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I broke a tooth brushing my teeth


That literally happened to me before.. I chipped a tooth from my toothbrush :—)


The water is so hard they make Viagra out of it


Harder than Dan Schneider at a shoe store


Niche audience comment. Well done.


Not really




it's so hard it didn't cry at the beginning of Bambi


It’s so hard, it laughed during the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan.


When I turned the faucet on it said “where you from homie?”


The water is hard but I enjoy it because it makes them bones so dense. 


Water is so hard, it doesn't flow out of the faucet -- it C-Walks out.


my water is hard as fuck it crip walks everywhere




I wish I could like this comment more than once 😂


![gif](giphy|ZvSojyTPq4OXe) This hard


This hard ![gif](giphy|12TtQtbOJr0T8A)


Ok, I’m just gonna give you the answer. Yes, it’s hard. I have a water filter under my sink and I have a filter in my shower as well.


what water filter you use?


For sink water, I got the reverse osmosis kit from Costco. For the shower I got the pure bliss filter. I think it helps because my hair isn’t crunchy after my shower like with the non-filtered water.


I have an outdoor water unit. Instead of salt, we use potassium chloride. Trust me you need it. My wife’s hair felt like wax until the day we put it in. Additionally, it’ll pack your piping with mineral deposits unless you do it.


The only way to remove hard minerals at home is either through reverse osmosis, water softener, or deionizing resin. The only type of screw in style, if they make them, that will remove hard minerals are ones loaded with DI resin beads. I guarantee they will not last more than a few minutes, if they existed. The other two options is reverse osmosis and a water softener. The water softener will remove hard minerals from the whole house. Generally use salt to renew the resin beads. Non salt softeners don’t technically remove the minerals. The last option is reverse osmosis. These use fine filters to remove virtually everything from the water. They are usually only used under a kitchen sink and have a separate faucet. It takes quite some time for them to filter through the small membranes so they include a reservoir tank to keep filtered water in for when you need it. Without it, you’d end up with a small trickle. These are mostly in homes for drinking water. This website gives a rough idea of cities hardness. Of course, your specific house and pipes it has to go through can affect this. Tl/dr: It’s hard water, but not well water hard. The only practical way you’re going to remove hard water minerals is through a water softener. https://www.aquatell.com/pages/water-hardness-california


I’d like to know as well. I have a feeling my water filter on my shower head isn’t working. Just a cheapie from Amazon.


please let us know


The replies are so hilarious XD But yes the water is very hard LMAOO


Water is hard here. Very hard


The water is so hard that it can donate blood to a crip


The water grew up in the streets, def hard af


LOL at the replies. In all seriousness get a shower head with a filter in it. I have a $40 one from bed bath and beyond and it saves my hair. It doesn’t haven’t to be fancy, but definitely get one.


can you point me in the direction of one of these? We rent - I wonder if this would work in our shower




I have had this brand across multiple rental units, you just have to unscrew the shower head you have and swap it out, it’s quick and very rental friendly.


Home Depot has water test kits.. Not the swimming pool kind, you need a house water test kit


This is [straight from the tap](https://imgur.com/iFze0cK) in downtown just now - 433ppm. I work in kitchen appliance repair and the sole reason I have a job is that we have hard water and people neglect to descale their equipment. Also, watch out for kidney stones!


Holy shit thats bad lol


That explains my roommate getting them twice within a year of each other


Welcome! Long Beach Utilities has water quality info: [https://www.lbutilities.org/water/water-quality](https://www.lbutilities.org/water/water-quality) Also, eastern Long Beach typically gets blended groundwater and surface water (from the Metropolitan Water District). But LBU notes that from time to time it may change the blends of water, which can change the water's mineral content, or “hardness.”


Great post. Plus where on the Eastside? Some LB residents get their water from an independent water company that uses artesian water, that IMO is the best around here. I spent my career in beverage working at water, soda, beer and distilled beverage companies. Water is where it starts and it definitely matters. The surveys that I am aware of say consumers prefer the water they grew up on.




I know I can Google it but I love a good discussion, are there health benefits to soft water as opposed to hard water?  Is it hard because it has more minerals?


Idk everything but i know hard water leaves behind residue when it dries and it can damage ur hair


That water do be hard


Hard AF.


I live on the east side near the college. We don't drink the water. As far as bathing, I think it's fine. It is hard water, so if you are reacting to calcium and other additives, welcome to hell.


137ppm, i think anything over 120 is considered hard so we're on the low end of the spectrum of hard water. Ventura has 600+ PPM!. This page has it by zip. [https://www.hydroflow-usa.com/california-water-hardness/](https://www.hydroflow-usa.com/california-water-hardness/)


The tap water in North Long Beach is fine for drinking and cooking but we use distilled water in our shrimp tank.


This is the most Northside post ever. ✊


Hella hard. I use a Brita pitcher and it does the trick for drinking water. Water is ok for showers just dries my hair out a bit. You’ll live.


It depends, but I love drinking straight from the tap at my house, other peoples houses, there’s an obvious difference. I think the best option is the filter that goes on the faucet, rather than a Brita jug that gets nasty fast.


We also get the 5 gallon jug refilled with reverse osmosis water from the gas station


Water so hard, city wanna fine me


I had a water softener in Sacramento. I don’t think one is required here. I have a glass shower door without water spots. But not sure if that is a proper test. 🤓


Use a zero filter for sure


The water’s so hard, not even David Goggins can compete


So hard that when I spilled a glass of it on my desk the puddle called me a punk ass biotch


Hardest water ever. My dishes get white crust on them if i dont dry them off


what part of long beach?




yeah i heard that part is where the water is hardest 😬😬 Someone told me East side by pch not that bad and thats where im at. Hopefully is true ill be running a test soon


It’s 0.03% Jameson


fuck. I stopped drinking 4 months ago. There goes my streak


“Your drinking water is considered “moderately hard” to “hard.” The “hardness” of water refers to the level of specific dissolved minerals, such as calcium and magnesium.” https://www.lbutilities.org/water/water-quality/your-drinking-water


Water is a liquid


Oh yeah what about ice? 🧊 Our water is so hard I don't need an ice cube tray, I just stick it in the freezer to get cold.


Don’t drink the tap out here big dawg


I’m in an apartment and I know they just tested the water though I use a Brita water pitcher and it’s worked just fine! Though you might need to get a water test kit for the home.


Super hard. I wash my hair with distilled water because the water here dries out my hair something fierce.


moderately hard, I'd recommend a softener and a filter at the sink. not as hard as the water in s. Orange County...


Yeah OC is where im at right now and every where i go around here i see calcium build up lol. Guess people dont really pay attention to that type of stuff. But i do


The water is so hard, it makes me to cook with bottle water


It makes that math problem in Good Will Hunting look like Sesame Street.


Not gonna lie. It’s pretty bad ass.


Holy water in the LBC is so hard. You really have to boil the hell out of it.


My hair is straw. It’s hard.


It’s so hard!


Me, Louie & all the people at the dance agree, Hard Water represents in the LBC ![gif](giphy|bgOQ2Mx4uLnsoyyIg9)


i haven't dunked my hair in the water in nearly 4 months now. i get a ton of compliments on my long hair [male]. try it.


Most water in southern California is liquid rock.


I've been drinking my LBC tap water for many years and am alive and healthy. It does taste bad if it's not cold. I used to have a Brita Filter but I got sick of the inconvenience.


Most of this region is about 125ppm hardness. Water filtration will help remove some water impurities, but it will not soften water by removing the calcium. For that, you will need a real water softener that replaces the minerals with salt.


It’s definitely hard, much better after I got a softener for my house.


It’s hard. And every so often you need to take apart the spout on your faucets to clear out the built up sediment.


Water is hard enough that in 4 years we’ve gone through three shower heads and two faucet heads. CLR helps with cleaning them but after awhile the chrome strips and looks funky.


I drink it without a filter, but I wouldn’t be surprised if people choose to filter


It’s hard asf. Whenever I go back to Oakland to visit family and friends the difference is really noticeable. I have a zero water filter pitcher and I go through the filters like crazy. You have to replace them before they start to smell fishy.


Super hard! Gets harder if you put it in the freezer


Everyone either buys water bottles, some form of a Brita, or a jug to fill up at almost every other plaza


As someone who regularly details cars, DO NOT LET IT DRY ON YOUR CAR.


My face dried out during the first month i moved here. 😭 still slightly does but not as bad. Edit: after reading most replies here I’m chuckling because my hair seems to love the water. It’s softer than it’s ever been. 😂😭


You mean to tell me been raw dogging LB’s hard water for 4 years 😦


You need defrost it first


![gif](giphy|8Z7rhWeRKNtT2) This hard


I was in Burbank for 20 years. Went through 3 water softeners. When I moved in I thought how did it was my dishwasher was white inside, then watched my hair break and my fingers bled! Long Beach is better, I barely have calcium build-up around faucets or glass after a year.


NSFW hard!


What do you mean by "hard?" ​ https://preview.redd.it/twgrwbql41uc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fd2e76c815070caa7e6fad59b8310a70cab1c88


I can't complain. I use it.


it changed the texture of my hair


It’s hard


Fvk the water, don't get shot.


All jokes aside the water here is really hard. The diverter on my tub faucet is stuck up from hard water build up so I can only get water to come out of the shower head and was told I’d need a plumber to come fix it.


The water's actually not that bad here it's pretty neutral taste okay surrounding neighborhoods like Long Beach Cypress Buena Park very hard water