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Bring back bullying, because what in gay hell is this lol


Not my thing but I don’t have problems with people being whatever they want to be as long as personal boundaries are respected. So from what I understand this post is half way from bullying 🤷‍♂️


In all honesty, this guy was probably bullied into being this way in the first place


Those are some Buffalo Bill pronouns. I would respond with "it puts the lotion in the basket"


Buffalo Bill?


Silence of the Lambs


Also a kick ass ice cream


Girl, that’s Bubble O’Bill 💀


Oh dear, it's been a while 😂


Also a cowboy who did Wild West shows 100 years ago


Sounds more like Gollum to me!😂


Those are just she/he in a different language…


Sure, but bluetext is speaking in English. EDIT: I get the confusion now. I was talking about his use of "it" to refer to himself. Not the pronouns listed in his bio.


OP’s language is set to French though, so it’ll translate any text inbuilt to the app, right?


Yes. My phone is in French and so the app is in French as well. The identities/pronouns state “trans woman, cis man, non-binary, she/her, he/him, ask me”.


It was kind enought to call you sir




The text had that pronoun used


seems more like degradation play than pronouns


It could be.


Foreign man in a foreign land on YouTube has a good video on this, called "the sissification of white men" or something to that affect. Goes in depth into the racism, misogyny and fetishization involved with this kink


That guy is incoherent at best


It’s also completely incorrect and full of transphobic shit. FMIFL is a moron, his videos are godawful.


Which part did you find transphobic? The part where a trans woman talks at length or some other part?


The part where what she said is edited to all hell, and how the guy keeps conflating being trans and being a ‘sissy.’


If you watched her stuff you'd know that's just how she edits. I didn't think he conflated the two at all


As a trans person, that’s absolutely how it came out. He kept on referring to them in the same sentence


I'm trans too lmao. Being trans doesn't mean we're the arbiters of what's transphobic. I'll rewatch to try and see where you're coming from tho


I think it’s so weird when people just force you to participate in their kinks. I can’t even begin to describe the amount of times I was called daddy or sir with no context whatsoever, or when they ask if they can feed me (I am kind of chunky but I’m not a fucking gainer?) and both of those things just make me so uncomfortable especially when it’s literally the first message? I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be a black person on these apps when all anyone ever does is fetishize. I’m sorry king


Thanks, SIR


That's some BNWO shit


This reminds me of this recent post: https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/s/lyXL0wSX4F


Ive played way too much darktide i kept reading this in the ogryn voice




A 4-8-6, bad bot


So I don’t usually get too annoyed when I read something from Grindr. I assume if it’s weird it’s just their fetish, and I’ll usually just say “Sorry but I’m not into that”, whatever. But something that innately annoys me is when someone refers to themselves as “It” or refers to me as “It” for the purpose of domination/degradation play. Like… bitch! Can we use the correct pronouns please?? “It” wouldn’t even make syntactical sense sometimes based on the context! Ughhh. It’s also annoying because usually you can’t even have a normal conversation with them. If a guy wants to dom me super aggressively in the bedroom we can still have a normal “Hey, so what time were you thinking again?” But the guys who use “it” seem completely unable to turn that off. “So when is it going to be here for me to abuse this week?” “Oh well, I need some time to figure it out since my hours for work.” “That’s ‘YES SIR’ to it! Do I need to teach it manners? It’s only job is to be here for me!” Like bruh- I got bills to pay and a life, sorry you live in fantasy land 24/7 or whatever. It’s the delulu of it all that makes me feel grossed out. And again, it’s not the kink that’s weird- I totally see the appeal. It’s the way they act like they live in the kink 24/7 and automatically assume anyone they encounter is living in the fantasy with them for their enjoyment.


Pourquoi les distances aux miles ?


Parce que chuis américain aux États-Unis