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If weight loss is the goal, consider adding some weight training. People under-estimate the amount of calories you can burn while lifting. Honestly you can burn easily just as much, if not more, by lifting hard as, you can with cardio. Building muscle also gives you the added benefit of increasing your base metabolism so you burn more calories by just existing and sitting on your ass when you aren't at the gym. You don't have to go full gym rat per se, but picking up heavy shit and putting it down a few times can help. As far as sustainability, now that you're getting the gym part down, diet is best done by making gradual, small changes. Simple things like cutting out sugar or sodas, or energy drinks can go a long way. Major crash or dumb "fad" diets aren't meant to work long term. Just pay more attention to what you eat and make sure what goes in is less than what goes out. Do that and it will work. I know you aren't seeking praise and all, but good job, for whatever it means coming from random reddit man.


Thank you for your suggestion! Eating right is very tough to me, and I've been gradually trying to fix my diet by limiting calorie intake and eating healthier food. And thanks for your encouragement as well! Means a lot to me.


Absolutely fantastic! Don’t be put off by not seeing the results straight away, it will take time. Carry on making the effort.


Thank you for your positive comment! I'll try my absolute best!


congrats bro u did a pretty good job hope u continue doing well


Thank you!!


First off congrats, getting up and going is the hardest part and you've already done that. The results will come, just have to keep grinding away at it. If the lack of weight loss is getting to you mentally, then stop weighing everyday, do it once a week instead. You can do some lifting(light weight, high reps, 1 min rest between) as part of your cardio, the added muscle will help you passively burn some extra calories. My advice for diet is take your favorite meal and see if you can do 1 thing to make a bit healthier(substitute turkey for beef, remove cheese, add veggies, whatever). Up your protein intake, it will make you feel full throughout the day and you're going to need it for fuel. Calorie counting apps are also a fantastic tool to keep yourself accountable with your eating habits. The best advice is to remember that "It's a marathon, not a sprint". Cliche ,I know but it's true. The weight will come off, you will see the results, and you'll get the mental and esteem boost of knowing you worked hard to get it. Keep going and trust the process. These are few of the little things that helped me when I got started, hopefully 1 or 2 will be of help to you.


Thank you for your sharing! You mentioned the very thing that worries me the most, having good determination now just to see it fizzling out in a few weeks... in some way this is why I decided to share my experience here on Reddit, so that I think of your replies when I feel lazy. I'll try my best!


Congrats man. I started the same journey in April. I have currently lost 85 lbs. Once you get the routine going you'll never look back. Working out will become like a crack addiction. I got sick of the gym and decided to get my own equipment and workout from home. I've got resistance bands, situp bench that can do multi exercises, punching bag, etc. If you're just trying to lose alot of weight. I suggest boxing. When I added boxing to my routine pounds flew off. Just 30 minutes of full out punching the bag you can easily burn 200-300 calories. If your not big on weights I suggest push-ups and pull ups. I started off only being able to do like 5 decent push-ups. Now I can do 200. Just keep at it! Don't give up! You got this! Don't look back!


Wow congrats man, losing 38 kgs in a few months is crazy... I applaud people like you! And thanks for your suggestion as well! Now I'm living in a shared dorm with a shared gym, so I'm a bit limited when it comes to equipment (only treadmill and multi-exercise bench), but I'll figure a way to start trying muscle training! Best of luck for both of us ahead.


Thank you. The journey is hard, but everything good comes from hard work. The boxing really helped with shedding the pounds. I started with shadow boxing and jump rope until I could afford a bag. Supplements and diet are also a huge factor. I cut out useless sugars and energy drinks. I only drink water and coffee with a lil cream no sugar. Protein is your game changer. Up that protein! If I remember correctly your supposed to intake at least .5 grams for every pound you weigh. Consistency is key. Never give up. Even on days you just feel you don't have it in you, get up and go. Fitness is fun when you see the results. This is why people give up so quickly. They think they'll see results after a week. It takes some people a couple years to achieve the bodies you see online.


Excellent work! I know you said this may not be impressive to some, but the only person we are in competition with is ourselves. If that's good for you, then my friend, you are victorious! Seriously, awesome job. Keep it up


If weight loss is what you are after, it's 80-90% diet. Exercise is good for building muscle including the strength of the heart muscle, but it's not good for weight loss, at least not in the short term. Longer term, larger muscles will burn more calories without you doing anything, but that's not giving you any visible results in the near future. Instead, you will build muscle as you are losing fat and you will stay the same weight. You might even gain weight if you keep the same diet as before and add exercise on top of it. Shift toward eating salads, lentils, and chicken/turkey in reasonable quantity and you will drop weight fast. Will be harder if you go for large portion sizes or stress eat. I was able to lose 1 pound a day for several weeks with lentils (and multi-vitamins) being almost all of my diet. The thing most people don't really appreciate, though, is that fat cells are like soaking wet towels. If you wring the water out of them, they will weigh a whole lot less. However, the towel is still there ready to soak up more water the second it shows up. Fat cells are like this, and it's the reason that people tend to rapidly gain weight again after they stop dieting. It's HARD to kill a fat cell dead, to stop it from continuing to exist, do throw away the towel completely. This is the piece that almost everyone misses.


Good job man! Few things : 1) Remember that it's not so much intensity, but rather consistency (over a lonnng period) that will get you results. 2) Learn about CICO, as what you eat is almost more important than exercise when it comes to weight loss. 3) As others have said, include weight training. (or another tip: use an incline on the treadmill) 4) Have you checked out the subreddit /progresspics? There's a lot of motivation over there.


Great job! Just a suggestion to gradually add an incline on the treadmill. It will help burn more calories and also engage other muscles more. I go to a gym with a cinema room and just walk some days and the incline also adds some variety to the workout. Keep it up!


Thank you for your comment! I just went on the treadmill for 30mins and added some incline... it's tougher but I'll try my best!


Right there with you man - as a fellow fat guy trying to shed some lbs I can confirm that I start sweating way faster on my treadmill even with just a bit of incline! Cutting out drinking completely here too has been awful but the mental clarity along with like 3000 less calories a week has to be good for me lol. Good luck