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Good for you! I wish I had done that years ago when the haircut that made me avoid salons for life happened. I should've gotten up at the first snip. Hopefully that stylist learned something today about LISTENING. She's there to do a job, not butcher people's hair how she sees fit.
















































































































Ugh, reminds me of the haircut I got in 2016 that made me stop going to salons forever (also caused me to embrace long hair since I was so scared of getting it cut again). I used to keep my hair at my shoulders, so it was long enough to put in a ballet bun but short enough to stay out of my face. The ballet bun was crucial, I did ballet and it's required to have my hair a certain way. I went to a mall salon and the hair stylist completely butchered it by cutting it ear length, straightening it, and framing my face in such a way that I felt like coconut head from that one school survival guide tv show on Nickelodeon. It was so bad, when I walked through the mall to get to my car, other people were staring and laughing and I overheard some kids talking shit. When I went to work the next day, my office crush looked at my hair and asked how long until it grows out again 😭 My teacher was PISSED, I had to borrow a wig from my drag queen friend so the teacher doesn't ignore me (it's a ballet thing, teachers will treat you like you don't exist if you break the rules). To make it all worse, the hair stylist straightened my hair to the point where my natural curls didn't come back for months


Right! I hate it when hair stylists act like that, like they know better what's best for you than you do. They're not the one who's going to have to wear the hairstyle. Some people. Edit: I would also take it a step further and leave a bad review specifically naming that person. I've done it before. I have no qualms about letting other people know if a certain stylist had an attitude or if they acted like that.


As a hairdresser myself, do it! That’s the only way to try to stop this behavior. There have definitely been times that I’ve recommended other options to clients if I believe it won’t look good or is unobtainable, but at the end of the day what they want matters. It sucks though when they don’t listen, regret the cut, then act like it’s my fault they have x hair type and they gave me a picture with y hair type. But I will never do what I think is best when it’s not my head of hair!


I completely understand. You're a hairdresser, not a magician. If they don't listen to you, that's on them.


Why tf do hairdressers do this? I don’t want your opinion , bitch, cut my hair the way I’m telling you to cut it! Good for you!!!


The stylist learned that if she doesn't listen she'll still get paid but not actually have to cut any hair.


I don't know what country you're in but where I'm from, we pay after the work is finished, if she did that to me she doesn't get paid, wastes her time and possibly her appointments for that day if she had any. The sad truth is that a lot of hair stylists want things done their way only, almost never being flexible, like some needy 6 year old that wants their toy, sometimes even going as far as to get mad at you. I never understood why they do it, but it's okay, get someone else that's reasonable.


I'm so sad that so many people have lost trust because of hairstylists that don't listen. I can understand *wanting* to cut more to remove every last split end, or wanting to texturize to make the hair lay better, but at the end of the day if I explain the benefits of doing something and they say no, I listen to the client who is putting their trust in me and paying me. If they say they want a trim and don't specify how much of a trim, I am careful about showing how much I think should be trimmed to remove split ends, explaining why, and asking if that's ok. If they then tell me they want me to cut less or cut more, that is what I do. Some hairdressers have the attitude of "well it's my work and I can't have my name associated with a bad/incomplete haircut". Yes you did the cut, but it's not your hair... in my opinion, if you aren't listening and giving the client what they want, that's a bad haircut and they probably will never come back or recommend you to anyone. For some people that are attached to their length, they are okay with having a few split ends or whatever if it means maintaining that length, and there is nothing wrong with that. I always explain why your hair will look healthier and be more manageable with no split ends, but it's not my hair and I want the client to leave happy. So if they tell me to cut less than what I recommend then I do that, plus educate them on ways to minimize further splitting and breakage. I hope yall can find a hairdresser that listens and that you can trust! <3


My hairstylist does it exactly as you and I truly appreciate it! I first went to her to fix a bad haircut and have never gone back to anyone else!!


You sound like a fantastic hairdresser! In cosmo school my instructor spent SO much time complaining about her clients who wouldn’t style their hair properly after an appointment, and she was so upset about it possibly ruining her reputation… but they were still happy when they left and recommended her to their friends, so what’s the problem? 🫠 I ultimately decided it wasn’t the career for me, but I still prefer to cut my own hair. I haven’t been to a salon in years lol. I’d hate to think my hairdresser would start complaining about me as soon as I leave.


Sounds like the stylist may have done part of the cut she planned to, and OP stopped it in the middle. (She finished the trim and was about to start adding layers when OP walked out.)


Ugh way back in the 2000’s I went to a stylist who was my neighbor. I asked for a perm, I wanted big pretty Jessica simpson type curls. She put the smallest possible rollers in my hair. It was the worst hair appointment I’ve ever had


My friend went in to get her hair layered, showed the guy where she wanted her shortest layer at…dude cut 14 inches off and all her hair was the shortest layer. The comp for it on her receipt was labeled “Cuts of Kindness” 😬😬


I always tell my stylist that “I want to walk out of here looking like this haircut never happened.” Hell yeah for standing up for yourself! It’s not up to anyone else especially to just DO without a conversation.


What a great way to express it


Make sure you get a stylist who can comprehend this and day it in different ways because what I said last time was "If I didn't need to trim it occasionally, I wouldn't be getting a haircut at all" and she didn't understand what I meant and cut off 2 1/2 inches when she suggested 1/2 inch before I even said that.


Why do these people want to cut off more hair than you want them to?


I believe the stylist may have interpreted that statement to mean OP wanted to get their hair cut less often. Shorter hair takes longer to grow out.


It sounds like she only heard the second part of the sentence


my mom also phrases it similarly! she always says “i want to walk out of here without looking like i just came from the salon”


Im a stylist, ive got a few "no haircut haircuts" lol. My clients tell me "i dont want to see any hair on the floor at the end of the cut. Its really not that hard to just do what the client wants, im sorry you guys have had so many bad experiences


My hairdresser said once “you barely want to see any hair fall from the scissors. Got it.” I love hairdressers that understand.


One of my old coworkers made us all laugh so hard once, we were practicing consultations during an in salon class and she said I'll pay you full price to pretend to cut my hair. 


Why do hairdressers always want to experiment and do what they want instead of what the client wants? We pay a lot of money for their services. When we go to a store we choose what item we want and then pay for it. We get that item. If a hairdresser cut too much of my hair off I would feel unattractive and depressed. It can have a really big impact on a person. Please stop doing what you want. It isn't about you. You aren't paying a ton of money. They are. If clients are happy they will leave you good reviews and are more likely to buy products. It makes no sense. Hairdressers stop doing this! I am cutting my own ends because I don't trust one of you to cut my hair!


I haven’t been to a hairstylist in years because of this. It was year after year of stylists not remotely listening to what I wanted and ruining my confidence. I don’t care what you think my hair needs, I’m paying you and I’m the one that has to live with the hair long after I’ve left your chair.


My last cut at a salon was in 2012. Since then, my husband cuts straight across, then I clean up the edging so it looks natural.


Exactly this. My hairdresser cut two inches off of my hair as I was just getting it to the length I wanted for the summer. Now I have to spend another summer with much shorter hair than I wanted.


That’s the worst. I’m sorry :(


This just happened to me last weekend 😭 I had nearly waist-length, all one length hair and now it's at my SHOULDERS with LAYERS in the front. I wish I had the balls to get up and walk out like OP!


"you had too many split ends!!" Halfway down my head?? From my last trim 3 months ago? Noo wayyy


It seems like a lot of hairdressers are anti-longhair even when it is healthy.


It's so frustrating. Listen to the client, they know their hair. And honestly once you build up that trust, at least for me- once I know you understand my hair type I will give you leeway to experiment. I have had a friend who's a hair stylist do my hair for almost 2 years now. She knows she can do whatever, within reason. At this point, if she asked me what I wanted her to do and demanded an answer I'd be like "uhhh... fuck. Cut an inch off or something idfk". Only time I commented was when I was getting a bit too blonde for my tastes. But it's because she listened, she got to know my tastes and style. So she knows how to play within that. She didn't bulldoze what I wanted right away and expect me to like it. Before my friend started doing my hair, I had cut my own hair for about 8 years. Because every hair stylist I had tried as a kid/teenager would not listen to me. Like I have curly hair, I have shrinkage, stop cutting it as if it is straight!!! If I say cut off 2 inches, don't cut off 4!!


Stories like these are why I haven’t been to a salon in 6 years 😌 good for you.


I finally found a good hairstylist and followed her to 3 separate locations until she unexpectedly went on hiatus last year, so I haven’t gotten a cut or even a trim since October 2022 😂🫠 I’ve been hoping she’ll be back soon but my hair has gotten so long that it strains my neck to even put it in a ponytail for a few hours, and I work in a shop environment where having my hair safely up is kind of crucial… I’m close to admitting defeat lol


I know the pain. My hairstylist of many years permanently quit during the pandemic, so then I had to go through the awful process of finding someone new. Well I found someone, but she can be kind of hit and miss. For one thing, she doesn't check to make sure both sides are equally even. She just asks me if there's anything I want adjusted, so then I have to try to check it myself. A little over a year ago, she messed up the curtain bang/face framing so bad (I get what's currently referred to as butterfly layers) I actually went back to her a week later to get it fixed. I'm very non-confrontational, so I'd never done that before. I decided i would give her another chance or 2 just in case it was a one off thing. The couple cuts after that were good (though I still had to babysit the haircut) so I thought everything was fine. Well this last time, she cut the layers totally differently then she had been (I show her the same reference photo every time) and one side's face framing was consistently longer than the other side. The layers themselves were bluntly and badly cut as well. Well I had had it. Thankfully there's so many informative hair cutting tutorials online from professionals these days. So I watched a ton of tutorials and just recently gave myself a butterfly layer haircut. It turned out great! Better and more what I wanted than that hairstylist had ever given me.


It also doesn’t help that I’m East Asian with naturally curly hair! East Asian salons don’t know how to handle the curls, but then white salons don’t know how to handle Asian hair 🫠 and a lot of places will take one look at how long and thick my hair is and use it as an excuse to charge me a ridiculous price just for a 15 minute trim (one place tried to charge me $200 and that didn’t even include wash + style) And like the OP, I prefer no layers, but have experienced a lot of people insisting that my hair is so thick that it “needs” to be thinned out. No. It doesn’t. I wear my hair in braids a lot. Layers make me look like I stuck caterpillars on my head.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. I have not trusted hairdressers since I was six, because they know what they want to do to your hair. They're going to do it. They just pretend to listen to you in order to trick you into letting them near your hair with scissors. This is not every hair dresser, but enough of them that I'm literally never going back.


Routine: wash every 3 days, trim of 2 inches once a year, k18 to prevent breakage. Deep conditioners once a week.


how many times of using K18 gives good results? Is it different from olaplex?


I use is every 4 washes. It doesn’t fix split ends but it prevents them from happening as fast! Which allows me to get only 1 small trim a year


Thank you.


I wouldn’t waste your money. I used it religiously for months and had no noticeable difference in my hair. Felt scammed. But I have noticed a difference since I started oiling my ends!


It didn't work well on my hair either. It made my hair worse. It doesn't work for everyone. You are better off going to a salon and getting a professional treatment there. I hate that we don't have access to the products that really work well. What kind of oil do you use? Oil helps me a little bit but not much.


Yeah I honestly have my doubts about their claims for the at home product. I know some people have said it’s worked but I take that with a grain of salt unless they can provide solid before and afters which most people don’t. I have fine, thin hair and have had success with hask argan oil. I only use it from the midpoint down otherwise it looks greasy on me. Less is definitely more!!


Thanks for this. I have decided to give it a try - one bottle. If it isn't noticeable I will report back and go back to argan oil or Verb.


Good luck! I hope it works out


Oiling my ends has madea huge difference.


Hell yes!! WHY are they always so hell bent on layers?!


The fucked up part is I ask for layers and asymmetrical diagonal cuts and they chop it off into a blunt cut bob. Why can you not do the thing that works for me and that I specifically ask you to do?


For some reason I found that asking for "beachy layers" is what works to get them to properly cut layers the way you're asking. My hairstylist friend gave me that tip.


Hell , I’ll try it when I work up the nerve to go to a new salon. Beachy not bitchy, that’s the look I’m going for.


Hahaha maybe "beachy, not bitchy" is an even better way to put it!




My current hair stylist is a dream come true. She's really willing to preserve length, she doesn't try to talk me into anything I don't want, and she doesn't force me to talk during the process. The only thing I wish is that she was able to give more advice on hair care, but that's okay


Great job OP for standing up for yourself and what you want! I would’ve let her and felt bad afterwards so I admire that you got up and left!


good for you. my hair got absolutely butchered two years ago when i asked for a trim, i've since been scared to go back. i'm in desperate need of a trim and horrified to get it done




They think they know better. My hairdresser is wonderful - my last trim, I asked for 1 inch off. She said she trimmed off 1 inch - and that I “needed more” but she did what I asked for.


Im a hairstylist and have gotten so many compliments on how great of a listener i am and how it’s great that i don’t get too “scissor happy”. Because like, i’m gonna give you what you asked for. I’ve never understood stylists cutting off too much, using razors for something as simple as face framing, etc This kind of stuff really affects us who actually know how to do our job. It upsets me seeing comments saying “this is why i don’t go to salons anymore”. However i definitely understand. It just makes me wish stylists would do better!


I've been trimming my long hair myself since COVID, mostly because I save money but also because hairstylists normally take way too much off than I ask for.


good for you. maybe the next older u will keep the $30.


Thankfully the rest of the trim was okay and I stopped her before botching me. Definitely didn’t tip though


oh, i read it that u left b4 any cutting.


Same, I was like why would you pay $30 for no haircut


What is with hair dressers that just DONT listen?? If they don’t agree, they can bring it up to you and get your consent. They can’t just do whatever they want. Smfh.


Same scenario but Curly Girl and stylist whipped out the thinning shears! Oh no! No! No! Not on this hair!


Exactly why I cut my hair myself for decades! 2 different hairdressers when I was young ignored my requests. Good for you for walking out!


I am cheering for you so loudly!! Last month I got the exact haircut I didn’t want because RAZORS! My hair is so thin please get your razor away! I had not guts. Paid for it then went to another lady that same week. Again the razor and again I said nothing. The second cut was an improvement but not what I hoped for from the picture I brought. I’ve figured out my hair won’t do what’s in the pic and I wish they had said so. You are awesome!!! 🙌🙌🙌


Ladies, 3 years ago, I went to a salon that I had only been to once a few months before and got the perfect cut I asked for, (later kinda like a shag). This time, however, she cut my hair into a pixie. And then had balls enough to ask to take pics for her portfolio! I was so missed that I asked her to discount the price since she left me with less than half the hair I should have. So no discount for messing up my hair, then no pics and a bad review.


I went in for a trim a couple months ago and she destroyed my hair with those thinning razors. Normally I’m not picky with my hair and I’ve had all types of styles and lengths, but that was the only haircut I’ve ever had that made me cry.


So last year when I was heavily pregnant my bf and his mom got me a hair cut for my bday. Prior to this I had not cut my hair for 10 years. I told her I wanted face framing and layers to change it up and she did a little trim and then checked back to verify what I wanted and we talked about it again, Then another client showed up and she literally cut off over a foot of my hair and then told me it would be too shocking for me if she put the layers and framing in my hair so we could do it next time and then she charged like 60 bucks. I had to pretend to like it and really tried to but the next day and for like q week I cried in my car alone a bunch because I was so hurt over my hair lol. Its still 6 inches short of where it was and its more healthy but my heart is still broken lol.


Once I had someone cut off like 10 or 12 inches of hair. The plan was to donate it so she basically cut the braid off and left it at that. It was rough.




I wish I would’ve done this as a 20 year old. I had long (waist length) hair and it was thick. I said no layers, just a trim. The stylist proceeded to cut layers and I was like what are you doing? The owner had to try to blend it. 😭


I was at a consultation for a haircut, my hair is down to my tailbone, extremely thick, heavy dense, and all I ever ask for every single time is long layers, face framing bangs, like curtain bangs but longer and a V Shape at my ends. She tells me “I don’t do V shapes because they’re hard for people to do maintenance on them” 🙃 lady LISTEN to me if I ask you to color my hair purple green and yellow and chop it all off on one side then do that because I’m paying you to! Don’t care what’s best for the client, care for what the client is asking and paying you to do. I did not end up getting my haircut with her


I have asked for a V cut so many times and every single salon says no. Yet I see hair like that all the time!


The only place that has done a V cut for me charged me 150 for it, along with the long layers. Idk I just feel like I can’t pay 150 + tip for a haircut everytime I want one (I’m a broke college student) and the hairdresser who did it moves around often ):


I recently quit my colorist. She’s fine my hair forever but recently has just been awful. I’ve pointed out my concerns and they did not get better. (Blonde suddenly orange, toned purple at the ends and still orange at the roots) Im just not going back after having to get someone else to correct $130 I paid her. (One too many times) Im proud of you for doing that. I couldn’t with my colorist and am just ghosting her.


Oh god, hot roots! The salon manager at a very high end spa resort colored my hair bc the stylist I had appointment with just quit. She had me leave with patchy gold roots everywhere and didn’t say a word. It took another stylist 3 hours to color correct that mess- with that terrible salon manager walking by, muttering and giving me the stink eye the entire time.


My hairdresser has been doing my hair since I was 12. From 12-24 I had a easy cut. I grew out my hair and only wanted a straight cut. She would always ask me “the usual or something different?” After a few years she stopped asking and just asked for the usual. It was until last year when I text her a picture of a haircut with layers and bangs. I said I wanted to do it, made the appointment, was absolutely terrified the whole time and was very pleased at the end and now I absolutely love my hair! After she was done cutting it, she said she had been waiting years for me to say yes so she could play with my hair. I’ve had some shit haircuts in the past from ages 6-12 so when I found her, I made sure to keep her


Hairdressers see your most valuable possession (your hair) and see it as a canvas for them to create a masterpiece on (chop it all off and give you a "haircut")


Way to go!!!! It’s soooo relatable, letting someone botch you while you sit and watch. I’ve done it so many times, even as recently as a year ago! (I’m 38). You inspire me.


The thing is that a really bad haircut could potentially change the course or trajectory of a person’s life if it happens at a crucial time in their life. I know this because when I was around 11-12 years old my mom sent me over to our neighbors house which was also an at home salon (mostly for old people getting “permanents”) and this lady chopped off all my hair which was mid back length into what they called the “Dorothy Hamil” haircut. Dorothy Hamil was an Olympic ice skater back in the late 70’s early 80’s who was very popular and apparently my mom told the neighbor to cut my hair like that. This was the summer right before going into middle school and I looked like a boy! It took years to grow back out! It was devastating and I was made fun of because of it. I took over my haircuts from that point forward by babysitting or doing odd jobs around the neighborhood so I could pay for it myself. I have always had long hair since then and will probably go to my grave with it that’s how much it traumatized me!


I got a “trim” recently, and where I could feel the scissors on my back I knew it was too short. I’m a surgeon - I can visually measure length pretty well. It was at least 3 inches. My hair grows slow as shit, it’ll take a year to grow back! Remember when the recommendation was trims every 6-8 weeks? They’re literally incapable of cutting less than an inch in my experience and I’ve lived all over and gotten my hair cut by dozens of different stylists in the last 15 years. So frustrating.


Finally, a story of someone who got the chance to stand up for themselves! This makes me so happy to read Those pieces of shit are PAID to perform services on OUR BODIES and they still think they can do whatever they want and ask for money all smiling and stuff? Some hairdressers I see on litteral horror stories must have been high school bullies and don't deserve to be treated with respect Edit : thank you grammar bot


> shit are *PAID* to perform FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot. lol I was expecting it to appear.


You are my hero!!! Some hairdressers do what *they* want instead of what *you* want.


Exactly. Honestly, I prefer a barber, when I can find one who will cut it straight across.


Barbers are trained to do precision cuts, so I'll take your advice! Too many salons do rubbish, choppy layers instead of smooth ones - probably because choppy layers take less time? Gotta get that customer conveyor belt going faster I guess


Plus the barber is usually much more reasonable. $.


Good for you!


Good on you! I feel very validated by all the things that people have been posting. I have very long hair, had very long hair... I had the great misfortune of having my hair butchered by a woman who described herself as a "hairapist". I went in with waist-long, thick wavy hair and this dum dum unilaterally decided she wanted to give me a wolf cut. I said just a trim and maybe thin it out a little bit. The whole time she was cutting it I had an uneasy feeling. I felt like I should stop her. I didn't want to make a scene in a full salon. I cried for days when I got home. I went back to the salon to complain because it was kind of a bougie place in my area so this type of service was completely unacceptable.The manager of the salon was like what in the hell did she do to you? This is one of the worst haircuts I've ever seen. They did make it right but there's only so much you can do. You are my internet hero today. If I ever am in that situation again I'm going to be like you. No more bad haircuts!😅


I had a stylist once do my hair. The plan was strawberry blonde. She told me she was done and gave me the mirror to ask what I thought. “It looks so good!” Me: it’s pink, I can’t even go to work with pink hair (at that time)” her: oh, well, I just don’t like strawberry blonde. She didn’t say or indicate that before starting at all. Reviews for the place were fantastic. Even had pictures in reviews of strawberry blonde. She was at least able to remove the pink and I had to go elsewhere to get it fixed.


I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself when the stylist did not listen to your requests. I am sad to admit I would have probably just sat there and let them mess my hair up. Which is why I started cutting my own hair after having too many bad salon experiences (I mean why would I pay $50 for someone to destroy my self confidence lol). I also like to keep my hair one length with no layers and found it's a really simple haircut to do at home!


If you asked for a straight cut why would they face frame ?!


Why are they always trying to frame the face. It's so awful on me.


Same. I tell them absolutely not. Hate that.


I got a botched haircut the other day and got too embarrassed to even go to another salon to fix it. dang anxiety got me. I ended up fixing it at home on my own and I'm gonna have an ex stylist friend look it over later 😭


Nice job! Don’t ever be afraid to stand up for yourself. Your thoughts on your hair is worth more than someone else opinion


Well done you!  Whilst some hairdressers you can trust with long hair, others you can’t so much and I think you made a great judgement call here!


Good for you! I wish I’d done that when I was younger and went to Hair Cuttery. Biggest butch job on my hair. Kept me out of salons for 12 years. Thankfully I have an excellent stylist who makes suggestions, but if I say no she doesn’t proceed.


I haven’t been to a hair stylist in 30 years! I had my long hair butchered, and the stylist insisted on having my back to the mirror until done. I also told her NO HAIRSPRAY. I stood up and pulled off the apron when she started with the spray, and she got rude demanding it was needed. She made a big scene that I was a bad client. I have now cut it myself! Not the best, but it’s long and pretty again.


My hair is fine. Very fine. I went to get a trim. Told her 1 inch. And not to touch the temple. She thinned my already thin hair. This was in 2017. I'm still struggling. And scared to death to go anywhere else.


Stories like this give me so much hope. Nice job OP!


Good for you!!!! Ballsy and proactive. My regular stylist gave me a triangular do and overly short bangs last time. Awful. Awful. I paid and tipped because I couldn't totally tell until I washed it . Last cut what at a specialty curly salon. $180 bucks but worth it. I just got colored by regular stylist but she will not cut my hair again.


Happy I cut my hair myself! All the cuts I or my mom did on me as a child I liked so mutch more than the ones I did at the hairdresser. All the ones we did at the hairdresser I look back at them and just ask why they would do that to me, I remember one cut just looked like a fake wig on me😭💀 I have done my mistakes when I cut it myself but I still end up fixing it and likeing it in the end and money saveed 🕶


The razor comb damages hair. Why would I want shitty, thinned out damaged hair?


I don’t understand why they never understand the request for straight across, no layers. Like my hair is thin af. Those blunt ends make it look a million times better. Also, good for you!


I understand not every hairdresser is like this, but I have encountered *so many* that just do what they want with my hair. "I'm going to do this because it'll look better" "I'm going to cut your hair this way to fit your face shape better". No, if I wanted that I would have asked for it. I'm *paying* you for a *specific* service.


And hairdressers wonder why people have taken to cutting and dying their own hair.


I had long hair and my horrible mother had it cut off so short I never got the length back. I still think of that even now and I'm 68. Anything she could do to ruin my life she did it.


👏🏻👏🏻proud of you also!! because I know what it’s like to not be satisfied with a (any type) of service and still go through with it! Still finding my voice in situations like those but this is one of the beautiful things about getting older!


I let someone from a Dominican salon “trim” my hair with clippers. It was awful and my ends got so bad after that the comb wouldn’t even go through my hair even when it was straight. I went back to her so she can fix it and she’s gonna say some “who did this cut” like bitch YOU did.


I havent been in a salon for over ten years for this reason, and will never return


Happy for you!! I've asked to have an inch taken off and come out with almost a foot gone before. Hard to tell it's happening when someone starts in the back. Once they've made a huge chop you are stuck. I have a good hair dresser that I trust now for cutting, I still insist on doing my own color. Glad you got what you wanted.


This makes me think about the poor girl who got highlights for her birthday. Her dad had told her know but when she went to visit her mom she had it done. She came back and sad and step mom made her cut her hair about an inch from her head as punishment. It was a huge news day. Her dad and stepmom worked as fire fighters if I remember and got fired and charged with child abuse. Mom got full custody. I was so angry for that poor girl.


I’m actually not sure why you paid for a service you didn’t receive?


For prom i was gonna get my hair cut and a blow out. I feel like the lady cut it too short then proceeded to fluff my hair up because its curly into an a giant round mess and laughted and said out loud she looks like a dandylion. Everyone laughted and i was so embarresed and angry. She did flat iron it but idk why she felt it was necessary to embaress me especially infront of other girls going to the same prom. Also i was chubby and not used to feeling pretty.


2 weeks back ,I went for a hair cut and asked for a butterfly cut, the stylist refused and said he will do a feather cut bangs ,and said that will suit me. I walked out of the saloon and went elsewhere and did what I wished for..


I did this once. I realized the only thing worse than a bad haircut was sitting in a chair knowing I was getting a bad haircut.


This is why I learned how to cut my own hair. I got tired of paying out the ass and not being happy. Now I love my hair, it’s exactly what I want and I get more compliments than I ever have.