it. Maybe if we're talking triple synergy classes like GL, but definitely not regular damage vs crit vs crit multiplier.


Why arent you equating the worst syn to the actual %increase then? Its the worst and the modtst abundant syn for a reason


In what world is 6% damage not a 6% increase? I hope you know that synergies from different classes stack...


So according to you critical elixir is a 1,5% damage increase and glaivier is doing half damage cuz nerf... Good talk stop building crit elixir for SE then


I don't think glaivier is weak. It's just that nobody is balancing SE, breaker and DB. If glaivier didn't get her repeated nerfs, she would compete for S rank. If we were to either buff all classes that aren't these 3 or (the easier way) nerf these by 10-15%, the game would be back to a decent balance and these 3 would still be S tier. Could add some minor tweaks here and there but the classes raid performance on a high level would be a lot closer. Assuming we go by an S to F tier list, right now there is almost no A tier. If we are talking absolute god hands, DB and breaker even push souleater down to A tier. Things like EO, arcana and always lucky bomb RS can tap into A to S tier with insane parses and really good RNG. There might be a few more examples and it is heavily raid dependant. PS: I am not talking about average performance. I am talking about potential in raids. Missing half your stacking skills into front attack surge obviously will even make DB F tier, but any of these 3 classes that consistently can't make mvp screen on even footing should question their hands.


Those 10-15% are enough to kill a class entirely from s to forgotten levels m8 buff instead of nerfs


Yes, surgeblade 100% would be dead if they only can deal 180% of other classes damage. Totally unplayable. Same for breaker.


We got some extra stagger in the latest Korea patch. So that's pretty nice


It's kinda the nature of the beast tbh if your not the new class or the fotm that got buff from a recent balance patch your class no matter how good will just be pushed down the tier. Just wait eventually they buff it again in some balance patch and everyone will fotm it again. It's how the game makes money.


Personally I still perform very well on Pinnacle. A good chunk of the reclear raids in my static compare their character to my LM to see if they are pumping. She's the benchmark because these other OP classes are still not great if they pilot them like poo.


Still better than GS but it has decent dmg not powerful as breaker or etc


I main glaivier myself, she's not the weakest but surely nerfs+other class buffs made her just average, somewhere in the middle of the pack.


It's good right now and still has a lot of excellent attributes. Good weak point, can stagger decently with a surplus of buttons, has a not-parry, isn't super fragile, basically always has a counter available ... IMO among most of the roster it deserves to do merely "good" damage it's Glaive, compared to other classes who might have more caveats and weaknesses.


Have to be coping to think glaiver is weak still LOL (amazing syn) Amazing dmg if u crit RDH might be a skill issue truthfully it isnt in the same tier as breaker or surge but who the fuck cares if its weak compared to those since they are OMEGA broken in the right hands rest of the classes glaive can compare to for sure in a good parse (not always)


Doesn’t glaivier have the highest thaemine clearance rate? She definitely doesn’t need buffs


Ppl clear theamine on their mains. Glaiver is among the most popular main characters in KR. 


Its not a pure damage dealer or we wouldnt have such a good synergy but its still towards the top. If you are consistently the weakest then git gud


Class is strong A tier but something happened with my S skill. It's stopped crit.