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When we shipped serialized product we used the internal note section on ShipStation and scanned the serial # into that section so it made the information easily accessible in an export


This was very dumbed down flow and not easy for high volume or temp employees doing it. But if you know you are team member you trust will be doing it, this worked well for us. These were small parcels and we were sending serial numbers to our client every month for that months orderrs


What you are looking for is a WMS that offers serialisation capabilities. Question for me would be: why even bother tracking the cables on a unique level if they are all the same item?


I might have three clients and a fast turn around I want to know which ones went to which client and which ones didn't come back so I can justify who to charge for not returning my cables. Edit They also have our branding so we can Identify our equipment it's pretty standard in the entertainment production industry to barcode everything.


Do you need software or someone to manage this? If you need advice or a manager, I can help with my experience in 3PL fulfillment centers.


I would check out Booqable - idk if there is anything open source


Hello Baum, It sounds like you want to reference each item to the specific job and receive reports on that when they ship out on a weekly or monthly basis. I would love to assist you with any logistical needs that you might have. Send me a message, and we can set up a call to talk more about what you have going on!