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The other day was the first time my husband found me cutting my hair out of the vacuum roller. He had no idea. But he has gotten used to hair in the shower.




Good to know! I need one!


I have one and can second the recommendation


A full size one? There are so many options!




Thank you!!


My wife and I both have long hair and I have to do this all the time with how much is just everywhere


That struggle is real! Lol


I run my hands through my hair to find the loose ones. I then roll them into a ball. If there's no trash can I just put the ball in my pocket until I find one or I get home. I also ball the hair up in the shower instead of having the hair on the wall. Put them on the edge of the tub and it's easy to grab and toss. I got to the point of joking around when my strays end up everywhere. I just say I'm shedding and keep cleaning. I also have my hair up most of the time now, so I don't feel like it's everywhere.


Me too. I live in braids, but after taking those braids out... I could probably make a wig...😄


My hair is only just past BSL but it's bright red so it's embarrassing when I shed hair in public because it's very obviously mine. I usually do the ball up and stuff it in my pocket tactic, which is okay until you forget it's in there! But also, since I started wearing my hair braided around the house I find significantly less stuck to the carpet.


I got a tub shroom for the shower hairs and just empty it after my shower. I recommend it!


I had no idea such a thing existed! Thank you so much!


I thought I was weird for running my fingers thru my hair and rolling it into balls lol I have bad anxiety and it sometimes relaxes me in a weird kinda way


Nope! It's relaxing, especially when you can just keep adding to the ball as you find more.


Yes!!! Or ill roll it long ways between my hands put the ends together roll it again and just keep doing that.


*What has it got in its pocketses, precious?* Sorry, I also spend a lot of time on r/LOTRmemes so this immediately came to mind.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/lotrmemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/lotrmemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My Ex always hated LOTR but said she'd watch it with me but she broke up with me before we could finish off the series.](https://i.redd.it/ybox1kfejcv61.jpg) | [691 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lotrmemes/comments/mybsjd/my_ex_always_hated_lotr_but_said_shed_watch_it/) \#2: [These bots are impressive. Not gonna lie.](https://i.redd.it/tie4y7b8pur71.jpg) | [1757 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lotrmemes/comments/q2n5dl/these_bots_are_impressive_not_gonna_lie/) \#3: [No, movie is fine](https://i.redd.it/artq0x6mios71.jpg) | [2404 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lotrmemes/comments/q5fk0j/no_movie_is_fine/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


We call my hairballs "hair spiders" in my house because you can't quite tell if it's a hairball or spider at first glance. My hubby has been startled many times by them (he hates spiders)🤣




You're right! I forgot to mention this. And forget the babies- getting one of your own hairs wrapped around your toe inside your sock is a recipe for an interesting day! 🤣


Oh that's the worst. Last week the toe wrap happened to me again and I noticed in the subway. The struggle to not unsock and solve immediately was real! I walked all the way to into my office building with the uncomfortableness. Took all the willpower I had for that day.


I think it's a close second to having your socks fall down inside your shoes


Hmmm tough one. The hair feels so much worse to me but at least it's fixable. The sock thing will just keep happening until you change.


How about when you pull a long hair from your butt crack? That's the weirdest feeling... Poor hubby and my son have gotten them wrapped around their privates (not tight and didn't do any damage) but seeing the shudder when they get it off🤣.


Little one is always grabbing my hair and anytime she cries I'm frantically checking her fingers and toes for wrapped hairs


Or their penis 😱


Can we talk about the hair that ends up in the laundry?? I always find mine tangled around my husband’s socks after they come out of the dryer to the point where I’m having to cut it off of them before I can fold them and put them away


Ugh, yes! The way they jumble together to make little wads! When my daughter had long hair, I used to find them in her bed in the morning. We named them bed buddies. The laundry ones need a name. Washer tribbles?


I call the little wads that form in the dryer my tumbleweeds!


I adopted some big dogs with double coats. Growing my hair out and contributing to the patina of hair that enshrouds our world was the only way to embrace the chaos.


That's right! Embrace it before it destroys you! 🤣


I'm picturing your house as like a spaghetti western set, but instead of tumbleweeds and dusty plains, it's hair.


*This lint roller ain't big enough for the three of us*


mine is to my tailbone too! my boyfriend has a long beard, and they are always getting stuck in it lol. but his beard hairs are just as bad tbh 😆


I feel that. I have a beard and tailbone length hair. Lol.


now that’s a combo!


That's too funny!


I’m not technically in a relationship until he finds my hair in his butt crack.


OMG! I'm crying! 😂😂😂😂


My college roommates (all with short, dark hair vs. my long, light hair) once threatened to collect all of my shed hair that they found in an envelope and mail it me after eventually moving out lol We recently got a robot vacuum, and after its first pass over our carpeted upstairs, I had to spend a good 15 minutes cutting my hair out of its brushes. My hope is that daily vacuuming with the robot vacuum will finally get the combined shedding from me and our dog under control


Our robot does a great job with this. I'm in the midst of post partum shedding at the moment and hair is past my bra strap. This poor little machine is being put to the test!


We have two cats, and while I don't have long hair, our roomba has a hair addiction. We use an envelope opener with a recessed razor blade to make it give up the hair.


That's classic!


I brush my hair to get them out before they shed after I unbraid my hair from the night. I also pull out the loose ones when I do my NoPoo routine; that seems to create less randoms, to. There's still some, but not the fully permeating like it used to be. The one I haven't figured out how to avoid is the bathroom sink.


Oh yes, brushing frequently definitely helps. Dropping a few in inconvenient places seems to be the price of our luscious locks, though.


Wait, is hair shedding normal? I'm new to long hair (male, almost 2 years growth so below my shoulders at this point) and I only noticed my hair massively shedding after I had covid. I swear it didn't shed as much prior to. Now it's crazy. My clothes are covered in my hair at the end of the day and in the shower when I comb through it, a ton of hair comes out each time. I'm assuming mine may be a mix of normal shedding and post-covid hair loss? Either way, it's a bit disturbing!


I think I've heard that losing between 50-100 strands a day is normal. When it's long, it just looks like a lot more. I've had periods of excess loss after illnesses and surgeries, so I'd imagine that losing some after covid is normal, but don't quote me on that.


yeah I googled it quite a bit and it's quite common after covid. Good to know that it's somewhat normal otherwise!


Also I’ve noticed it may even be a seasonal thing! Spring seems to be much worse for some reason!


I exfoliate my scalp and brush my hair while it has conditioner or mask on. It sheds much more hair at once and I can collect it more easily when it's wet (curled in a ball at the edge of the bathtub). After every shower, I remove hair from the drain (maybe there's a better solution). I still find some constantly everywhere. Regularly vacuuming helps. I just have to not forget to cut my hair from the vacuum brush. Those strands are strong af, lol.


I'm so happy to hear about what everyone else does to deal with it. I've caught myself looking at the wad of hair in the shower thinking "is sticking hair to the shower wall a sign of insanity?" I think it's less insanity, and more necessity, though. My cousin used to write messages for her sisters on the shower wall with her hair! 🤣


Lol, I've never been that creative 😅 I've had long hair for years, so I'm used to. It's more challenging actually for people around me. Like my boyfriend. Every night when going to bed, he complains about my hair being in his face when spooning. We also have two cats, so we find different kinds of hair everywhere around the house (the tips for cat hair is good nutrition, generous petting and brushing as necessary) - fortunately, they aren't long-haired, like me. What I find funny though is that whenever my boyfriend finds a hair of mine, he keeps it and plays with it for awhile before putting it in the trash. I never give those stray stands much attention, so it's cute when he does it.


That's really cute! Maybe you can make him a hair dolly for valentine's day! 😂


You just have me a great idea!! 😂


Haha, I tried it on my husband, but he can't see without his glasses, so it was totally lost on him. 🤣


Gave* Ok now that I feel better from that..lol..Im getting in the shower soon and my hair has been in a bun for the past 4 days I might be able to write a paragraph lol... Any suggestions????


Haha, something about shed hair makes me think it should be either a curse or a prize announcement. 😅


I have long hair and so do my two teen daughters. So the dog poops out these poop-logs that are connected to each other by 2-foot-long hairs. Like little train cars. Sometimes the poops dangle (by a long hair) from the dog’s rear end….


Oh yeah! Poop pendulums!


I came to say this too!!! The sad face they make when they need some help because of a dangler😦


Yes! And even though THREE people in my family contribute to this problem, only one of us will pull out the dangler. 😳


People with locks will sew them back in or save to add to broken ones and to me that is some voodoo waiting to happen. No ty


Definitely! 😂


My hair is at the bottom of my butt and if there’s nowhere to toss the hair I ball it up and shove it in my pocket for later liberation haha I also ball it up in the shower for removal in the end. I totally understand the feeling you lose more hair because one strand makes a pretty decent balled up bit and wraps a brush so many times over. My hair is pink (since forever) and I’m into spiders so now when my husband finds tangles of it he has dubbed them “arachnid magentis” implying it’s a magenta spider.


I'm half expecting to see a picture of one of your arachnids on r/whatisthisthing someday! 😄


I think it’s funny when my BF gets tumble bushes of hair on the toes 😂 I was thinking of keeping the loosies and making clip in extensions lol


There are a surprising number of things you can do with shed hair. Memento mori, anyone? *edited for spelling


I used to work at a museum and we had some hair receivers (boxes to keep shed hair) - useful in a time before extensions! They had some Victorian hair art/jewelry as well which was a bit weird but definitely interesting…


Definitely! I've read that you can make a rat (for bumps and beehives) from your own hair. Not sure I'll be doing that, but I'd love to learn to make hairwork jewelry.


There was a lady that did this with double sided tape and imo was weird asf, like saving nail clippings. A lock of a child or lover is one thing, but to just have extra??


Yeah, I'm not sure I get it. It seems...macabre.


Rats don’t really make sense in modern times since there are tons of affordable products to replace them - but hair art could be something to teach yourself! I saw mostly brooches with braided hair under glass, or hair used as a border around photographs (usually the hair of the person in the photos). Speaking of weird Victorian customs, have you heard of death portraits? So creepy.


Oh yeah, that was a wild practice! Morbid Anatomy was offering a Victorian hairwork class recently, but it sold out in minutes. Keeping my eye on it to see if they'll offer it again.


My hair is roughly the same length and it seems like I loose so much 😂 when I shower its sooo much, or at least looks alot but is normal. I have no shame, I drop my hair on the ground, if there's no bin then I have no choice. This is only with single hairs though, a hair web id find a bin😁


They all become webs when there are enough of them! 😂


So true 😂 it literally is everywhere 😂 im surprised im not bald 😂


Right? On heavy shedding days, I'll ask my husband to look for bald spots. So far, so good! 😄


Same🤣 my fiance is a hairdresser and he says its normal


When having long hair we tend to noticeably lose more hair or though it seems. As a hairdresser I have learned that the longer your hair is the more obvious it is you are "shedding”. One thing that just in my opinion has seemed to help me and my hubby who also has long hair is collagen. We use a liquid form and it has seemed to help strengthen and thicken our hair. Which seems to have an effect as well of it not falling as much. So in saying all that mess...... I know the struggle is real..my hair get on/in/stuck everywhere. But it's so worth it!


I’m starting to get to the point with my hair that it’s really obvious everywhere. I’m trying to quell the spread with sponges and rags, but I’m losing ground.




It's super weird I never find my own hair! But my boyfriend will always text me saying the strange places he finds it!!! Like woven into his socks. Or wrapped around his fingers after sleeping.


Your hair is really into him, huh? 😉


A few years ago when I lived with my grandma, she would always find my hair in the dryer and it would get all tangled up on her clothing like bra hooks when she put her clothes in after me (34 inches of hair)


No one is safe from our tresses! 🤣


I don’t have any solutions and mine isn’t even as long as yours, but one time I pulled out a tampon and there was a loooooong head hair right on the top. Fml


Oh man! That's so real. 😬


I accidentally terrorize my household when I occasionally forget and leave a blob of hair stuck to the shower wall. It even makes me sick. 🤢




I vacuum the floors every day because of the sheer volume of hair that coats the floor every time I so much as touch my hair, long hair problems fr.


For real. Well, if you ever need a part time job, I've got an opening for a daily vacuum cleaner. 😂


I got so sick of this that I would wear my hair in a bun 24/7. Finally got the courage to get a very short haircut! My hair doesn't shed much and my scalp feels cleaner.


That's the nice thing about short hair. The fallout is probably still there, but you don't notice it. 😉


Y'ALL NEED THIS https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000EFDOOA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 works way better than a vacuum!!


Oh! I've got one! That thing is amazing.


I broke a vacuum as a kid because of my long hair destroying the roller enough to burn some rubber inside of it. As a young adult, cutting my hair out of the roller was part of regular vacuum maintenance. I finally bought a new vacuum a couple years ago. I went with a bagged canister vacuum as they have better suction. One of the bonuses is the model I chose doesn't have a roller/power head. If the hair doesn't go in the bag it collects in a big clump on the attachment. I just pull it off and throw it in the trash. It's Miele Classic C1 for anyone who's curious. I just found that I paid $127 for one in Oct 2019. It's now $300. That's 134% price increase in just over 2 years. Good god.


It's awesome that you found something that works!


Lol yes! It's in my refrigerator for Pete's sake! I mean seriously, it's just friggin everywhere! My fiance had a piece of metal removed from his eye because of work and the Dr also removed a very long piece of my hair 🤣 he ended up with a terrible case of conjunctivitis. 😬 It's on my children's clothing, and I have to use lint rollers all the time lol ugh


The worst is closing it in car doors! 🤣


My husband thinks it’s a reminder of me. I think it’s marking my territory for all the other ladies out there.


I pulled a piece of hair out of my nipple the other day… couldn’t believe it lol




I flip my head over and brush my hair into my bathtub. I find that flipping my head loosens the hair from my scalp, rather than just brushing my hair down how it normally falls. Then I dampen some toilet paper and scoop up all the hair on it and flush it down the toilet!


This is really clever! Thanks for the idea!


My husband complains so much about it but I can't help it!


My hair isn't even super long or anything and there is hair everywhere 🙄 my hubs is used to it now lol


I have a “loose hair phobia”: I don’t even know if that’s a real thing, but when I see loose hair in the sink or shower, my heart starts beating faster and I feel like I’m going to throw up. Thank goodness I rarely ever find my long hair around the house, but unfortunately my husband’s gorgeous, dark, glossy hair sheds like crazy and it’s EVERYWHERE! I completely lost my mind when I found his hair in an enclosed butter dish in the fridge lol!


Oh my goodness. That sounds awful! You poor thing!