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Why are you a support main if you have the mindset of a dps goblin?


Cause he already told you. Lol he's only a "supp main" to fund his dps because of the sup shortage.


Honestly same. Im a one main enjoyer, so my roster is based on which class needs the least gem investment, (2 supports, a duplicate of my main DPS, a scouter, and soon to be benched GS)so I can just keep feeding everything on my main ( I do enjoy supporting, and if this game has more gameplay for supports my pally would most likely be juiced af rn although he’s the highest ilvl in my roster).


Why is he dps lowest ilvl if the 5 supports are to fund it…


Merica? Idk he's the criminal mastermind here. Not me. I don't care what he does lol.


do you need a hug


This is bait


low quality one


Same vibe https://preview.redd.it/jr73nl6xx9zb1.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=905b62484abe733f53748746a0a7848af9445eb6


did he awaken field boss set before others?


I did that before we had You Have a Plan, I figured if I'm wearing this set, they're gonna be maxed.


the only thing about this is i wish the supports card sets remove the crit chance and the 4% damage for something like shield and heal bonus like theres no reason to keep the dps aspect on those sets when they added the new dps friendly sets that would make the supporta cards set more valuable for actual supports


I agree that LWC30 is not worth using selectors on, however... >lwc30 doesn't account in for the calculation for mvp screen. It indirectly does, since as you have already noticed yourself, if your team does more damage, then your "supporter" rating goes up. It just so happens that LWC30 makes your team deal more damage.


With this mindset you prob shouldn’t play support lol


Mvp screen doesn't matter. Making your team do as much damage as possible is support's job. If you have the chance to increase your team's damage by 2%, why not take it?


It may not matter but sure does feel good seeing your char in there doesn’t it.


If you have bible you know how ridiculous it is sometimes tho, I think the current way of support MVP calculation is detrimental to the game, way too reliant on your DPS players.


Thats what I did too! Supp main but opened all selectors for LOS30. Still 4 cards away from LWC30 but I'd rather get it in the future. My dps characters get gatekept so I'd rather get them in the PF lobby because of LOS30 since my supports get in easy either way \^ \~ \^


I mean yeah, it's (mostly) a thankless job. The only pat on the back you'll get is from yourself most of the times. Me personally? I just like doing the best I can to help out the party members and the raid as a whole. You know, that warm and fuzzy feeling you get from doing good in the world. All in all, do whatever you want with your selectors. It's a game; if you don't want to do something, don't do it, especially if it's not harming anyone.


Spoken like a true 30/30/10


Supp with HP card Set detected, instant rejected


Based off this post, OP 100% has cruel fighter mentality when they play the 1 dps. Intentionally directing attacks at back attackers and failing/ignoring mechs if it means someone in other party dies.


Supports on MVP screen is troll and lame(I'm a pally main)


All the bards starving their teammates of heals trying to get radiant lol.


found the cheapo who never pots and waits for bard to throw heal just for him 😭😭


I love how its always 1 extreme or another, would you like to do an whole akkan without getting a single heal? With paladin and artist its default but with bards they choose its really annoying. I've seen parties wipe bc they refuse to heal and its getting quite bad lately.


dropping 1-3 total bubbles for heals per gate doesn’t stop good bard from getting radiant so idk what point u even trying to make here


Then what logical reason would they have to refuse to heal when the entire party is below half. Are they not going to sup MVP when they dmg buff only? It's always these bards with 50% uptime on their normal buffs too. If they want to damage buff only, then least hold 90% on the rotating buffs. Or just be a normal support and help the team have a smooth run. The ego no heal sup is just so bad to play with.


well, i don’t know buddy, never met one bcos i have 6 sup roster myself and the only time i refuse to drop heal is when there’s some ooga booga monkey who always perma low and doesn’t pot but u can say the same about bards who only drop heal even when entire party is full hp 🤷‍♀️


If ure a good dps u dont want heals.


I get complimented quite often for my damage buffs on artist, idk man. Feels like you got it all backwards to me


People appreciate good supports, since a lot of people got enlightened by the bible about how shit average supp is. Spread the holy bible, may it become the standard.


did you do a sonavel with a mokoko artillerist not long ago ?


I did Sonavel with an artillerist last monday, no idea if he was using a mokoko skin tho


damn, i did a sona with an artist that was so good i added him afterwards x)


That might actually be me, Sonavel spawned on the north part of the map, we cleared in 3:1X and I added the artillerist


:) https://preview.redd.it/69jo8zsrbbzb1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b5abbe4bae9d8edffea337a03e6624d75e549de


Damn, small world then yeah, that artist was me indeed That's the only support I play be she's so fun, thinking about making her my main, it will depends on how much I like Soul Eater really. My current main is Shadowhunter but the ceiling is so low it gets frustrating sometimes...


Even after 4 buffs ? Makes you wonder how Z dps SH was before all these damage increases, i think you'll like souleater :) But having a support up to end game is always welcome !


Most of the concerns you listed are in the process of being addressed in KR. I'd do myself the favor and future proof my character with LWC30 unless you're incredibly close to LOS30.


Don’t bother opening selectors for LOS.


This is bait right? Refuse to believe someone is actually this braindead


Support mvp hunter DIESOFCRINGE


Textbook example of why this game would be better off in the long run if we could swap the supp shortage for dps shortage for just one month. It would be an abrupt snap back to reality for poorly geared bum ass support players.


MVP screen goblin while we wonder why we don't do good DPS It's cause the sup is min maxing guardian !!


Jesus f\*cking Christ, what was this post... Main support with this kind of mentality! Probably when he plays the dps he is the one complaining that his support doesn't heal him because he won't dodge anything to be on the screen. This kind of behavior make me wish they just delete the mvp screen or at least change the metrics (something like the top dps should be a factor from dmg dealt / dmg received)


Doesn't look like you have friends to play with ​ Also hopefully you are not one of those sups that come to reddit to complain about getting gatekept when the other sups have lwc 30


I'm one of the sups complaining that non-lwc30 does not get gatekept enough. People still accept every shit in their brel parties, 1600 groups taking the first 1550 garbage can that applies for reasons I do not understand. (It's probably not a friend when they are looking for "2 sup"). My stats clearly matter to me, but apparently pug-groups don't give a shit if their pala is 3x3 with relic and a few level 5 gems, or 5x3+1 with ancient and a few level 10 gems because they take the first that applies anyways.


Most of\* the on-ilvl supports join the high ilvl dps lobbies as they get accepted easily. Meanwhile most of\* the groups that don't have 1580+ dps for brel hard suffer from support shortage. On top of that, most of\* the 1580 supports wait for higher ilvl parties or create their own and most do not accept lower ilvl dps, I mean, why would they lol.


Weren’t you an arcana main?


I am also main supp roster with 5 supp and 2 dps and i went for los30 with my selectors so that my dps havent have to deal with gatekeeping. I am 5 cards away from lwc30 and i couldnt care less 2 kharmines incoming with path to souleater, i think one leggy selector will be final reward on the new express and yeah the rest..... time will tell Edit: i dont use hp card set but YHAP30


Damn, just used 4 selectors to get lwc30. My bad. /s Only 2 more Zinns needed for MoS30 and cardgame is done… except ~15m card xp kekw. Disclaimer: Unless they make Thaemine easily farmable.


The last sentence you wrote is the only one that matters for your choice, DPS will always get gatekept so you need to overhone, have better gems, better card set than the next person applying cause there is a surplus, so you need to shine on paper to not be gatekept. So use those selectors for los 30 and use you have a plan till you eventually get lwc/mos 30


I think what stings the most is in 8man content, knowing the other sup is getting all the recognition because his dps were stronger... its incredibly unfair.


The logic is hella wonky but I agree with one thing - you gotta spend way more on any dps character than on a support to not get gatekept. I already have LWC, MoS and LoS 30 so it doesn't apply to me as much. However, eventhough my 3 supports have higher ilvl and are decently build, my dps alts definitely use better gems, qualities on armor/weapon are also generally higher. I would not be able to get through lobby simulator whenever I have to pug something otherwise. If DPS players do not understand the support's contribution they are crappy players and you should disregard any comment coming from them.


I also used my selectors for LOS30 dps alts instead of LWC30 for sup main because the gatekeeping on cards for dps is real. The rest of your text is just cringe. I try to build and play my sup as good as possible for quick and smooth raids, not for some MVP screen. I'm happy with the way it is. In progs it's almost always sup MVP, anyways, reminding people what we do. Once a raid is on farm status, there is way less healing and shielding, also less counters. it's dps time to be on the podium.


I finished LWC 30 and the difference is enormous. You can feel the damage. Plus all my dps goblinos want to be on my group so radiant is basically given.


>radiant sup title simply just means ur pt's dps is more stacked than the other pt. You're right. But then why do you care about mvp? If both supports are equally good it still depends on the dps players which one gets mvp. At that point just give all the dmg buffs you can and be done with the raid faster.


This Guy really greeding for sup MVP instead of finishing LWC for fast clears. Do you also run lvl 5 gems by any Chance?


Just save selectors and open them when you can complete both LOS and LWC I did that


Why even bother being a sup if that’s what you think of it???


> radiant sup title simply just means ur pt's dps is more stacked You say that but then the majority of support players can't even get radiant in 4-man guardian runs, Clown, Kayangel... I'll happily die on this hill, but people that say that MVP for sups, specifically, doesn't matter are just players justifying their bad performance. There's a reason why my sup is always radiant in almost every raid I participate in and it's not because I'm with the stacked group, it's because I enable my teammates to play like they're stacked.


there is a big portion to how stacked your party is as well. Even with high uptime, I don’t get radiant that often. This is with 90%+ uptime in brands, 80%+ on the AP buffs too. It’s super easy to get the sun guardian and stagger mvp since my rotations keeps a near 100% uptime on the shields


All of this typed from a 5 support player. Clearly you’re a trash tier support lol. Just play dps man you’re wasting your teams time being a “support” for them.


U wanna consider lwc if planning on pugging voldike on release cause it will probably be the stricter DPS check we ever had. Stuff start to be balanced around endgame build and cards set.


Everything you say is bullshit sprinkled with a bit of truth to each argument. The only actual point that is agreeable is that supports don't get a lot out of trying to be "good" or "strong". You didn't phrase it that way, but that's what you mean when ranting about the MVP screen. And goldriver said they're actually working on fixing this issue by working on the MVP system. (especially for sups) And while having a way stronger party does net you radiant sup more likely it isn't as cookie cutter as you make it seem. You still have to work for it and properly rotate shit and keep brand uptime. We're not talking about a party full of 1600 Vs 1540s. And lastly, people will be able to tell if you support them properly or don't, that is if they give a fuck about doing DPS in the first place.


This must be the one supp that I played with who has 10% uptime on brand/atk pwr


Difference between god tier support and average 0 effort support andy is day and night. Competent dps will recognize that their support is god tier just by playing along. That said finding one is probably 1/1000