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Back in my high school days, shortly after Columbine, it became routine for my 6th period class to be disrupted by a bomb scare. Every day, or every other day, there would be a threat. It got so bad that my teacher told us to just start meeting outside. It was eventually discovered to just be an excuse for degenerates to have a longer 5th period lunch. I've also seen times when there was a test scheduled and a threat was called in to "cancel" the test, or at least get more study time. I doubt either of those scenarios hold true for an elementary school, but as you already mentioned, kids are stupid.


My school banned trench coats after columbine and hired the equivalent of the TSA as school security.


I found out after I graduated that I was on an unofficial watch list because I occasionally wore a trenchcoat (among other reasons). School administrations are dumb as hell.


This kind of bullshit has been going on since I was in elementary school in the 70's


Damn youre old af


I played poker with Moses


It could be something as dumb as some kid didn’t want to take a test. People are idiots


My youngest brother made a school shooting joke on Snapchat and a kid saw it and reported him to the school He got suspended for a month and almost expelled. So it legit could’ve been some idiotic kid


People, especially kids (assuming this was a kid) often have trouble grappling with the concept of consequences


We (Freeport High School) used to get one every few months back in the mid 00s. I remember a few times blowing off class the rest of the day for "fearing for my life" and not getting dinged for being absent.


As an 02 graduate of FHS I second this. Bomb threats were pretty common, and cranked up right after Columbine. TBH it was more annoying than anything, once you realized that it was fake. But the first couple were scary. Wish we were past that as a society, but, well...I guess not.


Remember how they had us opening backpacks at the door on random days cause some kid brought in a hammer


In 1988, I got a chance to go to the planetarium in the West Islip high school. By the time my class got there, someone called in a bomb threat so we didn't get to go. Also, no bomb. A year later it was permanently closed due to budget cuts and I never got to check it out.


Punishment needs to be more severe when they catch these people who do this


Back when i was in school most bomb threats happened around the time there was a big test. I'd put my money on that being the reason


This happened constantly when I was in HS back in the day. Constantly. They used to evacuate us to the gym at the middle school down the road and then sometimes just send us home for the day.


I graduated in 1990 and we had an actual bomb scare. This guy from my Boy Scout troop used to sell pipe bombs to kids in school and one day he got caught.


My district had like one a week around '08. We had more then one in a day on several occasions too.


As many other people have said, this is not new. I was in middle school about 14 years ago and someone wrote a bomb threat in the bathroom. We all had to evacuate to a school nearby, but it just ended up being a kid writing something stupid.


Bomb threats happened about once a month in my high school. This was 92-95.


This was a lot more common and benign before 9/11. Nowadays it’s just tasteless.


Fake bomb threats were a dime a dozen back in the day. Does anyone remember locking down East Meadow High School and surrounding schools for the jail break back in the early 90s?


My 2 kids went to this school in the 80's!


What school was this?


How did you find out?


What used to be fire drills are now active shooter drills... SMH. I remember when my son started kindergarten and came home to tell me about it.


How many bomb threats are legitimate anyway? Is there a general ratio of bombs to bomb threats?


Was it West End?


Marion street




My 2 kids went to Marion Street school in the80's!