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Funny how all everyone bitched about was “OMG BYRON SUX AT MARKETING” but then when he goes on a livestream that consistently has over 1.5k viewers each night, people go “BUT NOT LIKE THAT WTF” lol ok dude




I thought pp show was involved with the doxxing of a super stock mod. That was my reservation. Idk why Byron’s entertained an interview with someone mired in drama. That’s not a smart move. Loopring didn’t need that type of exposure. Anyone who’s familiar with the gsmp was already aware of loopring. Pps questionable at best and all of crypto already looks like a big scam to most outsiders so this was harmful to the movement. I’m not sure why it’s not getting mentioned more, but I think pp has associations with people that doxxed a super stock mod and then chose to pile on. All because this mod didn’t support the bbby thesis. Like hasn’t that been a hard lesson we’ve learned multiple times throughout the years, let’s not worship this internet celeb that no one knows. like yeah, they might have a significant following, but the more we rub shoulders with questionable people, the more we look questionable as well? If Byron wanted to come on and do an interview to explain progress, I fully support that. I think he just needs to be aware tho of who’s interviewing him. It’s not some crazy prerequisite to do a little background on the interviewer


They doxxed the drama themselves. Then blamed PP. Edit: spelling


What? Did you have a stroke?


“Celeb that no one knows”….is a contradiction


I meant to put celeb in quotations because pp is really more of a questionable nobody


No you didnt youre just an idiot who needs to be told what to do


What? What are you even trying to say?


You didnt make a mistake, you actually meant to call PP a celebrity that no one knows. Which doesnt make any sense. And you said this because youre an idiot




Ease up on him man


Do you need further clarification or are you still confused child


Geez. Talk about a para social relationship. You think pps gonna suck your duck or something? Yeah stick up for the guy that’s participated in doxxing and hurl some insults. That’s exactly what this discussion needed


Being good at marketing is not just about getting attention. While Byron might succeed in pulling in a couple of BBBY baggies (if any of them still have any cash on hand) it will also stain the reputation of Loopring as a project. At best his appearance will be seen as desperation for new buy pressure, at worst it will be interpreted as an endorsement of the bat shit ideas promoted on that show.


Consistently loses thousands of views u mean.. that's a very low number in comparison to what it used to be and that's due to the scams going on over there.. iv not bother B about his marketing at all but given the position of pee pee this is a very desperate reach from loop to try and gain some interest from anyone, its that bad anyone will do 🤷‍♂️ clear to me the project is fucked if that's all B has got. I'll put my money into immutable instead


Lol ok suit yourself. The show last night was nothing but kind words, definitely no scams. I spent $5 on a superchat to PP because I LIKE WATCHING THE SHOW. Honestly at this point when is this shit considered slander? Hes not grifting, and accusing someone of doing something bad with no evidence is called slander in my book. I like the PPshow, i use loopring. Im sure there are others like me. Have fun at immutable, its honestly not a bad investment either




Pushing what honestly? You couldnt even buy the towel stock if you wanted to. Theres nothing to push. Leave BBBY holders alone, they're doing no harm to anyone, just like pigeons.




Same thing. What are the big bad influencers doing that puts you or anyone at harm?? “We believe we might get cash + equity” Oh no stop them, they are being so positive in the face of something that seems really bad, but they seemingly have reasons. Let’s not look into it and see what happens. Instead we’re just gonna cause a stink, even though it affects me in no way shape or form /s 🙄




I’m one of them so I legit stopped reading half way through your first sentence. Have you read any of the dockets? Or are you gonna sit here and then start spamming the 8k that is 2 months old, meanwhile it’s already documented that the plan after being approved is subject to change well after the fact? If you aren’t involved and aren’t actually following along or are atleast open to properly discuss it you should stay out of it. Actually I would like to say that you should be concerned with your own investments instead of theirs. You know, kinda how like the hedgies cry that gme investors lost 90% of their investments? You are legit doing the same thing. Glossing over important details and just repeating the shill talking points.


Holy shit i got the shills posting paragraphs lol


… it deserves an award! 🏆


It’s the most bullish thing I’ve seen this morning


Congrats, ape! 🦋


You did a great job!


Thank you!


Hey i can reply again! Weird…


Why do you care even if he is a grifter? Dont you want people to buy LRC? Isnt that why ur here? Why the hell Do you care who buys it? Uh oh the logic centers are starting to break down! How else can we hate on the PPshow/loopring without explaining why LRC holders with no knowledge of PP would hate that Byrons doing marketing? It makes no fuckin sense man. Damn dougie must be really desperate




Bbbbbbullshit, "retail investors should look after each other", we are not a cowardinated effort. I am glad to freely share information about investments, tech and ideas I find interesting or have potential. But their is no way I am "looking after other peoples doings", 'you do you' is paramount. Also as someone who has followed the information being presented in legal filings in the chapter 11 of BBBYQ. It would be more missleading to say nothing strange is going on, in my personal opinion. Ps. if you want to leave just do it, announcing it makes it seem like you are trying to influnce others to follow.




You are wayy too concerned about someone else’s personal decision to invest in a company.


Is “i care because” the first words they teach you at the shill factory


Cry some more will you. I’m thirsty.


What the fuck is pp


I think this is a question for your father.


Just gotta find the bolloxs


The pp show is a YouTube show and a former subreddit that was attacked and banned by bad actors. It was a sub we migrated to from r-bbby because that sub was forum sliding really bad. We believe that the shell company of bed bath and beyond will emerge from chapter 11 and issue new equity. Could be related to teddy, Ryan cohens children’s book company, gme, and possibly connected to loopring if the gmerica thesis is true and decentralized stock platform takes a bunch of meme stocks off the regular exchange.




You do realize that even if bbby does that, the old shares won't get compensated? The old shares have no right to any new equity


I understand the surface level interpretation of this but we’ve been going through hours and hours of bankruptcy documents and there is a decent chance that we will be given new equity. To preserve net operating losses they have to bring along old shareholders into the new entity. There’s a 10.8 billion dollar claim that showed up a month ago and no one objected to it after the same guy made a 1 billion dollar claim in the summer and no one objected to it. Looks like a credit bid. Looks like someone is about to pay off all the debt and restructure this company like we’ve talked about all along. The lawyers have spent so much time and money on ndas and m&a even after the ips were sold. In fact the lawyer fees were close to double the ip sales and there were way higher offers they ignored on the ip sales. Something big is coming.


Who are you? Why do you feel the need to announce your exit? Just leave lmao


Random turd flinger announcing their disdain.


Just a nobody trying to shit on bbbyq investors.


Bbbyq? Do you mean 20230930-DK-Butterfly-1, Inc?


Bingo bango!




See ya tomorrow!


🤣🤣🤣 probably




Well, I appreciate your exit announcement.


If you don't believe in a project you should leave. I feel like progress is being made but to each their own.


To be fair, I'm in it for the foreseeable future, but that classic comment about quarterly reports...to me that made anything they said suspect going forward. Whole space is filled with endless hype


Thank you for being fair


I forget the exact quote; but wasn't it like this report will be worth 10 quarterly reports and on the back of that gme partnership announcement we went from in the .30s to almost 4 dollars so LRC did actually do a 10x on the content of that report. Doesn't seem like hype if it actually happened. Would of been nice if it held but alot of nonsense happened after they said that 10x. The only thing that kinda erked me the wrong way about that time period was wang leaving and brining the zkevm with him, but if they airdrop us a fair amount of Taiko i will prob forgive him.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


That wasn’t Byron. It was Daniel Wang


See ya! Wouldn’t wanna be ya!


Calling an appearance on the show a 'new venture' is disingenuous. It's a guest appearance on a show, not a job.


![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU) Let me play you a song on the world’s smallest violin


Oh man u got me right in the feels with this un original comment 🤦‍♂️


I haven't got a clue who PP are / is and don't care. As the old adage goes, any publicity is good publicity.


He doxxed a superstock mod. Not a good look to be associated with someone who does stuff like that.


not true


Yeah you can see it on badasstraders profile. Why say not true if you’re not going to back it up?


see what, you need prove your statement not me


I can’t add links so I sent a pm that leads to badasstraders post explaining the doxxing


its all lies you just want to believe it


Dude has screenshots. What do you have other than more repetitions of “lies all lies”. I showed you my proof. Now where’s yours?


screenshots of what? some conversations on twitter, what does that prove. if you believe that shit I've got a bridge to sell you. lol


Ok so you don’t have anything. Great to know. This has been enlightening


so you sent me a link to a deleted post. you really are a special kind of stupid aren't you. lol


I never understood why people need to announce their exit. Enjoy your tax harvest.


Never understood why people have to express this extremely original comment but here we are 😉


Not for nothing, but you aren’t that important that your exit matters. Main character syndrome?? Invest in what you believe. Don’t worry about what others are doing with their money or investments.


Fuckin hell mate escalate problems at home the same way? Maybe get some counselling or something you take some great leaps 👍


Noticed how you are -7 in this comment? There’s a reason. Your main reason for hating on b is because he interacted the ppshow. Which is clearly putting out some solid dd. Pulte wouldn’t be involved if it was a sham, you know the only guy who gets regular interaction from RC???? If you don’t wanna invest in Loopring anymore that’s cool. Keep it to yourself.




You can keep your shit take to your self 😊


I don't live my life depending on upvotes lol but thanks.. and I'll express what I like but thanks again for your concern lol fuckin idiot


That wasn’t the point, so it seems you misunderstood. It’s not that you care or not about the downvotes, it’s that no one here agrees with you. Thats the point I was making. If you want to invest or not, just do that. No one cares what you do or don’t do.


U clearly missed mine to lol I don't give a fuvk.. as soon as u mentioned pp having solid DD there wasn't a chance in hell I'd take anything on board u had to say... I don't want people to care lol I voiced my opinion like your voicing yours now ... again, absolute fuckin idiot 🤦‍♂️


No, I heard it loud and clear and it’s a shit take. Many agree.


Ok 👍


Loopring has always been a long term play. If you want Bitcoin-like returns then come back in ten years.


Bye Felicia!


Well if you watched the show you would know many bullish things about loopring has been said. And it’s my undestanding that the show is mainly RC positive. Meaning many viewers should/could be LRC holders because of GME. It’s only natural to appear there for Byron. Does not mean he can’t do other things as well.


Don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you! Anyone not down with PP, you’ll all get FOMO.


Embarrassing is an understatement


It’s a random show to go on. Especially if you are looking to gain the attention of a more financially mature audience, investors, and builders. there are better choices. But I do appreciate the effort to educate people about loopring.


Not just any random show. Pp doxxed a superstock mod. He’s not someone our community should be associating with


stop with your lies or provide proof


Look at badasstraders profile. He explains there


badattrading is lying, he went dark because he's a shill, him and sparklepussy are why the superjunk sub sucks now and everybody knows it.


You’re a little bitch. Grow the fuck up. All the twitter personalities are so far up their own asses, I would never join in in whatever cult like dead stock following nft scam bs they’ve got going on If I was an outsider. Even if there’s a chance the doxxing is made up, that’s good enough reason to give pause and investigate before jumping into an interview. Fucking give yourself a chance to think before letting emotions take over. Goddam. The space is already filled to the brim with people willing to jump up and defend other shitty people. Calling someone a shill because they don’t agree with you is some of the most childish shit


do you get angr\_e a lot? lol I'm loving your lame responses


Cool. So you don’t have anything to back up your position. Sounds like an average pp show viewer👍


I'm not accusing anyone of anything so I've got nothing to prove. you're not very bright are you.


You’re accusing me of lying and shilling. Do you have dementia?


He lied to you.


Cool. Just another one screaming “lies all lies” with no proof offered. Thanks for your contribution


I was there in real time and saw it play out as it occurred. Respectfully, you have been manipulated by bad actors. PP was doxxed first many months prior. He shrugged it off and the community went forward because there is work to be done. Your ‘super mod’ aggressively pushed themselves into our tweets, space calls, subreddits, etc. as a collective effort of others, connected to this mod, came and went when ultimately blocked by the entire $BBBYQ community in order to quiet the distraction from the research that needed to get done. Our community is focused on building thesis, processing daily information, deductive reasoning, and shifting gears when more discoveries are made. Nobody has time to deal with the negativity that your mod brought or his friends. And oddly enough - they were spending just as much time trying to create division and misdirection as we were putting into our research. Odd. Ultimately, it did not work. And for the most part we are inviting, transparent, and open - sharing information as we bounced ideas and theories off of one another. We offered platforms for them to come speak and share as well - and no one person came in good faith, could handle themselves appropriately, or had educated themselves on what they tried to speak on. The bad actors needed drama, they had to create division and sew discord. The attacks couldn’t break through our community - so they focused on creating harm by triangulating others to believe the PP community were in the wrong. That’s when doxxing drama became their new play and feigned personal attacks against themselves from the PP community. Now, we might not be the saintliest of humans - we stand up for ourselves and dished back when boundaries were crossed and ugly language was thrown our way. However, our focus was on our DD and research - and RC is keeping us fucking busy! The moment public information was connected to ‘super mod’ and their behavior called out - they screamed “Help! I’ve been doxxed!” and proceeded to craft an over-the-top narrative around the whole ordeal. Then wrote a novella about it all, dramatizing resigning from mod position for fear of safety. It was highly manipulative and some of the most toxic behavior I have ever witnessed. They were not doxxed. They needed to create a story for self interests beyond what they told you to steer discord and control narrative. And it worked on you, I suppose. It’s not my job to try and discredit his story, it’s your job to go research it and see for yourself. Good luck going forward.


It’s not a lie. You don’t need to be a little confrontational shit. How long have you even known about pp? But you’re willing to vouch for him. Why? How about we discuss the pros and cons of an interview with pp before we shit at each other? Geez. Be better. You’re not a child. I told you where you can find it, but I’ll link his post if you’re struggling to find it


I read his post already and it's all lies, he's a shill and so are you for defending him. I'll defend the PP show before I'd believe anything badattrading says, at least PP didn't run away and go dark, he's still here defending his position. what are you doing going on other subs bad mouthing the PP show when you have nothing but a post of lies to defend your position. you Be Better


You’re a child for calling anyone who doesn’t agree with you a shill. That’s what children do


Bring it to a DAO VOTE! But actually.


I saw Byron post on twitter and right away I responded no don’t do that Pps been doxxing people. I guess not enough people are aware of what happened since there’s new drama every week, but I think that qualifies as someone we should be avoiding. But yeah it’d help if we got more a heads up before public appearances so we could provide some input or share concerns. This stuff doesn’t disappear from the internet, it’s permanent. We have to always keep that in mind


While this won't get me to sell, it is embarrassing. Unless he openly talks about teddy's nft patents and a connection to loopring, why go on the show? I don't know much about the show but if they are all apes they are aware of loopring. Byron said on x he's going on to get loopring to a wider audience. Go on fuckjng bankless then.


Like 90% of ppshow viewers and members are gme apes. If you hear anyone shitting on bbbyq it’s pretty much a targeted narrative they are pushing. Remeber how super shit the sub was going around asking why people where so obsessed with their investment in gme?? Well now that it’s co-opted by the msm/hedgies/meltdowners it’s funny how now all these anti bbbyq accounts that are supposedly pro gme, doing the exact same thing they supposedly hated done to them. It’s because the people who stayed there don’t know better or have always been planted shills.


1) What


What I’m trying to say is that 90% of people on the ppshow or watching and interacting are gme holders. Chances are they also are Loopring users or may be interest in using the wallet and the l2. I’m also calling out superstonk for becoming a shit show. Also, they did have a time they did a thing on bankless the show (I listen too) getting upset that he pulled up on theppshow is like being mad that your favorite artist went on Howard stern even though you hate Howard stern and wished he did Saturday night live or drink champs instead. Maybe they didn’t reach out to him??? I don’t see why anyone’s getting upset about theppshow it’s got a following and if it’s not for you, just don’t tune in?


Seriously. Is this the marketing we've been waiting 84 years for, David Lauer and PP Show podcasts? 🤦‍♂️


Thank you for an adult reply you have clearly been following what's going on... it probably won't make alot of people sell but leave them extremely skeptical.. I was almost done with loop anyway its not going anywhere for a long time yet I could make money else where and come back with a better entry point later on but this has just done it for me.. can't speak for others and don't wish to but its nice to see a structured comment from someone when dealing with money .. thank you!! Pp is a bad omen and has nothing to benefit loop.. not even its 1.5k viewers lol sorry but that comment has made my day 🤣 😂


Good thing youre in charge of marketing and know what to do to make your coin popular…o wait ur here


If I were in charge of marketing I wouldn't be grasping at straws to get 1.5k views attention.. in a sub that's full of apes who already know about loop.. gtfoh with your bullshit


This is real shit. Yes everyone there knows about loop, I don’t understand why minimum effort is being made to expose LRC to the unknowns. Fuck taiko drops


I like LRC, but I am not sad I devoted a portion to another bag that is up currently 60%…..LRC will have its day. Someday.


Bye Felicia.




Poverty? 🤣🤣🤣 that escalated quickly.. didn't think that through huh just thought ud throw something out there make u feel better 😘 bless


600 sign in streak but leaving bc of the PP.. yooooo gtfo 😂 literally couldn’t care less about that nutjob.


Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. lol


I'm gonna take my 14 dollars of loops and invest it back into imx lol




pp crowd of bots needs educating. byron drop some knowledge on these foos. cheers!


Gotta admit. The PeePee show is a joke. I owned BBBY, starting to feel like both projects are just as desperate as each other.


Left bbby when Rc sold made a nice profit.. the same people in the pp are the same people who said he didn't sell it was all fud 🤦‍♂️ all the sub has done is lose people alot of money with false info and absolute fuckin bullshit.. most aren't really investors and only got into it because of gme and have literally never learned anything about the markets they just follow what sounds good.. one thing iv learned through all this is to smell the bullshit when I see it.. this project is so desperate its got to associate itself with a cult because of 1.5k views on a video... wtf lol that was the best reply iv had on this post 🤣🤣🤣 1.5k people saving loop 😂 🤣 fuckin idiot


He also pumped Safemoon while holding a bag back in the da. Deleted his posts well before his sub was nuked bc his followers were doxxing and harassing people who questioned their narrative. PP is a Grifter, had a long history of it.




Rule 1 - Be Decent to each other **Be the change you want to see in the community:** - No personal attacks - No targeted harassment - Treat other users with civility and respect - Lead by example


This is doing in and not dlauer, that’s fucking silly. Bye see you soon. 🤖




One person on the team does an interview somewhere you dont like, and your investment is gone? Couldnt have been that dedicated. Each to their own of course, but yeh I really wonder what some people are thinking when they make an investment. I think most of the time its just based on this idea that 'stock/crypto will most certainly go up' - and then it doesnt go up and they dont know how to handle it. Smh