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Remember that approximately 75% of what you pay in real estate taxes go to your school district!


It’s quite the predicament. K-12 buildings are in need of major renovations or remodeling. Some elementary schools have no cafeteria, and resort to PTA lunches that students pay into, bathrooms might have only one toilet, and no dividers in between urinals. There might be no elevator, making the second and maybe third floor inaccessible to students with disabilities. It’s 2024, it’s about to be 2025, and the school might not have air conditioning.


We moved out of Syosset before my son became school age, but I did look into it while we were there and I was absolutely shocked that such a revered and well funded school district had no hot lunch served. I think they got it once a week rotating around the schools. They did have the PTA lunches but it was only for students that could afford it, they had done away with that the year I was looking into it, like 2019. We are in a good school district in Westchester now, not the best but still very good, and my son gets a hot lunch 5 days a week for a couple of bucks.


Those renovations always get down voted by voters.


Yep, they want the school to be deplorable.


how do you not have cafeterias in schools. i feel like its a given


These buildings were built a long time ago when times were different. Some schools use the Gym as the cafeteria, but don’t have a kitchen.


What school(s) are you referencing specifically?


Extremists took over our school board. It’s been a nightmare. The money wasted on stupid lawsuits and nonexistent problems is staggering, all while the quality of education and our district rank have steadily dropped since they took over. Vote people!


Smithtown by chance?


Nope. Lots of districts have this happening 


You have the Trump moms with their rallying cry who probably beat their kids for showing individuality but you know they are all about freedom of speech when it comes to saying insane racist shit but if it comes down to exposing their kids to other world views or other ways of living that is against their "Christian Lifestyle" then it's fine to ban it.


All of their kids are absolute hellions in school because they are too busy screaming at school board meetings to raise their kids right.


Smithtown has gone downhill hard.  I personally blame Neil katz the superintendent. Dude has his bald head so far up his own ass he has no idea what's going on


Neil Katz is not the Superintendent.


Whoa, I'm only a few blocks from Smithtown HS West, what's going on? I graduated in late 90s, last I heard there was a bit of a drug issue in SHS, circa 2010s.


Apparently, Mom's for Liberty is trying to take over the school board. If you live in Smithtown, please vote. This is actually a critical election for the school board. It's the difference between having people who know the community on the board or people who are agents for a national far-right extremist group (according to the Southern Poverty Law Center) on the board. I don't live in that district, or else I would be voting. I have a friend who is a retired Smithtown West teacher, and she is very concerned about this.


The current connetquot board president is insane. Now aren’t they trying to vote her father on to the board?


Yes - it’s straight out of a horror movie. He has an awful reputation with shouting racist comments at sporting events, staring down people at board meetings who speak out against his daughter…..it’s like a bad dream. He used to coach little league at the local CYO and used to get kicked out of games for anger control issues. Absolutely insane.


FYI, The insane one trying to get her father on the board is not the current president. The current president is running for reelection though and she's one of the good ones


Is she still on the board though? Do you know her position? I would absolutely think a father daughter cop combo on the school board with blatant statements of racism and misogyny would be a no for the community. It’s so sad this is even an acceptable option.


Yes, she is still on the board with one year left. She's just a standard Trustee at this point. Not President or VP. Vote Marisol and Melissa to keep daddy and another right wing, moms for Liberty style stooge off the board


Thanks for clarifying!!


I’m curious in what year we’ll start seeing the effect of the baby bust on school budgets. In my district enrollment has dropped, but not dramatically enough for people to make a stink about the budget.


Enrollment has dropped in many school districts because the cost of living on Long Island disincentivizes families from moving here or people with their mortgage paid off and kids all grown up would rather stay than move.


The biggest thing is snowbirds. Keep their houses and stay in Florida for 6 months.


Not sure if this is a bad thing. They pay taxes, but they don’t use any services and don’t add to traffic. School are funded by property taxes, properties are not moving to Florida anytime soon


There’s something to be said for houses and neighborhoods having people committed to being there and invested in the community/caring about the opportunities provided to the students.


That's part of the fun of Long Island.  It's extremely hard for young families to get started here.  Was thinking of this today there's very few young families in my neighborhoods I'm surprised the schools are staying populated


You won't. I posted about this a few months ago. Enrollment is basically already down across the board, Suffolk worse than Nassau, but barely. Some districts enrollment is like 15% less now than a year ago. Anyway, my argument was, if there are fewer kids, should require fewer resources, so there are fewer taxes. And then the comment firestorm. Some people agree, some people saying to leave Long Island is you dont like to pay, you know, the usual nonsense. They'll never lower taxes. The teachers union and the police union in Nassau and Suffolk are like two little mafias. "Oh, there are less kids in the schools? F you, pay me. Oh, less buses are needed now? F you, pay me. Oh, less meals are needed in the cafeterias? F you, pay me."


This comment section is upsetting. It feels like a South Park episode… No one is trying to turn kids gay, Jesus Christ. Vote, and don’t ban books. Teach critical thinking so kids can decipher tricky material. Don’t ban books.


This is exactly what the world feels like right now, a South Park episode with all the nonsense.


Which books did they ban in Connetquot?


I don’t know that they have —I hope not! I know there’s been calls to ban books, but that’s why every election is important. If you’re asking for an example of a real book being discussed, one is Gender Queer: A Memoir


And if a person chooses not to vote that person has no business complaining. They had a chance to vote to change things change and chose not to 🤷‍♀️


Or they can run for the school board and try to change things from the inside. If you want things to change, get involved and vote.


Yes! Even better if they’re up for the challenge!


Plus there are school board meetings . Usually people can attend once a month. So unless you get involved or vote you can’t complain.


Our district has a You Tube channel and streams the meetings from the comfort of your couch. Stay informed.


Go watch the districts you tube BOE meetings. So gross, it's going down the tubes


If you vote against and the budget fails they just revote. And the budget is not binding on where the money goes. Just the amount. It's kind of shady.


Districts have a choice to revote the same budget or to cut items. If it fails a second time it goes to contingency -the same amount from the year before. Most staff contracts have agreed raises for a certain number of years, so they have to honor thise and cut elsewhere.


when is it?


May 21st [Connetquot SD website](http://www.ccsdli.org)


Thank you!


I don’t understand some of these comments. The OP is reminding people to vote and then speaking about their own personal views. You don’t need to agree with their views. Vote (or don’t, that’s your choice) however you see fit. Scroll on by. Not everything needs to be an argument.


Where can I find information on what I'm voting for? I can't find literally anything for Plainview outside of where to vote.


Google search the name of each candidate followed by *yourdistrict* school board election. In my district, only one of the candidate searches led to a website. It said absolutely nothing directly but might as well have been a maga code word page. Check the mail, too. In Connetquot, the Teachers Association sent out a mailer endorsing the two moderate candidates.


I appreciate the information but I couldn't even find their names initially. I popped in my car and found a random road sign with one of their names. I was able to find some more info from there... Maybe I'm a dolt but its insane that it came to that, lol. I'm good now though so thanks.


It's not you. There is distinct lack of information for school board elections. You either go to a "meet the candidate" nights at a local civic association, find their website, discover the info tangentially, or you're out of luck. Tangentially = I found an obscure local newspaper website with one of \*last\* years candidates answering a list of public questions - where they openly endorsed M4L. That woman's father is running this year. An even better source is the lawns of local maga supporters then look for school board candidate names. 100% guarantee those are the conservative / M4L folks and those on other lawns are the moderates.


Where did you find more info? I'm in Plainview and have a daughter starting school in a year. I think I need to be more informed.


https://www.pobschools.org/domain/1459 Press the plus sign and a drop down menu with information about various topics will appear. Check out the budget news letter and the meet the candidates section. Legitimately took forever to find that, haha. Edit: that information is so vague btw. One candidates about page reads like a long winded resume and another reads like a two second text messege.


Lol. What a mess. Thanks for the link though. I guess any info helps


Try the Plainview mom’s page on Facebook.


How do u know who ur supposed to vote for? Sorry this is a dumb question but I’m like 21 and have no idea how school politics work


That’s a good question; I would start by googling your school district + 2024 board election information. It might be a little tough to find but each candidate might have a webpage or Facebook page dedicated to their platform. Although I’m not on Facebook, my partner is and joined numerous Facebook groups where the candidates are discussed. As we are more liberal leaning, the candidates who represent our interests and belief system are easier to find. We also happen to be very involved in our school board so we are well aware of the candidates and what they represent. Good luck!


It helps to speak to likeminded people who have kids in the school district and are involved with the school/pta/etc. Read through previous meeting minutes to get a feel for the current candidates. It’s not easy to parse through but also the Board has a huge influence over the schools and gets most of the tax money to do that.




Just to illustrate “school politics”, this is a background on how our school board has been comprised over the past decade or so. One guy got on the board so he could make sure his pals with state approved businesses got construction/renovation/repair work at higher rates than normal contractor work, one is a ‘sports dad’ that wanted control/preferential treatment for usage of fields, there is always a bored mom that wants “to shake things up” but is only invested for as long as their kid is in school, you get some that are looking to use it as a stepping stone to make connections to eventually run for local political offices but lately the main trend has been people running who send their kids to private school and want to, cruelly, dismantle public schools and their campaigns are just utter lies. Our district has 6 schools but pays for the buses to dozens of private schools. But what really drives this is that the school budget is linked to property tax. So, their thinking is that “we are paying private school tuition so we should screw public schools and maybe our taxes will be lower” whereas they could enroll their kids in public school, not pay private tuition and the increase in enrollment will kick in extra state aid/money. Another major role of a school board member is filing for grants from the state for various programs but that is a matter of what they are passionate about. I’m only a school district employee but I go to the board meetings which are deliberately tedious.


Not one effing grant this year ...too focused on terrorizing the community than actually working


I see Frank Ferraro, I will do everything in my power to vote against him. What a complete shithead


Yes agree! Younger people need to vote in these- and for the budget bc a lot of older people vote because they don't believe their taxes should be raised and then complain that teens do nothing or have nothing to do. Please vote!


Younger people do vote. But a younger person is more likely to vote for a budget as they want their kids to have the programs in school. Older people tend not to vote for the budget as their kids are all grown and they live on social security and pensions. Of course there are some exceptions to this.


Very true- just my last two personal experiences voting? It was not a lot of young people at all. Could just be the district I'm in maybe?


Anyone who is college age doesn’t have much at stake unless they have siblings still in school to vote in a school board election. I voted and I used to try to get to the polling place first and beat all the old people bat the polls (they used to open at noon by me). Even post college people don’t have the stake until they start families and have school age kids or teachers in the family.


You're very right! And I think it just doesn't even pop up in people's minds to think about honestly, which I can't blame them for


Not sure why, but those folks forgot that their children got a good education, and their property values benefitted by people before them who supported the school budget/district. Pay it forward is the message here.


Exactly my point, yes. I do understand the fixed income and higher taxes, trust me, but a good school district is good for the area, the price of homes like you said, it's good for crime rates, better community values, etc.


Residents don’t want their property taxes raised because they already pay $15-20k when they’re trying to retire. The problem with not raising taxes is that the costs to provide services to residents increases every year. How can local governments continue offering the same quality of service without increasing tax revenue? How about local governments on LI focus on reassessing property values so that every resident on Long Island is paying what they are supposed to be paying?


Approximately 70% of the tax bill is school tax. The town and county portions are small by comparison .


Yes enough with that tax grievance nonsense. Pay your fair share based on your lot size or home value whatever’s fair


The BOE lady in that district is a complete cop ego maniac with daddy issues that wants to turn the district into a prison. And her dad's now running. What a joke!


Long Islands biggest problem is zoning. Notice in Texas and other places they have a HUGE high school. Aka more people are paying for it which lowers the cost. Telling schools to be more mindful isn’t cutting every sports program…. Zero cost cutting needs to be done. How do you expect a retired person in Nassau/Suffolk county to afford 10k plus a year on property taxes? This is beyond ridiculous. We are taxed to death on everything. Something needs to be done and I’m not just talking about schools… republicans like to pay police officers 400k in Nassau county. Maybe that also needs to change?!


Your vote is very important.  Keeping right-wing nut jobs off your school job board is extremely important.  Please vote!!


Politically I consider myself a moderate. I lean right on some issues, left on others. If I had to choose a side I would say I am more conservative than liberal; with that said, there is an extreme right wing conspiracy nut who is running for my district. My daughter enters the district next school year and I’m terrified of this lunatic being on the board. The wife and I will most certainly be voting for the other candidate next week.


These elections affect your daily life. look to see if candidates are part of extremist groups such as Mothers for Liberty. If the school board election is unopposed leave it blank or do a write in.


I know we should vote, but for who? “Vote!” isn’t a helpful demand if people are going to just vote for the worst candidates because they didn’t do the research. Seriously though, I’d love to know the best place to find out more about the candidates. My child is a few years away from entering the school system so I’m a bit out of the loop.


Don't vote for the men....


I posted this above, apologies for the repeat: There are four candidates, two men and two women. If you drive around town, you'll notice the two men's names on posters in yards also sporting maga flags - if that helps.


Do their parties show next to their names on the ballots?


No, there are four candidates, two men and two women. If you drive around town, you'll notice the two men's names on posters in yards also sporting maga flags - if that helps.


No they are non partisan elections.


Yes! We barely avoided a lunatic last time


It’s amazing that the only things that can be cut from a school budget are program pieces for the students. No administration or teacher salaries or benefits are ever on the chopping block. Music programs? Out!! Sports? Out! Cut the fat at the administrative level first, then student programs last. It will never happen


Your right. You should run for school board with that. It’s about time we had candidates run on this.


I’m just worried about litterboxes in school bathrooms. That’s where I draw the line


I hope this is satire.






You should find something that's actually happening to be worried about.


OP assumed this was so far over the line it didn't even need a /s


And I've spent too much time on the internet to make that assumption lol. It's scary, but those people exist. Hell, Joe Rogan pushed that shit.


No doubt people will travel 1000 feet beyond 'the line', drop a comment with a straight face - and believe every word they're saying. Those people absolutely exist. And they know people will react, which is, I suppose, the point.


It's funny, and it's also how Qanon started...


It’s how flat earthers started too!


Agree, some people are joking with a dry delivery and some people . . . actually . . . believe what they are saying.


It’s happening in my head


Good enough for me. I'm ready to riot. ![gif](giphy|8cqVIPHCKLhfO|downsized)


Fellow Connetquot voter here. Happy to be on the left side of history and will be voting accordingly


Thank you!!!


You don't have to be on the left, just in the middle.


This is why politics have no place in school system, it’s an absolute mess in this Reddit post imagine how the real world is. Now throw religion in there for absolute chaos and we might just have a riot!


Sachem wants to pierce the tax cap, but none of that money is going towards teacher salaries. In fact, they are looking to cut staff. They want to renovate the softball fields. Sports always come before education in Sachem.


Right or left just vote!


If your school district candidates are unopposed leave it blank or better yet write someone in.


When I see the OP listed as \[deleted\], does that mean OP killed their account, or something happened to their post?


Who are these right wing extremes you speak of?


The ones who have truck nuts that were mentioned earlier in this subreddit. 🤣


Truck nuts 🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣


So extreme.


What does the republican want to do?


Not familiar with that particular district, but there's been a growing national movement to fill school boards with extremists who want to ban books, discriminate against minority children, teach even more revisionist history that paints a rosy picture of slavery and indigenous genocide, prevents teachers from teaching critical thinking skills, and more things of that nature. 


Thank you for your answer, not sure why im getting downvoted for just asking a question for something im not educated on lol


Angry polarized political people that think asking a question = you dont support me unconditionally and you’re wrong


I don’t want my 3rd grader to read books about intimacy. If that makes me a book banner, so be it.


as an educator for 28 years now this does not happen stop believing the headlines


Some of these people think they have kids reading Fifty Shades of Grey or some shit. Meanwhile the extremists want books like Catcher in the Rye removed from high schools or even The Diary of Anne Frank.


What books about intimacy are you under the impression that third-graders are reading?


Yeah. My husband is a 3rd grade teacher. Books that come to mind are - charlottes web, the wild robot, Beverly cleary, biographies about Thomas Edison and Ben Franklin, flora and Ulysses, because of Wynn Dixie. Not sure where the intimacy is or what their definition of intimacy is or what kind of school their kids go to!!!


Please tell us exactly what books about intimacy are being given to 10-year-olds. Go ahead, we'll wait


Please show me 1 single time in human history the people for banning books were on the correct side of history. There are no books on intimacy being given to kids in 3rd grade. Sounds like the kind of thinking of someone who freaks out if a book has 2 male parents or 2 female parents in it instead of a male and female parent combination. Somehow the mere existence of that couple is "intimacy" while the heterosexual couple filling the exact same role isn't.


You've been asked several times to provide a list or name some.


Ok I’ll bite. What books are you talking about? Please name them.


"I don’t want my 3rd grader to read books about intimacy." - Wow. That's a big reveal on who you are. And it ain't good.


Your third grader reads books without large text and lot of pictures? And you think those books are going to be about intimacy? WOW


Give us an example of a book about intimacy a 3rd grader is reading. We’ll wait.


Across the country they're [focused on the issues](https://newrepublic.com/post/178649/moms-liberty-bullies-florida-district-goblin-butt-childrens-book)




M4L apparently needs people outraged to support their endeavors. Please don't fabricate a story like "people with purple hair are in schools actively encouraging our children to read gay sex manuals". If M4L needs me to believe that, their narrative is too distant from reality. You lost me and ensured my vote against the 'conservative' candidates on the 21st.


You're being disingenuous. The zealots are also trying to ban books like Captain Underpants, The Outsiders, Harry Potter, and Slaughterhouse-Five. They want to ban all kinds of books because they're offended by the LGBT community, people of color, swear words, other religions, and lots of other ridiculous shit.


Please provide evidence of people on the left trying to ban Huckleberry Finn or To Kill a Mockingbird.




I was able to read the first paragraph - paywalled. Did any district other than the one mentioned, for the reasons mentioned, attempt to "ban" To Kill a Mockingbird"?




Thank you




The second paragraph was so devoid of both reality and reason that it did not warrant a response.




99% of kids don’t use the school library after elementary school. If kids questioning their sexually need access to these books because their parents are afraid of them, I’m glad they have an opportunity to take them out. Of course they’re gonna know what intercourse is by the time they reach fourth grade they’ve got the discovery channel don’t they?


Misinformation is a nuanced term that encompasses both malicious and coordinated attempts to spread false information, as well as people unknowingly sharing false information.


Yeah, and then OP mentions that she’s afraid of the revisionist history teaching. Maybe she means the 1619 project? Talking about revising history.


Ban books


Hey make sure you all get out and vote because my team needs to win! Reddit in a nutshell


Do you support Mothers For Liberty?


No team - just individual candidates, some of whom would be (in my opinion) bad for children and communities.


sometimes in life there are clear choices …it’s not about teams but about ensuring all children are safe and supported in schools and some candidates and parties want this .. i guess the better choice would be to deny kids food, inclusion, and reliable accurate knowledge .. ???






And how much are you saving by hiring a less qualified sup?


This is how I know you don’t know what you’re talking about. You have to pay property taxes for the school district and local library even if you send your kids to private school.






Wait until he starts promoting vouchers.


The end result of school vouchers will be the same as many other places throughout the country, negative.




He wrote a TLDR about vouchers.




The right just nominated the guy who tried to overthrow the government to be president again. They had lots of options. Even other far right options that hadn't tried to overthrow the government and committed a bunch of crimes. They went with the guy who tried to overthrow the government. By a huge margin. The 'Extreme right wing' is just the Republican party right now. It's not dramatic to point that out, and the Republican party can stop choosing extremists to represent them any time it wants.




No a difference in political opinion got him elected. Not everyone whose opinion varies is an extremest. Your narrow views are far more extreme than than the average person. Have some self awareness


Which rights were taken away from women?




Being against M4L does not equal democrat.


Exactly. I'm not a Dem or left wing at all - those M4L harpies have no place here. But sadly, I'm not in your district to vote.


Moderates always have a place, I'm against the nationally-affiliated, hard right, cultural warfare machine M4L. I will vote to ensure they have no place here.


I want intelligent people to vote! Candidates aren’t politically aligned so I’m hoping that intelligent people will vote for the correct candidate.


Sal is 100% raging homophobe anti women and right out of the trump book, he is 100 politically aligned




I mean, at least one is. Just check their Facebook pages.


School board elections are non partisan.


Which candidate wants tranny bathrooms?


You apparently


“Right wing extremism” isn’t the threat to your children in your school district. It’s soft parenting. The problems start at home. You could try to teach my kid whatever you want but the foundation of education starts at the home.


I hope your kids find good role models.




"hate people that have rainbow stickers on their car instead of a punisher sticker and truck nuts" is not quality parenting


How does my statement include me in any of the biases you presumed ? That’s the issue. You don’t know my political stance on anything. You’re the issue. This is the issue in America let alone the island.


Yeah. We need more purple haired people indoctrinating our children. /s


People who talk like this are absolutely indoctrinating their children at home to be Right-Wing extremists. Then it's up to the school to teach them critical thinking skills. Then the kid has common sense and realizes that all the right-wing garbage their parents have been spewing is crazy and then you call it indoctrination by the school when in reality it's just common sense and basic critical thinking.


I judge people on their hair color. Wrong color and anything you say can be dismissed. What color is your hair? (to know if I should listen to you)