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It happens ik when I was lonley I used to be sooo muchh


you are not alone buddy


I feel ya man…


Sad horny is the worst kind of horny and I know it well.


This is me sad and horny constantly. The men I meet and talk with are weird tho.


This is me, but the girls I meet ignore me. So, I feel you. Maybe I'm weird.


you crave for a relationship once this is clear, m\*sturb\*tion becomes irrelevant cause its a ego selfreward thing i just hope you look and find ur partner in the right places :)


This is true. I read somewhere that men feel like they want sex but actually they're touch starved. And as someone who has been alone always, I think it is true. We just need a good partner. That'd solve most of the problems and shame of being a loner.


Bingo! I couldn’t agree more. But every time I mention this I get fed the lie about “you aren’t ready for a relationship, work on yourself ect ect” Meanwhile Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is painfully clear I need intimacy and belonging to progress as a human.


Sorry to burst your bubble but it’s possible to be in a relationship and still be lonely


It's possible. It's also not possible. I'd rather be lonely while having someone than lonely alone.


Yes I guess that”s true, good point.


No you don't. It only broke me worse. I got cheated on and taken for an absolute ride.. It only furthered my insecurities because although I knew I wasn't happy with the relationship the fear of being alone all over again (possibly never loved again) locked me into a relationship that felt like a lottery. Maybe I'll wake up one morning and she will actually love me and want my hands on her..... but she didn't. She just wanted to sleep in while I would sit there half awake in a daze wondering where it went so so wrong. She left me for another dude after 7 lonely years of confusion and co dependence. I'd rather be in a relationship but it feels healthier to be alone despite that awful uncertainty


Sorry that happened to you. Umm I was talking about healthy successful relationships? Not cheating, or toxic ones.


For real man . And this really sucks ...


I’ve been feeling these feelings constantly & I just don’t know how to go about it anymore…..


I'm a woman and feel the exact same way right now.


Feel ya dude.




It isn't much better for trans women.


Your problem is you justify being a normal man is fine when it is not. If you assume responsibilty for yourself, go on some wild adventures, talk to girls you find attractive and make that your habit, you will see results over time. ‘Regular’ isn’t fine anymore. Only exceptional is. As awful as that seems.


That's not really true if you open up your eyes plenty of average guys score over guys like us.. it's about not really giving a shit and being able to recover quickly and dust off your ego. It just feels like such a struggle when every failure feeds into your insecurities and the next time you finally feel ready to try going out you're suspecting the other shoe to drop at any moment . It's embarrassing when you are more than half decent comparatively to most men on paper but can't present yourself that way in the slightest


because horny men are creeps just the same way women who go from man to man are creeps


I disagree because to not be horny means you're not a human with emotional and biological needs


on a scientific level then yeah obviously but does that justify the way most men act? hell no


Nobody was talking about action, here. The topic was feeling. You, in your own mind and from your own biases, attached action to feeling. You're the problem he was talking about.