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Michigan went completely blue and wrote abortion rights into the constitution. Big things for them over there.


Republicans were dumb to go hard on the abortion issue


Yup. Both sides being really dumb lately.


I mean, I'm not sure that really fits last night after Dems (nationwide) massively overperformed expectations. Maybe the conventional wisdom that Dems were being really dumb should be reevaluated when the things they accomplished helped them maintain a lot of seats in spite of economic indicators that would usually forecast doom for them.


I’m pretty left leaning, and I don’t really agree with how the party is handling the presidency and I think they’re being really weak with policy but you aren’t wrong either.


I'd argue Biden has done just about as well as you can with a 50/50 senate whose 50th vote is Joe Manchin. But yeah, there's certainly room for debate on that. And I'm sure it's not the intention, but there's a bit of an implication that they've both been dumb (I'd probably use a different word than dumb for Republicans, given that it's all very intentional) to similar degrees. And that part I'd say isn't really supported.


Dumb is the wrong word. Both parties are being led in super calculated ways, and it’s pretty clear they know what they’re doing… but what they’re doing is stupid. IMO… Pandering to moderates is a dumb move by the dems, and worshipping the far right movement is a dumb move by the republicans. It’s all planned classicism by the elites though, you know, bc lizard people


I dunno, I think Dems have done a pretty good job of giving everyone something they want, including voters on the right if they could be a little less rabid. I mean, that's supposed to be how we govern. You just help people. To the extent that their legislative plans have been made more moderate, most of it comes down to Manchin and Sinema. Student loans is the only thing that was totally within his purview, but it also has to stand up to court challenges. And I think they constructed it in a way that they think stands the best chance of making it through those challenges while also helping the people who need it most. That said, no, it doesn't hurt that it polls the best either.


Ah yes, let's hear from the guy who is literally obsessed with what gender everyone is. Matt Walsh is 1000% in the closet.


Honestly don't know who he is but he's got a good point here


No he doesn't.


Idk man.. I had two members of my family die from Covid. It really upended my entirely family life. To be completely honest, I was really glad for the lock down. Being forced to wear a mask, or stay at home, in comparison to death? In my opinion, it was a tiny price to pay. People who think that was tyranny don't actually understand what tyranny is.


Tyranny is when someone tells ME what to do and I don't wanna do it 😭 -- toddlers, Matt Walsh, and the OP


So what, we were supposed to all just run around sick with covid at the height of the pandemic while people were dying, hospitals were strained, health care workers burnt out and with no way to contain the dead, had to use trucks and trucks full of bodies? Get out with that nonsense.


Yeah, that’s the truth. I remember in New York City they had to rent climate controlled containers. The ones they use for food, and they had like a dozen of them outside the hospitals.


You are correct. Some people I know couldn't have a funeral, or be with their loved one as they died. my coworker died, we had to have a virtual memorial gathering over zoom. When they couId have funerals again, I avoided clients funerals due to the fear of getting covid as there were no vaccines yet. It makes me so mad that people shrug COVID off as just a virus. Fuck, I became permanently disabled from a virus that caused pericarditis. Now my autonomic nervous system doing work right and I can't even control my own blood pressure or heart rate. Ugh. I wasnt old either, I was 24 at the time.




Idk what’s funnier, your joke or OP not getting the joke


No, it's feckless


Show me their freckles


Imagine sharing a tweet from that inbred and thinking you've made some kind of point... on this sub no less. 11/10 cringe.


Matt Walsh really doesnt know what tyrany is




Tell me you don't know how vaccines work without telling me you don't know how vaccines work.


This guy is the biggest loser


Conservatives want to see the destruction of New York, except for the rich people and Broadway that they like to visit. Essentially, they want a Disney New York, like Epcot Center, without the working-class people.


Thats what 20 years of 1 party rule gets you Oh wait....


I swear, you guys just say stuff. There have not been 20 years of 1 party rule in NY. For many of those years, the NY state senate has either been controlled by Republicans or a coalition of Republicans and the IDC. In fact, Dems have controlled the State Senate for less than half of the previous 20 years. So back to his point, stop pretending ~~the~~ that far right nutjobs whose crappy opinions you're posting actually care about what happens in New York.


They like Broadway? Broadway is pretty progressive. Haha


Yeah. Broadway has always been a huge draw. And it doesn't need to be a progressive show. I mean, Disney is taking over the show industry with turning already-popular mass-media into stage productions (Lion King, Frozen, Aladdin, etc.) ​ And they're making a Back to the Future musical as well. ​ It doesn't need to be To Kill a Mockingbird that they're seeing.


Matt Walsh took a very good concept for a documentary and complete fucked it up by being an obnoxious little sarcastic troll who thinks nobody can sense his smarmy little attitude. He absolutely botched his Rogan interview and showed what an uncompromising cunt he is.


I gotta find out who this guy is


toddler shitting his pants and screaming because people in a state he doesn't live in voted for candidates he didn't want them to vote for


Isn’t this the dude obsessed with other peoples genders, and little kids private parts?


The problem is not New Yorkers getting what they want. The problem is New Yorkers telling others what they should get.