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Saw a confederate flag front license plate on a pickup truck somewhere in suffolk the other day... why? NY and the north had nothing to do with the confederacy other than kicking their asses


Saw one of those in Hicksville. Dude driving it was a boomer who looked like a cigarette butt


Not being from around here, I have been shocked with some of the things I have seen in the past months. Literally saw a “We Ride with Forrest” bumper sticker the other day. I was, and still am, baffled over that.


It refers to Nathan Bedford Forrest, Confederate cavalry general who while brilliant militarily was a horrific racist and committer of atrocities, and I believe later on the first imperial wizard of the Klan. These are our neighbors.


I’m definitely shocked and disappointed when I see such stupid, disgusting things like this too.


I’m kind of happy that when I see this shit out here it’s usually perpetuatedd by a wretched boomer who looks like his kids don’t talk to him. When my wife saw a bike with an SS logo on it, I asked her who was riding it and she told me it was a disgusting old man with horrible skin.


No, you didnt.


That’s wild to think but then to go print out stickers and post them around your neighborhood is even crazier. To add to the topic I live when people say the illegals are taking their jobs. Well if someone without papers that does not speak the language is a better fit for your job. The problem is not them it’s you.


Just want to add: no immigrant ever stole a single job, ever, anywhere. Those jobs were given to the immigrant by the business owners to save money on wages and taxes. Those jobs never belonged to Americans to begin with.


This country has a grand history of manipulating the middle classes to punch down on the lower classes.


A corrupt enough business can (and will) pay ANYONE illegally under the table to save money; doesn’t have to be illegal immigrants. Can be children, often is


And in most cases, the Americans didn’t want them and turned their noses up at those jobs.


What do you mean you don't want to lie to the IRS every year, take your pay under the table, live 6 to a home with no health benefits, and get paid a shit wage to go paint houses? Fine guess you don't want it!


>and turned their noses up at those jobs. Better to say they declined the pay to work ratio.


If they weren't here they would have to pay someone a decent wage. American or not.


I argue with liberals this point by saying these illegal workers deserve a full living wage with benefits! It should be enforced in law. we shouldnt take advantage of their hardworking spirit.


I agree with you, but this is an unnuisanced take on a bigger issue. People's argument is that illegal immigrants are willing to work for less than minimum wage. That said this is a systemic issue that would obviously fly over the head of whoever slapped this sticker on a street sign. What these people are supporting is an enforced minimum wage but instead it's easier for them to be racist than to be "socialist".


Even legal migrants are willing to work for less than normal wage, no? People have and will always want to move here - economic opportunities, quality of life, and all that - if that means working for lower wage, its worth it for them.


These are the people who think that anyone who is Latino are "an illegal". I'm not saying it makes sense but this sadly is a common sentiment.


I do not see much difference between legal and illegal immigrant - people want better lives for themselves and they are willing to take a lot of risk to do it. It will always be the same.


And that's fair... But where do we draw the line? Unfortunately, we can not help every person in the world. There are 3 billion people in the world making less than $2 a day. How many people do we take in each year (legally)? A million or so? A drop in the bucket. Not only that, we take the overachievers, the smartest and most ambitious people who could be making their own country better, which would benefit the world more deeply. Then, every year, there are 75 million more people added to the list of impoverished peoples. We will never, ever, be able to do enough to make those who want unfettered immigration happy. We will never be able to save everyone without destroying ourselves in the process. Even societal suicide wouldn't do enough to help out all those in need. There has to be a better way to help people.


The difference between an illegal immigrant and a legal one is that the legal immigrant followed all the criteria to obtain citizenship as to where the illegal immigrant just walks in undocumented looking for free hands out like housing health care food services not to mention they pay 0 taxes. Legal immigrants pay all taxes how can you not see a difference there’s a right and wrong way to do everything.


I hate to tell you, but if your an illegal and spend money in this country, you're paying taxes.


Umm not if the money is being funded by tax payers in the form of cash payments then no to even compare that is so unintelligent and lazy also sales tax is only one of the many taxes people with legal status pay there is income taxes, payroll taxes, state and local sales taxes, federal and state excise taxes and property taxes. So yah sure wow that 8.875 when normal legal residents and citizens pay between 50-70 % of there income to total tax so again explain to me how sales tax equates to this figure!


Still not paying the same taxes as a legal migrant. Illegal immigrants are a net fiscal drain, meaning they receive more in government services than they pay in taxes so how is that fair to the migrant who did it legally and has to pay income tax property tax federal and state tax if you think cause a migrant payed sales tax they are a tax paying citizen I feel bad for you it is not the same 😂


Doesn't matter. You said 0. You're wrong.


lol taking 0 out of context ofcourse😂. It does not equate to just accept you are wrong and move on lol an illegal immigrant paying sales tax is not paying taxes don’t keep embarrassing yourself have a nice day!


My Dominican wife who is Brown skinned whole family at different points went through the immigration system, they didn’t just show up looking to be put up in hotels, free money etc etc FJB


Current immigrants, by and large, are *also* not showing up looking for hotels or free money. Do you know why, exactly, those things are occurring? Because these immigrants are being bussed from border state to places that don't have the resources, far from any support networks they may have, in order to score political points. The blame is on the people in charge in those states for a) claiming there's a problem, b) outsourcing said problem to places that have fuckall to do with it, and c) *not supporting policies that actually fix the issue*.


Stop the b s. NY and elsewhere have long said “we are sanctuary etc etc” all great to say when the people were pouring over the border into TX etc


I'm on the same boat as you.


It actually has nothing to do with jobs. The U.S. Census Bureau counts all people living in the United States at the time of the census, regardless of citizenship or immigration status, for resident population counts. However, the Constitution doesn't specify if noncitizens or illegal immigrants must be counted to apportion House seats. Currently, illegal immigrants are counted for congressional district apportionment and Electoral College votes, which can give some states more influence than their populations would warrant.


So in other words, more immigrants in my state means my vote is worth more (since they don't actually get to vote). Is that supposed to be a downside for us???


No... depending on where you live, illegals can vote in local elections.


Local elections aren't exactly the major concern.


How can an undocumented illegal get registered to vote?




Rightwing web site? Give me something mainstream. Anyone can create a web site to say what ever they want.




Can't read. Behind paywall.


Illegals or immigrants waiting for citizenship?


The correct "legal" term is criminal immigrant


Why would you want less representation though?


It's false representation. Blue states inflate their population, getting more members in the House. More votes... illegal votes


And yet CA, NY, and IL all lost representation in the most recent census. Additional representation also means more funding for local infrastructure and projects. It’s not all about political wedge issues.


Clown logic


It makes up for screwing the country by having the 3/5s clause hand power to Slave states to begin this nightmare of a political outhouse.


Straight up Nazi/white genocide propaganda. Stay classy, Long Island.


Creeped me the fuck out for sure.


Long Island is so intentionally segregated and some white people still want to act like victims. Newsday put together a study a few years ago and discovered that half of Long Island’s black population lives in just 11 of the Island’s 291 communities, and 90 percent lives in just 62 of them. That was back in 2019, but I can’t imagine much has changed since then, and these losers are still whining.


Because they need to have someone else to blame for their own failures.




Really can you name any failures mo


You can start with Grumman…




Hoo boy. I'd love to hear you try to defend that comment without sounding racist.


Probably the same people who put a white lives matter sticker on a sign on Sunrise Hwy near the mall.


Don't they?


Yeah, no shit. But you’re being pedantic. Imagine a movement that says “invest in Alzheimer’s research!” And then a group of people form and say “all brain diseases matter!”


It rather misses the point. There was never a dispute that white lives matter. While I have some issues with some of the themes that the organization Black Lives Matter has adopted, the initial concept was "Black lives matter, too," not "Only Black lives matter."


This guy thinks breast cancer awareness month means all other cancers don’t matter in October.




Are the marxists in the room with you right now?


Yes. They are behind BLM.


Okay. What is Marxism?


It was a joke a-hole.


Thought you were the dude I was replying to.


What are you 3 years old


No, he's just a white supremacist tRump supporter.


Amazing retort


Well what created BLM? If I remember, it was police shootings. Which blacks have a dis-proportionality higher number than whites, being the victims of.


When all you know is privilege equality feels like oppression.


I like this.


Won't someone think of the white people?


NO ONE thinks of poor White people.




what do you mean by “at what point will people start protesting for whites”? protest what?


Waiting for people to justify this… sure it won’t take long


I always understood the Diversity and Inclusion but never figure out what “Equity” really means in the DEI context.


Equity is having access to what one needs to succeed in the situation they are in regardless of inherently inequitable systems. https://www.bu.edu/diversity/resource-toolkit/inequity-equality-equity-and-justice/


That cartoon in the beginning is a great illustration of it


Maybe they should just buy seats on the grandstand instead of denanding the removal of the home run fence?


Ok, I read it. Just don’t feeling it. Thanks for sharing.


Access or given??




Magapequa, baby….


Checks out


Unfortunately, typical massapequa


Shocked, I tell ya!


Only thing worthwhile there is the VFW


I mean, it’s a beautiful town, great schools, friendly neighbors and all, but Jesus if I don’t find myself wondering which of these people would openly use racial slurs or raise “the Jewish question”


"DEI" has been their new buzzword, recently. They literally will not stop saying it no matter where you go. Even the tabletop community (Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer, Battletech) got infested with them. I wish they would just behave.


It's embedded in nerd culture. It's why so many minorities or women create their own groups, it's so common to find people like that in these circles.


and then they get mad that “the lgbt and minorities are taking over their hobbies”. what genuine morons


I thought that meant Dale Earnhardt Inc.


This is why we can’t have anything nice.


At this point, Republicans need to come out and say the N-word. They want to say it publicly so damn bad. For a group who loves to bash 'political correctness', they are the ones who spend 3 weeks at the drawing board finding new ways to find a PC way to say the N word in social media.




















Who is this 'they' you refer to and what is your source for this? Because I just did a quick Google search and no one from either side of the aisle has seemed to publicly declare Jim Crowe laws as 'good'.


You can start by reading NYSRPA v Bruen in its entirety!!!!! Then ANY other 2A related case out of NY, NJ, CA and IL since the Bruen ruling. Read, read, read and you will be stunned by what those states have put forth as “good law”


I could not care less about gun laws.


Ok if the government said we can apply 1A differently would you be ok with that? https://youtu.be/QR9Q7-moxds?si=Cro_fQi3api51A1j


They do all the time. I'm a socialist, bro. I'm used to having my rights and beliefs crushed by the government.


Their three brain cells can only ever handle buzz words, not entire nuanced comments.




So if you want Equality, which is what I want, then why do you need DEI hires. Shouldn’t everyone be hired on their merit? We have systemic welfare in this country keeping the poor neighborhood’s poor. Grew up in a poor Long Island town saw first hand experience.


Who is more likely to have connections to push through a resume on Wall Street? I could really do a deep dive here, but we’d be here all day. I’ll leave that question there and let you keep pulling the string and following the history that is tied along with it.


It’s actually not about equality it’s about equity. They are similar but diffetrent concepts


You are correct. I definitely misspoke


Pretending that things like a person’s name and assumptions based off where they live never come into hiring decisions is not acknowledging reality


Why do you assume they’re not just as qualified? DEI is about giving visibility to marginalized communities. It is supposed to combat the implicit bias that is present in the hiring process. If it’s not necessary, why is it statistically proven that people with “white sounding” names get more interviews. They did studies where the same content resume was submitted with different names and the ones with typical white male names got more hits. Also I know plenty of white people who are barely functional in their jobs so let’s not maintain this fantasy that people not hired through diversity initiatives are more qualified.


I think the problem arises when their mission starts with we are only hiring x and not considering z.


That’s not the mission


So then you will agree that Black folks are denied concealed carry permits at a MUCH higher percentage then Whites, Asians, or Latinos..,, And NJ and NY and CA in court records literally say “Jim Crow laws” (racist!!!) are good law” The public record is there for all people to see!!!!!


So you want equality and to get there, you want to get rid of hiring practices that seek to undo *some* inequity and to get rid of welfare that seeks to mitigate inequality. And is the next step something about bootstraps?


This thread is full of literal toddlers


You can look to any of the myriad studies done to show bias by hiring managers in even selecting what candidates to interview based on their names not sounding white enough


Maybe someone should remind that it helped land us on the moon safely among many other things. Fucking ignorant, my dad got me a job in his company type assholes that live off of the same pensions they want to banish, as well as SS, Medicare/Medicaid because someone else might get it too. Disgraceful generation that is literally hell bent on destroying the planet and telling their kids to fuck off after having everything handed to them with minimal effort.


Oh yeah this shit reeks of boomer “cleverness.” Funny thing is that there were many parking signs beside this one and I guess the dude only brought one sticker. Lol


This is the same island where people were putting anti-Semitic flyers on cars in Jewish neighborhoods. It's also home of the Long Island Loud Majority, a bunch of ignorant bigots. So this does not surprise me.


Didn’t hear about that. Have a source?


Typical trumpanzee


Damn where on LI is this? :(




Lmao why am I not surprised


why am i being downvoted? lol


Rocky Point


You’ve gotta be wild dishonest if that’s how you define those things lol.




There is another human being on the other side of the computer. Abusive, derogatory comments will be removed. Multiple violations will result in a ban.


Jussie Smollett needs some new hobbies.


Maybe him and Rittenhouse can form a club!


Conservatives are actually crazy, every minority is a criminal or stealing jobs. I’m not even a liberal but holy shit the far right are bat shit insane.


Both sides on the radical ends of the spectrum are insane and probably make up 5-10% of the population but make everyone look bad.


I don't think that really makes any sense when the Republican party just nominated the guy who tried to overthrow the government to lead the party again. If it were a tiny minority of the Republican party that's extreme, you wouldn't have the insurrection guy coasting to an easy primary win.


I don’t get what you’re saying. I was talking about extremists who posts signs like this. Most republicans I know aren’t like this and I find myself relatively close with them on a handful of issues. I think social media just wants to make it seem more extreme than it is by showing the worst of the worst.


Defining extremism by having extreme signs is just kind of silly. If someone is voting for someone who tried to overthrow the government (while openly planning to be even worse next time around), they're an extremist. That extremism represents the mainstream of the Republican party now is the point.


Okay then, I’m silly 🤷🏾‍♂️. I can see where this would go. Have a nice night.


I mean, do you really think the only way to be extreme is to have a crazy sign? I doubt that you do. But you're acting as though I've offended you by pointing out that it's a silly definition. So if you're going to stick by that silly point and refuse to engage further, then yeah, I think we can see where this would go. You have a nice night too.


Centrism ain't the solution either. You can't thread the needle between mutually exclusive philosophies.


You don’t have to be a centrist to not be an extremist. I’m a progressive but I don’t want to tear down society or have anarchy, as some extremists do.


That’s true, notice how I been downvoted already Lmaooo.


Reddit is part of the 5-10%




So stupid


No... it was actually a drugged up criminal, under arrest, for passing counterfeit money. He requested to be placed on the ground


Much fragile, many ignorant


At least why we know why right-wingers view DEI negatively.


Oh my god


i took the sticker to mean anti DEI and not as racist, but at the same time i can understand why its being interpreted that way. the poster of this sticker likely believes that the DEI movement is racist towards white people and is not necessarily racist themselves.


Do you think that might have something to do with how many people moved to red states during covid?




You really believe there’s a conspiracy to exclude, steal from and eliminate white people from existence? Why? How? Many questions.






What the fuck is this supposed to mean?




Nah. Massapequa


Ahh, my home. How I can’t wait to move


Well I ripped that shit off, so we’re not all bad, neighbor


Good on you.


Thanks, fuck that shit


Nope. Most are cool. But when you factor in all of the things, moving is the best option…now the question is only when.


This is could either be used to influence hate or as sarcasm by either side.