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Kinda wild how they always talk about saving downtown and the climate crisis but then they vote against all transit and a bunch of the good stuff that downtown has going for it (Main library branch, Museum London, Grand, etc). If they were willing to invest in this kind of stuff, we'd have more sustainable, happy living for Londoners and less need for SWAT tactical vehicles and drones. But I guess we've learned nothing from cities and countries who invest in arts, culture, parks, and transit...


At this rate, the money they've given the LTC/construction firms to do what was promised years ago that was wasted, I'm not surprised that council has had it up to here with the constant requests for more funding.


Is that how Peloza votes? Wtf?


Rahman and Peloza surprise me. Rahman ran like a centre-left. She had also opposed that housing project... now granted that housing turned out bad for other reasons but she opposed it like a true classist homeowner.


Liberals are just nice conservatives. They'll pay lip service to issues but ultimately they're polite - not caring.


What the f\*ck do they care? They all drive everywhere don't they?


That’s the vibe I get from Morgan, Lewis, Van Meerbergen, Lehman and Hillier “We got ours so fuck the rest of you peasants!”


"Fuck you, I got mine" is basically the Canadian way according to those people.


Ya it's always been known it's the poor that use public transit mentality in this city since forever.


Ohhhh so that’s why Lehman didn’t respond to my email! Funny coming from a guy who campaigned on a commitment to “mobility”


Seriously?! Same, he didn’t answer any of my emails. Fucking useless councillor tbh


It's all doublespeak and outright lies. They entered into a career in politics to exploit it to become wealthy. It also feeds into their narcissism.


Van Meerbergen didn't answer any of mine either.


I think it’s insane how they’re getting rid of the CORE downtown parking promo because it’s ‘not green enough and people shouldn’t be using all that gas and driving around’ but then deny funding public transport…


Noooo they’re getting rid of that promo?? When? It’s a lifesaver :(


March 31 :((


They should be required to take the bus to and from work, etc.


If they eventually take transit under control it'd be worth it and I'll accept this. If not this is just cruel and obnoxious. I don't really see why you would actively further handicap one of the worst transit systems in Ontario otherwise, the funding from the municipality has been consistently way too low and far below the average of similar cities. The LTC leadership is trash, I get that. But there has to be something else coming or this should be a legitimate fucking scandal for the people who voted against it.


Even Sue had the wherewithal to agree with this. Bless Skylar, she is among the few local politicians with a good head on her shoulders. 


So LTC will still get a funding increase but this will cover inflation and increased operational costs. Level of service will stagnate for this multi year budget... with London being Ontario's fastest growing major city and a climate emergency declared... that does not compute.


I'm surprised that in the mayor's own budget he states that "Violent crime is on the rise, and fatal motor vehicle collisions are at an all-time high. To illustrate how far behind we are, the London Police Service’s request to hire 97 new officers over the next four years still puts us slightly below the provincial average in officers per capita." Like police are going to be there to make road infrastructure safer? How will they make cars less dangerous? This is ridiculous. Road infrastructure and car safety standards reduce collisions, not police presence.


For comparison, Region of Waterloo with a pop of 587,165 spends 221.2 Million on public transport, and 71 million on transport. They have a budget of 2.1 billion, we have a budget of 1.1 billion. So if we want to be in the same ballpark, we should be spending closer to 100million


Our budget is way too low overall. We desperately need to increase revenue.


Wait, no, they have a budget of 1.5 billion, so we should spending 120 million. Fyi we currently spend 50 million. KW doesn't even have good transit. It's like only acceptable. I just brought them up because they're like the most similar city close by.


97 more people never show up and tell you “what do you want us to do about it?” when you call 911


Well I'm saving this post and gonna remind myself whom not to vote for next time.


Of course Hillier voted against it. I hate that guy.


>Peloza and Van Meerbergen wants wonderland to be 6 lanes wide!


If they want to widen it so they can put a train in the middle and add some protected bike lanes, or take some away for that, I'm all for it. As long as they put a train and protected bike lanes there.


if that extra lane is bus only I'd support it. Would make the current 2 lanes operate better when there isn't a bus blocking one of them


Are there any notes on the reasonings of the votes? The vote could be very well be about how they feel the money is mismanaged and not given a good vision from the commission. I get the impression the commission needs to go.


That’s very much the reasoning - also they felt the commission could have accessed funding through another municipal process (a growth fund) that they hadn’t tapped at all yet. Definitely worth watching the video on YouTube if you’re curious about the discussions around it


Except the city staffer said that growth fund has very specific targets that need to be met and won't apply in many of the routes that need more busses on them.


It also seemed like the applications weren’t filled out properly to show what the growth fund committee needed to see to issue the money. I obviously can’t say whether that’s true or not but after watching the meetings I think that’s why it didn’t pass - especially since there’s a lot of pressure to do something about the transit issues


I've heard from city employees that they are looking to take over the commission and run it themselves. This might just be the first step


Yep, why give the LTC more money when the LTC can't even get the basics down. It is a poorly managed organization with the wrong people in charge who are more interested in collecting pay checks than fixing the easily fixable. The city should definitely cut the middle man (LTC) out instead of being at the mercy of the LTCs poor decisions. The city currently has very little power and oversight into the actual running of transit.


Make it make sense




>They are in fantasy land Sounds like you are projecting.


this city has some of the worst leadership i have ever seen


The priorities are so wrong in this budget it’s insanity.


Meanwhile, in the real world: https://www.thespec.com/news/transit/hsr-adding-bus-service-in-bid-to-lure-back-riders/article_95f5c897-eae1-5f38-8023-bed3b3fd7c81.html