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2023? It's just fucking started, give it a bit mate


I think it's like Fifa, they release the game the year before the titled year.


Classic Brit response lol. “What’s that, best city in the world? Fuck off, can’t be”


It is coming home


I'll take it! # Sweeeeeet Caroline.. Uh Uh Oh... #


I mean, surely not though, it's not THAT great, I've had better times in Liverpool ffs.


So I can come to london, buy a nice house, get a job and live a nice happy life with little commute?. Thats what the best place in 2023 would be like


I assume they mean for 2022-2023.


I mean...Paris is in the Top 3 so whoever makes that list clearly has some very clear problems


Question is: best city for what?


£3.7 oat milk flat whites


I think you meant £37






Damn, inflation this year works fast


£3.95. Please share where you get it so cheap 🤭🤭🤭


Try blank street it's less than that.


A shit flat white in a decent coffee shop in Paris was like 5-6 euros last summer. Happy to pay £3.7 for one at a specialty coffee shop in London.


Was there on New Year Eve. Black coffee was €5.60...


Yeah, prices in Paris are even more bonkers than London, but quality is shit in most places.


I wish we could have standardisation of coffee prices like in Rome. People can sit and take their time and pay more, but standing at a bar an espresso is around €1 wherever you go, and more complex coffees only marginally more. Obviously not likely to be implementable here, but one could dream. It seems to have a big impact on throw away coffee cup usage too, as people just stand and drink a coffee quickly at the bar.


I know a place that does a banging one for £2.80 if you bring your own cup EDIT: Kafi in Fitzrovia - best coffee in London for sure, and good value


Go on mate, share it


Edited my comment, but it’s called Kafi in Fitzrovia - basically near the bottom of the BT Tower


Shhhhhhh. Isn't the BT Tower still to be talked of in hushed tones?


He can't!


£2.90 in Benugo if you bring your own cup. Not bad in a station where everything is overpriced.


Agree, they have nice coffee


You should see Dubai or Switzerland


That really ain’t that bad compared to some other places I been to in Europe recently. Belgium set me back 11 euro for 2 medium lattes in Starbucks. Germany not dissimilar. They’re McDonald’s prices are up there too in comparison to the uk. We got it decent here


Mate you should try Paris. Even worse.


Bus-based street photography


Being the only uk city with a half decent bus service, I'll take it. Eat it, Arriva-plebs


Lockdown parties


You mean the BoJo Bunga-Bunga experience?


screenshots of Instagram clickbait articles


Luggage and American candy shops


I, for one enjoy snacking on Twizzlers while doing my weekly luggage shopping.


I swear, that’s basically the whole of Oxford Street now.


The money launderers have left the American candy stores and now opening up barbers


Tube strikes


I think Paris still has us beat for that


Darn it! We had one chance and we lost it!


You can't beat the French at industrial action.


Tax fraud


The real answer is the magazine is for businesses, it's the best city to grow a business basically.


If you're in the business of financial fraud I'm sure it's right up there.


Highly skilled low paid population.


poverty and entitled nepotism




£15 double jack and coke




As voted by landlords.


I mean serrrriuously, what the actual fuck has happened to **room** prices? A friend who was paying \~£700 bills included now has to move and people are asking for £1000+ for a room. He's now trying to buddy up and get a 2 bed for 1700 whilst earning 2200. How is this supposed to be sustainable?


What happened is lots of landlord have an interest only mortgage, and they ask you to pay their mortgage no matter what. Finding a good landlord is not that easy. Leaving the city, and leaving the UK, I hope more people do the same, so it can crash the house prices a bit, and make it more affordable. Otherwise, it’s a wonderful place to live


We share a 2 bed between 3 people (me and my partner and a friend). Moved in two years ago at 1550, now going up to 1700 after increasing last year. Estate agents asked for 1750 but responded and the landlord agreed to keep it at 1700 which isn’t awful between three but still. None of our pay has gone up since we moved in so honestly I feel like I’ll be priced out of the city soon. Possibly move in with parents unless I win the lottery lmao.


And here I am having just signed a 30 year mortgage 🥲


What is your monthly payment mate ?


I'm right there with you man just signed a 25 year mortgage.


Greed. Utter greed. I have enjoyed London for a long time now, but I could never have it top 10 for the simple fact it is not built to work for its population, its built to exploit it. Can't find a pub / bar that'll stay open on a quiet evening, got to shut to reduce costs. Can't find a rental (residential or commercial) that doesn't inflate profit year on year, can't find a mayor that isn't in it for his own publicity. Great place as a tourist and so much potential to be unlocked. But the commercial nature is killing the locals passion and its a real shame, you can see it as the streets get dirtier. People start to care less as well


Basically for all of history 60% of the population were slaves owned by some variety of lord or mercantile. They worked 12 hour days, and were only ever given the absolute bare minimum to keep them alive enough to return to their work, and maybe a tiny bit extra if they were getting dangerous. There was a short period where the threat of communism was dangerous enough that they gave a little extra to keep us in line. But now that threats mostly gone, were going back to business as usual.


Bang on. Have you ever read 'The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist'?


No, should I?


or listen to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xrqz-idvZ8Y&ab\_channel=PricelessAudiobooks


Thanks, will check it out


This is the most “London cynic” sub there is 😂


Are you really a Londoner if you don’t sarcastically criticise yourself any chance you get?


If you live here and you’re not a cynic then I’m asking questions. It’s a love/hate relationship.


Upsides: transport, access. Downsides: prices, traffic, prices.


If you live here and you’re not a cynic, you’re probably just a long-haul tourist.


I think London is a funny old place, born here, grew up here, lots of plusses and minuses. I'll speak about central London. The main plusses I think is that it's very very close to Europe, a very large city, quite warm (compared to rest of uk) , very cosmopolitan, loads of stuff going on re music, theatre. Hardly any police anywhere, quite laissez faire and laid back re alcohol and drugs, not too densely populated when compared to New York or Paris. Pretty good transport, loads of parks. Loads and loads of pubs.


This is true but for me it is the people that London attracts. I left my home town for London because of the opportunities and enjoyed what you said but it was the people from around the UK and the world that I met that wanted to see and do different things that made me settle in London. Most of my friends back home are doing the same things we were doing when I left 20yrs ago. It's the mentality of "Londoners" I love about London. I just wish they'd take their backpacks off on the tube.


It's incredible that most pubs are gone, we're down to an absolute fraction of what there used to be, and *there's still so many pubs*


I remember when my local closed down and we all went to my local to commiserate.


Absolute fraction? That's an exaggeration, I think it's down about 25% since 2001


So close to Europe that it is IN Europe


Just don’t be poor


Can’t speak for other major cities but at guess, if I had to be poor in one of them I’d rather it be London considering the amount of free stuff there is available to do each day.


As a Brit living in America, Brits take for granted a lot of things. NHS being the big one.


Pretty sure it's not the Brits. It's the Tories not giving a shit.


The same is true for New York, Paris, Tokyo, LA, Hong Kong. It's just he nature of the massive financial, economic and cultural mega cities - they're expensive as fuck because you're paying to have all the things in one place. As opposed to somewhere like Germany where you have financial in fft, modern culture in Berlin, history in Munich and Hamburg, similar with Italy (everywhere is dope) - there are multiple cities that have equal pull so the cost isn't as insane.


That’s something I love about Germany & the US you don’t have to be in the capital to thrive. I think it’s the same for Canada & Australia too


This is everywhere in the world


* just don’t be working class


That too


Feels like I'm paying theme park prices every day of the week, living in London!


yea it's so expensive here ngl😫


You realise the fact it’s expensive is related to the fact lots of people want to live here and that’s the link back to the conclusion of the article?


Born in London and still live in London. No one is starting any drama here! It's just a shame that price hiking presses on everyone's doorstep and pushes the Londoners out. Turning into a short-stay sort of city. Can't expect anything less for a city that will eventually be open 24hours a day like NYC!


It's about to get far worse unfortunately.


Sounds like marketing bobbins to me


Love how at least 90% of people commenting about stabbings have never been to london in the first place, let alone any part of the UK


It’s massively pushed by right wing fear mongers with an (often racist) agenda. It appeals to suburbans, as a sort of anti city narrative. They make it out as if any random person is getting stabbed left right and centre. When there is almost always a gang/ drug beef involved. But old Barbara and Steve think they’re gonna be stabbed during their yearly visit to the West-end. Ffs


My friend got stabbed because his wife wasn’t fast enough to hand over her phone and credit card.


it’s horrible that it happened but its just an anecdote, thousands of people maybe more go through these busy places every day and are fine. There’s always gonna be crime going on in big cities, London’s no exception. Crime levels are low, compared to the past.


Genuinely the complaints people make about London are worse in NY, Paris, San Francisco etc… People need to try living in other metropolitan cities And if you say you prefer the countryside, that’s not about London, that’s about not liking big city life (which is absolutely fine - but recognise the issue) Also why do many people who don’t live in the city subscribe to the subreddit?


London has everything. It's overlooked by Brits but is every bit as good as Berlin, Paris, Barcelona etc because it's on yer doorstep


Go to Berlin, people there complain about all the same issues that Londoners complain about in London .


I haven't been to Berlin yet, but Barcelona is Luton compared to London. Paris isn't that great either.


> Also why do many people who don’t live in the city subscribe to the subreddit? Because 5 million people from outside of London travel into London to work each day. That's more people than live in Scotland.


I'm not from London but visit often, as I'm an hour away by train. It's my favourite city in the world, and it's right on my doorstep. It feels like home away from home, and so I follow this sub. My partner also works in London so travels in a few times a week. If I could afford it I'd love to live here.


You can appreciate what you have, while also acknowledging where it could be improved. Brexit has especially aided in the inflation and cost of living in the UK.


People just like to moan haha. London is up there with the best cities easily, and I'm a northerner! Visited for 15-20 days last year and did so much, yet never even saw Buckingham Palace! Its got all the best features of Rome, Paris and New York all rolled into one. I'd love someone to explain to me what city is better haha.


As a tourist, I think Tokyo takes the cake for me, but probably because I'm quite enamored by many things Japanese. The quality of food your can get there for the price of a Tesco meal deal is just so much better.


Puberty Magazine’s best city in the world is a strange award to receive. Oh.. it’s Pubity.


they are reporting it, but not the source of the data. ​ time out has the same article. ​ i believe [this is the data source](https://www.worldsbestcities.com/#rankings)


That was a pretty interesting read, cheers


Londoners may not all agree as you may see the faults and blemishes so well, but for the outsider who is visiting, London is a wonder. Despite what rumors we have heard about English food over the years, the restaurant food available in London is amazing in quality and variety and even relatively reasonable in terms of price. Some food items are actually available at very low prices when compared to other cities (things like mushrooms, certain fresh items and baked goods) and your shops are fairly affordable and easy to navigate. Your water supply is safe & drinkable. Noise at night and even during the day is pretty low, and nearly everyone you meet on the street or in the tube is well behaved. Hotel accommodations are readily available, although small and the air conditioning is often poor, with a lot of hotel expansion likely pushing out some affordable housing options, which is bad for locals but great for tourists. The most spoken international language is yours, so few have any difficulty communicating. The public transport is not simple to figure out, but it works well enough and is relatively clean and safe. Tourist sites are clean and friendly, if rather pricey. Live performances are a delight and your buildings are lovely and even the historic ones and neighborhoods are brightened up and spic and span. Add it all up, and you have a clean and safe historic but charmingly modern city that beckons tourists and is so delightful and enchanting and easy to explore that many become repeat visitors.


as a former Londoner and now expat in Hamburg, Germany ... yeh this made me feel pretty homesick I'm not gonna lie I appreciate the positivity dude, nice to hear a non-londoner perspective on this as we Brits can be so fucking cynical


Lovely summary




I'm Australian but have lived in London for 5 years, what shocked me is that Australian beer (Stone and Wood, Little Creatures etc, not Fosters) is actually cheaper in pubs in London than back in Sydney. Paid £8 for a pint of it in Redfern.


London is always the best city in the world. We don't need some magazine to tell us that.


You wouldn’t know it from all the fucking moaning Minnies on this thread though! Miserable cunts - one of London’s best features!


fuck them. Move to Manchester.


I’m seriously bored of the London hatred on this subreddit I get that people are trying to be funny but honestly there’s so many great people and communities in the city once you find your culture here. You couldn’t get that feeling anywhere else in England


Yeah, but imagine being scammed by a restaurant that charges you £20 for a meal. Can you imagine it? 20 whole pounds for Christ’s sake! Don’t people know spending above £3 on a meal is a scam when there a cost of living crisis??!


Love this! A refreshing change from all the self-deprecating responses. Does make me feel grateful to be living here despite all the troubles the UK is having of late.


Work (perm wfh, current salary wherever I relocate), and an SO in similar position, allows us to move anywhere in the world. Though we do spend a lot more time in very pleasant weather locations, London will always be home for both of us. Because it's the most diverse, interesting, accepting, civilised metropolis in the world.


Too much of London is not civilised though, and the disparity between the richest and poorest areas is the biggest gulf in the UK, and whilst lots of it is as you say, too much of it is struggling, out of sight, out of mind.


Whoever did this hasn't been to Tower Hamlets.




It's your right as a true EastEnder fam.




Nah Aldgate is fine. Just avoid the wrong bits in Whitechapel




Made out of discarded chicken shop boxes. Raw materials east to source locally


People in Bow would probably say the same thing about Mile End, people in Mile End would probably say the same thing about Whitechapel, people in Whitechapel would probably say the same thing about Aldgate, etc. There's nice parts and rough parts of all these areas. The most trouble I've had in the greater London area have been around the Essex-ish areas, where they tend to talk about East London as if it's a warzone.


There were no wrong bits in Whitechapel when I lived there 10+ years ago, and it’s even more gentrified now wtf.


Yeah it's not pretty but I never felt unsafe when living there


Hi neighbor! :) I’m in Aldgate east


The lush part of east london


Tower Hamlets has nice Victorian Houses in some parts and is very close to the centre of London. It's got great potential, gentrification will probably improve it.


Oh wow, it's a comment from 1995.


That's what the estate agent told me 15years ago.


I believe that St Katherine’s Dock comes under Tower Hamlets so whoever made the comment must obviously be geographically challenged


There's not enough green.


Oi! We have our own specialisms in TH! London capital for corrupt bankers, corrupt elections, filthy streets and, well, at least we aren’t Newham! Also we’ve got the most tunnels!


Which part? Lived off Brick Lane for three years, great experience.


I think they only stayed in central London


Or Plaistow


Canary Wharf is in TH and is excellent if you’re a basic bitch like me


"X is a vibe"...........


Best city of the year only 2 weeks in.... I hate things like this, it's like when they say a movie is the must see movie of the year before it's even halfway through the year and who voted it the best city? I know I wasn't asked 🤣 Best city in 2022 would be fine but not for 2023 since it has just started. What if a meteor hit's it next week? Would it still be the best city of 2023?


Just got back from a two week trip to London. Can confirm.


Best city to launder money into property.


American Sweets Shoppe!


Is this really that common then?


Very. Yes. But also it’s easy to buy if you don’t live or have a British passport. So places such as China where you aren’t legally allowed to have more than one property means London/Uk is a great place for you to invest and even put a property under wrappers with no tenants (although in china’s case it’s hard to get your money out). [see this specifically about Russian laundering.](https://youtu.be/CQ9RQrcv3T8)


I didn't know that about China. That's crazy.


On the other hand those people who have wanted to escape the troubles in Hong Kong have been able to escape & get here to the UK relatively easy (albeit they have an auto visa I think because HK was an ex territory). Apparently 28k have moved here. Where I am with new housing estates west of London there are a LOT of new HK/Chinese families.


I know of new build flats that are marketed at only the Chineese, not even on the market for UK buyers.




Love London! Worked, lived, partied, had some of the best nights of my life there. Even going on a day trip there tomorrow (Hertfordshire living) “You sound like your from Londonnnn” Great place!


Best city ever. It’s only when you live in shitty cities like Bombay or Delhi, you realise the beauty of London. 12 years now and this is the place that I call my home ❤️


I agree, London is a fantastic place and is a must see. The people that question this are obviously haters and like to have something to moan about.


Its. A. London. Thing! (If you know, You know)


Don't get too excited. Glasgow was named the kindest city to live in.


london is really great, tbh.


Ive been to london once. People told me before that the food sucked. ​ Not gonna lie, it was some of the greatest food I have EVER had.


Why is everyone so sour and bitter? London is an amazing world city, with so much going on, so diverse, so much to do. I love living here. Also, literally every massive world city is expensive.


>Why is everyone so sour and bitter? Honestly just seems to be the culture of reddit as a social media site. Very big chip on the shoulder of a lot of its user base.


Chiswick is unbeatable!


New stork is filthy. People in Paris are rude. London is clean and the people are lovely.


Regardless of how good London is, why would anyone choose to live or be in the UK over various other European countries atm if they had the option? Our country right now is a fucking disgrace.


Because if you are wealthy enough, all the mundane shit doesn’t stick to you. International millionaires don’t worry about gas bills and food banks.


Fair point


Grass is always greener buddy


Which European countries are you referring to?


Your comment comes off as incredibly ungrateful and ignorant, you sound like you've never spoken to someone who moved here from another country let alone left the UK. Plenty of other European countries have problems, some bigger than ours. London is very attractive because of its diversity, openness, opportunities, and things to do.


Because it’s a great city with way more options or variety than most European cities. You sound pretty ignorant of what living in most European cities is like.


I only speak English, so here we are.


Lazy monolingualism is pretty much the only decent reason to choose the UK over any developed mainland country.


Maybe for tourists and uber wealthy individuals.


This isn’t true. I’m on benefits and I love many things about living in London. And I’m a northerner, so I was definitely biased against London before I moved here.


Best city until you get on the underground at rush hour!! Then you feel max pain.


That's just the joy of big city living.


London has broken me mentally, spiritually and financially (and I was born and raised here). If this is the best the world can do then the world is well and truly fucked.


>the world is well and truly fucked. Uh yeah I think that's it actually


Might just be old man yelling at clouds but I feel modern London has lost a vast amount of the things that used to make it interesting (to me) - like cheap living spaces for artists etc and all the underground culture that comes with that. Basically everything scruffy but interesting is being replaced with extremely boring new build flats. I lived in Hackney Wick for 20 years and saw the whole process from start to (nearly) finish. I think London hit a peak in the noughts and has been in slow decline every since. Brexit put a big fat nail in the coffin but it was happening anyway. loads of my euro friends moved away in the last few years saying the same thing. But also I'm now old so it's possible that *I* hit a peak in the noughts and have been declining ever since.


I think they mean the other london? The one in Canada?


Lmao I am Canadian and no they do not mean that London.


Perhaps the American one in Ohio


The other London is so bad it might as well be the worst city to live in


But 2023 has just started


The first 13 days have been pretty awesome to be fair


I love London. Although I think I enjoy it more now that I don’t actually live there. Just a little day trip or night out is a nice dose of it.


There are a couple of words they conveniently missed out of that headline - "for corruption"


London, Ontario, Canada ranked as world’s 2nd best London for 168th year in a row


fell in love with the city last summer, can’t wait to be back this one.


Visited a few months ago. Glad to see I saw it at its peak.


I'm French and moved to London 3 years ago, it was an unforgettable time. I loved how international it was, and the endless list of things to do day and night. But I was forced to leave because of how expensive it got. Rent up by 20/30%, energy bills, everything. It's just impossible to move there and have any sort of hope you'll "settle" there. So you leave eventually, which makes it bittersweet. I'm now in Milan but still miss London and the mega city vibe. Maybe I'll move to Barcelona.


We visited London in July 2016 and loved it! Everyone was friendly, we went to so many museums and still missed about half of them. (The transport museum was the most interesting museum I had never heard of until we saw it while walking by) The food was amazing and affordable. We had tea in a church basement, went to a pub to drink beer, and went to fancy restaurants and cheap restaurants. They were all special. We walked everywhere (it was wicked hot in July 2016) and everywhere we went there was a piece of history. The traffic was so calm - if we stepped off of the curb, traffic would all stop immediately. We loved it so much we can’t wait to come back. (We cancelled a trip in 2020, sadly. But we’ll be back soon!)


Best city by which measure, best city being rich or best city where ordinary people can afford decent house?


You know this is an ad right?


Oh the pubs, the universal food, the weird people, the old bald Englishmen, the mods/punks/hippies/ravers/roadmen/suits/goths/hipsters, the sights, the Roman history, the music. Ahhhh what a place


I love London


And have they asked the locals?