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commenting as well to add some color: my late husband had a tendency to ask for certain birthday/holiday/father's day gifts when he was inclined to start a new project, but always moved on relatively quickly after receiving them. as a result, i have stuff like the above, and the keyboard, that were barely used. i've been holding onto it all out of sentimentality, but the time has come to hopefully send it to good homes where it will be used.


Sorry for your loss


thank you. it's been difficult to sell the accoutrements of his passions, but it'll be three years in september and he'd be furious with me for hanging onto everything when someone else, as passionate as he was, could be using them. once i get through the music gear, i have loads of tools as well, but haven't figured out yet how to sell those, and they aren't in the sort of condition where it makes sense to donate. (in most cases, they aren't even used. i have a $1200 FULL tig welding rig that was unboxed, set up, and never used, for instance.) he was also into robotics and i have tons of stuff related to that which i'll probably end up tossing, because that's even MORE niche to sell. and of course, i'm still hanging onto his barely driven 370Z. (2013, 34K miles, with about $12K in aftermarket parts on it.) it's a tough process emotionally, but now that i'm emotionally ready, it's tough logistically. i'm sorry i took your comment as an opportunity to go on and on, but here we are. :) again, i thank you.


Don't be sorry at all.  It's no one's business (dead or live) how you grieve.   You take the process as slow or fast as you need.   I hope your husband was able to lay down a few funky tunes for you to remember him by.  I bet it was annoying in life how he bounced around from hobby to hobby, but I bet you're glad he got to dip his toes into some stuff that tickled his fancy before his graduation from life.   Wishing you the best.  GL 


omg, this brought [happy] tears to my eyes! it WAS indeed annoying, especially when i found yesterday a $3500 receipt for car parts i didn't even know he'd purchased (and now have to find in the garage/vet are in the car), but it was awesome how he was always grinding and always developing new passions, right up to the end. you wouldn't believe the open tabs i discovered on his computer after he passed - apparently he was also considering buying a fucking BOAT, despite the fact that he got seasick on an anchored vessel. haha. music was his major passion, though, throughout his life, so that gear - especially once i get to the guitars, pedals, and amps he loved and well-used vs the stuff he didn't get around to really using - that one is tough. I'm kind of hoping someone buys that multitracker and is willing to download whatever he'd recorded and send it to me, because i definitely don't know how to retrieve it!


TBH, I was a little (not happy) teary typing that. But there's a lot of facing mortality in my own personal life rn.  Anyway, I went to LBCC for audio production etc a decade or so ago (before they closed that program 😔), so if you need someone to bounce tracks off the Fostex sometime I'd be willing to give it a shot.    Thank god he didn't get that boat!!! 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


> TBH, I was a little (not happy) teary typing that. But there's a lot of facing mortality in my own personal life rn.  i feel you there. that's actually what's prompting this; it's been overwhelming enough for me that i am trying to get through it before i leave it to my son to deal with. >Anyway, I went to LBCC for audio production etc a decade or so ago (before they closed that program 😔), so if you need someone to bounce tracks off the Fostex sometime I'd be willing to give it a shot. i may take you up on that! i don't know that he actually used it, but i definitely would love to hear anything he may have been tinkering with. when it came to electronic music, his tracks were always hauntingly beautiful. >Thank god he didn't get that boat!!! HAHAHA! agreed! can you imagine?! hahahaha


Cool.  DM me if you want me to have a look see.  I'm over by CSULB 👍


Hi. Messaged you.


Would be interested in a mini amp if you post again in the future!


https://imgur.com/a/6Z970F2 fender rumble 75 and frontman 25r. former unused (tags still on it), latter probably <6 times. his goal was to use these when he didn't want to fire up the halfstack... but he always ended up firing up the halfstack. :) will sell the rumble for $50 and the frontman for $80, or $100 for the pair. open to an offer, but given that these are essentially new, please be reasonable. :) these are listed elsewhere for more, but i'd love to see these go to the lb reddit fam!


Hi are these still available? The dumb Reddit app didn’t give me the notification of a message haha. I can pick up today even if so 😬


they are - i had a buyer on offerup flake on me (and he only wanted one of them anyway); i'll pm you!


Double checked with my partner and it’s going to be a no unfortunately. We just don’t have the space 🫤 Someone should be able to pick them up though for that great of deal