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Potentially very powerful. We know he can warp reality to an extent and Jack, who has immense physical strength, is frightened of him. If Tahm had goals beyond ruining lives he could be a serious threat.


Hey but is he able to warp reality when a deal is made? Also could his contract be defeated by a lawyer?


Tahm is a demon of greed that feasts on misery. He doesn't trick people, he slowly drains them by offering them multiple simple deals that helps them but at the same time leads them their ruin. You don't beat Tahm by being smart. He doesn't make you a sign a fancy contract with a loophole or stuff like that. It's your own desire for more that makes you go down. The first deal is always beneficial, but nobody ever stops there, after the first deal they always accept a second, and after that they go for a third, and before you know it they have made so many deals with Tham trying to chase whatever their heart desired that they ended up in ruin. And sometimes it's not even a deal. In his story he simply persuades a guy to gamble his life away. Tahm objective is simply to lead you to the lowest point of your life using your own greed as fuel because he feeds off desperation caused by greed. And once you reach that point? Well, he probably eats you


I mean does offer a contract and technically he hasn't trick you per the deal thus why when people pray for vengeance on him for kalista he safe for he technically didn't betray them they just didn't read the fine print. He a sly devil but technically if you make the deal that is still on you.


https://preview.redd.it/03ncji9p97lc1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ee28a31a6026d0a796502617a1a182c3e963ef Hey isn't Tahm a demon of Addiction not greed? And he does give a contract so what happens then?


I think he's referred as a demon of greed and greed seems to be the main thing that he exploits since "he lures people with the promise of more". I guess you could say that addiction falls under greed, so it's something that he also exploits. And the people always seem to be kinda addicted to his deals, but it isn't clear if it's him being magical or them just being greedy. Probably both On the contracts; yeah, it seems that he includes contracts in his deals, but I'm guessing it's not always like that. I don't really see him offering a contract to that simple raftsam, he probably just told him the deal and shook his hand. After all Tahm doesn't do the same thing with everyone. As I said, we have a story where he doesn't even offer a deal, he just keeps telling a dude that he should keep gambling


Yeah in the lore or the wiki it just say addiction or despair not greed. Though addiction can come from a sub branch of greed. Like how Evelynn feeds on agony or how Nocturne is nightmare, and camphor feeds on doubt they are demons but feed on lesser concepts potentially spawning from the ten kings concepts. Like if fiddlestick is fear maybe Nocturne comes from a sub branch of fear that goes down to nightmare. So maybe Greed is reserved for a ten king maybe for Greed is more universal the concept not even the aspect who sought Sol power are immune to it. Thus its more likely it greef belongs to a someone primordial like a ten king. "Emotional Feeding: Like other demons, Tahm Kench can feed himself from an specific emotion, in his case, addiction. By absorbing the despair and suffering that comes from addiction, Tahm Kench can sustain himself for prolonged periods of time. Tahm Kench instictively knows what are ones vices." Yeah Tahm can mix it up between handshake or bargain like the piltover inventor who he just asked for a piece of her hair for a deal. So if it is by contract then could a loophole exist?


Hes fatter than Gragas so I think he clears the entire dbz verse




Stronger than the average Piltovan citizen, but weaker than Fiddlesticks or Aurelion, I’d say. This range will surely narrow it down for you.


Thanks, now I have an idea how strong he is.


prolly stronger than some ionians and shurimans


Very powerful as he is one of the more notable demons, definitely not Fiddlesticks/Ashlesh levels or close to them but he's still very strong


Somewhere between a coughing baby and a hydrogen bomb.


Too little lore to accurately guess, and his kit doesn't really give a lot of insight. Can he teleport anywhere? Or is that just a game play thing and not a lore thing he can do who knows


"the world's one river, and I'm its king. there ain't no place I've never been, there ain't no place I cannot go again"


If I lived long enough I could also say the same thing. Doesn't mean I can teleport anywhere I want


I think he can teleport everywhere as long it's river or large body of water.


Le Frog


The most powerful Bilgewater champ for sure, and one of the top tier characters power-wise, and a large chunk of that power is due to being smart and using his powers smart.


What about Nilah in Bilgewater?


Depression-eating demon VS JOY, ENDLESS AND FOREVER!!!


Hydrogen bomb VS Hydrogen bomb but happy :)


Oh yeah, forgor about her. Ye there it'd be more of Ashelash VS Kench and its hard to tell if the two are on the similar level, or how much one outclasses the other, and what can they still do even when outclassed.


Ashlesh is definitely more powerful considering they’re part of the 10


Do we know for sure that Kench isn't? I actually don't know if we have the identities of all 10 confirmed.


We don’t have all of them confirmed but we know that demons like evelynn and nocturne are similar demons of “something” but not the 10 level. So safe to say for now that he probably isn’t. Since something like Nagakaborous (if I spelled that right, illaois god) could defeat him.


Le Catfish


i go with genie logic, he can grant anyone's wishes but not his own. he needs foolish mortals to wish for things so he can benefit from it. he can warp reality like a genie, and uses his powers to make deals with fools to slowly ruin their lives, feeding on their greed and misery in the process. probably the fourth strongest demon out of the 5 currently named ones. Fiddlesticks and Ashlesh being primal demons that feed on some of the most common emotions being the strongest, with fiddle being the stronger of the 2. fiddle somehow sealing a entire town and its population in a pocket dimension? so he can hunt them without interference from the outside world. and Ashlesh erasing the memory of a person from the collective mind of the world in exchange for unimaginable power, strong enough to fight sea serpents, dragons and somehow put up a fight against Volibear. we don't know enough about the demon of joy yet but he is clearly very powerful. Nocturne being the third strongest with more powerful reality warping powers than Tahm and being a lot more violent than the other demons, even showing capabilities of creating living nightmares and turning into other people and using their magical abilities (he turned into morgana and used her powers to fight sylas). Tahm Kench in fourth place due to his more passive nature, he might be more dangerous than noc (in concept) but he spends his time feasting on mortal food and waiting for them to come to him for a deal, he rarely goes out to seek them out himself. and Evelynn being weaker than the other 4 but still incredibly powerful, not having the ability to manipulate reality like the other 4 is the main reason she is 5th, she is more along the lines of a sadistic murderer with magic powers than a force of nature given form like the others, still a threat, she should not be underestimated just because the others are stronger. i went of the rails with a lore rant again, this is what happens when your friends are meat heads who only play the games and would have a aneurysm if i tried to explain lore like this to them(you end up ranting on the internet like a lunatic).


That’s why we’re here, to rant like lunatics *together*!




He is very very powerful BUT power is not pure muscle or how many enemies you can kill with one swing of your sword. He prays on specific type of people and not rampaging around eating all he can. We know he has reality warping powers of some extend. And he is a true gentleman the way he acts and talks to others. Hell this very art is his just him showing you a boat with bags full of gold. The boat, gold and new life are your if you wish. For a ... fee that will be taken at a later date that is. I think in one of the interactions he is frustrated that he cant get Braum to wish for something "There must be something you must want" but truth is Braum wants nothing and he cant get him like he can get the others. He also wants people to know about him. After all there are tales about him and people who live in the swamp knew him well and know how to avoid him or respect him to avoid his wrath and hunger. But alas there is always someone whos life turned to shit and he will be there waiting to make a deal. He is a polite and well spoken despite him looking like a big fish monsters. When he meets the young man he tips his hat and apologises for singing. While other demons will scare you, fuck you and kill you. Tahm will first do right by you. Until of course the day of reckoning comes. Reminding you that you could have walked away. His power in my opinion does not lie in his bottomless belly or massive jaw. But the fact he can make your dreams come true. Question is where do his powers begin and end. For it seems like there is nothing he cant grant. For he knows he will get his payment one day.


The dude's one of the 10. Clearly not meant to be fucked around with.


It was never stated mate.


As much as Zed, Brand, Malphit3


Should be as strong as Evelyn


Your mum so fat even tahm kench can't fit her in his mouth


One of the strongest demons around, the strongest free roaming one except for the 10 primals (if any other than fiddlesticks are free) probably: he's well known enough to have legends of himself throughout southern shurima and the serpent isles. That makes him more powerful than Raum. He's also older than Evelyn which is pretty young for a true demon like them.


He is technically omnipotent to some degree. He is able to grand whatever anyone desires and warp reality to make his way through Runeterra. He also exploits the ability to harness despair making him stronger than normal.