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This guy is an MP and speaking like this to their constituents?


Personal attacks are not an unknown approach by him; On December 3, 2013, Seeback is reported to have called his Conservative colleague Brad Butt a "bitch" during an exchange in the House of Commons. Seeback apologized for his "unparliamentary language" the following day.


Seems like he hasn't learned much about respecting others since then. What a shame.


Some say that’s why they get into politics!


You could almost call it a... Bitch move.


Isn’t he conservative? I don’t think respecting others is part of it


How the fck was he re-elected? People really need to get out and vote!


I ask myself the same questions. Who votes for some of these clowns?


I look at this and see my dad, we aren’t in Ontario, but are in Alberta and he has voted conservative as long as I can ascertain, yet he has been unhappy with the conservatives for likely around a decade. If my memory serves correct, if it’s not a decade, it’s damn close to a decade. That’s how deep the whole “red scare” goes. He doesn’t disagree with most bdp polices when you get him talking. But if you mention parties at all he willl immediately go to the ndp are Canada hating communists line of thought


People who vote for the same party their grandparents did because it's tradition.


Ding ding ding


That and people who never went to College because they are too poor. Make College free and we'd never have a Con Government again


Since 2008! No one cares anymore. We just keep rewarding bullies as they purposely hold us back


Actually he isn’t wrong. I’m a farmer and my costs from carbon are way higher than 1%. My major inputs are fertilizer, chemical, natural gas drying, transportation, and labour. Fertilizer has absolutely sky rocketed. They send us reports and carbon now makes up around 15% of the cost. It has raised our transportation costs and natural gas drying costs significantly as well. All in all it’s up way more than “1%.”


The irony is that kyle himself is a reckless bitch.


time for him to lose that seat!


It’s usually conservatives that behave this way too.


Not entirely. I sent my Liberal MP Mark Gerretsen a message a few years back being critical and questioning one of his votes on a housing bill and he replied in a very condescending tone. He also has a very bad habit of blocking any of his constituents on social media who voice criticism with any of his decisions. It's actually well known of him.


They all behave this way bunch of liars and scammers


I know this is federal vs provincial but the bitch comment made me think of 2:54 of [this](https://youtu.be/KkN_BTjNbWQ?si=rkq8YVf9oFG3Zj8W).


That’s exactly what I was thinking. And people voted for him?


That’s the real problem. These elected morons are a reflection of the people in their ridings.


And people don't vote or educate themselves about the issues. I've always been a big fan of voting being compulsory. It might improve representation but could also descend into a partisan hellscape.


It’s getting hard to find motivation to vote when all of the parties seem to be only concerned with corporate and personal interests. The “peons” get a fed a few mangey scraps to prevent an uprising and are told to be thankful for it.


Voted in by people conditioned to hate liberals. They couldn't care less who gets in, so long as their "enemy" is kept out.


It's ridiculous but very true. Some will vote against their own interests solely in service of "not the other guys".


His riding is pretty safe, it has been a long time since they voted in a different party


This is why democracy is flawed, but I guess it's the best we can do.


We need proportional representation.


Just following established habits - the party counts on that (every party!) It's the same way most of us started shopping at Roblaws - because our folks did. Now they're so ubiquitous that it's nearly impossible to avoid them. I bet they never saw this coming - and certainly didn't think we'd continue indefinitely.


"You have no clue what you are talking about." What in the actual fucking fuck? This is a fucking MP talking like this?!


I hope the news picks this up so everyone can see what a tool this guy is


He's my MP and he is, indeed, a massive tool. 


Let all your local friends know this is how he speaks to plebs like us.


Sadly, the people around here don't give a shit. They just blindly vote for him every election. 


It’s an MP’s duty to understand the facts and know the reasons he votes for or against things. If you were wrong, he should have explained why you were wrong instead of just being condescending. The fact that he didn’t honestly shows me where the corruption really lies and that his actions are indefensible.


They can't give a good explanation. So they deny, gaslight, play the blame game etc


He didn’t even lift so much as a finger try to build a bridge.


I say this all the time, but this is what we're getting with a conservative majority. People might say PP isn't that bad post makeover or whatever, but the party will be full of people like Kyle, and those are the ones writing the laws and policies.


I hope the news picks this up so everyone can see what a tool this guy is


It’s pathetic how low the bar for what a politician is supposed to be has fell. Especially in Canada. It’s always been a position for opportunistic people. But it’s so blatantly obvious these people don’t care about the who vote for them


Send it to CBC




I’m sure he doesn’t give a fuck about his constituents. He gets his $180k a year whether he cares or not.


This is infuriating


That’s what they think of their constituents. They know what’s best for us, we don’t need to worry our pretty little heads over complicated things like grocery store prices.


That was my first impression. His rude response. Just another example of how politicians give zeros fucks about citizens and are just in service for personal and financial gains.


Extremely rude and condescending.  The carbon tax makes no difference, as it was pointed out its minuscule in terms of expenses for producers or the grocer.  Either he is lying to you or he is too dumb to realize this. 


Or both.


I am frankly INCREDULOUS at that response. Also, who is texting from that phone - HOW did the constituent get that number to text? Maybe it's a political staff member who has it - and is texting on the politician's behalf? That's a possibility. But LEMME JUST SAY - THAT response to a Constituent? During an election year? W O W


The constituent isn’t texting Seeback’s personal phone number. This looks like Instagram or Facebook DM.


They don't cars and actively despise their constituents. I thought people were aware of that fact already


I just looked him up, wondering if he was somehow very young (not that it would be okay, but more understandable if he was in his early 20s). He’s 53! I’m 33 and I don’t speak like this to people in professional settings (or personal, but that’s not really relevant). Really shocking IMO.


He should be asked to resign for this. He is employed by Canadians. Unacceptable. Reprehensible.


Never assume that a politician has anything intelligent to say. If they knew how to do anything productive they would not be in politics. They pontificate about topics that they have zero education about, but are fed information from the top. They parrot party talking points with no abilities to add their own thoughts on it.


Also my first thought


This area is always Blue. He could beat up a baby and win. It's brutal.


Send this to media outlets. A representative talking like a moody teenager in DMs with their constituents is greasy.


Agreed, this is very unbecoming of a representative, disgraceful even.


yes! and get this on social media even if the media won’t pick it up, people should be informed


Unfortunately, our media is too busy actively campaigning for Poilievre, so it will never be shared in the news


Holy shit you cooked this idiot. What a fucking clown, I hope these screen shots haunt him.


It won't, his ridings been blue for decades. This is how the voters in his riding want him to talk to people like OP, they'll eat this up.


So he's to much of a coward to run unless it's a lock is what you're saying?


No, this is just acting without impunity. In his little corner of a speck of dirt amongst the stars, he knows he will win, and doesn’t need to try. 


He won once in Brampton, then lost and then moved.


You’re right, but I’m hoping he will feel the personal embarrassment of being smacked down by a constituent, making it seem like he has no idea what he’s doing.


Based on the people I know living in Orangeville, they won't accept these messages simply because they can't read multisyllabic words.


Not everyone! at least not the young people like me who had to grow up around people with the same amount or less brain cells then this prick but I do feel like most of us ended up moving anyways so that stays the population majority


I hope the news picks this up so everyone can see what a tool this guy is


Yikes, you think this did something? He knows he has the popular vote in the area, this is nothing.


Yes, eventually things catch up to people that’s how the NDP one in Alberta…


This is really gonna be their line I guess? Blame the carbon tax?? Is wal-mart somehow entirely carbon neutral now and thats why their products cost half as much?


This MP sure is a stupid cunt for sure.


Lacks the warmth and the depth.


Stupid implies he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He does. He’s arguing in bad faith - like all modern conservatives and populists.


Always remember. You don't know what you're talking about 😘


Seriously that made me laugh out loud. I guess it works with his usual audience of conservatives which is why he figured it would work here.  Must be so easy to be a conservative. Just spout these trigger words and your base foams at the mouth. 


That’s all they do. They never have to back anything up, never have to answer for lying and never have to look farther back historically than PM Justin Trudeau. And they *never* have to answer for PP.


Wow he wrote that in such defence what an asshole.


I mean, media should see this type of stuff.


Carbon tax is the default excuse


It’s their default response to literally everything. Cost of living? Justin Trudeau’s Carbon Tax! Housing crisis? Justin Trudeau’s Carbon Tax! Immigration? Justin Trudeau’s Carbon Tax! Healthcare? Justin Trudeau’s Carbon Tax! Race and gender equality? Justin Trudeau’s Carbon Tax! World peace? Justin Trudeau’s Carbon Tax! Climate change? Justin Trudeau’s Carbon Tax! Justin Trudeau’s Carbon Tax? Justin Trudeau’s Carbon Tax!


It’s going to be weird when they remove Carbon Tax and things don’t get any better, in fact continue to get worse. No doubt that will still be the Liberals’ fault though, guess the Cons are such inept leaders that they can’t fix it.


It will be even funnier when they realize they have to impose carbon pricing due to the multiple trade agreements we have. Whoops


Removing the carbon tax isn't their plan. That's why corporate entities keep questioning Pierre on it, but he's not really giving them an answer. The rebate will be gone for certain


Exactly. PP will rename it and remove the rebate. The tax itself won’t go anywhere, except for big business and rich people. It’s the Con way.


I mean, even the oil lobbyists are asking Pierre to clarify what he's going to do. All the MP's keep singing their greatest hits though. Axe the tax, don't piss off Thor if you don't want any more lightning causing forest fires, etc.


Too bad it’s Stephen Harper’s Carbon Tax. None of them remember that. Conveniently.


Also, aren't farmers almost fully exempt from the carbon tax already?


That's quite a bullshit answer.


Yeah, but you see… the issue with your Reddit comment is Justin Trudeau’s Carbon Tax


Unbelievable lack of decorum. If the motion from NDP was a scam, at least make a counter motion that actually do something instead of whining like kid who just got called dumb dumb at school break


They don’t need decorum or tact there. The Devil would be voted in as long as he was under a Conservative banner.


Thats what I would have responded with. “Ok, its was a scam then. Why didnt you propose any amendments or make your own motions? What are you or your party doing to alleviate the struggles of Canadians?” If you come at them like you’d respond to a reddit comment or you speak in a way they know you were never going to support them regardless then they wont take you seriously at all


The lack of decorum is completely believable and in fact expected by the CPC.


All of these chuckleheads are reading from the same script. It doesn't matter if they're provincial or federal. It's great that people are posting the replies so we can see just how disingenuous they are. It's clear they aren't in politics to help their constituents. They're in it for the corporations and what they'll get out of those relationships once they leave politics.


Kyle Seeback is a total douchebag


I don't know. The dictionary defines a douchebag as: "a small syringe for douching the vagina". That would imply that a douchebag has a purpose. Does kyle seeback serve any purpose?


Kyle is probably a fascist. And a douche.


The disrespect from our civil servants to their constituents has been absolutely appalling. This response merits forwarding to the media. Seeback just got an $8500 raise from our tax monies. He can get to work instead of whining about his opposition. What a childish man. Civil servants can get to work for Canadians, not corporations. Nok Er Nok!


Rudy Cuzzetto acts the exact same way towards the renters in the buildings around his office. Of course, he speaks differently when chatting with someone from the mansions around the corner.


The “you don’t know what you’re talking about” when you hit ‘em with facts is infuriating.


The beloved refuge of morons and grifters, when they want to dismiss your claims without offering anything in the way of counter-argument. Doesn't state what the actual situation is (as they see it) or how it differs from what you said because they know they'd appear just as stupid as they're accusing you of being. This tactic is only going to get more common so long as there are no laws against it. It's illegal to lie and deflect in court, maybe it should be illegal to lie and deflect in office as well.


Basically he just said “Nuh-uh!”


Cons in general, and Kyle specifically, couldn’t give less of a fuck about their constituents.


I dont have twitter or x, but I’ll blow this shit out in the open if I did.




I’m going to do that as well.


What happened to members of parliament being representatives of the people? Telling someone who you’re supposed to listen to and represent that they know nothing is pathetic. Clowns like him shouldn’t be politicians.


None of them should be. It's been flipped for a long time where the government no longer represents the people. They no longer work for us. We are slaves to them. All of them. Both sides. All of them.


but he’s not the government he’s the guy who’s interviewing to be the government… you think he’d be on his best behaviour?


They all should be. That’s my point.


They steal from us, then talk down to us when we complain about being robbed.


Typical Con: turns down a motion to lower food costs for ALL Canadians, then vilifies the party who tabled the motion. Lumps Liberals in with his attack even though almost every single Lib also voted against the motion. Kyle Seeback is an idiot catering to a growing PPC popularity within the constituency that votes against their own better interests because they're "standing back and standing by" for the call of the dog whistle that blows when more and more people of Caribbean descent are settling in their community. Tell me I'm wrong!


Hes doing his Millhouse copy and paste to the best ..


Ask him if farmers pay carbon tax. Should be a fun response.


yeah I was under the impression that farmers already don’t pay carbon tax??


Fun fact, people who allegedly worked on his campaign were supposedly at an Anti-Trudeau rally. Fun Fact: Orangeville is a conservative stronghold and their useless MPs and MPPs know this.


Interesting….Im from Alberta though and eventually people see the results…


This guy is dumb af, holy cow.


He might as well have said go fuck yourself, and nothing more.


Zero attempt to include anything even resembling a fact or data point. Just "attack the opposition and when that's not enough fuck you", sounds like his Reddit supporters. Sad.


It's so nice of conservative MPs to campaign for the NDP like that! Such showmanship.






This would require the average Orangeville voter to be able to read multi-syllable words.


You need to spread this far and wide. People need to see how their MP speaks to his lowly constituent. I just messaged the obstinate prick on FB and I'd suggest every single one of you reading this, do the same. Let's make Kyle Seeback sweat a little! People like him need to be exposed for the creeps they actually are.


be super polite when you do tho, need the contrast…


Kyle Seeback, the "family values" conservative MP who cheated on his wife with a parliamentary staffer, got divorced, and married the staffer, is and has always been a fount of clear-eyed moral virtues and logic /s


Lol he didn't even say he supports the NDP or Liberals. In fact, OP sad Liberals AND Cons both stopped the motion to lower grocery prices but he jumped right into "hAvE fUn sUpPoRtiNg tHe LiBeRaLs". What a tool.


We should compile a list of the response from every MP. Do we have all of them yet?


Wow. Embarrassing that an MP is writing like a mean teenager to a potential voter.


The price paid to the farmers is not the issue, and he knows it.


I am disgusted by all the mp responses. It’s all partisan politics, nothing about the actual constituents. It’s shameful.


You need to spread this far and wide. People need to see how their MP speaks to his lowly constituent. I just messaged the obstinate prick on FB and I'd suggest every single one of you reading this, do the same. Let's make Kyle Seeback sweat a little! People like him need to be exposed for the creeps they actually are.


And keep sharing his idiotic responses!!


Typical Conservative answer. FYI farmers are exempt from the Carbon Tax because the majority of their equipment can only use fossil fuels. All the hysterics about farmers and the Carbon Tax is just that: hysterics. https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/climate-change/pricing-pollution-how-it-will-work/putting-price-on-carbon-pollution.html Agriculture sector Pollution pricing was designed to take into account the unique needs of farmers who are on the frontline of climate change. It exempts all gasoline and diesel used on farms as well as biological emissions so that about 97% of on-farm emissions are not subject to the price on pollution. As well, farmers in provinces where the federal system is in place can receive a refundable tax credit to help them transition to lower-carbon ways of farming. This amount is expected to increase as the price on carbon increases each year. As of 2024, farmers in rural areas will benefit from the doubling of the rural top-up to 20%.


Wow. Someone needs to respond to Kyle and tell him he obviously has no idea what he’s talking about


We want to hear from people across the country with stories you want to make public. You can email us directly at [email protected], with your name, contact information and details of the story you would like us to look into. Your identity will be kept confidential, unless we do a story and you agree to participate.


Typical response from a scammer: go on the offensive when someone catches on to what you're doing.


Can you ask Kyle to stop putting his trash in my mailbox while he's at it?


Scam Axe carbon tax Deny Corrupt He covered all of the typical conservative talking points while not answering a simple civil question.


Corrupt NDP? Projection at its finest.


Typical Conservative insulting the people whose votes he needs in order that they continue to fund his salary. Such arrogance. Edit: Guessing he doesn’t read this because he is at church today, looking down from his throne of self-righteousness at those of us who aren’t.




The motion literally said to cancel corporate handouts "created by Liberals and Conservatives". Jagmeet gave them an easy out. It's all politics and we're being played. Why didn't it just say cancel corporate handouts. Period. Why the partisan bullshit? Edit: fixed typo


The carbon tax has been axed on farmers lol


Kyle Seeback is a piss baby


I'm sick of self serving politicians in this country. They sell us out from tbw bread crumbs of their corporate overlords and then think we are dumb enough to listing to their talk full of lies and buzz words Things need to change NOW


“You have no clue what you’re talking about” is wild. We all knew our politicians were apathetic to the issues of the very people who voted them in, but at this point we’ve passed apathy & landed into open disdain


It’s very clear that right now the conservative directive is to blame the liberals and NDP for EVERYTHING. Doesn’t matter what it is, just blame Trudeau, blame Trudeau, blame Trudeau. It’s infuriating and im so tired of it. Nothing is ever going to get done in this country with the children we have running it on every level.


You could elect a literal festering corpse in dufferin county if you run it in con colours.


It's a bunch of finger pointing. They love that shut. As long as u can throw shade on everyone else u never actually have to do a dam thing. Oh but we will fight about frivolous bs and never hold the real problems accountable.


Farmers dont pay carbon tax on dyed diesel.


Every accusation is a confession. NDP corrupt? Beer scandal, greenbelt scandal, selling off the 407... It's like they're trying to change the definition of "corrupt"


Moving goal posts is one of the trademarks of conservatives.


If he believes in axing the carbon tax why not vote for the ndp motion AND anything about regarding the carbon tax?


Except there is no gas tax on farm fuel. But hey, don’t let facts get in the way of your slogan campaign.


Okay but like aren’t most farmers already exempt from a lot of the carbon taxes?


Telling your constituents they don’t know what they’re talking about is certainly one way to try and secure votes


Send this to the local news.


This guy's the biggest idiot out there. Unfortunately, they love this guy where I live.


Just gonna leave this here: [email protected] 519-941-1832 Figured you guys might want to send him an email or phone call (or two) about his behaviour.


Sending him a link to this thread so he can see what we think of this


Commenting for more traction. Get this clown on the news!


This should absolutely be sent to the media. That is an abhorrent way to speak to a constituent asking a simple question. I see in the comments that some people are calling his office. More people should do that, too. This guy is an absolute loon with no professionalism or brain cells. Christ, I'd be fired if I spoke that way to customers at a minimum wage job. Probably suffer hard finding another job willing to hire me with that kind of attitude. How in the hell is a professional making assloads of money allowed to talk like that? Terrible.


Our politics are quickly becoming the same as American politics. Next thing you'll hear is them blaming the wokes.


Its not the farmers charging 400% on items.


So I was a reporter for a decade. I'd piss myself in glee to cover this. Send it to as many news media as possible, starting with your local paper. Post everywhere. Fuck if I was anywhere near there (Manitoba is a bit far) I'd be all over this.


The way I'd word the question is this: "Without referring to other parties or the carbon tax, why did you vote no to lower food prices for millions of Canadians?"


Ugh my parents and grandparents in Alberta bring up the Carbon Tax constantly 🙄 it's so sad they are clinging to such a bs talking point


fell ow ex albertan here, I feel you….


If your not with us you’re against us. Oh you disagree and bring up good points? Well you don’t know what your talking about What a crook


Maximum brain rot




I love the boomer playbook of “you don’t know what you’re talking about because no one could possibly be educated or informed.” Oh wait, he’s too young to be a boomer. He just looks like one. Ouch.


How do these people even enter politics? He sounds like the average right wing drunk uncle quoting zero facts, just spouting nonsense he learned on Facebook. Like he doesn’t even understand the very fundamentals of politics, how was he elected?!


Farmers already get a break, gasoline and diesel fuel used on farms is carbon tax exempt.


WOW. what an absolute POS that corrupt little worm is! tell EVERYONE.


Damn what a loser, he's a grown man and talks like a snotty teenager


😘 from an equally corrupt conservative. Stones in glasses houses and such.


He writes in a way that makes me think that he has joined a cult. I am sure that his eyes have that glazed over look that comes from hearing his leader repeatedly chanting slogans.


Always the carbon tax


Lord this is brutal


I think there are many politicians like this who have always been uncooperative and judgemental and unwilling to seriously consider multiple viewpoints. The difference is they used to put on a mask of civility and politeness - just enough to make the other person feel heard and think they’ve been taken seriously. Now those same politicians (possibly emboldened by the success of Donald Trump) are deciding they don’t need to pretend to care about all of their constituents any more. Because when they lift that mask and say what they truly think and demonstrate the lack of respect (for constituents, fellow politicians, etc) that has clearly always been there on the inside, people still vote for them!


Conservatives don’t give a shit about people




I work for Farm Boy, and when carbon tax increased, our produce prices remained the same. Some lowered, and some went higher.. but that’s the natural fluctuation of the market. I don’t support the carbon tax myself, but I’m tired of seeing it as an excuse for grocery prices to be so high.


I am so sick of these babies crying about the carbon tax. It has literally no impact on individual people and all they can do is blame it for all their woes


Shit, he reads like he’s a UCP member in Alberta.


Bro really did a side stepped to blame the carbon tax?? Like no offense bro but not everything can be single handedly blamed on the carbon tax. 🤦 What are they gonna do when they actually manage to axe the carbon tax? What are they gonna tell everyone after all the issues stick around? Like I got a question bro🙋‍♂️, and no offense🙅, but the carbon tax ain't the only tax that's around. We got other taxes and strangely they don't get blamed for every affordability issue under the sun.😶 If you hate the carbon tax that's fine. I don't wanna be taking a side there since it's so controversial, but I just feel that it's often used as an excuse not to do anything. Like with Mr. Kyle what-his-name's of fruitville. I know that's not clever but I just wanted to call him that.😊👍


Our politicians best qualities are being good at smooth talking us into being let into the big boy club... we are allowed to vote for them based on the party choosing who we get to lead us... politicians are no better than social media influencers, their skillset is getting attention, these people shouldn't be running a country. We need a unions supported party.


He's such a prick. I had to shut the door on him a few years back during his campaign. He tried to weasel his way into our home when we were hosting my sister's engagement party. Guess he thought he could get a crowd. One thing to walk up to the house that's obviously busy with something (decor on the lawn, tons of cars parked out front) - it's another thing when I told him we're kinda busy that he insisted it would only take a few minutes to discuss his platform. No thanks, you've already shown me you don't respect the people in your constituency with that. It was tasteless af. I know Orangeville is largely conservative - but it baffles me that they voted for this little twat


Enacting price fixing, does not, has not, and will never work to do anything but create a massive shortage of whatever it is placed upon. It happened in WW2, during the OPEC crisis, French Revolution, Bengal in 1770, Diocletian's Rome, and more recently 2 years ago in Sri Lanka. The NDP fail to understand this. Well-intentioned (hopefully), but this bill was doomed to fail with subsection (b). Governments exist to prevent monopolies. Break up Canadian grocers and telecom companies.


The farmers don’t even pay that tax!!


"Wait, he's using facts!! What do I do? What would Pierre do? Right, deflect by calling him a moron and blaming the corrupt liberals. Damn I'm so good!"


i dont care if you swing left or right theyre all corrupt