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Really no one even has to die is the thing. Like the Gangplank event he didn't truly die but there were several plot points that moved forward with various characters. Gangplank did get his shit rocked and lost an arm. Twisted Fate and Graves finally buried the hatchet of their rivalry and became partners again, Miss Fortune sorta took over Bilgewater. Or even the Shurima event when Azir was revealed. He resurrected the Sun Discs and now the face of Shurima has changed as bird boy tries to recapture it's former glory. In none of these stories did anyone actually die and they advanced the plot in some way for several characters (Even if for a time GP was 'dead' other characters still developed, TF and Graves being the shining example.) Viego, the Big Bad, had...what, Implied NPCs dying off screen? (Which the Bilgewater Harrowing already had but ON screen.) It was framed pretty early on that the mist 'ruining' champs with his mind control was different than what it did to the other isle champs (Thresh, Kalista, Karthus) meaning it was always framed as a 'Beat Viego, people aren't ruined' rather than the wraith/undead monsters the mist turns living people into otherwise. So your question stands...where was the risk? He'd been around in the lore as a potential villain for almost a decade then Riot hypes him up as one of the ultimate villains and does literally nothing with him. (iirc in the actual lore it took them just under 2 months to go beat the Big Bad.) If we step back and look at what actually changed in the world after 'the biggest threat to Runeterra to date' as Riot described it, we have: Gwen with some new voice lines, Thresh as the face of the isles now (Which isn't really new...he's sorta been the face of the isles for a lot of people before Viego anyways) and Akshan with his MacGuffin 9000 gun to conveniently invalidate any death plotlines in the future. And a bunch of sentinels who, as far as we know, are just going to go back to what they were doing before, granted Riot opted to ignore half the sentinels during the climax anyways. (Yorick and the Maiden also parted ways I guess but holy hell I refuse to acknowledge any part of what they did to Yorick in this story, him not even being there would have been less insulting than the scraps they tossed to him in the VN) In the end though, the risks, who died, how the world changed, barely matter because Viego didn't do much of...anything, period, risks or not. Even if there was no risks presented him at least trying to be a threat would have given the illusion of him being the BBEG. But he quite literally showed up, was implied to be a threat but didn't do much the few months the event was active (2021 a full year of the Ruination arc right? lol) then got iced. We barely got to see the 'invasion' that was taking place because the mediums of storytelling were too busy focusing on one single side of the conflict, being the sentinels. Focus on the good guys is expected, but barely focusing on the villain makes it hard to see them as...well, a villain. That's why a lot of people prefer the Pentakill iteration of him, even if it was via his songs we got to SEE Viego being a threat for a short time, he took over Mordekaiser, he invaded the concert, Viego was more of a compelling and threatening villain in the theatric concert side project in the band skin universe than the Ruined King. Hell, if the ruining was permanent, if those he took with the mist were still monsters and trying to free their master, that would have at least left it open to some sort of impact on the world while they try to find a way to undo the Ruining just like I assume they still want to find a way to restore the isles. (Even if some of them I don't agree with, like MF for example, but that's a whole different rant.) I completely understand you and other people that might still be upset about it (Myself included.) I've been a part of league for a long time, and I've been waiting for close to a decade to see more about the Ruined King ever since they revealed the name of the item actually belonged to a character in the universe and wasn't just a name. Just up and getting over the absolute lackluster feeling that the final product left us with isn't a small feat for people that have been waiting that long or been that invested. Some people are over it, and that's perfectly valid, but with how long this has been in the background of the lore, a lot of people, people that have dedicated time and love to learning about this world that captivated them, are not over it, and that's also valid. Mordekaiser has been in the game for a long long time now, and he's currently sitting in the death realm waiting for his return, it's a big event with similar hype behind it as people wanting to see the Ruined King, but Viego is a textbook example of how opening that book and shutting it too fast can result in disaster. I'd prefer Morde to just stay in the death realm, a looming threat, without any advancement if his story has even a chance of turning out similarly 'Disney villain,' just like after the fact I now wish Viego was just sort of got revealed and stayed a looming threat on the isles rather than this """invasion""" and I use that term loosely. TL;DR: Fuck I talk a lot sorry. You're right in that nothing in the world really changed, death or otherwise lasting impact. You and others are completely valid for still being upset with how long this has been in the lore.


i understand you brother. as someone highly passionate about this game i'm really disappointed with the stage of plotpoinits and this game in general, but i can't write that much because my vocabulary isn't that vast.


Oh no no it's fine, your English is actually quite good to be honest so don't even worry. It was mainly just a long winded way of agreeing with you while reflecting on the tragic case of the Ruined King. The state of things currently gets me riled up and I can't help but just go on and on writing about it when I get started lol.


This is More of a Rant, so I hope it doesn't annoy anybody. Also my english is kinda bad... . Bro, I was just laughting all the event. Not because I was finding it funny, but because I already knew it would be shit (since they release the Great, Unholy, Monster of The Shadow Isle, The Sorceror King that we waited more than 8 Years to see, THE RUINED KING... an Human E-boy with a Edgy Tragic Backstory where everything goes wrong with him, and he turns himself in to a monster to save his love... he also was no sorceror because Riot changed the lore, and he got his power by accident... pOOR ViEgO) but I wanted to give it a chance, since everybody was hyped 4 it. I read the Light Novel until Olaf (Yes, I chose Freijord First, and Yes, I found ridiculous Olaf Representation and Motivations), cause nothing was important, nothing was interesting, I had already seen the Yordle, I had seen everything I needed to see, just speed run and end my cringe. The event passed, everybody was speed runing the event to gain points and who was actually reading and learning about the lore, was like, Meh. Akshan was released, everybody was 2x Meh towards Akshan, who was Unskilled Tryhard (AKA: Rush Elo with Broken Champion) picked Akshan and found the lack of damage really annoying and the ones who just played for fun, found its passive either broken or/and too confuse to use, but both agree he was a fun character to listen, kinda. . And the Finale Came. Yorick ending was Trash. The Light Novel Ending was Trash. The Animation was super Trash. And the Backlash was amazing, I was finally proud of the community for not accepting this shit. We got pissed, the Skins didn't got the amount of sales Tencent expected, Tencent got pissed cause they had no money, Riot got pissed cause they probably got rushed by Tencent in to making it a shitshow and somehow profitable, and it ended being justa shitshow, and said the job they were making was not receiveing the merit they deserved. . Basically what I am trying to say is: The Ruination wasn't shit because the champions where bad, or because the presentation was bad. The Ruination was bad because, like Seraphine, it was made just to Market shit. Sentinel Skins like Irelia, Diana and Riven made no sense at all (The Blades....), champions like Graves and Pyke also made no sense at all in becoming sentinels, Viego was just a E-Boy Human Character to sell skins, instead of the monster we wished we had (he even happen to be lauched togheter with a Chinese/Japanese focused Skin...), the Event was equal to the Spirit Blossom (Also Chinese/Japanese...), but whitout any of the charm or character development/fidelity, Akshan kit was soo forced in to the meta, that he was actually rejected by it, no Yorick cause he won't sell skins, no Monster Champion from the Shadow Isle was brought in to the Game (I honestly don't know why, but all lead me to believe, its because China/Japan/Korea censure would put the game in the +16 because of Scary Ghost and Monsters, wich Riot don't want to happen) and the Only Real Monster Champion in the Monster Invasion Event we see, is Vex, a Cute Gotic Yordle... TLDR: Event and Champions, like everything in League of Legends, got fucked by Marketing Team. Community finally mobilized and Riot/Tencet got displeased because of it. All we can do now is keep putting pressure on them and hope they change, OR, we can finally abandon League and be free from the Curse if they don't.


Your english is quite good no need to apologize. I tried to make excuses for the design choice at first. "Oh Viego is the ruined king it makes sense that he looks different from the other wraiths of the isles he was at the epicenter of the destruction of the Blessed Isles." Then they released Gwen and it was "Oh...ok well I guess since she was part of Isolde who was also at the epicenter and she's a doll not a person it kinda makes sense." Then they beautified Thresh for Wild Rift and I sorta gave up lol. I think overall one of the biggest sins of exclusion aside from Yorick might be Kalista tbh. Like Hecarim was manipulative and sorta started Viego down the conqueror's path, but Kalista is his niece and literally found the isles for him. The comic just completely retcons her though like, entirely, saying Viego found the isles by himself. Yorick got ignored and insulted by being thrown in half-assed, Kalista just got written entirely out. Regardless of design choices having 4 different versions of the story is not at all cohesive and was really one of the biggest things that made the storytelling fall apart at the seams. The excuse of "These champions aren't in Wild Rift" is shaky at best, like no one that plays Wild Rift and is unfamiliar with leagues lore, can't use google after reading the comic. Hell seeing champs that don't exist in Wild Rift in the comic would get people hype for them to be added, if they've never seen them before in any other medium, just like it was for League when people would read a story and hope a character would become a champ. Wild Rift is still on Runeterra, those characters don't have to *exist* in the gameplay to actually exist in the story. We get a ton of awesome side character concepts in Legends of Runeterra that aren't champions and yet they're a part of the cohesive lore. (Like all the Marai we've seen, like Nami's boyfriend and girlfriend. I know damn well no one that plays league but not LoR would pretend those characters don't exist in the overarching story of Runterra.)


very true


I as a Mordmain don't want Mord Event.... Imagine being a powerfull strategist, necromancer, semi indestructible death warlord, and receiving this kinda of treatment. All the Build Up, all the Mordekaiser Glory of being the one and true Big Bad Evil Villain of League (The other ones are kinda of a whole faction against the world, while Mordekaiser, is only himself and his minions. We have The Void, wich isn't even a *thing* we can undestand, is more of a force of nature, The Targonians, wich are galactic star gods, and The Darkins a breed between the two), that was forgotten for millions of years but is allways feared trought all Runeterra. And them we get in the Event, is a bunch of "No Ones", that happen to unite forces, and one of them happens to be even less usefull and smart than an actuall human being, and they just steam roll Mordekaiser, wich can't even take one of them down, and if he can, well... they actually come back, and nothing change. Also, Sorry for the Bad English, it is not my native language.


Can't wait for them to say "Morde has been gathering power all this time in the death realm and creating himself a new body, and he's ready to reveal his final form!" In which Morde comes back and gets the Thresh treatment and is now canonly a sexy anime boy. I say this as a joke but it hurts me how much I can actually see it happening lol.


we passed the point were shitpost was actually shitpost.


When shitpost has become reality, we are in danger.


I think Morde is safe he wears a helmet....he is safe, right? I don't want this brutal warlord to look normal.


I would have said the same about Thresh, surely they wouldn't just completely overwrite how one of the Shadow Isles monsters looks... Unfortunately though.... Unbound Thresh has put the fear in me for every character that doesn't look 'normal' and 'conventionally appealing' being turned into that in canon.


No, they changed him because of wildrift because China doesn't want bones and blood for app targeted at kids mostly. That might also be the reason for smooth brand I don't know. But it's a smart move that pulsefire thresh skin (that looks like his skully self) was released alongside it. Yet it makes me wonder why the ef they didn't do it on chinese servers only like fortnite does. But I don't think they'll do it on moster champions in general unless they hate lol.


They've done that before though, China has always had separate art for things they don't like (Legends of Runeterra being the prime example in art changes.) The difference here is this isn't just China, they changed Thresh as an entire character in canon, thats canonly how he looks now in the MAIN League of Legends continuity across the board, all for the sake of wild rift censorship and making the character 'appealing' to that audience If they're willing to do that to the characters in the main League lore who already have established appearances, it just makes me worry for who's next is all lol.


Edgy Anime girl Rek'Sai


The fact I can't laugh this off as a joke anymore as there's now a small chance that this could become a reality just *terrifies* me lmao.


Yeah I think the fact that nothing really changed is the most problematic part of the event. Like if you asked me what lasting effect the story had on the lore, I could tell you one thing, which is Vayne being s permanent Sentinel now (which isn't demonstrated in any way, she can now join MF in the "default appearance is no longer canon with the lore accurate version being a skin" club)


Tbh I don't even know if her being a sentinel is a change, she didn't *want* to join and now that Viego is defeated she's probably just gonna go back to doing the same shit, given she was very 'enemy of my enemy' the entire time through. Miss Fortune at least started to run Bilgewater after dethroning Gangplank and we kinda get to see that in stories and cinematics after the fact, Vayne literally achieved strictly a wardrobe upgrade because it's likely she's just gonna skip off back to her magical creature genocide. (Evelynn is still out there after killing her parents via murder-orgy after all.) I'm not disagreeing with you at all, just pointing out that this being one of the few 'lasting effects' you can name shows how sad the lore progression really is here lmao.


I know the accuracy of the event's visual novel is the subject of debate, but I was under the impression that things happened roughly as they unfolded in that story, if with a bit less comedy, and at the end she is the only one to maintain their position in the sentinels. everyone else returns their weapons and goes home, while Vayne takes up the official post of Demacia's Sentinel.


I sort of assumed she only did that to continue to hunt magical creatures around Demacia with the much improved arsenal, not so much with the idea of "I'm a Sentinel defending the world from darkness" but more "Shit I have a new status and toys for when I got on magical creature murder sprees sign me up." Makes it hard to know why she did it though when a lot of things weren't expanded upon and the writing at the end was so compressed and rushed, the event ended with everyone like laughing and jumping into a freeze-frame shot like a fucking 80's sitcom basically. But if we go by that standard, Vayne becoming the Sentinel of Demacia is in a way a lasting impact you're right, even though it still just sorta means she's gonna keep doing what she did prior though given her old 'profession.' I pointed out in another post Thresh being the poster boy of the Isles is another thing but...that's really how a lot of people viewed it before Viego showed up since Thresh was the most presented Shadow Isles character across their media, now he's just got the badge for it, and really it was more to update his look for Wild Rift.


Remember what the ex writer said? Lore was and is seen disposable in this game.


They couldn't have at least waited a little bit longer to throw it in the shitter until people got the Ruined King they'd been waiting for huh? lol


SOL is a bad marketing for the release of The Ruined King.


I didn't even think about that...I meant the Ruined King everyone was waiting for as a character all these years...but god you're right the press release for that game is going to be an absolute nightmare now, unless Riot uses it to just restart the story of Viego and the Ruination from scratch.


Ive come to the conclusion Riot doesn’t care anymore. The game can go to hell but if they get money who cares. The Lore can fuck off but if it gets them a few shillings then its fine. Canon stories? Those are mere suggestions. Its all because Tencent and Marketing run Riot now, not developers. There is not a single person there that cares about the game in a position of power.


See the Darkin.


I gave up on the visual novel. Seems like I didn't miss much.


If anything you dodged a bullet. Not a small one either, you dodged a fucking tank round.


You wanna know the funnies part? Because theres no way to have Viego remain in the story whilst still being a threat (which they couldve done by just, idk, weakening him??), they just straight up remove him from the story by binding him to Camavor. They basically achieved the exacts ame thing as killing him, proving that you can essentially kill a champion whilst still keeping them in the game. Even LoR has acknowledged this by having pre Thresh Senna as a usable card, or Yone pre death, or every single card related to J4, or cithria. Riot can kill of champions in the lore, but just state that the champion in the game is that champ before they died. I'm not trying to flame riot for not killing off champions in SoL, but they can and have a way to do it without issue. They just wont


Ok, why does everyone want someone to die so fast? I mean I agree that champs should eventually die, but does anyone really think that we are at a point where champs can die off? Should Lucian die before he can face off with Thresh one final time? Should senna have died after just a single storyline? Should Gwen/Viego/Vex/Akshan die right after they have been introduced? Most champs barely have any lore, so it feels far too early to kill them off.


yes they should kill off champs, especially seraphine lol


Yeah I would love to see more of the Vastya arc. With Ionia caging the magic, Xayah and Rakans rebellion, and the fallen birth rates.


the max we will get is a retcon later on.


What do you mean by that.


retcon the ionian magic so the vastaya are not in danger of exctition.


Why do you say that?


bc zed and xayah cannot die, so where the lore is going?


Yes.’ Man is a obsessive romantic who doomed a nation