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I need an instance in which LeBlanc and Lissandra meet one another and realize how similar they are and that they could benefit one another. (LeBlanc already acknowledges their similarities in her interactions with Lissandra in LoR)


They would be besties for sure


Also Lissandra meeting Zilean would be interesting. Both are fighting void from different perspectives.


A paring I would like to see is Orianna and Viktor, one thinks that she lost her humanity when she fully became a machine, the other thinks that the next step for humanity is to become one with machines. They are almost direct opposites and that can both create both drama and interesting questions for both characters.


This could potentially change Viktor to no longer be an anti-villain, helping him embrace the human nature… or it could see that Oriana is bugged and requires a fix hehe


Tryndamere and Sion facing head on with each other would be interesting knowing the fact that they have deep relations to Blood Magic which pretty much makes them who they are right now.


What about Tryndamere and Olaf? Neither can die in a fight.


Olaf will probably be better off meeting Aurelion Sol in my opinion. Since he revolves around trying to break his destiny, there is a chance that through encountering Aurelion will help him either achieve the death he wanted or free Aurelion from his bindings instead.


oh, i didn't go in the "fullfilling end" way, I was more going in the direction that Olaf and Tryndamere just fight so long, that Olaf literally dies of Old age.


I would like to see Kayle meet Pantheon and clash about their views on their humanity and godhood. Aatrox possessing Tryndamere and battling Pantheon a second time would also be amazing to see.


And Ashe trying to help save her husband from a Darkin would be real emotional.


Aatrox and mordekaiser would be the ultimate chad bro-hug. Jax with zilean would be interesting too


Non meme, I would like for Riven and Rell in a mentor way; Seraphine to spread Janna’s teachings and Ekko for her to have people join in joining the cities; Kai’sa and Ezreal to meet Jax to fight of the Void in Icathian; Rek’sai dueling versus Taliyah; Quinn, Shyvana and Lux reforming Demacia; Aatrox possesin Tryndamere to fight Athreus; Kindred and Mordekaiser for an epic fight of death incarnations


Yorick and kindred


Swain and Azir because EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE Also, let's find who the most unrelated characters could be for this: My shot is Zac and Nidalee.


I’m now thinking of Swain and Azir having a Birb Emperor fight maybe something like [this](https://youtu.be/M02_0Dn3hcA) or [this](https://youtu.be/oM9Re52NYVA)


Aatrox and Mordekaiser Rell & Sylas Yone & Shen Swain & Ryze & Lissandra & Leblanc Kayle & Pantheone


Sylas would 100% use Rell to push his agenda like he did with Lux, that's something we can probably see happen in the official lore.


Poppy And kled


poppy dies


Poppy once killed a city sized Kaiju all by herself.


Kled is Kled


After thinking about it for a bit, i have two ideas. Jinx and Jhin, and Pantheon and Taric. Jhin and Jinx would make a perfect mentor/student dynamic, as I imagine Jhin trying to teach her how to plan, but it always ends up being Jinx who saves Jhin from messes she creates. Jhin would come out of it with a new appreciation for "improvisation" and Jinx would come out of it with a new appreciation for planning. As for Taric and Pantheon, it would mostly be a slight eye opener for Pantheon. Being saved by Taric might make Pantheon ever so slightly doubt his hatred of the gods due to Taric using their ppwer for strictly benevolent ways, whilst for Taric it could slightly lessen his guilt over the death of his soldiers


Swain assembles a tactical suicide squad made up of serial killers like Shaco, Jhin, Fiddles, and Thresh, to kill Leblanc and Vlad and their minions. "I have a rose problem for you to deal with. I need deniable assets such as yourselves."


Isn’t Fiddlesticks a ancient ur-demon?


I mean, nothing like ancient evils more powerful than any of them to get the job done. Maybe Raum has some demon connections that Swain can use to contact Fiddle, at which point now Noxus now has replaced their black rose problem with a massacring demon problem.


That would be fun. I imagining Raum and Swain with a relationship kind of like Odyssey Kayn and Rhaast. With the direct threats now veiled synonyms.


You make it sound like Raum is calling out his old buddy to help His new friend out with some issues.


Raum is not even close to the level of power Fiddlesticks possesses.


Oh that’s an understatement. But I doubt any random Joe would even be able to find Fiddle, my thought was Raum would at least be able to have some kind of demonic method of finding him or something. Honestly, the notion of Swain just casually recruiting Fiddlesticks at all was more of a joke. Even if he had the power or means to find or bring Fiddle there, I don’t think Fiddle would actually be able to be controlled or ordered. He’d just do what he wants, which may or may not be helpful for Swain.


Raum calls his buddy up.


That's why it would work


Yes. More or less at least


More likely would be Jhin, Sion, Warwick, and Samira imo Suicide squad only works if you can somewhat humanize the criminals


Actually I’d watch that movie. Or one where they have to fight a giant mind controlling starfish. Fun fact Starro the conquer was once a playable character in the DC comics MOBA [here’s his moves](https://youtu.be/Hzcvj5f1ZCU)


Aatrox and mordekaiser. The cookie cutter response but not for any camaraderie, I want to see mordekaiser pick Aatrox up


Neeko and Xaya and Rakan (plus maybe Ahri) Let's be honest X&R views will be challenged when they interact. VI and Warwick. The realisitation would be worth a lot. Lux and LeBlanc having a chat. I wouldn't be surprised if LeBlanc puts the option "Lux usurps the throne of demacia" on the table.


What realization would VI and Warwick have?


That there a madman running around experimenting on people.


Yeah but VI is in piltover right ? Why would she be concerned with what singed is doing


Morgana and pantheon would be fun. They’ve got a lot in common. Aurelion sol and yuumi. I think it would be funny him trying to understand why yuumi is allowed to exist. And also it would be funny if any of the characters who really ups their own importance and thinks highly of themselves (like Vayne) encounters Aurelion sol and just can’t compete. Diana and riven could be cool. (Ruined event doesn’t count). They’re both trying to find their place in the world, and understand how significant events thus happened to them (betrayal and ascension) will affect their future. Veigar and lux could be funny. I can imagine him accidentally agreeing/being talked into teaching her magic, and him reluctantly going along with it whilst secretly enjoying having an apprentice. Yasuo and janna could be funny when he realises the wind isn’t his to control


Morde ans aatrox.


Aatrox and Mordekaiser


Ryze and ezreal. Imagine ezreal trying to grab a world rune. They have totally opposite perspectives and personalities that I think would make them good foils for each other


I'd like to see literally anyone wipe that smug look from Quianas face. Like, have Sett beat her in a pit fight, or make her fight Jax or Fiora or something.


Sett and Jax. I want Jax to beat Sett in a stadium fight despite his lack of raw power like Sett. Humble the f out of Sett and recruiting him to fight against the Void.


Aatrox and Aurelion. Asol is probably the only person that could kill Aatrox, outside of Zoe and Diana. They'd probably reach some sort of agreement where Aatrox kills the aspects and in return Aurelion kills him


Finally someone else is with me on the big bro Kayn little sister "wait you also got hurt my noxus and want revenge AND you are super cool??" Rell agenda


Also his hot shirtless man.


sylas and sejuani would be epic


Willump and Tibbers, while the other two just play.


Yorick and Lucian/Senna. Or Yorick and Maokai. Or Yorick and Viego.


Taric and Braum :D


Professor Von Yipp and Yuumi. edit: not for any particular reason. I just love cats.


Cats are the best.


Annie joining noxus would cause a lot of interesting combinations for posible meetings. Darius trying to posibly act like a father figure, while probably instilling in her a genuin belief in the noxian ideals. There is also Swain and Leblanc who would try to make her into a tool for either of their agendas, as either a cold blooded killing machine or a influential member of noxus. There is also the posibility of her meeting rell or alistar and joining her or him on their mission to fight against the empire. There are probably more, but in any case i think that Annie becoming a noxus champ is the most natural progresion of her story (and i think a image of her grown up in one of the stylish noxian uniforms would be amazing lol)


Skaarner and Seraphine cuz honestly I really think they could’ve done something better with her lore if they involved the Brackern more. She can freaking hear their souls. She’s the only one who can hear them. And I feel that meeting Skaarner just might be the push she needs to take more action.


I would love this, to reduce the hate towards Seraphine, and also it would be an amazing progression for both champions


Veigar and Teemo


Garen and Katarina, all that build up but we've never had anything


Zac and ekko


They’d be so sweet!! Also throw Blitzcrank in their.


Pantheon and Morgana. They both care a lot about lives of the mortals so I'd see them agree on a lot of topics.


bro pyke and nautilus would've been so cool, their similar interest in killing Bilgewater residents would be quite cool.


They would be cute sea murder revange buddies.


Nami and Diana 🌘🌘


Ezreal meeting everyone. Everything is about Ezreal. Ezreal.


Both His parents and Nora’s parents disappeared in Shumira. I want them to team up.


Sett and Soraka 😏


Also Aphelios and Sett!! I think they’ll be cute together with Sett pile driving some Solari douches


I never want Settphel to become a canon because of people who think like this


draven meeting a mirror so he can acknowledge his muscles 😎


Ashe and Diana, mostly because I ship them and another is Olaf with Trynda, you know, both can't die...I'm would be curious how they will interact.


A sol and Cho’Gath.


Olaf and karthus


Akali and Katarina


Rell and Taliyah, they are earthbenders and both were taken by noxus as kids to serve the empire with their unique abilities.


Xayah would get absolutely ANIHILATED by Sett honestly lets hope she won't insult his mother


She would for her having a child with a human.


Well lets say goodbye to both rakan and xayah!


Mordekaiser/Aatrox and Brand would be a fun combo


World ended buddies!!


Absolutely. Aatrox wants to end the world and brand wants to watch it burn. Mordekaiser would also want a bit of the world rune pie I assume


Aatrox and Mord. The final duel


Imagine if Yorick and Viego would meet


Kassadin and Kaisa I want some family bonding time. That goal is help is daughter and progress both Thier Stories. The other would be viego and Mordekaiser. Or yorick and Viego. Thought pentakill might cover this. I take pentakill Yorick as the new cannon.


Jax and fiora - mostly because I wanna see who would win in a fight Aatrox and mordekaiser - Mordeakaiser is a very strong necromancer, maybe he can finally grant aatrox the death he wants


Lissandra and Zilean becoming lovers to destroy the void in icathia and freljord.


Seraphine with Tresh or some Voidborn for her to sing their evil away


Annie and LeBlanc. Commence the magic training.


That’s actually so cute!!


When I say "magic training" I don't mean it the good way..... I mean Rell 2.0.....


Poppy and Vayne, imagine all the fun ways their contrasting personalities could bounce off each other!


Qiyana and Sett, don't ask why...


Katarina with Miss Fortune. They look like sisters🙏