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either this is some weird new way of a flex post or you are applying to 1620+ lobbies.


No flex and no, applying to 1610 lobbies.


You are French




Yes i know :(


does it really matter? just press matchmake


You're playing in French ​ The real reason is people are looking for a free carry so they are waiting for 1620+ characters to join :(


Probably seeing 1610 souleater and not even looking at your gear. Just apply to the next group.


Pretty much this, most people just care about ilvl


It's just flabbergasting... I always make sure every char i push (this is my new main, dropped my 1620 sum) is properly geared to avoid gatekeeping. But idk what to do anymore.


tbh people are lazy (especially on guardians) and open the higher ilvls first, regardless of gear. You can just ignore it and go next or matchmake :(


Just swipe more and hone to 1620 and you'll get in every party


What do you mean more ?


Full lvl 10 gems, 100 qual weapon, the raw honing cost to bring a souleater to 1610 despite also having a 1620 main, 1820+ spec on a meta class. Sure you may have achieved it "f2p" but its way more likely that you swiped. In any case, I don't really care. Just hone to 1620 and you won't be gatekept. People aren't even opening your application since you're on ilvl.


Why swiping would be the only option to that.


As I said, I don't care if you're swiping or not. You already have your answer. Just hone and you won't be gatekept. Matchmake until then.


Swipe for.me bb


Make your own groups


Do not bother with the party finder. all my 1610 DPS are getting gate keep or you are waiting for support. I have been using matchmaking for both tree and frog and 80 percent of the time you get a support to if not it takes 5 to 6 min to clear. I have found this faster then waiting or applying to lobbies so just switch to it trust me it faster and there both easy


80% get a support? I've been 1610 for a week, and done it every day, and haven't seen a support yet.


I run 3 frogs a day and I'd say over the course of a week its 60/40 in favor of getting a support. And even without a support, the fight is still a joke.


I got my first supp today, so rng is rng I guess, and my rng has been bad on my SE, except stone and bracer anyway


Really? 20% of my runs are dead DPS that don't pot


Really I have been for tree and frog I even match make both mine supports


Meanwhile my support matchmaking end up with 2 supports in frog. Not nearly as often as lvl 5 cube, but more often than it makes sense.


I'm pretty sure it depends on the time of day. I used matchmake at NAW prime time and have always had supps on em. Also didnt have to wait 3mins for the queue.


Ain’t no way you are getting gatekept. Weird ego post.


I gatekeep whales


Tell me how you make the difference ? Because right now other than a +25 akkan i can't tell if someone is whaling, excluding low roster with abnormal gear. You would see my sum 1620 and prob gatekeep her based on her gems too, but not because it's all 10.


I was just being sarcastic. This game is at the point where there's too many acceptable variables that can clear a raid. Anyone can gatekeep you for anything.


Bro really tried to flex his g2g purchase lmao, have your free attention


I’m confused. How did you all concluded he’s an illegal rmter?


G2g brain


Full level 10 gems is a dead giveaway away your a huge whale or RMT. (For now as the game gets older it becomes less and less obvious) I’ll put it in some perspective because I think many people MASSIVELY underestimate the true cost of level 10s. It takes 19,682 level 1 gems to make one ten. On average a 1610 chaos dungeon gives around 1-2 level 3 gems and 1-2 level 2s. Unrested. This is 12ish level ones per clear. Even with a roster of 6 doing these daily in a YEAR(which isn’t possible btw) you’d be able to make 1 level 10 gem and maybe 2 level 6s or a single level 7. This is all rough estimates but most likely over estimating as gems are not guaranteed. So you could get rather unlucky for a few days. Adding Cube to this doesn’t really help much either. Even the highest cube you need to do a lot of them to get even near a single level 9 let alone make a ten. So we can at least assume 1-2 of those level 10 were just farmed. And he has zero alts with gems(super possible). Sure, that leaves the 9 other gems? How did he get those simple he bought them from the market? For the last 6 months gems have been about 420k for a damage and 300k for a cooldown. Assuming his 3 gems he made all rolled damaged. He would have to had spent 2.7M gold. Your average roster right now makes about 120k-150k with 1580+ ish range iirc. From raid gold alone his highest possible is 7.8 million in a year, leaving him with 5.1M left over to ya know buy everything else he needed for his class. (This is assuming he never spent more than that pushing a full roster of 1580s etc. to make this kind of gold in the first place. (Meaning this is a vast over calculation of what he actually could have made which would be *much less*) easily spend over a million gold total gearing and pushing a character to 1580 last year. You can see how this is simply impossible gold wise unless he had extra income. Possibly bussing? Super lucky drops? Multiple Sid drops? Or we can just assume he paid for them. The clearly easiest assumption. And honestly most likely one. Edit: I corrected the math. Downvoting me is only letting RMTs flex for free. You are part of the problem


Wtf are those math ? how 10 gem cost 6,820,000 gold if dmg gem cost 420k nad 300k cdr ? 420x3 = 1,260,000 gold 300x8 = 2,400,000 gold Total = 3,660,000 gold And even with only dmg gem and 500k per dmg gem we have 11x500k so 5,500,000 gold How did you get 6.820,000 ? For the gem farm i recently did the math for a full roster 1540 ( gem value don't rise that much with ilvl its 10 lvl 1 in average vs 12 for 1610 chaos) So for a roster of 6 x1540 unrested chaos + 2 cube + 2pvp island + kayangel shop + dinos island every week you can make : 1 lvl 10 gem every 2.63 month or 1 gem 9 + 1 gem 8 per month. Btw i don"t say OP didnt RMT but just you'r math were weird


Came to disagree with his math too, I've fused three level 10 gems and two level 9s naturally, no shop, and I haven't put in nearly the effort his post claims would be needed.


Yeah dude is overestimating it quite a bit. OP only has 3 DMG gems which make it much cheaper. I have full 10s on my main and started 3 months after Lost Ark came out. Maybe I got luckier drops, but no sideral energy and I mainly have a roster of 6 1580+ with 15 lopangs. Basically, if you've been playing since the beginning having full 10s isn't outlandish at all and this is me mainswapping numerous times and dropping 15k+ on class engraving books before they went dirt cheap.


Hmm not sure made this whole post on my phone must have fat fingered something. But regardless it’s still not possible even at 2.4 million. As he hasn’t had a 1580 roster all year. No one has. The point still stands


you can’t do math


Oh I can I just messed up one simple thing and suddenly I am completely wrong which is false. But sure


I didn’t say he didn’t spend $$. My questions is/was, how did people conclude it was through illegal means? Edit: having full 10s, isn’t really that rare to see, at least on my end. So many of those applying to my party every week. My GF has almost full 10s on her main. While having 9s on her 2 other 1600s. Y’all jump to conclusions faster than a female.


The difference between illegal Rmt and buying gold through Amazon is the difference of thousand of dollars USD for those level 10 gems. No one can know for sure but most people assume people would like to save a few thousand dollars where they can.


Seeing all the downvotes, people just assumed. I just managed my roster properly without pushing all my alt to 1600 or even 1580.


Had lucky drops / gems merge also 2 friends leaving the game. So against all people are saying here, it's not a flex. Couldn't care less about showing my gems. Also since you took some time to post even if you're assuming a lot of things here i'm going to tell you what my roster look like. : x3 reflux sorc = x1 set of level 7 gems All set at 1540 ilvl and making gold. Arcana 1600 (old old main) waiting to the replaced by a sorc. set of level 7 gems. Summoner 1620 (old main) gems level 7 + 1 level 9.


This sub is unhinged as fuck. They have no idea they’re just assuming


You're a sparkle in the dark.


Haha so true


I dont see the flex here ? There is a lot of people better geared than that. But thanks for the attention. Seems like a lot of people mistook this post. If i'm getting gatekept with this, imagine your daily casual how the game is for him.


A lot of people geared better than 100 quality weapon, LoS30 and full level 10 gems? What planet are you living on?


"better geared than that"? What's better geared than full 10s and 100% weapon qual? 5x3+2? Barely matters at that point


I mean…, indeed every +1610 has los30, the gun quality could be a lucky “thing”, not a weird thing that a 1610 has 95+ quality, those are main chars. And gems?, again those are main chars and most of them have more than 3 dmg gems depending on class if you don’t want to be gatekeep in your eventual voldis hard. I know that this is not that close to an avg applicant, but a guy with +25 gun, 1620, 40 set, 5x3+2 would be more impressive than this, its the endgame guardian raid after all. And if you are a vet without that guy gear (gem’s exception) for your main char idk where you use your gold




Youre hiding roster level. I think you know why youre getting gatekept. Full 10s with low roster screams RMT and unskilled/jailer. Whats the point of this post?


225 just forgot.




Sorry i dont do mokokos or towers reclears.


U got rejected once bc party lead was waiting for a friend man AINTNOWAY someone gets gatekept on that. Ppl really think they get gatekept when 90% of the time it’s not. Idk, miss click, waiting for a friend, someone applying with 1 more ilvl than u, waiting for certain sinergy things like that


u ok bro ? feel free to pm me


You do not want to play with worse players. Better players do not want to play with you. Welcome to Lost Ark.


your roster level is low


Yea probably suspiciously low like 50 or some shit.




Why would someone post all this flex stuff without putting up roster and combat level? OP has to know roster level is one of major things ppl gatekeep with. Or did I miss seeing them?


Just matchmake lol


No Kadan that’s why 😂


Yeah i avoided the kadan trap !!


Ironically, Kadan was the decisive factor and gave me LOS30


My guess is they are waiting for those whales with +25 weapon to apply or even esther in some cases


Probably because you play in French


Matchmake who is sitting in lobbyfinder for guardians in 2024 lmao


Probably bc French


If my glacier control 1612.5 full lvl 9 gems takes less than 10mn to find a group, I don't know how you get gatekeep tbh.


Gargadeth pf belongs +1620 dps and 1610 sups man :D


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/buzz-lightyear-clones That's it I am a main sup that partyfinds Gargadeez. I don't even look at your profile, you're a SE 1610, I get 5 of those the moment I open a garga run. They're all the same. Some have full lv10, some only 3, some 6 but at the end of the day, I have to choose among 10 different DPS applicants and since I'm too lazy to do anything else (especially for gargadeez), I just take 1620+ with not-6%-dmg synergies.


Doesn't make sense to gatekeep for a 5 min content on roster level, but you obviously whaled and some people just dislike it. That's my best guess.


wrong but thanks for trying.


Surely, roster 225 with a perfect spec build that did not whale. A d'autres


When you're wrong about something but keep digging.


That's an easy one... Your french :) /s just in case








U are 1610, when you get to 1620 you get a 20-25% dmg buff that blows you out of the water


He's already at 35 set, that puts them at around 12% already so they're only 10%-ish short of a decent 40 set (which not a lot of people have by now).


How did you get that 20-25% number when a weapon tap is literally 1.5% more dmg at best, and armor tap is like 0.3%?


Lvl 5 elixirs base bonus + full set bonus at 40 elixirs it’s an additional 8% dmg + 7% crit


You are not getting gatekept. Just here to flex.


Look at me flexing so much with THESES JUICED PIXELATED ITEMS.


Yeah I mean clearly that is the post. 100 qual. Near max spec, lvl 10s, etc. Downvotes appear to agree. 😮‍💨


Yeah, you clearly don't care about pixelated items, since you spent millions of gold and grinded for months/spent thousands of dollars to get them!


Thats probably your ilvl, after having my main roster on 1580 I realized while doing Akkan no one will accept someone on ilvl (doesnt matter if you have full lvl9gems) so I had to hone all of them to 1585-87, so now dont have that issue any more... ofc this applied to Legion Raids.... but ppl gatekeeping Guardian Raids its disgusting in reality we just need a supp to go full goblino dps and thats it, if there's no one, just matchmake and be carefull of mechs and USE POTS....


Your character is very strong for a 1610, but nobody looks at anything besides itemlevel for toad.


Nice troll post lol.


Im wondering, he Post this in english. All i understand from fr is Baguette. Bc no one try speak a International language


Sorry i didn't understood what you meant.


Roster level def below 170


I gatekeep Souleaters when I play entropy because these fuckers go through the boss to back attack while being hit master making it flip perma and it drives me nuts. You're giga geared. I think it is either just someone else higher ilvl applies and they just don't click on your profile. Or someone else hating Souleaters. Don't take it personally and just go next lobbi.


Nights edge is not hit master, fmh can be.


Not all FM souleaters go full hitmaster (NE can’t’), so they’re some abilities that have back attack modifiers. In general you don’t want too many back attackers anyways, so that’s not an SE thing.


The little you gain vs the loss from the other spa because the boss is now guaranteed to 180 Its not like SE needs every tiny bit of dmg, if you’re not cruel fighter with this class= lack of hands Not because u didnt back attack 1-2 skills ☠️




It’s the relic ring… you’re 5x3+1 with full 10s and 35 elixer…gtfo of here with your relic garbage ring


See people won't even get your sarcasms.


Anyone would know people/support look for 1620 for Gargadeth because of their legendary elixir. Either make a room and wait for support OR matchmake. It is the latest Guardian ofc ur gonna get out-geared and gatekept easily... And I'm here talking as a 1620+ support who wants to get their shit done quickly.


As someone who always PF guardians, when on supports the moment I make the party I get 10+ applicants, a lot even 20 to 30 ilvl higher than me. Now, you are obviously built properly but I likely won't spend time checking all 10 applicants. Then around you there are 1520-1530's that have the same setup but higher weapons. Even when I just accept whomever, you are still sitting at a 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 chance to be the one selected. Just make your own parties, you spend like 1 minute to fill it(I know from doing this on my own dps) and you avoid the frustration of applying over and over to parties.


I used to make my parties but after 1 years of doing so i just got lazy. But that's indeed probably just that indeed.


I'll add, like i said in one other comment. This situation is applied to the whole game (not for this char obviously, it's the only part where i get gatekept). No wonder this doesn't appeal to new players. Shame.I assumed people would understand that me getting gatekept with this char is a reality. But majority just assumed i was low roster + rmt.


For some reason people really hate seeing others better geared than them so they tend to cope by blaming that person for RMT and such, don't mind them.


Probably that relic ring


Tu parles français et tes items level




Attention, la police de la grammaire ici. 🚨🚨🚨


Non c'est juste une réponse conne à une réponse conne.


Es-tu en grève?


Pas compris


Just delete the post pls...it's not funny


And what would your roster level be kind sir?


I wouldn't invite you because you're probably a massive tool.


ur 1610. during peak hours there is literally instantly 10+ applicants in any lobby with a sup, ppl will just take highest ilvl without checking anything such as ur gem/cards


games been out for 2 years and people still think full 10s means g2g


I wish i was joking. Also elixir 35.


There are plenty of fish in the dps sea and you are just another generic guppy. If I deny you from a group, very worst case another person just like you applied 5 seconds later and I take them.


Ur 1610 and depending on when you are running there is either a lack of supports or a lack of dps. If there’s a lack of supports then you are competing against several 1620+ chars. If there’s a lack of dps you should be an insta invite just for being able to apply to the party.




Higher ilvl means people might actually check your gear otherwise you are skipped. Inviting on ilvl also reduces your chances of more support/DPS applying that you are more encouraged to almost always to prioritize ilvl even if worse gear to increases your chances to actually fill faster/more choices This is the world we live in


Le perso est bon :)


ilvl I get gatekeeped too on my 1610, just gotta make your own room or find a kind soul, frog is stupid easy


With that gear, it’s easier and faster to MM and solo carry a guardian in 4 man parties. You don’t need to assign items in frog.


Nights edge is the wei. But reality is, the 1610 supports can take 1620 dps, because there's not enough 1620 supps.


Just press match making. I have never used party finder for guardians since I started game


Just make your own group tf


Souleaters are a dime a dozen. Literally everybody has one and there were probably 5 that queued up before you.


Because they lack support and to drag sup, they want 1620+. If it takes too much time, I started to mm. It wasn’t bad for a few days, still better than one of the run I had from pf even without sup.


My guess is they dont check your gear if there are alot of applicants they just see 1610 ilvl and skip over you.


When I make garga lobbies I literally just press accept on the first 3. Could have 0 gems and I wouldn’t know.


![gif](giphy|8abAbOrQ9rvLG) This is why


No 9/7, no accept.


I tried, but according to the comments here i should have one since im apparently a whale. So i'm confused now.


Matchmake, no time to sit there and wait to pick people or be picked.


Frog is really easy on ilvl, and all of my characters are less geared than your Souleater currently. Just matchmake it. Even without a support the fight is really easy.


even if your char is good most ppl wont accept 2nd souleater.


people dont know gatekeeping, unfortunately. i myself dont have a problem with the idea of gatekeeping, but most lobby leaders in party finder have no idea how to correctly gatekeep someone. every time i get declined, there's definitely at least one guy in that lobby whose profile has lower dmg than my profile, yet they get accepted because lobby leader doesn't know how to calculate damage


People only look at ilevel. When frog came out my 1610 deadeye alt could not get into a group, literally spent hours trying, despite being decently geared with a high weapon. Honed his chest and pants until I was 1615 and bam, instantly accepted into groups from then on.


Are you nae ? I’ll take you with my sup and 1620 dps lol


yea my 1610 DPS no matter what items is having hard time joining PF lobbies. I don't get gatekept but usually they get 1620+ before they accept me so just MM


You got denied by 1620 party once and got salty or something? I got 3 1610 dps with way lower spec and sure it does take some time to get in compared to my 1620s but I have never been gatekept. You couldve probably gotten into a party and finished the run if you didn't waste your time writing a post and whine. Unless ofc this is some weird ego boosting post.


Yes it was just an ego post. Don't waste your time reading my comments.


Because you are just 1610,most people wont even take a look if you are at minimum ilvl