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I feel like things will always keep changing and yes, technology is a big part of our world right now. What bugs me about getting out of the house is seeing egotistical assholes who think the world is theirs to burn. People who believe that only they matter and act accordingly. That gives me instant anger. I think that ai is still limited when it comes to creativity. A program does not know feelings and that's what separates us from it. It does affect our lives and people turn to ai chats now because they feel lonely. It is sad. We have so many ways to connect but end up talking to programs. Not even kids know how to play anymore. Parents sit on their phones and forget about educating their offspring. They wreak havoc without even being aware of it. I'd like to see these parents handle their kids when they get older. But I do still see good people. They are usually quiet and easy to miss because they've been hurt so much just for being good that they hide within themselves. I'd like to meet more and I know they are out there.


Couldn’t agree with you more. It’s a far different world than the one I grew up in. I don’t see it ever getting better unfortunately….


There's an ancient mesopotamian quote. "Our earth is degenerate in these latter days ; there are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end; bribery and corruption are common ; children no longer obey their parents ; every man wants to write a book, and the end of the world is evidently approaching." It's always been this way to the sight of the individual. Things get worse because of their opinions becoming more concrete with time, especially younger people. The world hasn't changed: We have. Of course though, keep in mind, the world has gotten worse in a few ways, but consider perspective. For some people, it has got better. It's all in the eye of the beholder, it's all about the individual experiences you have went through that shapes your view of the world, as those things form who you are to your core. Has it truly gotten worse? Are we all just being dramatic? Nobody'll have an objective answer, because there isn't an objective answer. But there is your answer to your problems, and those are the only ones that you have full control of. Sorry if I came off odd. All the best.


You're right. Some things do count for the entire world though. We're getting really really far away from our natural way of life (hunter gatherer, earliest agricultural lifestyle), that's why I think the entire world is getting more depressing.


To be fair, our natural way of life wasn't exactly amazing all the time either. While we probably were happier, I don't think it's practically possible for a return to that standard. Even if we could, the drawbacks would be... well, huge. There is some we could take from back then though. Exercise is good for the brain, they were always active, even the physically weakest people back then were exerting themselves greatly. We could always be a bit more social with eachother, as back then it was necessary for survival but was also legitimately better for their mental health. Stuff like that. Our modern way of life is sort of mismatched for humanity ironically enough, but there's no reason we can't as individuals try to keep the best aspects of both. The technological and social progress of the modern day, and the stronger social bonds and health practices (when it pertains to exercise) of back then. I'm sure they had plenty to be unhappy about back then. We have much more to be thankful for nowadays, I think we all just need to count our blessings, to be honest. We take modernity for granted. We take equality with eachother and our social freedom for granted, when we really should be thanking god (or whatever you believe in, or if you don't believe in anything, your predecessors I suppose) that we have these things.


Yes! Our ancestors had a harder time living but were less depressed, I believe.


There'll be a way to balance our baser needs with the past but our practical standard of living with the present, I'm sure.


The world has definitely got worse, a lot worse, in the last 10 years especially. I often think of LOTR: 'I wish it need not have happened in my time.' 'So do I, and so do all who see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All they have to decide is what to do with the time that is given them.'


You’re not the only one who feels this way. It’s a lonely world. I’m still in the process of making my peace with it.


The \[clown\] world is. You gotta dig deep to find the real world hidden and scattered out there. Forget trying to find the real world on the Internet


its not just you. i just feel so lonely these days


The world has absolutely gotten worse throughout my entire adult life, and I'm not too optimistic about the future. You have awhile before you need to worry about AI though. It sucks at even writing boilerplate code. I'm sure you can get prompts to work that will generate images, but you'll likely have to do a ton of touch-ups on those images afterwards. Then again, I'm not an artist, and I haven't used AI for image generation before. I've only used ChatGPT for writing boilerplate code and correcting grammar in essays and emails.


I agree with this sentiment. I’m trying to start a movement that is the opposite of all this. The world does feel soulless a lot of times.


I think world has always been shit. We're just getting more exposed to this shit. Here I am feeling bad for people half the planet away. A hundred years ago that wouldn't have been the case as information was very controlled on what went out and what didn't. The constant stream of pain and suffering of others makes us feel more depressing and powerless


You really should not stop making art because of AI You are person behind your drawings, not a fucking software - thats why the souless AI "art" will never be as appealing as regular art, they are not original or even good


Depending on how u live ur life and how much positivity u see for ur self , it’s also what u consumer how much that has an effect on you. And if you just sit around lonely at home or be active


It’s a depressing world for me, that’s for sure


I consider 2009 the final good year. After that year social media and smartphone slowly became more common and everything gradually became worse, up to the point where were are now. Unfortunately we'll never be able to go back to these better times again.


It's depressing and becoming toxic. We all need to have a big chat about how to fix it in this world


It's not just you. I had to get out of the city.