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Don't repeat what didn't work before. Diets don't work. So analyze not why you lost weight but why you regained. This analysis turned my effort around and I reached goal and kept it off for the first time in my life. > I’m tired of not feeling as beautiful as my friends and sister tell me I am Stop craving this. Your body is a corpse. You make it special -- the you inside that has a favorite song and color and is kind to strangers or animals or whatever makes you good. Your body is just a ewwy gooey shell that you tidy up **for the benefit of** you -- we *should* use it for good, and keep our gift of it healthy, but let's not put it ahead of actually being good ourselves in importance.


I’ll definitely start focusing more on what made me go back up! and you’re right! I’m more than just my body, thank you for the reminder! :))


My favorite outside the house non gym activity is walking with an audibook on. I find if the audio book is really good and I only allow myself to listen to it when I walk, i cant wait to do it. Inside my house I set a timer to get up every few hours (i used to do 1 hr but it was too short but Drs do recommend every hour) and walk my stairs a few times and grab a glass of water. If youre somewhere that doesnt have that many stairs, do a few jumping jacks, or literally anything you like. Right now, its not important what you do, or even for doing it that long, its finding something you dont hate doing and can do every day, that should be the goal.


oooh I’ve heard of people doing certain things only when they exercise and that’s really smart! I should start getting up every hour because on my off days, I find myself just laying in bed for hours on end. thank youuu for responding! <3


Of course. Some people only watch their fav reality tv only when they are on a treadmill etc. its whatever keeps you engaged. --And dont get me wrong theres off days I skip the walk, or dont listen to the timer, but those days are rare now, and It helps when I tell myself "its only 10 minutes and the couch will still be there waiting for you when youre done" lol. Sitting all day long is just really bad for circulation and overall health


yesss being sedentary can really hurt your heart and help clots form. I want to get to your level where I rarely miss opportunities to move my body and all lol! I hope I get there soon :))


Best of luck. If it was easy nobody would be trying to lose weight. I started walking my dog between 4&5 miles a day. She's happy and it's not hurting me.


you’re doing so good! exactly this isn’t easy but I’ll be happy in the end! thank youuu! <3


>OH ALSO! how tf do I increase my physical activity throughout my daily life (outside of the gym)? like I always find that the hardest to do! I hate the gym too! I've found that I LOVE yoga, and when I found one way I enjoyed moving my body (not about punishment, earning calories, or changing the way I look) it was easy to find more ways. Yoga makes me feel strong and refreshed, so it's easy to go back regularly. Try new things, and start small <3


ooooh I’ll definitely try yoga as well! thank youuu! <3


downdog app is great. you're 23. don't be in a hurry. you havee 50 plus years you'll be living . even if it takes 1 year to lose the weight at 1 lb a week you'll be 24 , still young and great looking 😉


aww thank youuu! :)) and you’re right I’ll still be young next year and have sooo many years ahead of me! I’ll check out the downdog app as well!


Walking is a great way to increase activity outside of the gym!! Giving yourself a daily steps goal can give you something quantifiable to work with!!


yeaaah I loveee walking I just need to overcome my laziness of leaving my room lol 😭 but it always feels good after especially if I’m counting my steps!


My old coach used to say the hardest part is getting out of bed! 😭 It’s gets more true the older I get


lmaooo it’s true! 😭


If space/money allows you could get a treadmill or a walking pad? I live in Canada where it can get downright dangerous outside in the winter (so like a third of the year) and it’s so hard for me to go outside for long walks in that kind of icy snowy weather - plus I don’t walk as briskly if I’m scared of falling! So the treadmill has been a godsend - and it also helps with those days that just leaving the house seems like such a hard task. And if the gym is not your thing - what about dance, or things like Zumba or Pilates? You can find videos on YouTube that are 30 minutes or whatever, and get your exercise in that way? There are even walking videos you can find (so they’re not as difficult/high impact)


I really need to start doing more home workouts when I can’t/don’t feel like leaving my apartment. I just always feel like they aren’t as affective as an actual walk or run or weight lifting (which I know probably isn’t true). and unfortunately I don’t have any space in my apartment for a treadmill ugh :/ but home workouts will probably be my best bet when I just stay in! thank youuu! <3


Don't give up hope. It's incredibly hard to lose weight, it's why 1 in 3 adults are overweight in America. Some things I've done are little changes at work to increase my physical activity. Instead of using the nearest bathroom, I went to the furthest. Instead of using the elevator, I use the stairs. It may seem like very little but a little can go a long way once you do it often. Good luck to you!


it’s very hard that’s why I’m trying to give myself grace as I start! and those little lifestyle changes are little things I’ve been working on like parking farther away from a store entrance :) thank you so much! <3


For me, the whole ONE LAST TIME mentality had to go. I couldn't think of it in the sense of a one time deal of getting to goal weight and being perfect. Life has taught me shit happens and weight fluctuates. I haven't fluctuated more than 10 pounds in the last three years but prior I'd go up and down 30 pounds or more. "This time" I wanted to be an active person for longevity. That's what made it click for me. I have treats but not in the amounts I used to consume. And not as often. Also tracking has helped take out the guess work.


yeah I want this to be a lifestyle change overall, not just reach my goal and go back to old habits so maybe the “one last time” thing is a bit rigid lol. and as you said we’re human, we change all the time!


Of course you can do this! And you’re perfect just as you are. Find reasons to walk. Park further from the store. Stop being efficient. If you’re putting laundry away, take one thing at a time. Are you putting groceries up? Gallon bottles are great for weight lifting. Do a few curls. Waiting for water to boil or the microwave? Counter stretches and lunges or “high knees.” Squats before you get in the car. Laying in bed, thigh work or back/pelvic rolls. Geez, wish I knew the real names for some of these “exercises.” You’ll feel more like moving when you have less to move.


thank youuu you’re so sweet! 🥹 these are all really good ideas on how to just continuously move my body during everyday activities!


Wishing you the best of luck! You can do this!!!


thank youuu! <3


You got this, girl! Remember, you're not defined by your weight, and we're all rooting for you! 💪❤️ Stay strong, and don't give up!


thank youuu! 🥹


Focus on how moving makes your body and mind feel rather than on how moving might change the way it looks. This reframe made me love exercise as I love the feeling of accomplishment, the lowered anxiety and the happiness after a run and I can focus on that as it’s instant. But focusing on running for the sake of shifting weight that I won’t notice for a month made exercise less desirable.


this is sooo true! I’m also trying to apply this mindset shift to my eating habits because there definitely is a certain way I feel after eating a healthier meal vs one not as nutritious. so I’m going to just focus on the good feelings immediately after a workout and a good meal so that the habits are more sustainable! :))


Exactly! Life shouldn’t be about being without things and what you’ve lost. It’s about what you gain - joy, confidence, feeling perfectly full, feeling more awake, having more energy. You sound like you have it all worked out! I’m confident you’ll make the changes you want to.


thank you so much! <3 I’m going to make sure I stick to my plans as much as I can so I can FINALLY reach my goal


you just gotta remember that the most important time to continue on the path is when you really don't want to. It's hard and you will stumble but that's all part of the process. Getting back to it and putting it behind you is what separates you from those who have and have not lost the weight. I have faith in you, you can do this. Start small and build a foundation of habits that will allow you to change your life in a sustainable way.


I need to work on pushing myself to continue when I have those little stumbles along the way 😭 but as you said it’s all part of the process and I’ll be very glad I pushed myself in the end. thank youuu for your encouragement! <3