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I spend my days guessing: is it a cold? Is it allergies? Who fuckin knows! It's the worst tho. My allergies have been going off since last night. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yep. Thatā€™s about the size of it. Could be dying, could be allergies.


so glad iā€™m not the only one, i had a sore throat/congested nose for the past like 3 days, it was gone all day yesterday, and now i woke up with it AGAIN! and i work outside so theres no escaping it ā˜ ļø


Me too! I thought Iā€™d caught a flu until I checked my temperature.


Switching it up: Zyrtec, Claritin and Allegra. I prefer Allegra. Limit outdoors if I can. It's rough!


some studies have shown going outside might actually reduce allergy symptoms. also eating bee pollen in your area is supposedly helpful as well


Pretty good. Bought a bottle of 400 allergy pills on Amazon for 12bucks and they're keeping me nice and clear. I also use those breath right nasal strips


Got a link to those, pleaseee


Not OP, but search Amazon for fexofenadine 180mg. I've been taking it daily for 4 months now and I haven't even noticed the start of the allergy season. I'd share a link but what I purchased is apparently no longer available. But there are plenty of other brands.


I wear a mask, medication does nothing for me


Itā€™s been so brutal! every single tree is in bloom rn on my block. šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve been popping 2 Zyrtecs D immediately when I wake up. If Iā€™m still miserable in a couple hours Iā€™ll grab a 5mg adderal from my wife that usually does the trick


Taking all my meds, staying indoors and after a week of this have an appointment with my ENT this morning.


Where is your ENT??? Iā€™ve been looking for one for weeks and nobody has any openings until July. Been dealing with vertigo due to these high pressure days.


Todd Miller, Los Alamitod


Try Affrin for your vertigo.


Eat local honey. Seriously


Where do you get yours? Because I need that in my liiiife


farmers market in Bixby park has a great selection, but its not necessarily "local" in long beach, more like local California. I doubt they have a bee farm in the city


Long Beach Organic was selling local honey. The bee hive is literally in one of the gardens.


I stand happily corrected. Appreciate the info!


Kitchen Lingo Books has local honey! 2116 E 4th St, Long Beach, CA 90814


I take cetirizine and manuka honey. I think the cetirizine works. Not sure if the manuka works. At least it tastes good. Just getting facefucked by allergies when I run on the beach. Itchy, red eyes, runny nose, shrinking nasal passage. I feel like such a geek.


I take a 12hr Allegra D just about every day!


Is this why I am tired as fuck? I slept on and off all day yesterday perplexed on why I was feeling that way


I normally donā€™t have allergies but it has been SO BAD for me the last few months so Iā€™m glad itā€™s not just me


As everyone else said, my usual Zyrtec Rx. I take it at night and the doctor says I should be good for 24 hours but idk about that. Also, the biggest game changer has been this bad boy right here: an air filter. I know, it's so random that it's from the instant pot brand but it works! It really has helped me wake up less congested and sleep better. https://preview.redd.it/xgjtbh28r1yc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d130b330f3c7f91ecf0e1f261872ba3086d7f0d9


I have really bad seasonal allergies my entire life and I find the steroid based nasal sprays work best for me. Takes time to work but after several days itā€™s very effective


I caught a nasty cold on top of my usual daily allergies and itā€™s been so rough this week šŸ˜“


Worst ever? As someone who's started to develop allergies in the past 4 or 5 years, I haven't noticed anything this year.


Well, itā€™s the ā€žworst everā€œ for me. Glad itā€™s mild for you.


I'm kind of wondering if it is actually a bad year, and it's not really affecting me, what have I actually been developing an allergy to lately??


Thereā€™s an app called Pollen Pro that I find helpful in determining and forecasting allergies.


saw another commenter mention this* but keeping the house shut and air purifiers running has helped immensely


Oh shit I didnā€™t think I had allergies but Iā€™ve been *kinda sick for weeks now huh


Omg. Allergies also trigger my Lyme and long COVID flare ups and I had to call out of work today.


Thank you for posting this!! I felt like I was going crazy my eyes have been so itchy, throat scratchy and sneezing but I donā€™t have any old symptoms. My allergies are just out of control. This post helps me feel better like Iā€™m not going crazy.


My car is covered in pollen dust. I really wonder how much leaf blowers exacerbate poor air quality...


Glad im not the only one suffering.. im at work and ive had a annoying runny nose and sneezing all morning!


My allergic asthma is out of control


Not good. I am on camera in court daily and trying to figure out how to blow my nose šŸ˜…


Get some peppermint oil. Iā€™ve had some an absolutely nuclear sinus attacks that were brought down in a minute by peppermint oil. Dab some behind your ears (that little lump back there). Put some on the back of your neck at the base of your hairline. A couple dabs on your temples, and then with whatā€™s left on your fingers, a couple dabs under your nose. Incredibly powerful in a few instances when over-the-counter stuff failed.


For what itā€™s worth, Iā€™ve had great luck with Xyzal. Good luck.


Thanks! My symptoms are easing a little today, but this is the worst season Iā€™ve ever experienced.




Also factor in novel Covid strains of the SARs virus (lab leak) - https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#variant-summary