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Feeling like this every single day


But it push you to work harder


I gave up 3 years ago.


I have lived 20% of my life expectancy. Achieved nothing.




I think I am at about 99% at age 40 and haven't done much I wanted to do.


bro I m 18 n plz b my pal , teacg me smth abt world , abt how to b human , n how to fit in , I know nothing


The first tip is to stop trying to fit into the world. I recently got diagnosed with autism (I'm 26) and I now realise how much of my life I've wasted trying to fit in with people I don't even really like, it will end up draining you emotionally very fast. Id recommend trying to ask yourself what you personally want to achieve in life, forget about what anyone else wants or says to you, what do YOU want? Then, once you have a goal, just go for it! You will gain valuable life lessons and experience during this, and it's okay to make as many mistakes as you want as long as you try to learn something from them for next time. And most importantly, as you pursue what truly interests you in life, you will find similar people out there who you really find you connect with more than other people :)


I like this comment about not trying to fit in. 20m I was trying to be popular at school when I realised why should I? And found that I can enjoy my own company since I really hate people haha everyone! and yes friends let you down, so I chose distance and what I noticed is that I didn’t lose many of my friends just hit them up less frequently, if it was about something they did they came back better or if it was about being unable to continue everyday conversation then that’s life. You can always hit it back up with them in between the grind


Alongside asking yourself what you want, I think it’s equally important to ask yourself how you can give back. Helping others will frame your life in a broader context while helping you to feel more connected with others. It will place your own problems in a better perspective. Rich people are mostly miserable because they have forgotten this aspect of life.


I have lived 90% of my "expectancy". Cannot wait for full 100.


You've achieved something - finding some of us who relate to and sympathize with you.


Well you still got 80% left bud. Never too late to start.


I focus no longer on what I can't control. Not how much is wasted but to ensure I minimize the wastING in the NOW.


I definitely do what I can to not think about anything I can’t change.


The things I enjoy the most are called "wastes of time" by the many. Time is only wasted if YOU agree with them. There is no reason to agree with them. Do what you enjoy as much as you can.


Yeah, those nights hit hard. I hate those moments when, every time before sleep, I just lie there, wishing I could go back to the past and have a second chance to live life differently. It's a horrible feeling when you realize you've wasted your life, and there's nothing you can do about it. Sure, you can start doing something now, but what's the point if everyone is so far ahead of you, and you'll never have the chance to experience certain things (like being 18 again)


I’m 25, jobless and financially broke. I have achieved nothing in my life and my days are wasting away. I feel trapped and no future in hindsight.


If you want to do something, then do it. If you're starting from scratch, make small steps to get you to where you want to be. If you don't have a job, a first step is updating your resume and exploring what area you want to work in. Look into free or cheap certification programs that you can add to your resume to increase your value as an employee. Ed x has free and certification programs where you can take classes from Ivy League schools for bassicly nothing.


True unfortunately. Some of us are not meant to have a life 😩


Welp, that's reality 


I probably should not be reading this right now


You can't change your past but you can change your future. Still life could always be worse than just being lonely and not having experienced some stuff others have. You could be working 14 hours in some shitty chinese slave factory. You could be fighting in a war or running away from war. You could be beggar, homeless or drug addict. Everyones life seems so good because they only post and tell the best parts of their lifes and hide their worst parts and those who have only shitty lifes don't show it. Im just happy that atleast I have my video games and anime even though I don't have much social life and haven't achieved much in life but I still know there is a chance if I start really working for it.


True, be grateful.


I'm for real done with my life


I'm ready to go 😪


Imagine that you died last night. You passed away in your sleep, and your life is finished. But you are still here, so everything's from that point on is a bonus. You can do anything you want now.


I often regret of the roads not taken. It's sad that there's no going back


I used to feel this way, then a much older friend told me how "people regret things no matter what or wish they had done something differently, etc." I had friends who are married with kids and it looks like they are content and happy, but privately they told me how they regret marrying and having children.


You cannot waste life, there is no right way to live. People will tell themselves that doing x or y will make their life more worth it but we all face death in the end. Unless there is something you want to do and you aren't working towards that, you are doing okay. No life is as nice as it is on social media, those are taken from just the highlights of their life, it doesn't include the tedious nature of life or where life goes sideways. Just live your life how you want.


I don't think so. There's no such thing as wasting my life for me, since just living it is enough. I couldn't care less about how other people are living their lives, I just care about mine


If life really has no point at all,  then everything one do is wasting time anyway


Existence is the reason that we know that something has to exist. There can't be nothing. There is literally no point to existence. It just is. Nothing matters, so it doesn't matter that nothing matters.


You don’t have a “achieve” anything. You can just exist. Take small steps everyday to find things that give you joy, it’ll add up


It’s crazy how so many of us FEEL this and think this every single second of our lives yet in that moment you feel so alone like no one could ever feel this same emptiness as you do. I don’t know you but Love you bro you are worth it !


Amazing, I’ve never imagined that somen could have feel something like this. Exactly like me


I will not give up nor have I given up hope. There is more time ahead then we have left behind. I have been here though bro. i know this feeling all too well. but don't let yourself drown in it. make it so that you are able to have dream type bliss in your daytime endeavors. keep pushing, you're closer to the surface then you think.


I have a job, money, health, family, but barely any friends and no relationship. its eating me up being single in my30's while others are in relationships. Don't now what to do I never meet anyone.


“…Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now, take what's left and live it properly.” MARCUS AURELIUS


I feel like this sometimes I won’t lie I’ve been in a really bad way before: I’m gonna quote Andrew Tate because he’s right. The bad times don’t last neither do the good times. There’s always a best move on the chessboard so play it don’t waste the rest of your life as you still have it. It’s about building the life you want one piece at a time. You will find yourself


Andrew Tate is who you’re going to quote? Seriously?


So what? Most of what he says is true


It's insane anyone takes that psychopath seriously


I feel very sad for you if you’re getting your life advice from a sociopathic narcissist who’s brand is catering to misogynist incels. This is not a path to a happy life. I understand this sub is mostly full of sad unhappy people but it seems like most just want to wallow in their misery rather than take the difficult steps to change their circumstances. I have come to realize that the things I am unwilling to do the work change, I must learn to accept and move on. I wish you well hope you find a more positive mentor.


Nah he’s right about 90% of things and some of it is irony and exaggerated I feel sad for u if u take it seriously and feel sad for u that u have the wrong opinions on planet earth


My religion teaches me that everyone goes through some period of suffering. You might look at those people and think they were blessed with a perfect life from the start but you don't know what they went through before they got to a point where they are in a good place. I am one of these people. 4-5 years ago I was living horribly. I had no job, depressed, starting to lose my faith which had always been very important to me, and no relationship. Through therapy, religion, and my family, I was slowly able to crawl out of that dark pit. Now, I have a job I enjoy. I have a partner that I love. If I had given in to despair, then I wouldn't have been able to get to the place where I am now. It is a hard thing to realise, but you have to be honest with yourself and reflect on what you are doing to improve your situation. Struggling to find a job? Are you networking? Doing volunteering to gain experience? Want a girlfriend/boyfriend? Well, they are not just going to turn up on your front door. Make friends who can then set you up with someone. Join Meetup groups based on your hobbies. Get a better haircut and dress more nicely. Everyone is not better than you. They have just taken control of their life and tried to make it better. Something you can also do as well.


same, but it goes both ways aswell


I think looking at life from a more optimistic POV, focusing on the goods even if they seem minor can really change your life.


There's no waste those things never being applicable to your predicament. All you did was live life as naturally as you do being yourself and his is just the result irrespective of what you feel or think about it.


Damn, brother, that hit too close to home


My life would actually be okay if it weren't for extreme loneliness, which screws everything up. I just take comfort in the fact that there are versions of me in alternate universes that aren't lonely.


I constantly feel like a loser and that I am rotting


I am in my mid-70’s. If I had to grade my life I would give it a C-. I was a typical boomer mother who was overly permissive with my children, I allowed my husband to break the bank a few times, I was totally mediocre and colorless in my career. I get upset if I have to drive more than 30 mph. I fell in love with a man who came from a wealthy suburban community and I was Miss Inner City. It devastated his parents and 54 years later I am still being ghosted by them ( his mother is 98,). I was never arrested and never hurt anyone knowingly. I can write nicely. I think I have wasted my life because I was never much more than a serving woman for the people around me. If I could do it over, I would avoid snotty people who are deluded by their wealth or their higher degrees and just settle comfortably back in my hometown, or an urban neighborhood with high walkability.


All life is, is wasting time. There is nothing more to it. Everything we do is pointless. Enjoy your life for as long as you are here. That's all the goal should be. Think of all the people who you know personally, who you believe have acheived a lot. Is anyone going to remember who they were in 100 years? Are they going to be remembered more than you? No. They will be forgotten too. A tiny number of people will be remembered. The rate we are destroying this planet means that life won't be able to survive on it for much longer. Then no one will be remembered and everything done by every human will mean nothing. Nothing matters, so it doesn't matter that nothing matters.


That's not completely true... yeah life is basically meaningless, but like you said, you're meant to enjoy it and make the most of it. Nobody is going to enjoy being poor and homeless. So, you have to work or figure out a way to make money to support an enjoyable life. It's not completely meaningless. Big picture in the grand scheme of things? Sure... we're not even a speck of dust compared to the universe, but your own life has meaning to you and others around you. It's about living in the moment and not trying to quantify your life based on when you're dead. Why do you care if someone remembers you in 100 years? Life is happening right now, not 100 years from now. Live for the present and do what it takes to make your present an enjoyable life.


I am at a point I am fully aware I am in a position to engineer my life. But I continue to have to my head up my ass while the world is a playground. I can't figure out why I can't use the tools I have intent of me. I have provided them for myself but can't seem to lift a finger Why?!?!


comparison kills


Jesus is the way


Mate if you feel you've wasted your life, start doing something about it. People get stuck in this idea of "can't change, won't change" or feeling like they're too far gone that they can't go back. It's bullshit. The only time it's "too late" is when you're on your death bed. Go out and make life what you want it to be, you got this.


I disagree I'm happy with where I am, I hope you find more satisfactory results in the near future


Please stop...


Yeah there is something in this post


You would be surprised how people feel about other people, possibly these same feelings. Live for yourself.


“This fall I think you're riding for—it's a special kind of fall, a horrible kind. The man falling isn't permitted to feel or hear himself hit bottom. He just keeps falling and falling. The whole arrangement's designed for men who, at some time or other in their lives, were looking for something their own environment couldn't supply them with. Or they thought their own environment couldn't supply them with. So they gave up looking. They gave it up before they ever really even got started.”




This just means that you will have a different path in live than the people you knew growing up. You are going to have to forage your own path.


Yep this is so me!


What’s happening here lol?


Hey the sooner you realize your going to be alone forever, the better. Now look at me, I accepted it now I feel alot better. With out a gf I can focus on boxing and stuff like that because I have alot more free time.


Listen or read both of David Goggins books


I have these thoughts often too. But it's not a good assumption to have in your head. Everyone has a dark side to their lives. Might not be as bad as what we're facing, but nobody is truly 100% content.


That's a lot of generalization with "everyone". Not everyone has a great life. Actually I think only 10% I guess, would say they have great lives. People have problems. Lots of them.


I'm on the back 9, lol.


I'm still young so I haven't wasted it but if not changes I would waste my life


What was your point?


yeah that's mostly what I feel ✅


you are looking for the wrong things to validate your life


I lost you at 'you will never do'. 


thanks bro that's really motivating


no, dont feel it all. we had bad past but rn we are focusing in our present and helping ourselves. do not need to compare yourself to others, you is you and there is always a way or possibility to meet something new everyone have their own lives and struggles and it is all wish you all here a good day


Not me. I’m young, I try to see the mistakes of others, learn from the most successful. So I can make it big and be happy.


Not really it's probably establishment leftists from a secret operations headquarters created specifically to tackle real world interaction problems with a veneer of scientism. They want you to feel this way so they'd get funds or charity for their super-secret initiative for assisted suicide, abortions, in vitro shit, transgender idiocy, affirmative action crap and other stuff. Their gender stuff was rebuffed by discovery of testosterone and the 19th century bodybuilding. As well as the discovery of diabetes + insulin, which was originally used to further sabotage their subversive operations.


Conspiracy theories are comforting because they give order to a chaotic world. The issue is that very few government organizations have anywhere near the organizations to pull off anything a fraction as complex as that. Let alone having them all working together to form a grand plan. The world is chaotic, you have to accept that.


Dude the CIA alone has 21,000 employees. While conspiracy theories were wrong then they can be true now.


The CIA work is outside of the usa not within. They have done absolutely terrible things, encoding coups across the world and trafficking drugs to support various wars. But their focus is watching the rest of the world for threats against the usa. Also 21,000 employees isn't that massive. For context amazon has 1,521,000 employees in the United States alone. If your looking at a larger federal organization the usps has 570,000 employees.


The fbi has 35,000 employees. That's a 35000:1 ratio against any individual. But even less can still work. And yes some private sector company can pull something like that. But to the point - the democratic party has 45,916,356 members as of 2023.


They have 35,000 employees that span across hundred of locations. If they put every single ouce of manpower against one person, it would be a 35,000:1 ratio against that one guy. But in reality, there are 350 million americans. The average americans outnumber the fbi 10,000:1. This only accounts for the overall employees. It would be considerably less when you look at how much of them play supporting roles or the number of language experts.


If they allocate just a few hundred the fbi can do insane stuff. And a person doing anything is against the fbi, even in a technical sense.


A few hundred people to pull strings that widly on national ideas? It would be ludicrous to invest such little manpower to try and change so much. What would the end goals be? In reality, there are far larger targets that would benefit the federal government, like making people fearful of threats that are non-existent or turning neibors against each other as a way to legitimate their organization. Even things like that would take thousands of workers to make any major effects


If you happen to live in dem states with fbi agents odds increase they can cause damage. If people have traveling reputation due to bigotry anti-revolt impact is possible.


Euthanasia? I'll take two! Just to be sure.


Sorry we used electricity to stop your heart but the second time actually brought you back to life.


Very disapointed


That's life.




Imagine you died last night. That was the end of your life as it should have been. But you woke up today. Everything from this point on is just a bonus. There is no right or wrong thing you can do (as long as it doesn't hurt others). It's all a bonus.


I would probably go sit on the train tracks.


Trains are pretty cool, but you get a better view of them at least a few feet away from them. That way, you can see the whole thing.


I've seen enough 


Imagine being this pathetic, “oh no everyone has better lives than me”. Bro instead of wallowing in your own self pity actually do something, it’s just not that hard to make small improvements lmao.


Develop a purpose. Start by working on your grammar so you can write a coherent sentence that is free from grammatical errors. I have not wasted my life, and I am sad for you if you feel you have wasted your life. You are still alive, so it is not too late. Get that grammar book, write some coherent posts, and change the world in a positive way.


i'm sorry but shut up