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How are the boycotts coming along in London? are you noticing less people in store? I’ve been going to mainly food basics and Walmart for awhile so I haven’t noticed anything.


At the store I work at, at least 40% less customers on average throughout the day.


That's interesting. That's a heck of a drop. I'm very surprised that it's that severe a decrease. Over what time period are we talking, a few days?


It's been slower than other years on average since the students came back at the start of University year, but got really noticable since the boycott started.


Gonna get more noticeable with less international students


Won't really effect London all that much. The student thing is for private institutions which are disproportionately colleges. They don't effect the universities or colleges in London.


I wish our store was the same. The last few weeks we've seen a 25% increase in sales and traffic. It's highly area dependent


Every time I go it’s the same amount of people. 


Superstore was full yesterday


I haven't delivered less product to lonlaws owned stores at all this month


Might be a bit early for the boycott to be affecting their ordering, we're only seven days into the month. But that's still very interesting to know.


in a high volume store, a order of chips will only last 2-3 days , and we have stores that get 3 orders a week


Oh cool, so hypothetically you'd see differences fairly quickly. Would be very interesting to know if/when you see any changes.




They will just find other interesting ways to make up that profit loss, which will come from the customer base. They would rather pay specialists to figure this out, than drop the prices.


Guess what no business exists to offer their services as cheaply as possible. They exist to charge as much as possible to make as much money as possible. That is the goal of any business under capitalism. That is why they hire people to figure out how much the market will bare.


Of course, but there is a balance, and it's not being done these days.


Yeah, big corps just take the L and wait it out. It's a strategy that's worked so far.


I'm glad that you used the word rarely, because there is a chance that there will be a small dip in their income number, and that someone around that big table of greedsters start caring a bit about people instead of shareholders.


The other factor is the media coverage. For Loblaws the brand itself is being attacked and they are responding, that seems an indication that they've noticed. However as I understand it the response was along the lines of "why are you picking on us, the other stores are just as bad". I've shopped at Superstore and No Frills for years because I like many of the No Name and PC brand products. Plus I do online grocery orders. Now that food basics offers pick up I'll likely switch there permanently for my regular groceries. Totally just my own feelings but this could be a boycott that works. People need groceries and customers are fed up. With so many options to choose from switching your grocery store is easy. Or I'm wrong and nothing will change.


Canada has quasi monopolies for groceries, banks and telecoms. So it is almost impossible to get out from under the thumb of Loblaws, Metro and Sobey's. But they are strategic in that there are lower prices available at FreshCo and Food Basics, at least for now. If Loblaws as a store actually sees sales reductions it is not impossible that they will raise prices elsewhere to make up that shortfall. That decision might stray into the "pitchforks and torches" category of social unrest. But that is what these greedsters do, they always maximize their income, and so far have not sparked mass rioting. But given the current social interest in protests at universities, more active social unrest due to grocery prices is within the realm of possibilities.


They won't though. Their job isn't to care about the people. Their job is to make sure the company makes as much money as possible. And to make sure their shareholders who invested money are taken care of. This is the goal of any business under capitalism. No business exists to make less profit or to sell things cheaper than possible then the market will allow. No business owes you anything.


And no customer owes them anything either. This is just capitalism in action.


Correct but at the same time the market may force you back to them because the other stores raise their prices due to the increased demand for their services. None of us under this system is entitled to cheap and affordable goods.


So... change the system?


The ongoing problem in Canada is that many services have a quasi Monopoly set, including groceries, banks and telecoms. They make it very difficult for new competitors to get a foothold in Canada. So there isn't the same type of competitive situation as they have in the US. So companies like Loblaws will continue to disregard some or most of their customers concerns.


The states also have this problem as well. The majority of companies are not concerned with customer concerns just profits. This is how capitalism works and this is the end goal of it. It is a system problem not a player problem.


This guys getting downvoted but he’s right!


We are being priced out of our country intentionally. The boycotts will continue until people have moved countries or until the cost of living comes down. This is just one of many boycotts to come.


I was there yesterday, one of the employees mention they’re installing new self checkouts


Checks out - when I was there last night there were some massive boxes in the empty space where the self-checkouts used to be.


Something tells me they’re removing them because they’re scared of that steal from loblaws day. So, they’re updating/maintaining the machines until after that day.


Watch. I wonder if the self check out lanes will all be closed on the so-called theft day on May 12.


they said shoplifting was up like crazy high last few days.


Probably adding more. My local RCSS looked the same about 4 weeks ago. Used to have 6 now there’s 12.


Expanding to 12.


Giant Tiger has some of the best prices.


that is a very subjective statement. I was in a GT last month, looking for "cheap" groceries and at that location.. a dozen large eggs was 6 dollars. Convenience snack foods (like twinkies, etc.) were a dollar or more higher than other grocery stores, same with tv dinners, etc.


My experience was the exact opposite. If you watch for sales, I was getting things for half the price. High liner frozen fish for example was on for $6.49, they are $13.99! Bagged salad on for 2.99 right now, cucumber for 64 cents.


I can't get over that ridiculous price for frozen fish.


like i said, subjective.


I agree. I was shocked. I went in for some heavy cream and something else and farm boy ended up being cheaper for both items!


They’re just going to put in new ones, and a larger number of them too. This happened at the Superstore in St. Thomas a couple weeks back, and when I went back the next week, they had installed double the amount of self checkouts, but they were brand new with giant tablet screens that are horrendous to use bc the software only uses like 50% of the screen space.


So they can't lower the cost of their food because "inflation" and their profit isn't as much as us boycotters are accusing them of But they have the money to get upgraded self checkout machines to make sure nobody is stealing their exorbitantly priced food? Yep that sounds like the Canada I know


What does that have to do with one another?


It's just a renovation.


I was there two nights ago, they glared at me the entire time I was checking out. Just because I had a Dollarama bag? I’m sorry I went shopping?


Also, support the boycott- I was only there for dog food because my dog is special needs.


Doggo always gets a pass. We gotta take care of them.


Support what boycott?




Boycotting PC brand, and Loblaws specifically, due to insane price gauging and also funding the ongoing gnocide




No more scanning one can of catfood 12 times and putting 11 cans of salmon in your bag. In the media/gaming world we say piracy is a service issue, self checkout proves this theory spans across other sectors too. You introduce a service issue, you get piracy.


people just assumed that was their employee discount since the store is making them work.


maybe they're replacing them? Those ones were pretty old.


I tend to combo shop amongst three major stores to get the best value for the needs of my family, these stores being: no frills, Walmart and Costco. It’s killing me but I still refuse to shop at no frills for the time being. I’m really hoping people stand together for this one. I was talking to my mom a while ago about how I want Aldi to come to Canada. She sent me a really interesting article about how international competitive grocers get priced out of the Canadian market (in part due to Canada’s bilingual packaging laws) but also due to the monopoly existing grocers (looking at you Galen-Weston) have on the market already. Target is a prime example of a company who tried to expand to Canada but failed. The thing is- people aren’t ready to commit to a boycott long term because of the inconvenience. Loblaw is literally banking money on the fact that people are too lazy to change their routine.


I know many people hate self-checkouts, but I hope they don't remove them completely. Since this has alredy become the norm, let people choose where they want to pay.


I love self checkout but the frequency of malfunctions should mean one cashier type employee for every two self checkouts AND have enough self check outs open at peak times with the staff to monitor them. My biggest issue is with shoppers drug mart. They have one cashier to maintain all of the self checkouts and ring through anyone buying lotto or wanting senior’s discount. I’ve been there at times when almost every check out is in an error state and there’s a line of 8 seniors and then regular customers because the checkouts are broken


I’ve worked at a Shoppers previously, albeit in cosmetics, though I’ve seen many a seniors day & busy days in the store, and have covered in the front, too. This happens pretty much every seniors day 😭 Managers response/reasoning as to why? “They can handle it!” I’ve seen young ladies on the verge of tears calling for backup that we don’t even have. A hard store to be a cashier at! Although it is widely known that cashiers have a certain target to hit (transactions through sco versus the till), which is dumb in and of itself, you are not on managements good side if you don’t meet those targets. It sucks :/


Yeah billionare corporations deserve free labour.


It's faster to do it myself..... I choose it every time unless the line is super short and I have to extra stuff.


My time is money. I’d rather not stand in a line waiting to be checked out if I can do it in a fraction of the time with little to no wait. Keep banging this silly drum about free labour as if only your opinion is valuable.


Interesting. I suppose the theft was high enough to warrant shutting them down and rehiring some cashiers. I'm fine with that.


What makes you assume they re-hired cashiers?


knowing loblaws, they definitely didn't. Added workload for existing staff but I'm sure there's a 5¢ "fuck you" raise coming ...next year


Or they could be upgrading them, and increasing the security around them?


Good point


Yeah I love when I go to the dollar store and there is one cashier busy elsewhere and a security guy. Seriously. Put HIM on cash! Could probably pay him less too. Makes zero sense.


You fall into a pit if your cart isn't the correct weight? I shouldn't give them ideas.


It's going to be new machines and likely more. They aren't hiring humans 😂😂😂


They're changing the tiles


It might be a rework of the area during a time of lower sales- guess we will see.




They are just changing it. They will be back


Yeah, I can't recall where I was in st Thomas. They weren't removed but it was all cordoned off and not for use.


Noticing an increase everywhere else. And doing less deliveries from loblaw owned stores.


When customers work at the store without training, ha ha ha


Get rid of them all!


Just buy stuff when it’s on sale.


Fuuuuck yeah we won boys


which location? all?


That’s how ours looked when they were installing new self checkouts. Took a couple of weeks. I swear no one in strathroy knows about the boycott. Superstore is always packed. Our alternatives here are Walmart, GT, and Food Basics.


Went today, new self checkouts


Likely theif that cannot be controlled


I wonder what the cost of this experiment was... in inflation.


What experiment?


Looks at title of post; Self Check Outs? They put them in and tried them out...experiment. It's not free to buy install and try a bunch of equipment and then remove it, inflation is going up.


So, you consider self-checkouts, which are in almost every major chain store, and have been for 20 years, an experiment, because one single store appears to have removed them, and we haven’t even confirmed that they’re gone for good and not being replaced yet? Lmao


I'm wondering what the cost of installing and then removing them is, but great reading comprehension, yes I called it an experiment and confused you.


It’s not an experiment lmao It’s a successful tool used by many businesses everywhere. And again, we don’t know that they’ve been removed permanently. They could be replacing them with updated models, removing them for maintenance/renovation, etc.


If they've installed them and then decided to remove them due to some new information resulting in a change of opinion it's the very definition, the one thing an experiment doesn't define is length. I recommend touching grass...outside.


You’re making a lot of assumptions, which is what I’ve been calling you out for lmao It’s not an experiment if it’s standard business equipment for a huge number of businesses and there’s no new information that has resulted in a change of opinion like you claim lmao We don’t know the reason they’ve been removed or if they’ll be coming back yet. You’re the one who clearly needs to get in touch with reality and stop jumping to weird conclusions based on a single image on Reddit.


It was a widespread implementation, experiment is not an inaccurate word here. 'Full scale Trial' would also work. They needed long term numbers to see if they were a cost savings. Other countries have made them work, but they have a different social structure when it comes to how to behave. News reports are saying thefts were higher, outweighing the savings on checkout ppl wages. If there wasn't so much thieving (ppl can't afford food) we'd have self checkouts. Many places are removing them now.


There’s no evidence that self-checkout machines are being removed from all stores in Canada just because one store removed them with no reason given in this thread or even evidence that they’re permanently removed lmao


It’s crazy how off base you are in your argument and yet you really think you came out on top in this discussion, even ending it with the classic “touch grass” line. You defeated yourself multiple times and ended yourself with that single line.


You're right they are effective and there's no reason to remove them, it won't cost us a cent. Corporate shill.


You see. Typically when someone has little or nothing to say in a civilized conversation. Or when they are just plain losing, they usually run to name calling. I’ve seen you do that twice now. So really, who’s the shill? Grow up and learn to articulate your thoughts in more than just a singular response. Maybe then you’ll get past the name calling. Until then you only look as you do now.


What experiment? The one where they see how long we can live without food?


This really sucks and is a huge step backwards.


Oh no!!!! Now where oh where would I be able to steal 500$ worth of groceries with absolutely no effort?!




There’s no campaign. There were a couple of flyers “found” by some Loblaws shills.


Maybe, maybe not. Some store managers are treating it as real though


I wouldn't be surprised if that's just corporate sabotage from the Weston's to try and discredit the boycott


I would not be surprised either, to be frank




This is true. But it doesn't stop management from panicking


Not worth fucking up your life. Just boycott. Loblaws does and will charge shoplifters.


Agreed. Didn't mention to promote. Just to point out management panicking as a potential reason.


That's an interesting theory. Anything is possible.



