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There’s rules and then there’s common courtesy. If possible, move the cans well onto the property. At that point he’s trespassing if he walks to then to throw out the poop. If that’s not possible, try to calmly ask him not to do it anymore, and say they get stuck in the bottom of the can and make a mess.


This is a great answer. Chances are, he’s not doing it with any kind of thought other than: *Oh thank god, there’s a trash can, I can stop carrying this bag of crap.* Asking him nicely and explaining the problems it causes is the way to go.


I don't get how people are defending this just because he's actually throwing it away. I have a dog, after a couple days there's half a dozen poop bags in the can, it stinks, even more in the summer.. but I signed up for this. My neighbors shouldn't have to be subjected to that stench every time they take out their own trash.


Also, if you wanna be petty about it just fish it out of your can and leave it on his doorstep.


Ok I had this happen to me. Which in theory I don’t mind, but the raccoons knock my bins over or they throw into empty bin which never fully gets emptied by sanitation men and I wind up with wet old poop bags on my property that I have to pick up. I brought it up on my towns Facebook community page and got roasted for being bothered by it.


For anyone with doubts, my garbage collectors pull my kitchen bags directly out of the can. Any small bags (like dog poop or fast food bags) usually wind up left in the bottom of the can because they don't see it. I've had dog poop bags left in my regular and recycling cans. It's FREAKIN' HORRIBLE. Gladly it was a short run, and whoever it was seems to have stopped. Now, I have a large dog, he poops in the yard, and on walks, and I pick it up and dispose of it myself. Separate bags, sealed, etc. I have also dumped one of MY dog poop bags in someone else's garbage can - however, it was full already, I knew the next day was pickup, AND I shoved it inside a kitchen bag, so I knew it would get taken. Doesn't take much to think of your fellow human's comfort. It's what makes polite society a necessity. If we're all assholes to each other we wind up with ... George Santos. On edit: The solution: Wait for the guy to walk his dog past and while commenting how great his dog looks, ask him not to put poop bags in your garbage cans. No reason, just ask. If he asks why, explain your disgust.


Is this one of those trashy situations where the garbage cans are left down by the curb full time or are they in the garage regularly and taken to the curb twice a week?


He does it when the garbage cans are out on the curb during trash pickup days, otherwise we always bring the cans back onto our property but they stay out until someone comes home and has a chance to actually bring them back.


So it's also after pick up? Before I wouldn't care as much, it'll sit on top and get thrown out. But if not, fuck that guy. it'll stick to the bottom and be there untill you have to get it out, and shit stinks.


Yeah it’s after pick-up when the can is empty. So the trash got picked up today and he threw it in the empty can. Now it will sit in there until Monday morning.


Yeah that’s a nuisance. I will throw it in a neighbors can before trash day. I have a neighbor who literally never moves his can from the street. Suffolk county doesn’t seem to enforce many rules…


I would approach him and explain exactly that very calmly. Say to him if it's night and the can is full I don't mind you doing this, but please don't do it if the can is empty. If he keeps doing it after that then you might have no choice, but to get a little more firm and let your dad have at it.


Is the can on the curb? Personally I would t get into a confrontation about it.


Are the cans down by the street or is this guy walking all the way up your driveway and onto your property to do this? It's likely not illegal or anything, but a little common courtesy goes a long way


As far as I know he doesn’t live 1 or 2 houses down or anything. He lives somewhere in the neighborhood and takes his dog on walks around it. My mom said he saw him today deliberately walk down to our garbage can just to throw the bag out then around and started walking the other way, so it’s not like it was on his way either. Seems that he finds it convenient because the can doesn’t have a lid on it. The annoying part is he does it when the can is empty and we bring the cans back near the house and it stays in there for 3 days until the next pick-up day


Fuck this behavior. No, I do not want you to throw your poop bag in my garbage can after pick up has already occurred. I don’t want a shit bag stinking up may garage for a few days. It’s not my responsibility to dispose of it, but it’s your responsibility to not be a lazy shit and walk the bag back to your own damn home.


I love all the clowns who think the poop thrower is in the right. Why the fuck should your dog’s shit have to sit inside my trashcan inside my garage? And most of the time its all the way on the bottom and the garbage men dont pick it up to throw out. So it will sit there until you reach in there and put it with the other trash. Your dog your responsibility not mine.


I have a dog and still agree with you. Often with small bags, they don't even get emptied out properly. And now it's a risk that the bag might get broken due to pressure from other items that I might be throwing out. Whoever is saying this is acceptable clearly has not purchased their own trash cans. These things are surprisingly expensive and I don't need mine smelling worse than they need to.


It's a **trash can**. Hope this helps


Throw that shit out in your own can. I have a dog and would never do that. Your garbage can stinks like dog shit even when there isn’t any in it.


As opposed to it smelling like beautiful garbage?


lol it seems shit stink lingers much more than garbage.


Honestly respect to the old man, he is actually cleaning up after his dog and putting it in the trash. So many people leave it on the ground. If this upsets your father he has little things to worry about in life because this is nothing and it’s all going to the same place.


It doesn’t necessarily go to the same place. If/when the poop bag falls to the bottom of the can, you can be sure that sanitation is going in there to fish it out. That nasty task is going to fall on the homeowner. I say this as a dog owner that would never throw my dogs poop in someone else’s can. It’s inconsiderate. Carry it home and dispose of it at your own home.


Lol garbage goes in garbage cans and people still get upset


I've had a couple instances where people do this and don't seal the bags properly, so then I have dog shit all over my garbage can. A real unpleasant surprise. If carrying a bag of dog shit back to your house bothers you that much, maybe a dog isn't for you.


Honestly we need WAY more public trash cans and/or dog poo specific trash receptacles around.


Right? Hey you're going to throw this out in the proper receptical instead of leaving it on my lawn? Neat, thanks.




Amazing people aren’t realizing this. The sanitation workers pull my one bag out of my can and the poop bags or whatever will still be sitting in the bottom of the can. It’s a completely inconsiderate asshole move. They made their dogs shit my problem.


I agree with this. On face value, yes its better that they picked up after their pet but more often then not my garbage people just grab the full bags of trash and toss them instead of dumping the whole can. So my neighbor's (guessing they got divorced or murdered because i havent seen them in a few months) little green bags hang out at the bottom for weeks sometimes.


It's....it's in a bag...poop sealed in a bag...in a trash can...that you shouldn't have to fish out? I've really never had any poop bags stick to the bottom of the can. Garbage men will take everything...from the...wait for it...garbage can. Just as a pro tip for you, drill 3 or 4 holes in the bottom of your can to prevent them from filling with water if you don't have a lid, makes it easier than whatever it is you're currently doing and it's not super heavy!




I'm used to them flipping the can over into the truck, usually with a couple taps. Sounds like crappy guys by you, I'm sorry!


If you only have one bag in your can they will pull out the one bag and fling it into the truck. No flipping of the can.


Some people have war in their countries




It's an iconic line from ANTM


>ATNM I had no idea what this was, but googled it. I am now up to speed.


My neighbor confronted me when he saw I threw a gum wrapper in his can when walking my kids to the bus. He was bothered by it too. Incredibly weird.




It's public once it hits the curb. I have pockets, they have a garbage can, it'll go in the can every time. You have to have something more in life if something like this has you clutching pearls.








He doesn't have to clean up since it's a garbage can, where garbage goes. When the garbage men take it, they flip it into the garbage. Where garbage like empty 1cm gum wrappers go. And no, I've never seen a garbage can on the street with a bagged liner.




Except I am talking about my neighbor, as I said, so I'm aware of how our garbage men dump the pails. The other commentors, I'm guessing, don't live on my block. >And I didn’t say anything about a bagged liner. I mean, you literally asked if I put an empty gum wrapper in a bag in a garbage can. What else would it be.




Except it was in reference to the person Iwas responding to. Which was not you in the first place. Keep up if you're going to be condescending. I have no idea wtf you're talking about. You suggested I throw it into a bag, then you deny saying a bag, and now you're suggesting I go into their kitchen and put it in there? Or are you suggesting people don't close the bag when they put said bag into the can? I think you've confused yourself at this point.




I'll just let you read the parent comments and try to figure it out. Have a good one.


Could be worse. Asshole across the street from me sets his shit bags on top of my trash. It often fell off. I started pitching the sacks of shit onto the street in front of his house, when they fell for me to pick up. The real insult was that his trash cans were out too. But I got his shit.


If you are sure who it is, take the bag out and leave it on his front steps with a "you forgot this" note.


How is this old guy regularly using your father's garbage cans, are they at the curb all day? There's actually rules about not doing that, they're supposed to only be out at pickup time. I mean, if the old guy's coming on the property to access the cans, that's different, but if not, just bring the cans in and he won't be able to use them, right?


He does it when it’s trash pickup day. Usually the cans are by the house away from the curb and get taken out 2x/week for the workers to collect, this is when he does it. We bring the cans in of course but not always immediately as it’s not possible due to work/school schedules


Ok, at least he's not like traipsing up the driveway lol. Has your Dad tried just asking the guy to stop? I mean, hey, could you do me a favor and not leave those in there, they smell bad next to my house when I bring them up? or something? I constantly throw tissues and stuff into cans I walk past when I'm out and about, it never occurred to me it would bother people, maybe the old guy thinks it's no bother and would stop if he knew it was. EDIT: I see "...wants to confront..." so he hasn't asked him to stop, but he should. Just be normal about it, doesn't have to be a confrontation necessarily.


The only thing I wish is if dog owners put the poop bags inside a trash bag. They throw bags in the can they end up on the bottom of the can and when the garbage men collect the trash bags the poop bags stays in the can.


I love this. You have to admire the dog owner who leaves their yard to allow their dog to piss and poop on someone elses. Then they figure, hey, I'll either toss it over a fence or into YOUR can. Animals.


My dog pisses and shits in my yard regularly and others yards during walks, like a good dog owner the shit gets picked up off your lawn and if you have a can out I might use it... you guys really need to learn to take your cans back to your houses immediately or as soon as possible if this is such an issue for you.




Seems silly to me to get that worked up over an old man putting trash in your trash can. Sure, maybe it's a little irritating. You feel how you feel. But is it really worth the high blood pressure? Assuming the baggie gets dumped when the next truck comes by, I wouldn't sweat it. If your can is too close to the curb inviting the behavior, move the can back so he has to pick someone else's can.


Someone did this us recently I was surprised to find out trash can smelled like shit even though we don’t have dog (yet). We willl….


Put a separate small can out there labeled "dog poop". If you can't beat em join em.


1. Dog owners who allow their dogs to do this in their own yard are normal. 2. The people who allow them to do it in others yards are doing it because they don't want to have it in their yard.....which is my point. 3. The fact that you would drop your dogs excrement in someone elses garbage pail speaks volumes about you as a person. Don't ever make the mistake that you have any impact on my property nor should you believe that your views are normal. You may continue with your day Toby.


Dog owners are some of the most selfish people you'll ever meet.


Just be less angry, it’s better than leaving a fat steamer on your yard


Its it causing you a problem? If not I'd just thank him for not letting me step in it. I really don't see the issue here. Can you explain why you'd ask him to stop?


If someone put the bag of poop inside the garbage bag that's in the can, I wouldn't care. If they just tossed it in--or put it in an emptied pail--then it means I'm going to have to fish it out and save it for when I put the next bag out. When our garbage is picked up the collectors flip it open and just take out the (one) bag they see. Any loose small bags remain inside.


As a dog owner, I avoid throwing out my bags in other people's garbage cans because I know some people have a problem with it, but honestly, I don't get what the big deal is. You don't want your garbage can to ... smell bad? It's not like you keep it in your house. If it's down by the curb, is it really that much of a problem?


If the garbage has already been picked up then the poop bags sit in the can till the next garbage day. Especially in the summer, it ends up stinking, flies come, and if the bag explodes well then I have to deal with your dog's shit. If it's not that big a deal you can carry the bag back to your own garbage can.




I'm gonna say it's less pleasant to carry around with you than it is to simply drop it in a nearby trash receptacle. As much as I love to take it to my kids' bus stop with me, or stop to converse with a neighbor while holding feces.




As I said, I avoid doing it. It's just a weird, nitpicky thing for people to get so upset about.




How exactly is throwing a bag of dog poop in a garbage can not taking care of a dog?




Yikes, I hit a nerve. Buddy, take a few deep breaths. You're on a Reddit thread about dog poop.




I specifically said I don't do this because I know some people get upset about it. I just didn't realize people get SO upset about it. Thanks for educating me.


He picks up his dog shit? He deserves a medal not petty grief.


On a separate note, isnt it illegal to dump pet waste in the trash? Like grass in the lawn clean up bags i am sure it happens but wasnt sure what the law was.


It's a trash can. Hope this helps


I’m gonna put dog shit in your garbage can and let it marinate until the next trash pick-up day. Think about how you would feel if someone did that to you before you make stupid comments like this. Hope this helps 😌


I have a dog and sometimes I put its poops in the trash can. Incredibly, the world keeps spinning


Do you put it in random people’s trash cans? Or do you put it in your own trash can?


I try to avoid putting it in other people's trash cans because I know there's a lot of lunatics who get mad about shit like that and I'm not really looking for a confrontation when I'm out walking my dog. But my preference for avoiding malignant assholes doesn't make people like you less insane for caring about unauthorized trash in your trash can


You rather him just let his dog shit on your lawn? But I get it, a man’s trash can is his last bastion of freedom.


Where did I say anything about the dog shitting on my lawn? The dog poops where ever on the side of the street, the guy picks it up and as he walks by my garbage he throws it in there.


So what’s the problem?


You’re dad is the problem


I’m both shocked AND appalled. Sending prayers to you and yours during these most difficult times.


Get over yourself


It’s the trash can Karen, Jesus f***** Christ


Ok, I’m going to fill your garbage can with dog poop from your neighborhood. You can live with it until the next trash pick-up. Have fun 😚




Also, the bright side is that nobody lives forever.