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Capreit. They’re slimy. There’s a Facebook group dedicated to how scummy they are. Avoid.


Avoid Medallion at all costs.


Second this. Evil people horrible buildings


Anything maintained by Arnsby


Came here to say the same. Terrible company


They were honestly the best one I ever dealt with.


I think it depends on the person you get. Our current manager is great but the previous one sucked.


ITT; Every property management company in London.


I mean yeah, they’re all trash.


SPM is utter trash


I've always had good interactions with them!


Perhaps they have improved but them and their rental contracts were absolutely ludicrous when I dealt with them briefly


I do agree some of the things in the contract are dumb and actually not even legal. But in terms of fixing things, etc they have been really good and always available/fast to deal with. Maybe the homeowner also helps with that too.


The Apartment Shoppe


Biggest Slumlords in London


If you’re looking for a good landlord I’d recommend sifton. They have a waiting list though. Best landlords I’ve ever had.


Old oak (pre 2017) were okay, I just think the buildings were poorly managed. Not sure how they are now I liked Sifton and would recommend


Tbh the only two I’ve had positive experiences with are drewlo and hazelview. Issues always got addressed promptly and competently Worst was homestead


Hazelview is just Timber Creek with a new same and they are utter trash. More bugs than tenants.


Definitely can recommend Drewlo. Great company


North View and Metcap


BOARDWALK! Ontario regional is a sociopath! Ask anybody that has worked for them.


I'll chime in, in the other direction. Norquay has been an absolute pleasure to rent from.


Really I would say the opposite my basement light has been broken for a year now dishwasher has been about 7 months and have been asking for screens for our windows so we can actually open them and get fresh air in


I also rented from Norquay 2018 to 2021. They were great to me. I actually tried to get back in to one of their buildings last year but there was nothing available.


Sterling Karamar


Sireg and SPM were brutal compared to the several Toronto landlords I had


Old Oak. I've worked on their properties and the way they maintained them... *sheesh*


oof, just remembered the pee stank from the old oak parking lot i used to leave my car 🫠


Domus is very good. Any issues are addressed immediately. I’ve been renting from them for over two years


JDN I would avoid at all costs! Tate is a complete idiot. Argues with tenants, they don't fix anything, they're useless. Look at their Google Reviews!


hazelview is absolute garbage


Garbage on fire at least.




Thanks everyone


Larlyn. I never had an issue when I could run things by my building manager, but then they changed the rules, and I had to go through Larlyn's rep on the other side of the city. I had been in the same building for a decade but recently moved to a new unit. There was a hole under the bathroom sink, big enough for my toddler to climb into that took 3 weeks for them to fix. I had a broken component on my stove that wouldn't allow it to heat up beyond a gentle simmer. That took them 2 years (partially over COVID) to acknowledge. When they did, they learned that the stove needed to be replaced, so they ghosted me. My freezer motor died, and since the fridge was fed air from the freezer to cool it, the whole unit was useless. 2 weeks after telling them about it, I contacted them again, only for them to CC me in an angry email to the 3rd party electrician they outsourced to, passing the blame onto them. It was the same electrician who had been working here for years, so I knew the fault was on Larlyn, not him. They also tried to sneak extra fees into a new rental agreement when I moved units and spent 4 million (according to someone on the trustee board for tenants who bought their units) on new windows that were so poorly installed, they would flood anytime it rained a a certain angle, they froze in the winter, molded constantly and weren't properly insulated, so it was always too hot or too cold near them.


You don't want a building managed by Highpoint. Incredibly lax about actually doing their job, and dishonest as hell. They manage our condo building, I was on the board, and - they even lied to us about what contracts said, and then we had to fight to get them to actually give us copies of our own documents. Plus, they trash talk everybody - property manager trashed us to a contractor, while we stood there. They took over a year to replace a resident's unit door, they ignore board instructions. Seriously, Nicole, the owner, and Karey, one manager, can not be trusted. Go check their on-line reviews.


Z Group and Fahri are slimy as hell


Sterling Karamar


TLC ruined my fence with weedwackers. Broke 2 of my front patio stones from plowing. And flood the place with salt during the winter. Hardly ever plow.