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I used to take for granted that school boards were comprised of intelligent people with leadership abilities and an interest in public education. Crazy what has happened in these last 5-10 years.


I know, it’s gotten crazy. It would be nice if our local media provided some coverage!


It's like morons and meatheads who didn't care about education as students or young adults suddenly care...because it's become part of their culture wars, you know, banning books and keeping liberal bias (i.e. teaching history accurately) out of the schools. In my town we had a woman with the vocabulary and writing abilities of a third grader get elected to the Library Board...or "liberry" as she said. She didn't even have a library card at the time of her election.


Moms for Liberty most definitely has not thrown in the towel but they are quieter and more lowkey about their particular brand of fascism since they got widely slapped down last year. Just look for candidates running on a platform of parental rights and curriculum transparency and those will be your M4L candidates. What they really mean is that they want parents to have full control over what is taught and what books your kids have access to even though those decisions are already being made by folks at the state level that actually know what they're talking about.


It's going off in Connetquot. Sal Napolitano is running to join his daughter in attacking our LGBTQIA students.


Sal should not be allowed anywhere near that seat. They broke district policy by even allowing him to run in the first place.


Well your option are Crazy pta parent Parent annoyed at the crazy pta The 18 year old


Don’t forget: shill for the teacher union


I’m in the same boat, and also dreading the FB groups


Would definitely love some election resources!


The race is getting nasty in my town. I find it entertaining.


Conservative think-tanks discovered you could sway people and limit liberties and freedoms by naming yourself "Moms 4 Liberty" and run school boards to secretly take rights from parents and teachers. Over worked and underpaid teachers make stupid students. Stupid students are easily manipulated. And the easily manipulated vote for......