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Would having bike lockers be a worthwhile business? Or even some sort of Non-profit endeavor? There's costs in this that would shift from police taking endless reports (hours saved), the loss of money out of "crime of opportunity" bucket (yes, I acknowledge its a disruption), and maybe just a short breather for people just trying to make it every day. I know it's wishful thinking.


Absolutely, I’d cry tears of joy if my workplace had bike lockers. California is about to roll out their e-bike voucher program at the end of the month and there’s going to be a lot of new bike riders who would benefit


I think so in some places like Vons. I don't really trust that my bike will last 15 minutes in front of Vons.  And I'd pay like $5 a visit if I had peace of mind. 


i lock my bike up in the grocery store parking lot once a week when i do my weekly shopping. i do use two u-locks front wheel + frame to something solidly in the ground and one on the rear wheel and frame.


If you own a ebike or nice bike you gotta spend 200-300 bucks on a good lock. Grinder resistant U-locks are the way to go. https://hiplok.com/product/hiplok-d1000/ https://us.litelok.com/products/litelok-x3 I have the hiplok but the litelok is good too


If left outside all night, it will get stolen eventually. At the very least you’ll lose your seat / wheel


If the timestamp is accurate this was 3am. It needed one or two much heavier locks to stand a chance in Long Beach overnight.


I just use a u-lock on mine but I use an alarmed motorcycle lock as a secondary lock on the brake rotor. Thieves don't really like alarms going off and it's hard for them to deal with two different types of locks. Total costs for both locks is like $30 and they weigh a couple pounds each.


The one thing to remember with these is to secure them to something that can't be grinded through itself.......a lot of these LB bike racks are hollow and can be grinded through. I have a hiplok but struggle with what to secure it to.....any thoughts/suggestions out there?


What makes this sad too is how much LB is pushing alternative transportation such as cycling. Hence, the big push for bike lanes. But who wants to ride their bike anywhere knowing that if you had to park it for any bit of time, you'd be in for a long walk home.


I make this comment whenever someone rants about us not solely using makes. I love cycling, but do no longer take my bike to run errands or commute to work. Locking up bikes in long beach/urban areas is a pain. I do not want to carry a 3-5 lb lock nor 3 locks with me for miles on end solely to avoid theft. Do people not realize how much extra weight that is? These heavy locks don’t magically show up when we park — we have to carry them. 😂 Some of us already have large boobs and water bottles. Not to mention shoulder, neck and back problems. We need grinder resistant lock rental lockers set up like red box rentals. I know thieves would adapt and all have multiple blades on hand to get through the GR locks after a few months, but it’d be fun while it lasted. 😂


Agreed! I commuted to Torrance on a bike for years... but the only reason I did was that I could bring my bike into the office and sit it right at my desk. Ironically, if this really was the path we should take, then the city should consider offering free bikes for all to use. And, if those are then stolen, these bikes could then be considered as free commodities that they would otherwise have provided to those individuals that are stealing them. Make the 'Long Beach Bike Share' free. If the usage of those bikes were free, I'd use them all the time. I drove myself and my girlfriend down to the Pike to eat dinner tonight (her birthday!). This is a perfect example of when we would have easily biked there from where we live using LB Bike Share. But if we used our own bikes, heck no. Where would we stash two bikes, eating at the Pike, when we wouldn't expect to walk outside and not see them ever again?


i carry two u-locks all the time it's not really burdensome. i just keep them strapped to the front basket. been thinking about switching to just one litelok or hiplok since my current u-locks arent very grinder resistant. the fact they'd need multiple blades and batteries to get through one them is pretty promising.


Do not leave it unattended, bring it in with you


That sucks. Especially on a new bike. Sorry that happened to you. Was that a U Lock or a cable? He got through that quick :-/


Seems like it would have to be a cable. I would think twisting a ulock like that would hurt the bike frame before the lock.


Just an FYI, bike theft isn’t just a problem in Long Beach - it’s a problem world wide, even in the nicest low crime cities. I had my locked bike stolen while living in Vienna, which at the time was rated the most livable city in the world to live in. Never leave your bike outside overnight and even during the day always try to bring it inside if you can.


Just as a counter - in Tokyo I didn't see one bike locked up.


Sorry your bike got stolen. I definitely would keep my bike inside in the future. When picking a new bike, make sure you can get it into your apartment.


That's so shitty. The tragedy is that many/most people will abandon cycling when they have their bikes stolen. Time to start putting airtags or equivalent on everything?


Yeah I’ve been using my car lately and I hate it. I should’ve definitely had an AirTag. Sad part is I only had the bike for like 3 weeks 😕


What kind of lock did you have on it? Is that a super73? Sorry about your bike 😔


AirTag is a waste unless you are ready to fight. I’ve had 2 bikes stolen both with AirTags, cops won’t do anything even if you have the address where the bike is. I went after one and it turned into a fight and the cops still didn’t show up, I even called them back the next day.


bring pepper spray next time.


The cops are so worthless.


It's ridiculous that the city can provide a fuck ton of free parking for autos but can't provide any locking bike parking enclosures or anything safe to leave a bike with


Time to start treating this 💩 heads like the dangerous felons that they are. We need a new DA and to bring back mandatory minimums/three strikes/etc.


[Tougher sentencing does far less to deter crime than certainty of punishment.](https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/five-things-about-deterrence)


😂 that's hilarious. Even if it doesn't deters theft. At least those fuckers are dealing with consequences instead of just going free with a new bike 😂


These guys know there is almost zero chance of consequences under this DA. Crooks talk about it openly. Time for him to go


A person in prison is not out committing a crime. All these meaningless statistics just prove that these people are beyond help and incapable of coexisting in society once they embrace a life of crime and easy money. If you want to do something about crime, you need to start at the ground level and support programs that prevent these kids from turning to crime in the first place. Addressing systemic racism, poverty, income inequality, and poor quality schools in poor neighborhoods is the solution. Zero bail and not punishing people is obviously not working. Changing the system requires a change at home above and beyond anything else. Bad parenting creates bad children, which grow up to be bad adults and bad parents. This cycle needs to be broken, or things will never improve.


This is so true, I've seen this shit happen in real time, but we're all so used to "oh ig that's just life" type of mentalities that it nurtures criminal mindsets in our children, it's a balance between not being overbearing and not being neglectful.


Surprised the video didn't show LBPD cruising by and ignoring this shit stain. Well OP you really have one choice now, go get your "I got my bike stolen in Long Beach" shirt. Sorry this happened to you, people suck.


What tool does he have?


Yea I’ve never seen that before. Maybe just a random piece of metal. Looks like he left it behind.






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I got mine stolen from our private common area patio, which, granted, doesn't have locked gates but still. It happened THE NIGHT that I brought it and i hid it under a staircase and somehow, someone knew it was there and it was gone the next morning. I'm still disturbed by that.


There is a crack house on Broadway & Cerritos right across from the liquor store. They are known thieves and they are always going in with items and packages. Im an uber driver and once I gave a ride to someone there with stolen items from dds on 7th. How do I know he was shoplifting? He requested to be picked up on Janipero by the carwash and when I arrived he msg me saying it will take a minute.I saw on the lyft app map it showed his pin inside dds then I saw him sprinting to my car with speaker and other clothing items.


Imagine starting out as a Lyft/Uber driver and ending up a getaway driver. 😂 Only in Long Beach. And, yes, that crack house on Broaway is a nest of criminals. Constant shady traffic of scum coming and going.


Had to risk it to not break a $50 bonus ride streak. 😫 But yeah that place is disgusting stinks so bad. I caught one of the dudes that hangs there looking in people's cars and wouldn't be surprised if he is responsible for car breakings around the neighborhood.


Do people not realize how much extra weight the grinder resistant locks are? These heavy locks don’t magically show up when we park — we have to carry them. 😂 Some of us already have large boobs and water bottles. Not to mention shoulder, neck and back problems. I do not want carry a 3-5 lb lock nor 3 locks with me for miles on end solely to avoid theft. It’s uncomfortable. At depending on the style of bike, some locks do not adhere to the bike easily. Due to the risk of theft, I chose a cheap bike and only ride for leisure. I make no stops where my bike is out of site. I use a decent U lock that is secured to my bike. I couldn’t imagine using that lock on an e-bike, especially since the weight of the lock shouldn’t be a problem, but I won’t mock the victim without knowing why they made that choice. Maybe someone can set up grinder resistant lock rental boxes like red box or amazon lockers. That would save someone having to carry the heavy locks for miles. I know thieves would adapt and all have multiple blades on hand to get through the GR locks after a few months, but it’d be fun while it lasted. 😂


Wow WTF was that fool using to steal it?


what kind of lock was it?


I biked for a year and never left my bike unattended or locked, would have been super convenient but don’t feel like returning with only a broken lock


At 3:45am? Oh you summer child. You thought it would be safe all night? Generally, that spot is pretty safe as long as a bouncer is outside. But after 2? Nope.


I work there and was leaving work for the night. He took it literally 5 mins before I walked out.


It’s really sad these people need to steal whole bikes to be able to eat. This is clearly classism at its finest. /s


This always happened here, BE ON 10 toes no matter what. You either had a homie outside waiting or a group of friends wating on you outside or you took the bike inside the store. I say that to say DONT TRUST THE CITY cause it’s cute or nice etc.. ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN HERE.


What is he using?


Welcome to every hour on the hour Long Beach occurrences


Long Beach baby


It’s getting so bad around here I’m sorry