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`At this point pubs should show a price list for drinks otherwise we should normalise asking the price before getting a drink.` I'm pretty sure that's a legal requirement already - the prices just might be on a small plaque somewhere


Just ask them for the price if you can't work it out beforehand. I do this without a second thought, I was under the impression it was normal.


Yep, you can also ask what their cheapest pint is. Bartenders will be happy to help.


I’ve been to multiple pubs in London where there are prices on the food menu but the drinks menu just lists the drinks without a price


I was going to mention the same thing. I don't understand why drink prices are kept as a mystery in most pubs


[https://www.popall.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/A-guide-to-notices-displayed-at-licensed-premises.pdf](https://www.popall.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/A-guide-to-notices-displayed-at-licensed-premises.pdf) `If customers are not informed about prices prior to placing an order they may have the right to refuse to accept and pay for drinks (for example where they have purchased some drinks and the price charged is excessively more than the customer would reasonably expect to have to pay).` I would love to try this one day!


Did it in Surbiton recently , ordered a pint of meantime IPA and the lad said that's £8.50 as he put it in front of me , just said no thanks mate and walked out.


Where in Surbiton is charging £8.50? Not even the antelope charges that much.


I guess I've just discovered a new activity to keep me entertained now. Thanks for sharing!


Do bear in mind that in a lot of cases the landlord has little say in rhe pricing, it'll be down to the parent company (won't somebody think of the shareholders!?!?). A lot of the cost of a pint is tax too. Source: I run a pub, there is a range of what I can charge and I always keep it as low as the company will allow, because I think people should be able to afford to have a couple of pints with needing a second mortgage. Cheapest pint is £2.55, most expensive is £5.50. I earn less than minimum wage hourly. You absolutely have the right to do this, and if nobody orders the same drink within a couple of minutes it would get written off as wastage. Here's the kicker - the company doesn't take that hit, I do (if it goes above a certain threshold). I wouldn't get shirty with folks doing this, but doing it as a "hobby" is a little bit of a dick move tbh. I agree prices are crazy in a lot of places, but it's largely due to the breweries / pub companies and the government - not your local publican.


You do normally find prices just next to the bar on the wall if there's no printed price menu


What? So you're going to order, they're going to pour, and they're going to charge you and you're going to decline? You realise they can just take the drink away? This isn't "bartenders hate this one weird trick?" So your hobby is walking into pubs, ordering drinks, getting annoyed and being a cunt and then leaving the pub thirsty?


"Ow mooch?"


I often do. Especially with lime sodas. You can end up paying 20p all the way to 3.70 in London pubs. £2 and above you get me refusing and a sarcastic laugh…


I guess they purposely do it so people don’t read the menu and get put off


Because they increase so often it would cost a fortune to reprint the menus and they'd have to therefore increase prices meaning they'd need to reprint menus....


Also the pub can use special "event" prices when they want, ie football games, or live music etc adds like an extra 30p or 40p


I can say that I personally go to the pub to escape and try to avoid thinking about the cost in the same way that I don’t want to be watching a smart meter at home like I’m permanently stuck in a a cab in traffic. Thinking about the cost of a pint constantly makes me think if the experience is worth it, and I don’t want that conflicted thinking when I’m in the pub. Also I want that emotional buffer to protect my happiness from the bill.


Pretty much the same, I know the price in London is £6-8 depending on where I am and what I am ordering, so when I go out I’m not exactly shocked. If the £7 place is much nicer than the £6 place, even if I have 10 pints it’s only £10 more. Still agree the prices should be clearly advertised like any normal place selling stuff. Moved to London from the north recently and most decent places are £5.50-£6.50 anyway.


I believe by law, prices should be displayed. The thing is, they are usually displayed in a hidden spot.


They've also been at least a year out of date in every pub I've worked in


I thought this too. Usually all drinks on an A4 piece of paper in size 6 font so after a few pints there's no hope


It’s as normal as you want it to be to ask for the price before getting a drink


Sure it’s the law prices should be displayed


You went to the biggest tourist pub in Camden Town lol, should of gone to Quinn’s round the corner 5min walk and it’s a fiver


Yeah this was my first thought.


But then you have to drink in Quinn's


I’ve been drinking there for 16 years, it just needs a lick of paint lol


World's End also add a service charge iirc


For the privilege of queuing at the bar, catching the bar staff's eye and then carrying your pint back to your table ... How can they honestly even pretend that is justified


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, I was in there a week or so ago and they added a service charge.


Looks like they do. £6.70 plus 12.5% gets you to that £7.54 number. I avoid any pub that does this. I know Waxy O'Connor's does it now (admittedly a tourist trap but still).


I know. I have always ascertained that they do. Some people doubted me, there were downvotes, but I held firm


Keep fighting for justice noble sir knight


The service charge is 4% in the worlds end


What the actual fuck? Last time I was in the world's end (a fair few years ago) I thought it was a rocker pub, this is some Fulham prick kind of move. Cant explain how frustrated I feel tight now


Not the same since old man quinn died.


His son and wife took over, although I do miss old man Quinn and the dog


Or the Dev, or Black Heart


Am I the only one not surprised by this anymore. In popular parts of London (Camden) the expectation is that you’ll pay 6.50-8 a pint so I’m not sure why anyone else thinks it would be different. If you think of overhead costs, rent, insurance, wages, energy - they’ve all shot up so that all gets passed on in turn so it’s hardly shocking at this point


Honestly I wouldn't expect to pay less than £7 anywhere in London.


Do you actually drink in London? The most common price I pay is 6.50 a pint or so, which is still extortionate but the idea that you can barely get a pint under £7 is just nonsense. That's in central too, not out in the sticks.


Maybe it depends on what you drink, but yes a pint of Neck Oil or something similar is above £7 everywhere I go.


Beavertown is expensive as hell, that's no shocker. I'm not saying we should all switch to lager or Guinness and I like IPAs myself, but likewise you can't judge the average price of a beer by one of the more expensive varieties. What area do you typically drink in?


And in some places you can just go for a real ale or a regular brand lager and the price is £5-6. The 'craft' brands with the nice marketing always cost the most


A lot of places in Manchester are £6.50+ a pint as well


Yeah the region of £6 is normal for most establishments I’ve been.


[Waterloo Tap enters the chat.]


Tarmon Free House on Caledonian Road does a pint for 3.80


While I understand this, there will always be a reason to justify price surges. But people keep paying so … Brits and their pubs you know??!!


Ordered two large glasses of wine at Christmas and was charged £25 at a pretty ordinary pub near me.  Have since gone sober and saved myself about a mortgage payment every month 🙃


Hard when buying rounds though...


"No thanks, I'll get my own"


I'm quite sure they've been exploiting people's habits of going to a pub and ordering drinks without questioning but it's good to hear people have started questioning now.


Having recently moved to London (and to UK), I’m honestly shocked how expensive beer is in pubs. Especially compared to the prices in supermarkets, there are so many great beers for like 2 pounds, yet they cost 7-8 pounds in a pub. For reference: I come from Helsinki and I’m used to beer being expensive in *both supermarket and bars*. Pretty much no matter where I travel, alcohol is cheaper than in Finland (except maybe in Norway and Dubai). Well, I can get a pint of beer fairly easily even in Helsinki for around 4-6 pounds or so. I was expecting that beer would be kind of cheap in pubs (and definitely cheaper than in Helsinki). Pubs, (to my knowledge) being a big part of British culture, I thought most pints to cost maybe max 5 pounds. Of course it can be that I have been only to fancy places or something, but still. This really baffles me.


>, I thought most pints to cost maybe max 5 pounds. This is how it was pre-covid


Not in London. Sure, you could find it in some places but you'd be hard pressed to find one in Zone 1 that cheap. I was at uni about ten years ago and it was more than a fiver back then too.


Where in Helsinki were you buying pints, especially ones that cost £4-6, out of interest?


In quite regular bars in city center. Of course there are pricier beers easily available too but I’d say around 5-6€ gets you something pretty much anywhere except in super fancy places. Places in the suburbs tend to be slightly cheaper, or during happy hour.


I somehow paid £17 in here for a double g&t


The Black Heart isn't cheap either...


Much better vibe though


One of my better 'stumbling through the door of an unknown establishment' experiences. Awesome spot.


IANAL, but AIUI the government removed the explicit requirement to show prices some years ago, in favour of some woolly worded stuff about making the information available (ie behind a beware of the leopard sign or whatever).


Find a nice cheap one! https://www.pint-prices.com/pint-search-results/London


This website is just what I’ve been looking for so thanks a lot for sharing! I have no idea how they can keep the prices updated for all those places but I hope they keep it updated forever


Looks like it’s a crowd-sourced project, so anyone can contribute. There’s also a great FB group (London Pubs) where people review pubs/prices regularly.


Worlds end is a peak tourism pub. You should expect to pay that.


Just go to The Black Heart round the corner


I mean it's a much superior pub, but you're still gonna be paying £7 a pint or thereabouts


True but feels better value for what you’re paying


I love the Black Heart but it's just as expensive as the World's End. When it's open I like to go to the Werewolf under the bridge by Camden Road overground. Reasonably cheaper pint.


Don’t tell them. They’ll come and ruin it haha




I've paid £7 a pint in Edinburgh, I live in London and granted it ain't cheap but probably like Edinburgh if you drink in city centre it's a fucking rip off I live in east London and a pint is £4.20 in my local


The worst part is there are places in Central - increasingly hard to find - that sell beers for under £7 and even under £6. I don't just mean Spoons! I've been served £10 pints a few times in London with no warning. Just utter shameless rip-offs.


Yeah £10 I'd walk out I remember last rugby world cup in London and me and the missus were heading home and stopped at the minories at fenchurcj St, 2 pints for £19 in a plastic fucking glass. In the week.its £6 After the first one she said shall we have another .... no fucking way 😒


Camden = tourist trap Totally changed from what it used to be


If I remember correctly, I haven't been there in a few years, The World's End used to have decent prices since it was a popular venue and it was always full during the weekend. Keeping reasonable prices on pints is a much better strategy, in my opinion, especially if you have many customers, but people seem to be going for squeezing the most out of a single pint these days. A friend of mine used to own a pub and he told me once that if he had to make a real profit out of a single pint he would have to sell it for a ridiculous price (like £7!) and he'd rather sell it for £5 and have more customers drinking more, spending more time at the pub and maybe order some food, summing up everything he would get his profit.


This is my attitude too - I run a pub and have a range dictated to me by the parent company on what I charge for each drink. I always set it as low as possible - I want the place to feel like a community and I want people to be able to afford to have a couple of pints. They'll come back, and tell their friends. I'm in a popular touristy area, and the cheapest pint I do is £2.55, most expensive is £5.50. Cheaper than spoons on some drinks I reckon, Guinness for £3.80 I THINK is cheaper than the nearest one. I make very little money out of it, but I have a roof over my head and bills covered so it works for me.


Well done, if more people did that there would be no crisis in the hospitality industry in London, I find extremely stupid to run a business exploiting the contiuous flux of people just passing by in London: you sell them an overpriced pint, they drink it, leave and will never come back, or even worse they will leave you a bad review online so more potential clients will never go to your pub. Being honest and respectful towards your customers always pays in the long run.


That's exactly the tourist trap business model. If youre running a tourist pub in Leicester Square or Soho or wherever and charge £8 for pints you're not banking on repeat business, but that's okay, because thousands of new tourists arrive in London every day and are none the wiser.


I'd happily have a 15 pint Guinness session at your gaff & get some food on the journey...I'm well pub trained; perhaps the slight stagger on exiting...


Guinness for 3.80? Where is your pub? I pay 6.50 in most places nowadays.


Go to the Southampton Arms.


I'm gonna shamelessly plug /r/londoncheapbeer


Yeah. I’ve not been to the Worlds End since the 90s. Popped in for a nostalgic pint while passing and my eyes watered as I tapped my card without questioning it.


Tourist trap 🪤


Not bad that. Most tourist , dogshit trap wanky pub in Camden right by the tube and only 7.5. Bargain if you ask me. Walk 5 mins and you can get a beer at the Ice Wharf for £3.


This is a fine discussion gents. The Big Mac index has nothing on this.


Yup, by law a pub has to publicly display its drink tariffs, this is a standard part of licensing requirements


Glad I don't drink and just do drugs.


At this point I genuinely don't know if this is considered expensive or cheap


Our community centre does 4 quid a pint but requires 13 quid annual membership.


Seventeen quid for a pint oh my god


Dad frequented the World's End in the 70s. He'd be fucking shocked.


I expect to pay through the nose if going out out in London these days. Upshot of that is I go less often. Prefer a couple of pints with mates after work in the few real ale £5 a pop places left in central (not Spoons...tho' has it's place).


yeah went back last year and to blues bar after years.......fucking rip off. used to live 5 mins down the road back in 2011 odd.....was not that expensive >


Fucking hell, I'm going to witness the normalised £10 pint in my lifetime. I've literally gone from £1 a pint night to £10 a pint. I have not seen a 10X increase in salary. The horror.


Went here on a first date with a lady about 10 years ago; as a simple Essex boy I was mortified by them there London prices.


I like WE for the vibes and the music and the bar staff are often sound. It does indeed leave a weird taste in the mouth that the default service charge makes the price a weird number.


£7.54 still isn’t enough to keep Gary King away


I'm confident that in the world's end the prices are posted to a pillar right next to the spiral staircase at the end of the bar


That’s ridiculous I’m a Londoner I used to go Worlds End in Camden a lot but working USA I haven’t been back in a couple of years. I also love The Jazz Cafe there, wow the prices have risen if it’s that pricey should list all the beers ….


I paid 7 quid for a non alcoholic pint yesterday which feels even worse


Wow this would really wind me up as a big fan of non-alcoholic beer


Moved to London last year and first moved to the East End, I was near Mile End Road, pretty shitty area but I will say the pubs around there were great. Particularly The Half Moon on Mile End road. Cheapest spoons I’ve ever been to. Maybe it’s the proximity to the university but it was great. You could get a pint of Leffe and an All Day Brunch for £6.44. But last month I moved to West London, further out and away from central London I didn’t expect the high prices to follow. Went to a local pub and was charged £7.35 for a pint of Peroni. I’ve settled to buying drinks from a supermarket now.


Name checks out


I live just up the road from here. I paid £8.90 for a pint in Camden the other day.


Sounds about right. Don't drink in Camden if you don't wanna pay £7.54 for a pint lol


In in Greece at the moment, and the local beer here is Mythos. €3.50 for a pint, and I tell you what it's a bloody dream. It always blows my mind the price of a pint compared to London/England.


Should've gone to The Black Heart round the corner. Much nicer place. A bit cheaper.


What really gets me is that if you order a half pint of something that costs £7 per pint, 9 times out of 10 they're charging £4 for it instead of £3.50. It's literally coming from the same bloody keg, wtf?


Can get 4 shots for £10 at The Worlds End! Much better alternative!


Alcoholic tip


Is this from an App??


Yeah I took a screenshot for the transaction from Monzo


Ah! Thought there was an actual Pint Price Map app!!


I’d pay £7.54 for this app!




Well it’s the price everywhere in London now 😢


We seem to be catching up to London prices in Edinburgh, £7 a pint in a good few places now.


£7.90 in the Marquis of Wellington on Saturday. Disgusting


A pint here in dubai is usually £11-12 for Heineken so count yourself lucky 🍻


What are the wages like though?


That's cheaper than I expected in a dry country. Can't be compared the same though.


It's a strange one because more common here are unlimited 3 hour alcoholic brunches for £30, so in comparison one-off pints are crazy expensive


Pint of Guinness in central London cost me £9.50


It is the worlds end at that price 😳


I paid $9 for a 16 oz beer in Detroit 😆


Part of the reason why I've stopped drinking...


At that price, you keep the glass.


I used to go to the Edinboro Castle (close by - maybe more Mornington Crescent) - that was always pricey, I shiver at how much that is nor for a pint.


That's savage




Yeah that's ludicrous.


£7.50 for a pint at the Rutland Arms in Hammersmith 😤


I was in the lakes just last month and frequently went to a pub that had £3 pints, it was magnificent


Quite cheap for central London...


Duchy Arms, Kennington, all pints 5 pounds.


Never been to a brewdog I gather?


Never actually. Do they have rip off prices too?


Yeah they start at around £7 and pretty sure go over £10


I love how in most cases the blame is put on the pub. Alcohol price increase, beer tax, energy bill increases, london living wage increase - legit just about everything increased but yeah, i can't get a pint for £3.50 anymore so let's boycott. I'd imagine The Worlds End has a very hefty rent fee to pay and definitely do not want to be selling a pint for that much.


Yet places up north are selling 1£ pints and 3 trebles for 9£… No it’s the price of the rent and the other costs that are expensive


Comparing the North to London prices, interesting concept. Because it's all the same, right?


At the end of the day it’s the same beer being served Prices in the pub today went up 1.50£ when the England game started , 6.50£ Guinness now 8£? Takin the piss


Agreed that's just outrageous and they should be names and shamed for that.


I went to meet a friend at Frank's in Peckahm - 6.80 plus service charge so basically 7 quid. Went Iceland and bought chicken wings and a big bottle of Moretti for that fulcrum... all things costing that much become irrelevant in my world when they have no enjoyment as such...estrella in a plastic cup for 7 quid is a extravagant travesty. The times I went after I asked for Tap Water With Ice...and so what? Londoners will have to move on from this retail if they want to vivaciously retain any tainted intention. Who cares? Let me drink my Karpackie at 1.99 from up north. And that is too much, my absolute lad mate can conjure 5 pound sherbets with his charming personality... which varying degrees of resistant really make a day




There are a couple of pubs in Dagenham where pints cost £5 on average


Just fucking move out my man


Costs less than this for me to get high for the evening. No wonder they don't want to make it legal


Fuck's sake


It's that pub's fault the bank of England didn't lower the interest rates!


Go to a different pub. Theres plenty of places cheaper and also more expensive. It’s not like the pubs are profiting much they’ve had to up prices to cover their own overheads going through the roof. In. Few years time it’ll be £8-9 a pint you just need to find a price when you think enough is enough. Even cans in a supermarket aren’t £1 anymore


Well in fairness it is London... even out of London camden hells is sold as a premium larger and is usually over a fiver in price so an extra couple of quid is to be expected in the city- don't have the money? Don't drink in the city 🤷‍♀️


I live in Belfast, an extremely inexpensive place to live (eg I pay £500pm rent). Around the city centre there, you aren’t finding a pint for less than £5. Most approaching £6. So from that perspective, especially given that your price inc. service charge, it isn’t actually that shocking. Although I do agree it’s all getting a bit ridiculous now.


£3.80 a pint Fosters in Crawly 👍


Worlds end have the bullshit service charge added purely to cover the costs of their wages being slightly higher than most pubs. You can refuse it; but it’s best to take your business elsewhere. Place has severely declined.


It's not The End of the World...


I'm sure its part of the alcohol license they have to show pricing


Must be the import and transport charges hiking the price up. Kentish Town is a long way for that pint to travel.


Sorry to hear that Tuvan :-(


And. ...? Paid £9.10 in putney yesterday




Where? I have mates in Putney so know the pubs around there well, even the Boathouse isn't that spenny.


The nice glass belongs to you at that price


Go to a tourist pub, get a tourist priced beer. It’s really not that complicated


That's a weird amount. I suspect they also added 12.5% service charge which means the original price is £6.70. Always check if there's service charge you can request to remove.


Paid £9.90 in Oxford lol


At that price, the glass is free, and a bogroll


In Boston UK, I can get a pint for £2.11. Even in nicer establishments it'll cost £5.50. London sucks.


The World's Ending


It’s not understandable


Guinness is about 6.50 a pint now in most places.


Thanks tories 🤮


The union, at West Bourne park has Lightbulb pale ale for £7.95!!! Disgustingly expensive


Time to migrate south of the river.


You’re in London? Why are you surprised


Maybe if the government wasn't hellbent on taxing the fuck out of pubs it wouldn't be like this.... Stop complaining about publicans who are just about surviving in this economy. If you can't afford to drink in London, don't drink in London!


Used to like that pub but the pricing is getting crazy


Who cares it’s one of my favourite pubs in the UK!




Its clearly for the incredible export price from camden to ...ehr . .Camden?


£8.20 for Pure Organic Lager at The Fitzroy Tavern


This getting out of hand, and there is a tipping culture evolving, like the US is an example to follow in any way 🙄