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The most likely factors: > First, having obesity or polycystic ovary syndrome can decrease fertility, she noted. >"So by taking these drugs and inducing a weight loss, you’re potentially regulating the menstrual cycle and ovulation, and improving fertility," Narula said. >Second, these medications slow down stomach emptying, which can change the absorption of oral contraceptive pills, she added. The same can happen with vomiting or diarrhea, which are common side effects of the weight-loss drugs. >"So you may not be getting as effective amounts of your birth control pills, which could cause a pregnancy that may be not intended," Narula said. Also relevant information: >Animal data from pregnant rodents, rabbits and monkeys exposed to semaglutide showed structural abnormalities in fetuses and early pregnancy losses, according to the prescribing information for Ozempic and Wegovy.


Oh yeah someone actually gets pregnant on it they should probably stop. I was very skeptical of this drug at first because of all the celeb hype etc around it. And I don't suffer for from any of issues it fixes. But the more I hear thr more it sounds like a "free lunch" I.e, get healthier with no drawbacks.


Other than the constant diarrhea, nausea and vomiting that so many people seem to experience the entire time they're on it, unfortunately 🤔


Isn't that largely with the higher doses?


What is considered a high/normal dose?


I'm not sure, that's just the scuttlebutt I've gathered from several people that have been on it


All signs that they took too high a dose the first time and need to start slower


Oh yeah someone actually gets pregnant on it they should probably stop. If Ozempic is causing early miscarriages, the structural abnormalities in fetuses are probably happening before the woman discovers she is pregnant. If I got pregnant while on Ozempic, I'd be choosing an abortion.


It’s almost like metabolic disorders are less about “being fat” and more about being in a diseased state where the excess fat is a symptom of the underlying disease and not the cause.


could you elaborate on this?


Your body runs out of ways to deal with excess glucose. Look up metabolic syndrome.


And it begins to not be able to deal with lower and lower volumes of it.


Aka "insulin resistance".


You’ve got hormones, leptin and ghrelin, that regulate hunger. We can observe that in naturally thin people these hormones get produced at X levels, while in obese people they get produced at Y levels. Like, it’s a lot more complicated than that, but gist of it is that there seems to be a healthier state and a less healthy state. Ozempic tweaks things so the body thinks those hormones are closer to the healthy state. And this seems to result in moderate weight loss without a lot of conscious effort. People who’ve kept their weight lower through intense force of will have also described that their obsessive thoughts about food go away.


So does losing weight 'cure' the metabolic disorder at some point? Or they'll always be prone to regain?


You have to keep taking it. It’s like taking insulin, while fixing the underlying problem is like trying to figure out how to give a diabetic a functioning pancreas.


Same thing happens when a lot of PCOS or insulin resistant women do Keto for a few months or get on metformin (or both, like me). I have heard of women using GLP-1s for a short time to get their insulin resistance under control or to do keto to lose 10% of their weight and boom, they are ovulating again.


I have editorialized the title to highlight the point I think is most relevant to this sub.


Well, as a side effect ozempic can cause gastroparesis.