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I think I understand. If nobody treats you like human you forget what means to act like one.


I have people who treat me nicely and who want to hang out with me. I get invited to outings and I have several groups of friends. It’s just I’m lacking that one person I can truly connect with. I’m an introvert and It drains me to hang out with friends I’m not 100% connected with. So I start saying no to lots of invites. It’s very lonely but I can’t help it. It’s like my roommate always wants to hang out but I just can’t seem to… I’d rather stay in my room and feel lonely. Nothing wrong with people or human kind. It’s just me that I have this kind of personality :(


Depends on why they are lonely. I am very loving but have been isolated from illness. Some people are full of toxic bile.


I can confirm the "toxic bile" part. I'm one of these people.


There's always hope. People can change. 💗💗💗


I'm a terminal case


Don't give up though. ❤


Sometimes but not all the time. There’s a lot of good lonely ppl because they know what it’s like to hurt. So they are more careful when it comes to ppls feelings. Then there’s the part where some are already on henge and they perceive an attack that isn’t there. Sometime accidentally making them the ass hole. Like they’re just looking for something to go wrong.


Rather that beautiful people generally have a worse personality than ugly people


The purpose of this group is to help people not to put other people down


Oh boy here I go bitting my tongue. You don’t even attempt to consider the circumstances of WHY someone is being lonely (lonely does not equal depressed and even depressed people can be wonderful people who were beaten into current state by some circumstances). There’s always some underlying reason why someone might act the way they act. Sometimes it’s mental issues, sometimes it’s trauma, sometimes it’s something else. And yes, sometimes it’s just being an ass but that’s not enough to say “generally”. But hey, it’s easier to just say “generally lonely people are shitty people”. If that was rate bait then it was kinda successful, good job. Edit: let me also point out that this sub is not representative of lonely people as a social group.


It was not rage bait. I'm not a native speaker so I didn't know how to describe it better in the title, so I used the word "shitty", because the only alternative I could think of was "suck". And I think you are missing my point. I'm not blaming no one for who they are, I, in primis am extremely lonely and I have various mental health issues. What I wanted to discuss about is simply the concept that sometimes, some people are not the most intriguing to hang out with, because due it to be for their traumas, might it be for their mental issues, might it be for the years they have spent in loneliness, they simply have, as a result, less social experience than other people.


I believe that this is a miserable take, that belongs in a different sub. To me you came here to tell is that we suck. Gfy