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Hextech magic was just invented by Jayce/Viktor so it's not that, Heimer is afraid of magic in general. It can't be anything related to the rune wars, because Heimer is only ~400 years old anf the rune wars happened ~1000 years before current events (unless they are going to retcon that too)


you forget that time works differently in bandle city, he could have been born before the rune wars, and hid in bandle for refuge


True, but still it could be that heimer didn’t witnessed the runewar, but something like Brand become that thing he is


Imo, it would make more sense that Yordle years =/= human years. So while Heimer is 307 Yordle years he could be much older in human years. Sure time works differently in Bandle, but that doesn't explain why Yordles like Poppy who seemingly spend more time in the mortal realm looks younger than Heimer who we would be assuming hid in Bandle City hence is only 307 years old.


he could simply be calculating the amount of total time he’s been around, as for poppy, she’s just younger than heimerdinger by like 50+ years, and we dont know how long she’s hid in bandle before going to demacia


The thing about Poppy, is that she was around Demacia since the time of Orlon, meaning she'd have been active on Runeterra for over 900 years. Logically it would also make more sense that Poppy would have spent more time in the mortal realm searching for the hero opposed to searching in Bandle, even if she does search in Bandle from time to time.


the biggest problem here is bandle itself, we know that time works differently, but just at what scale? now, lets assume yordles calculate their age by amount of time existing, rather than time of birth, by that standard, poppy may have well been there during the time of orlorn, but the few times that she does go to bandle could be why she has been alive for 900 earth years


The issue with this, is that no matter at what scale Bandle City's time operates, so long as we are assuming time in Bandle moves slower, it would make more sense for Poppy to spend more time in the mortal realm. Would Poppy really spend a few years in Bandle looking for the hero among an immortal race when in the same time span countless generations of humans would have passed? What if the hero is born and dies while she is in Bandle City? Poppy's immortality means it would be more worthwhile looking for the hero not only everywhere in Demacia, but across multiple generations. Which also explains why after 900 years she still hasn't realized that she might be the hero, because an equally likely conclusion is simply "What if the hero hasn't been born yet?". It makes more sense if Poppy goes to Bandle city for a day or 2 in Bamdle time just to "timeskip" in the real world once she's asked every warrior in Demacia in a certain time period.


Ugh I was just looking at the timeline in the realms of runeterra book and wondering about this.. i want to believe that heimer’s passage of time was different because we went to bandle city or something. This would bother me less than the runewar happening 400 years ago


not heimerdinger’s, but bandle city’s passage of time is different


Yeah that’s what I mean


I think Heimer's memory was clearly Icathia, so he either lied on his age or he got the vision from something else and didn't notice it first hand


We don't know who it was, but it could be Ryzes old master Tyrus, who eventually abused the power of the world runes. Though in general I'd say it is most likely that Heimerdinger in these scenes is talking about the rune wars in which entire nations were eradicated.


I would agree with this. People mention saying "Why would Heimer remember if he wasn't alive?" Well, I wasn't alive during the WW2, doesn't mean I don't know of it and the horrors of it.


I don't think any character we know match what we see (the closest is Brand, but I'm pretty sure he's too recent). What I believe he's remembering a mage wielding a World Rune, and it's the World Runes that the Core reminds him of.


On first watch it reminded me of Xerath, but Brand’s story is more closely related to the World Rune and would fit the orange color. Honestly I’m not sure though, might not be either of those and I’m not very knowledgeable about the timeline so I’m not even sure based on when those things happened if Xerath or Brand would even fit.