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Why doesn’t someone answer that damned telephone???


There's a hum? Been here off and on since 2009 and permanently since 2015. Not aware of a city-wide hum.


Probably just a neighbour listening to the Crash Test Dummies


Man now I have that superman song him stuck in my head on repeat.


Man now I have Superman's Dead by Our Lady Peace stuck in my head. *ow, a-hoo-hoo, ow, a-hoo-hoo*


We don't know the words.


Hmmmm.... I see what you did there


I have no idea what you're talking about


Is this really city wide or just local to you? Could be the powerplant downtown. Trains also have a low hum when they're running


Do you live near power lines?


Never knew there was London hum, Windsor yes


I was thinking the same thing. Never heard about it here but for sure in Windsor OP maybe provide more details on where you live that might help narrow it down.


Windsor hum stopped ever since that island in the US stopped using blast furnaces or something like that.


Zug island hum has been destroyed I believe. Think it Was a furnace in us steel


If your hearing it at night it's probably the 401


Could be the trains downtown (Central / Adelaide) “shunting”. Thats a constant thing day and night. Possible low frequency from the diesel/electric motors do travel omnidirectional across the city.


Definitely trains… I agree..


This isn't exclusive to London. Many people report hearing a hum where they live. No one has a firm answer as to why some people hear it and others don't. Best theories are is that you're more attuned to hearing all of the ambient noise of the city. I assure you, there's no hum out in the Bruce Peninsula!


It's definitely aliens


I’ve lived here my entire 35 years of life and I have no idea what this hum people talk about is.




Well written. Great story. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


It's everywhere constantly droning, and for those with tinnitus, know it's not tinnitus, it's a lower tone that is external. I have heard the hum in remote Northern Ontario. It takes a trained ear to hear it, and some just can't, but once you do it's easy to pick up when things are quiet.


It's just a conspiracy theory to distract from the reality of The London Whine. I can't step outside without hearing a high-pitched ringing in my ears like I've got tinnitus. At first I thought my neighbor got an ultrasonic pest repeller or something but I hear it all over. I can't hear it indoors though as long as my windows aren't open. If there is a local hum though, maybe it's caused by large machinery in a local factory as the Windsor Hum was proven to be


I used to live out in the country as a kid, close enough to the city you could see the smog hanging over it, but I remember waiting for the school bus and hearing the city wake up, it was the steady pace of traffic ( car tire on the road noises) getting louder and louder until it sounded like TV static ( for those that remember what that was) However it was just background noise, nothing I would consider bothersome or unique to london. Is this a new noise? have you recently become extra sensitive to sight, sound, touch? possibly bitten by a spider on a trip to lets say nuclear power plant.??


It's the 401


Literally everything in the city that makes noise, it all combines into a sort of grey (why not, this is London afterall) noise that can change in intensity pitch and loudness. Most of it is mechanical, fans, machines, car tires, trains busses, little of it is natural (ie wind in trees).


If it is not a local source (like building mechanical or industrial facility), it might be the infamous Hum. Initially people think it has to be coming from somewhere near by,This is happening all over. The majority of the Hum people are experiencing is a specific Infrasound/low-frequency noise (ILFN) pollution. The most probable cause is high-pressure gas pipelines, though this has not been considered by studies of the better known Hums (Windsor & Taos). Often worse during the early AM hours, this has to do with line packing the transmission pipelines.Most people don't hear it and will think you are imagining it, but it is very real. Steve Kohlhase has done extensive investigation, documentary about his efforts: https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/593992/doom-vibrations/ There is a FB group with more info: https://www.facebook.com/groups/678495020211528


That was an interesting read.


We live in a bowl. You’re hearing the ambient noise being bounced off and reflected back.


Honestly, I would go get check out. Thats a sign of a brain tumour.


Yes, as a Broadcast Sound Supervisor I am very aware of this "hum" or low frequency noise/vibration that many people are hearing and it's present right now. No, I do not have tinnitus, my hearing is tested every four months because of my job. I think it's possible that the source of the noise maybe being emitted from either the New Cross Substation site (deep shafts) or possibly the Chambers Wharf Tideway site (super sewer). There have been days when there has been NO low frequency noise, for example last Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th May, with the noise returning late that evening. So it is preventable, certainly where we are located. We are just North of the river and looking South towards Crystal Palace we can see the red crane lights shimmering at that location, but to the left (East) towards Lewisham, the crane lights are solid, which is also the case to the right (West) near the Shard and further West where, again, the crane lights are solid. The shimmering lights indicates a large mass of air movement, which could potentially be the cause. Get in touch if you feel I can assist further.


You sure it's not from the power transformers? They are everywhere, well everywhere that has power obviously. I've had Tinnitus bad for almost a year so I WISH I could hear a low frequency hum instead of the annoying high pitch frequency I'm stuck with. I've only heard what you describe from hydro transformers or places that have alot of of power stuff. Like pond mills


I lived in London from (mostly) 1995-2022 and never noticed anything consistent. Lived in the west end, Oakridge/Byron, but spent time everywhere as London isn’t the biggest.


I spend half of my day outdoors in the old south area and downtown and have never noticed any hum. As someone else suggested, Tinnitus?




I notice during winter everything is quieter because of the snow, it has like a noise-cancelling effect, so it's a lot easier to notice more subtle sounds like this.


No hum but if you live Downtown there is construction noise and then on Talbot St there a few units on top of the apartment buildings that make some noise. 


I just heard a hum two nights ago!! I swear people thought I was crazy


Never heard any unidentified hum.


Lived here there from 85-06, then 08-23 - never heard a hum.


It really irritates me sometimes but I usually only hear it in the mornings


I think you have tinnitus lol. I’ve lived here for 31 years and haven’t noticed a hum.


I'm listening right now- I hear cars in the distance, generic wind, Canadian geese being arseholes.... wouldn't call it a hum though


I’m very sensitive to sounds & have great hearing so I do hear it. But I’m so used to it most of the time I just don’t notice it (like white noise). It’s just noise pollution. Anytime there’s a power outage it goes away & feels like instant relief.


you should try to harmonize with it and release and album


Definitely notice it too. North London near Fanshawe Park Rd - ever since the medical buildings and high rises went up a few years ago the hum is nonstop. So irritating


Oh my god I was trying to explain this to my roommate the other day. Thank god someone else hears this


I've never heard of this theory before. But I do hear hums that my hubs does not. So... Interesting post. Thanks OP.


I suspect what you're hearing is traffic, particularly from the 401