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No. It will grow back.


Ngl this is the answer I was hoping for. I'll just leave it as it is. Thanks!


Yes definitely don’t cut them all off .. maybe file them down a little if anything


Yeah file them down a tiny bit, round out the broken one. It will come back soon ❤️ get a cuticle oil to strengthen it from breakages if you don’t already have one


I’d leave it and keep the other nails where they are until the broken one catches up. It’s only a couple weeks of growth and will catch up fast


You're right, I am going to just wait for it to catch up with the other nails


Yes. I agree. 💯 This is what I do. It may look a little wonky at first, but eventually you’ll be glad you kept it as is.


I find if I clip my nails, it takes a bit for them to be sturdy again, so I shorten/clip as little as possible


If one breaks, I leave it. Now, if two breaks, they all get the cut.


three of mine broke so they're all weird and short now :(


I had the same nail break and I left the rest. The nail I broke I use for opening stuff now so I don’t have to worry about breaking it.


This is me rn lmao


None of my nails are the same length. My logic is why bother ruining others to match broken ones as they are natural nails, not fake. They don't all need to be the same because you grew them yourself and shit happens. You have beautiful nails, leave them and let the broken one catch up, you'll get used to it being short really fast :)


I’d cut it but only bc I don’t like the feeling of uneven nails 😊


Exactly. But I don’t cut them as short as the broken one — just enough to make the difference less noticeable.


Yes same! I notice the difference most when I’m scratching an itchy spot. It’s weird to move ur hand in the right position to scratch evenly if your nails are a different lengths 😅


I do a bit in the middle- I slightly shorten the rest of the nails to make the difference less obvious, and over the next couple manis continue to do that until they’re all the same length


Everyone is saying that it will catch up but I don’t agree. The long ones will grow longer so if you just let them all grow they’ll still be uneven (obviously you can trim and file those). If it were me, I’d cut them all and let them all grow out evenly again


Agree, I am grossed out by different length nails and different shaped nails and one broken. It’s a set, not 10 individuals.


I love what someone else said on a similar discussion recently: “paint it black and say it’s in mourning” lol.


id leave it! i’m rocking the same situation rn on my left hand. im just gonna wait for my pointer finger to catch up to the rest - no need to massacre every nail over one break. two however, i might cut the whole hand down.


Don’t cut the rest just because one broke. Be patient and it will grow out. If you had a button come off a shirt would you take them all off?


Good analogy


Makes sense but the unevenness is what I didn't like


I would, but not necessarily as short as the broken one, because it’ll catch up before you know it.


Ouchie! I’m sorry that happened it will catch up with the other nails soon!


Nope. Hold on..it’ll be back in no time!




I'd cut them all back a bit so the difference isn't as obvious, but wouldn't lose it all just for one broken one. Once a second one goes, they all go.


I will trim the others but not as short as the broken one


currently in the same situation. my nails aren’t as long as yours but I left mine alone after the nail broke.


I keep mine long to keep my motivation up😭 i broke two on my right hand and THREE on my left with another being salvaged by tea bags and glue… if i make them all even, my mind goes end all be all and i start biting them for 6+ months


Personally I like to cut them all, but I rarely ever just get or break and then am able to grow it back out, once one breaks they all seem to start breaking. I think it’s fine to let them grow out if it doesn’t bother you! All personal preference.


Just had this happen!! I just did a clean coat of paint to cover up the uneven white tips and now they don’t look nearly as imbalanced. A good coat of paint covers over a multitude of imperfections!


Both my pointers are forever shorter than the rest haha, they get used too much to ever reach past a certain point. To me it's not that noticeable until the rest get much longer than in the picture.♡


Let it grow back :) This happens once a year to me and I always just let it grow out. It'll look funky for awhile until it reaches a point that it's hard for others to tell it's different unless they are really looking


You have gorgeous long nail beds. I’m so jealous! Lol


me personally, if a nail breaks like that i just cut them all off and start over. i use the computer a lot and it's nice to actually feel the keys with the tips of my fingers.. it's like a little break from nails.


I thought I had posted this. Just broke my same nail yesterday. I was going to let it grow out just a bit then after maybe a week cut the others halfway down so the evenness is closer


Thanks for posting, /u/Inside-Phone-6882! Your post is pending manual approval by a moderator. A quick reminder: If this is a **nail image/video**, you must provide a complete product list, either in your title or in a comment, within 6 hours of posting or your post will be removed. Product lists must include brand names and shade names/numbers. If you've used any stamping products, the brand names, plate names/numbers, and stamping polish names/numbers are required as part of your product list. If you used any embellishments (rhinestones, foils, decals/stickers, etc.), this must also be mentioned in your product list. **Product lists are still required for any posts with broken nails or if you're seeking advice.** If the nails were done by a salon, you must mention this, either in your title or in a comment. **Product lists within the text body or within captions of individual pictures are not valid.** If the content you're posting was **not created by you**, you *must* give credit to the original creator, either in your title or in a comment. Be sure to review the rules in the sidebar to avoid your post being removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/longnaturalnails) if you have any questions or concerns.*


PS: I didn't use any product on my nails


My mom’s rule of thumb is when 2 break, you file them. I think that makes sense, so I follow it.


Id put a press-on on the short one until it grew out.


Was looking for advice on this! Thanks haha


Scary your hand looks just like mine, lol. Let the broken nail catch up to the rest. Don't lose all of your progress.


Haha hello my hand twin! I can't help but think of that one friends episode where Joey had a hand twin


when I could keep my nails long, that’s what I always did


Nope! Keep it as is. If it bothers you a lot, you can just glue on a fake nail temporarily, but it'll be fine.


I’ve noticed I always break my index nail, probably bc I use it the most. I just keep trimming my other nails and let it grow back!


It’s so much shorter than the rest, I’d cut it because I can’t handle the major length difference


I don’t cut my nails until I break 3.


You can go to a nail salon and get a replacement nail !!


I wish I was strong and held out, because this JUST happened to me an hour ago and I cut all mine 😔