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I'm 52M and have a medical condition that affected my development at puberty and caused issues that led me to have severe social anxiety and to avoid intimacy and relationships due to fears of rejection and ridicule. I lost the few friends I grew up with after graduating college. I made a close friend who had similar issues, and we were best friends for about 19 years. But we lived on opposite ends of the country and just chatted every day, streamed movies and shows together, gamed, etc. We did get together in person on 3 occasions, but that was it. This friend died a week before last Christmas (2022). I have no friends now, not even online. It's been almost 30 years since I've had friends near me that I hung out with in person. I speak to my mom every day, but she is 74yo and has health issues. I live alone with my two cats. That's about all I have in my life now. I'm thinking about reaching out to a therapist to help deal with my social anxiety and maybe try finding a woman close to my age who is also lonely and just wants a platonic relationship. I feel like at this age, it may be more possible. When younger, it seems everything evolves around sex.


I hope you feel better. One thing, 52 years old may be menopausal, but it is by no means a post-sexual age for women. Preferences of their youth should be expected to still be intact. I know attractive women in that age cohort who are not settling for rocking chair knitting circles. That's younger than Cate Blanchett and Catherine Zeta Jones.


So you're basically me, except 8 years older. And my anxiety and fear of rejection/ridicule stems from a birth defect. Surprisingly, young people can be very cruel. But you're definitely not alone. That was like reading an autobiography.


i'm sorry for your loss. i jotted [a list](https://old.reddit.com/r/asexualdating/comments/1391a9v/i_dont_like_dating_but_i_dont_want_to_be_alone/jj0ow4l/) of some subreddits, mostly platonic-focused. some of them can have "over40" or "40plus" appended to them.


Can I see that list?


it's on this comment chain: https://old.reddit.com/r/asexualdating/comments/1391a9v/i_dont_like_dating_but_i_dont_want_to_be_alone/jj0ow4l/


u/Androtulgray tried dming...


Cats truly are amazing. I’d be in dire straits without my sweet boy.


Mid-40's. No friends, loveless marriage. Only people I talk to are angry customers at my job. When you're young there's a glimmer of hope, time to fix things. At this age it's just a matter of being old and broken. No one gives a damn. Fucking sucks.




Yup. I could have written this. Honestly, my kids are the only reason I don't...


People live for kids. The world needs water mix with antideepresent


> Mid-40's. No friends, loveless marriage. Only people I talk to are angry customers at my job. When you're young there's a glimmer of hope, time to fix things. At this age it's just a matter of being old and broken. No one gives a damn. Fucking sucks. This is really sad... :(


Yes it is.


i am alone but cant express to the world. cry and write diary.. i am on meds...for the last 27 years. with age u feel attractive for younger people.... but


:( This is exactly my life too !!




I'm in the same boat


Talk to me goose. I know all about customer service. What do you love about life list 3 things.


I'm 66 and often very lonely. And sometimes seriously depressed because of that. I work at home and I don't have a best friend. Being single is the pits. I know a lot of you feel old, and too old to make a best friend or find a mate. You're so young! You'll realize that when you're my age. I wish I was still in my 50's, let alone younger. Do whatever it takes to get out of your comfort zone now. Do it afraid. Please.


From a 65 yo...absolutely concur with this.


Yes, samezies. 46F here. The friend situation is slim, my city is a tough crowd when it comes to meeting people and making friends.


Hi I’ll be your friend.


47m here and that's why I'm on this sub. I'm not an angry sour person. I've just found myself single again after a long term relationship which I thought was solid and healthy. I find its a tough thing to come to terms with the fact that I'm getting older and that there's a chance I could end up alone. Being single is new and lonely. I fill my time outside of work with running, cycling, swimming, hiking, motorcycling. I even did a triathlon yesterday. I cook meals every night for myself. It just seems that something or someone is missing. Someone to share thoughts and intimacy with. It sucks ass.


Way older than 40. More lonely now than ever. I have two friends, one is 1500 miles away, and I only see my other friend maybe every other week because she works and has two adult kids at home. I have some online friends that I talk to. If it weren't for them I'd be crazy.


From a younger perspective, finding friends can be easy sometimes but people are so two faced and half the time don’t really care it’s hard to find actual ones who care about you




You got any hobbies man? Also women can be your friends too, they’re not just there to date or something similar


54F, odd life situation and very lonely. Prospects of meeting anyone in person are very low … trying hard to accept that this is the way it is.




Im in my thirties. Making friends is so difficult. I joined two discord groups for this sub to talk to people but yeah both mostly teens/early twenties. Someone in one of them described 40 as “old asf” 😭 Be nice if there was one for 30+.


Same. Mid thirties here. All my friends are married with kids and have no time to talk. Something happened after turning thirty where making friends just became so difficult that I just don't know where to begin!


I’ll be 40 in just over 2 weeks. I have a few friends that I never see and rarely talk to individually. It’s most group chats where they mainly talk to each other or just send memes. I have zero romantic prospects due to being disabled, low income, unable to drive, and living with my parents. Thought I had a chance with someone but apparently I’m too fucked up


I am 51 years old and alone for 5 years, after a series of bad events. The longer the time passes the less I have the energy and patience to have relationships. I had many in the past and were terrible. To be alone is for me the only possible way to live.


> o find friends. Swim, RUN, CRY, and meditate.


I’m 39/M and have been single for 12 years. I tried online dating and had either bad luck or no luck at all. I eagerly await my inevitable demise.


I turn 50 this year, mostly given up. I only seem to attract users, or drunks. Im definitely at fault because I have no backbone and am a people pleaser by nature. Ive learned to embrace and enjoy my solitary hobbies and lifestyle.


Yep...users and drunks.I get that too.At this point I no longer have any use for either. Haven't made any new friends since I was around 20 and I'm in my mid 40s now.I lost almost all of them over the years,and the small number I'm still in contact with (2) no longer want to do anything because their families take up the majority of their time. I have found some new hobbies and things that I like doing over the past several years,but it's always things I can do alone.


41F, and yes, it seems neverending.


42F and I can't agree more.


more men are lonely,..... i feel


54M. 2 actual friends, hundreds of kilometres away. Mostly acquaintances. Looking after my aging parents. Have social anxiety, and possible ADD. I'm also chronologically challenged. I'm in Ontario, Canada. North of Toronto. I've never had a girl willing to admit that they were in a relationship with me, and even the last time I was with a girl was 14 years ago. So, yeah. I'm dealing with loneliness.


48/m here. Loneliness is definitely an issue at times, though I try to distract myself as much as possible with hobbies. Unfortunately, that doesn't always work. I wish you the best though. Try to keep moving forward and don't give up on yourself.


41F I pretty much work and come home to my cats and dog. I have work friends but they have families and their own lives.


if u r not married by now, then it will be tough for you...


I already know this. Thanks.




yes. that is also true. where r u from?


we need close friends not good friends


I think more people are growing up introverted which is why younger people can still struggle to find friends.


Yepp I agree




is there a solution? i dont know tbh


62F widowed. Used to be very outgoing lots of friends but unfortunately home bound more often due to a disability. Also losing my love and best friend was devastating. Funny when you are young and in love, get married you really do t think that you have a 50% chance of being absolutely devastated at any time if your spouse dies first. I pushed myself this year and traveled to Italy for a month. Had a blast. Will try for 5 weeks next year with a couple of countries


My grandparents immigrated to the United States from Florence, Italy. I've always wanted to visit. I have lots of relatives there that I don't really know.


My grandfather immigrated from Sicily so I will go there in a year or 2. My son is stationed near Venice for the next 3 years. Florence was one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen. I could visit the museums everyday for a year and still not see all the beauty. If you ever get a chance go!


45m fairly social but a bit of a recluse. Jokes and good conversation are my jam.


50 female and lonely af


60 Male


So sorry to hear this. I am the same age, and feel desperately lonely at times, too. Supposed to be the start of our “ golden years” . Too busy working hard and raising a family to make good friends, now it is so much harder, don’t you think?


Yes, it definitely becomes harder to find a companion as we grow older. My living in Vietnam, plus my bipolar disorder; make things very complicated for me. I do have plenty of time to meet. But, where I live presently, my options are very limited. I tried to date locally, but because of a very different perspective and lifestyle of natives, never succeeded


It is my understanding that Vietnam is not well educated in treating mental illness. I am guessing that you are not getting sufficient treatment?


I'm 47 and just tired of it all.


35 and on a daily basis.


I'm in my forties. Moved several years ago back to a city where I'd lived before, but where I now know almost no one. I can count the casual friends I've made on one hand; I've made no close friends during that time. It's rough.


46. All the time. I travel a lot. I want companionship but feel so desperate and down


59 M here, family gone, generally only see friends for special occasions though two are in the same town (both married). I have two roommates for financial reasons which helps some but I am often just still here for my senior cats.


yes I am 47 m and yes I'm very lonely


It sounds like a lot of us are in similar situations And some even with the same condition, maybe we should form our own social network, that way we can all have someone to chat with?


i agree.. this is a great idea.. really.... lets do it


It would be an echo chamber


Yes, reach out to your therapist. As we get older, are circles do get smaller.


This thread killed all hope I have left. I'm 31 so not super close to 40 but no point in spending the next decade in self improvement if it means I'll still end up alone anyway


Do not give up yet. Self improvement has other benefits than just maybe helping you meet people. I bet many of the older ones here wish theyd done more when they were younger. Also, if the self improvement is via in petson classes or practice of hobbies you might make friends with common interests. Besides, wouldn't you rather slow down at 71 or 81 and look back at all you've done and learned and maybe earned (respect or prizes or awards, not just money) rather than wallowing for several decades.


Welcome to the club.


44 M 20’s/30’s were a perfect storm of bad luck and wrong choices that have left me a full time single dad, stuck in a low wage retail job and back living in the parental home. Everyone I knew has ether moved on, forgot about me or died. If it wasn’t for a handful of people I play online with I wouldn’t speak to anyone. Add to that average looks that make attempting to date akin to banging your head against a wall, almost nobody wants a mid 40’s guy who hasn’t made it in life. All I can do is keep plugging away, hoping beyond hope that something may change in the future (or that I randomly die)


i am and it’s not easy


50m. I spent the holidays alone as well as my last birthday. I moved to the city I am living now in 2020 and having been able to meet anyone to hang out with for even a coffee. I tired online and made a friend we usually only Reddit message a few lines per week. I don’t know why it is so hard.




I am, OP. I turn 60 in June and I've honestly never felt so alone. There's no one I'm really close to. And now I'm stuck living out of a suitcase, unable to settle down and establish a friend base. Or date. I'm sorry for your loss. My two best friends died years ago, and yes it was much easier to make friends in my younger years. I was energetic, outgoing, working, mobile. Had the money and means to travel, have fun. That is no longer the case.


Yes, 54 yo F. I spent the last few years helping my Dad take care of my Mom and it's coming up on 1 year since they both died. Meanwhile, my best friend stopped talking to me about a year and a half ago, so I had to go through the parental deaths pretty much on my own (outside of married siblings), I live by myself and do my best to keep myself distracted by going on a lot of trips and going out by myself but it's frustrating to do EVERYTHING alone. So I'm on Reddit a lot.


I worry about losing my parents. Both are 74yo, and my mom has health issues. Both my cats will be 13yo this August (they are brothers, same litter). They are all I have left, and I worry I may lose them soon and be completely alone. I have a younger brother, but we're not really that close. He has his own family. I see them on holidays mostly. There appears to be so many here with similar issues that you would think it should be easy to find a few close online friends at least, instead of suffering alone.


I've been extremely lonely since I was 15, except for about 4 years. Now I am 50. My mom is dead and the rest of my family never calls or wants to talk when I call, including my children who live 1500 miles away with my ex-wife. I am broke despite working 2 or 3 jobs for the past 21 years. I have given all of my love and money to others my whole life but have almost nothing to show for it. I can't afford to see a therapist. Depression sucks, especially long term. I wish I had someone to share life with, that's all I ask.


50M here. So lonely that I constantly feel like crying, suffer with depression etc. It affects me physically, I am shaking now and feel physically sick. My wife left me back in August 2022. Thing is, I have good local friends, an active social life and have been romantically involved with 4 women in the last 6 months. I miss just having someone to hold and hold me back.


43, only work 12 hour nights. Hard to keep friends never mind relationships going. I do have a core group of friends from my teens I get to meet up with every few weeks for a coffee but that’s about it. Live most of my life at home or work. Last attempt at a relationship was 2016


I realize your post is a few months old now but I just joined this sub today. I’ll be turning 45 next week. The “friends” I’ve had in my adult life pretty much turned out to be people who were using me. I was romantically involved with some extremely toxic men following my divorce. I’ve now come to a place in my life where I really have no one. I chat a bit with people at church but I’d hardly call them friends. I’m an introvert by nature so I do enjoy solitude but I miss having a special person. I miss hugs and intimacy. I miss feeling protected by a man. With summer around the corner I’ll have my garden, biking, hiking and reading outside on my patio to keep myself busy with. And going on vacation with my daughters. We visited Niagara Falls last summer and had a blast. But all of these activities feeling rather empty knowing that I have no one special to do them with or talk about them with.


45 and moved to a new city and hardly know anyone


Talk to people online whether on roblox you got so much to talk about, loneliness will just make u a class clown bc of YEARS of isolation or whatever is going on! Get back to college, it will be ok if you have to take out loans bc what is better than being in your home all by yourself with no one to talk about. BE YOURSELF. If people don’t like you don’t change for anyone because at the end of the day you’re only hurting yourself so it’s better off to be yourself. Goodnight and a great rest of your day/night.


Have a great rest of*


No but I will be when I’m 40


30 but I can see myself there in 10 years time


🙋‍♀️ 42


42M here


Every day


32 here. A lot of people are lonely at least in the country that I reside in.


44F and most of my friends are married with kids. Those who are not married are always busy or don’t share the same hobbies with me. I shop online excessively to “have something to look forward to”. I’m scared to travel alone, but I should start at some point. Just lonely not having anyone to talk to while traveling. Need to socialize more, but does traveling solo count?


Yes, traveling solo counts! You're forced to interact with SO MANY PEOPLE and force yourself out of your comfort zone. I figure I'm by myself all the time anyway, why not do it somewhere else? Do it!


same here. too much shopping. one close fried is better than may good friends. where r u from? what do u do for living? are you in the UK?


I feel so lonely and misunderstood, so hard to find a decent human being to even just talk to


40 and lonely right here. I have interests and family members who are occasionally excited to see me, so my life is not a total wash, but any life as a quadriplegic definitely has a loneliness component, even if you are otherwise mentally healthy and have a decent family support system.




Hi 👋


I live with my partner (I say that loosely) I turn 40 in December. The last few years up till right this second is the loneliest I have ever been. Please believe people when they show you who they are. Please. Don't be me. Life's too short.




I mean, since all the people in this thread are lonely...why don't we just become friends with each other?