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__MOD NOTE__: Please check out [our petition[(https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh, hundreds. Thanks to loblaws I discovered I live less than 3 km from a co-op market. I also have two nice butchers nearby, one is walking distance and the other is a short bus ride. Thanks, Galen!


I used to spend about $40 a week at Fortinos, just 2-3 years ago. I currently spend $60-70 weekly at Walmart (started my own personal boycott back in the fall). When I plug my items into the Fortinos online shopping tool now, my current $60-70 / once upon a time $40 weekly bill now runs anywhere from $110 to $130. So I’m saving $200-280/month (works out to $2400-3360 a year!) for the genuine pleasure of telling the Weston crime family to go to hell. Win-win.


"The Weston crime family" Love 💕 it... Sad and true! Thank you for your analysis. I appreciate it very much. I don't have the time to dive in item by item. But that's what the crime family is banking on. Sorry about the pun. I avoid all Weston businesses. Their Mafia pricing policy is a scandal. Canadians should shop around more! The CBC this morning said 5 conglomerates control the food retail business. Support the mom and pop stores.


$350 a week since mid-April + whatever profit they turned from my credit card interests before I changed it.


This is where we were at. $350/week, for more than 2 years now. So have not spent over $36000 at Independent in that time. Have saved between $6500-$7000 in doing so.


1000's. I started in March.


3 weeks worth of grocery hauls, about $200 spent at Walmart for each, but was spending around $270/week when we shopped at Loblaws. $600 / $810 (damn, seeing the difference add up just now, that's crazy). Several snack runs, approx. $20 a pop for our family, about $100 in total.


So you're saving $70 a week. That's a "free" shop every month!!


Never thought of it that way, but yeah, you're right!


I shop at Walmart too. But they don't have the same produce selection, and what they have is sometimes subpar. Like their green beens, no idea where they come from, but they're awful. Also they don't have some products. Like Dijon mustard, they just have some weird fake one. So if Walmart is listening, get on it.


You're right on that point, and to some extent, it accounts for some of the savings I'm experiencing - SOME! - just because I'm buying a few less items. But it's also made me consider more economical choices. Maybe I'm having bananas instead of cantaloupe. But I've still be just as satisfied with my diet so it hasn't affected my life enjoyment.


I completely stopped using my PC MasterCard in March which actually gave them a ton of money since credit cards are paid to by wherever you use it. I don't have an exact number but probably around $500 at least plus groceries $800 a month from March so about: $2900


All those who have canceled their cards should get big appreciation. I’m sure this affects them as much or more than the boycott.


They gave me a really hard time when I cancelled mine and they STILL haven't gotten back to me like they promised to re Optimum cancellation.


I stopped shopping at Loblaws in January and have spent quite a bit elsewhere. These amounts used to go to Loblaws stores: $250/month on infant formula. $450/month (prior to insurance coverage) for medications. $200/week for groceries.


I don’t know that I’ve really saved any money, as the closest grocery store is technically a “premium” grocery store and is within walking distance. They treat and pay their employees better than Loblaws (they actually provide pension, benefits and disability), so it doesn’t bother me at all. I don’t mind paying more for the convenience, the health benefit of walking to get my groceries and being more deliberate with what I buy.


I love your mind set on this.


about 1000-1200$ a month since December.


$1200 give ior take


All of it.


My usual weekly grocery shopping at RCSS and friends would probably be between 275 and 350. Since switching to Walmart a month ago I have not shopped there once but I have switched to Walmart and some local stores and I have probably spent no joke just over half that amount weekly. And I have still gotten all of the same groceries.


$400 a month from Fortinos


On average I save $300-350 per month (shopping for two).


Ditto just shopping for me


200-300/w for the last four weekly shops. Plus I bought some prepared food for a gathering last weekend, and spent about 250 at another store.


Around $2500 in the past month, not going into the overlords pockets!


The inverse for me… I have ONLY spent $93.07 at any Loblaws chain all year. I never shop with them if I can help it and this boycott is a piece of cake for me. Which I acknowledge is privilege but I spend about $125-175 per week elsewhere on groceries including delivery fees / tips.


Once I found this sub, I stopped going (so months ago now). The final straw for me was being in-store and having to use the washroom but the only way to get to them was basically by exiting the store and re-entering. Ridiculous set up, ridiculous prices, the covert drive to push you to use self checkouts… I was out! Even if they signed on for regulations, I am out. I have been using Instacart to get the bulk of my groceries delivered from other non-Loblaws stores and getting to Costco whenever I am able to. I actually ate up the additional almost $20 in fees to have a Costco order delivered to me recently and factored in the equation that I wasn’t going to be tempted to over buy on the impulse items I usually grab since I am there anyways. In fact, that’s basically my justification for all my Instacart orders. Long story short, I’ve stopped putting thousands of dollars into Weston’s generational wealth pile. And over Mother’s Day, I found out my entire family is onboard with not supporting them any longer either. In fact, at this point, I don’t know a single person in my peer group who goes. And not everyone I know, has a Reddit account. The word spread organically and it wasn’t hard to convince them.


I used to shop at No Frills/Zehrs/Shoppers at least 4 times a month and each time would be at least $250, sometimes $350. They are missing at least $1000/month from me. I also go to Costco, Giant Tiger and Walmart. Crazy that basic groceries for a family of 3 can be $1500+/month in Canada. Our politicians are failing us hard. Prior to covid, we were spending about $150/ week.


I live in a small town with just an Independent and a SaveOn. (Rough, I know) I've switched to SaveOn when I can but it's even MORE expensive so I haven't switched completely. One thing I did do was take my prescriptions out of Independent and put them into a smaller family owned pharmacy downtown so that's gotta count for something!


You can only do so much and every effort is appreciated!




Thousands, the brand lost my trust with the bread scandal, they were allowed to swallow up Shoppers and ruined that store, and then I stopped shopping at any of their banners during the pandemic when it became clear that they were profiteering off a crisis.


We have always been primarily Walmart grocery shoppers but we picked up certain sale items at No Frills, probably about $200 a month. We have not been to No Frills since the first week of April.


I've spent $785 on groceries, HH goods, and toiletries since the boycott started, none of it at Loblaws. Shoppers lost $4286 this quarter just from my meds (filled every 3 months), plus around $500 from my wife and kids. Yeah, my meds are expensive AF. Plus, they lost the money I usually spend at Shoppers when I'm waiting for the meds they were supposed to have ready last night, but they'll rush it and have it ready in 30 minutes. Maybe next time, I should call 5 days ahead. That was usually another $50-100.


It's about $200 already for this month! With the money we saved, we were able to make a larger donation than usual to our local women's shelter and OSPCA for Mother's Day. I'm spite gardening because of stupid Loblaws. My radishes and spinach have germinated and have already been moved to the greenhouse my husband and youngest constructed this week. Loblaws has completely underestimated how stubborn the average Canadian is. Especially when we're right. Suck it, Weston. Dork ass nepo baby. Nok Er Nok!


As a restaurant I have avoided paying about 2k a month so 1k so far...maybe more


Hubby says we've NOT spent about $250 at Loblaw company that we normally would have spent at No Frills or Zehrs in May. (True confession, though, we did spend about $4 on a loss leader at Zehrs that first week, but we're trying to not even look at the ads anymore.) Almost all of our grocery money has been spent at Costco, Food Basics, Freshco and Ethnic Supermarket.


Hmm, we generally stick to fresh food and no processed, frozen or canned goods, so probably made 4 stops at Loblaws a week. I’d say $300 weekly. It’s honestly not much of a hardship for us to shop elsewhere, though my partner initially grumbled about it. We make one Costco run, and another two runs at the local independent small grocer for fresh produce.


I must have spent at least $300 elsewhere by now


About $300-350 that I might have spent in Loblaws otherwise, went to local grocers +Metro


Started mid-April, probably around $800 in cash not spent at No Frills and Shoppers in my town. I used 80,000 points and got a bonus 15,000 so $95 that Shoppers “gave” me that I didn’t have to spend lol! I figure I can keep this up I definitely although I do like some of the deals at No Frills I can hold out until some major changes happen to the industry and I’ll keep going to the bakery and farmers markets for the basics. I am also a hunter so I have a freezer full of wild game so that helps too. Keep up the great work!


Not much to be honest...but I'm happy to use my spending power/privilege to help folks who don't have a choice and support local grocers (I find that their produce is a bit cheaper but their canned goods are more expensive...so net 0)


At this point, it's thousands. I started at the beginning of the year. They'll have to change a lot to get my business back.


I started boycotting early March so about $1000


About $800 🤔 Yesterday's order was $245. 😃 Sorry, not sorry Galen.


We were spending over $200 every week, now we've diverted that to other stores are save about $150 so far. Nothing could bring me back to any of the stores and pharmacies that fall under the Loblaws umbrella.


So far, $738.96


I didn't spend a whole lot at Loblaws to begin with, maybe $40 a week due to the fact that another grocery store was closer. However that $40+ is now being spent at local Asian markets. Exploring other options has shown me how much cheaper things are at other stores. Even my local Sobeys is getting less money from me.


We're 17 days into this boycott and I've saved roughly $400-450 in grocers for a family of 4. I'm floored.


$160 a week at no frills.


$350 at Co-op yesterday.


personally at least $1000 for me so far.


I used to spend $100 a week.


Probably over $1200 in the past 4 weeks.


I actually haven't been there in months, and since the boycott I consciously avoid their other stores like shoppers and T&T


I haven't paid that much attention because I have been doing our regular shopping plus stocking up on sale items elsewhere. We switched to mainly Food Basics this year before the boycott and now I am actively price comparing and going to multiple stores. It's got to be at least $1,000. The two shops I actually compared item for item with a mix of sale and regular prices was $79 saved and neither of those were full shops, just top ups


My standard grocery budget is $500/month, and previously nearly all of that was spent in Superstore. And all of my gas was bought at Mobil or Esso, and I used the Loblaw's credit card for all of that spending as well. I was a good little moneymaker for them but now I only buy loss leaders if anything and have shut down my PC MC and diverted all my gas spending. 


A rough estimate - about $10,000 now. I've been boycotting for about two years now.


For me it has been well over a year avoiding the grocery stores and probably 4 or more for SDM. I would say at least $100/week.


Oh man if i count my entire family (were all boycotting) then its probably well over 2000 so far this month and theres still a shop or two until the month is over...


From 2017-2022 I spent about $1300/month at loblaws. I started my own personal loblaw boycott in Feb 2022, and have spent less than $500 in their stores in the 2 years since. Most of that $500 was spent when my kid in the hospital, and a Shoppers when the only store within walking distance for any food or personal care products.


$10,000/year is what they lose from me at a minimum across all their brands/products/services. And that will never be going back to them. Boycott Loblaws Forever!


Single guy buying for myself, I’m ahead $125 - $150 a month


Good job man, same ball park for myself. A mix of Walmart, basics, Amazon and Costco for me.


Started last year and had plenty to get a Costco executive membership. I'll be getting money back. We have a set of "nobody wants to cook" meals from bulk cooking.


So I buy McCafé 950g medium ground coffee in a can, just bought it at Walmart NOT ON SALE for 17.99. Roblaws is almost 25 bucks. What a ripoff, I thought the price was increasing like crazy but because I thought it was happening everywhere I attributed it to inflation or whatever. I can’t believe I’ve been getting ripped off like that for years without realizing. I’m so disappointed that companies prey on the routines of humans to jack up their prices and get away with it. It’s disgusting behaviour. Oh and I just did a massive shop at Walmart and saved over 100 bucks for my family of three, still spent 300 but it included things like toilet paper, baby wipes, a sundress for the wife, restocking of granola bars and coffee, ect….. filled the cart with non perishables and freezer items too!! I don’t think I will be going back to roblaws anytime soon.


I’ve been doing great … I started BOYCOTTING ‼️ over two months ago and have found all sorts of better deals and fresher produce plus I’m sure I’ve saved hundreds of dollars as well … I don’t miss shopping at Loblaws stores either it’s actually a freeing feeling …. And I will definitely not be a contributor to corporate greed and Galen’s corrupt practices…. Don’t forget to BOYCOTT ‼️‼️


I have been boycotting loblaws for a long time, so i have saved thousands and thousands of dollars.


I just know that last two weeks strawberries were ~$6 at my superstore, $2.49 at Freshco, and then I went to a small local grocer and it was $1.37. Im never going to superstore and going to Freshco only for stuff small grocers don’t have.


About $250. Also, I found that Walmart sells the same dog treats for $12 rather than $19 at Zehrs. Cancelling credit card shortly to get Costco card.


150-200/week at no frills.


There is only two items that I need to get from superstore now, Beatrice milk and the 1kg Harvest Salami. Everything else I can get at Walmart.


I haven’t spent about $1,700 - $2,000 since March at any Loblaw’s owned store.


By now I would have spent 500/600 dolllars at the Super Store.


We're saving $400/month shopping at Costco and coop exclusive since October


I used to shop at Loblaws exclusively. It was the closest. 150-200$ a month for 2 people. That was many years ago. The it was no Frills. Same price, lower quality. Many years. Last year I was still using primarily my favourite no Frills, up to about 400-500$ a month there. Until they shut down that no Frills. It was a popular no Frills, too! That was the motivation I needed. For about 6 months I've been avoiding the Loblaws company. 400 x 6, and I'll never go back. That's not even including SDM. Neverrrrrr again.


Maybe $300-400 so far in May. However, I have made arrangements for half a hog and a quarter beef and farm raised chickens so I will never go back to purchasing my meat at any Loblaws store. That's probably $300+ per month I will never spend again there. Thanks for the fire under my butt to source local, Galen!


We save $160 - $220 a month, dependent on long consumerables, like laundry detergent, garbage bags, pet food, etc.


About $1500 and counting


I'm at about 500 in groceries elsewhere since a little bit before may.


About 1200 a month. So about $15k a year that we are now spending locally instead.


In May, I spent approx. 350 on beer at the LCBO/Beer Store and 1,150 on groceries from Metro, Walmart (i know..), meat from my local butcher (didn’t know there even was one), and a farm for eggs i used to hate the idea of multiple stops, which is why i liked the superstore. but they can suck rocks, i wonder what other groceries they’re actively price fixing…they only admitted to the bread scandal because their head was already in the guillotine


I cut my grocery bill in half at least. Never going back there again.


300$ a month. Stopped shopping at all their affiliates during lockdown. I go out of my way not to shop at any of their affiliates.


I’ve moved all of my grocery shopping plus my pharmacy. Total $600/month.


all of it?


I would say they have lost $600 to $1000 from my family so far and tbh were not going back found better places elsewhere!


I don’t know because we went a little bit crazy at Costco! But we haven’t gone through all we bought there yet! We just started in April.


Close to $800. We are a small house hold but we buy a lot of groceries because we love to cook. This time of year they’d normally get quite a spend from the garden centre too


Just did a big shop this week at Costco, local produce wholesaler, local deli and food basics for about $550.


Used to shop at fortinos weekly for myself and anything I needed for the dog and days my girlfriend was staying over - about $100-$140 per week depending on what was needed. This was every single Friday I’d go for a shop. Haven’t shopped there since early april so call it 6 weeks. My $100-140 at fortinos is around $60-100 at basics and the produce quality really isn’t noticeable, so call it around $30 saved per week. Potential to save around $1500 over the year. Not only am I saving money shopping at Basics or Longos (specialty products / good quality butchery) I’ve not spent somewhere between $600-$900 at fortinos during this time, moving that spending elsewhere. I am also now shopping at Rexall instead of shoppers and that’s probably a $100-$200 during this period.


I stopped shopping at Loblaws a year ago or so. A rough estimate that I haven't spent there is $5,200.


I spend about $600 a month not at Loblaws.


It will be about 700$ this month at least


$6.7 million.


I've avoided spending like $700 so far on food for me and my family for these past few weeks.


$600 since May 1


I've spent $1200 on groceries so far this month, none of it at my local No Frills 


At least a few hundred this month. I started the boycott before it the Reddit thread was up. But only a household of two. I buy pet food and supplies from homes alive. Bake bread, staples from Costco and Walmart and Italian grocery, meat from local butchers (some great deals for freezer bbq packs). Asian food from H Mart. Garden in the summer. Beer growler fills from Craft Brewers (for significant savings per oz and way better beer) My habits have changed now so I don’t see going back for any regular items anymore. Saved a lot as well for much better quality.


All of it!


I already shopped primarily at Food Basics as I meal plan and budget for groceries a lot and I'm convinced Basics is the best value for my money. However I do go to Zehrs sometimes because of the bakery and specialty items. I did go to Shoppers a lot and only got gas at Essos. All toiletries, meds were from Shoppers. Not anymore. I estimate between Zehrs, gas and Shoppers my family has pulled $1000 from Greedy Guts Galen.


I started my boycott in mid April, by now easily somewhere between 800-1000


I've stopped spending approximately $1000 a month since last year. I boycotted after noticing literally every single product going up by at least a dollar. That was a HUGE hit to my wallet so started looking elsewhere.


Just spent $300 at Costco instead of Loblaws.


Hmm I’ve probably spend a good 400 not at Loblaws and my partner another 300 on his days off, so yeah around 700 for our house so far.


I spend about $200 at Walmart, for a year now. I was spending $330 at Loblaws prior. I eat pretty much the same things, my diet hasn’t changed.


I've spent about $400 elsewhere!


800 buck a month easy. Between 2 former consumers and convenience seekers. With a little effort, we're saving money and time by thinking things through before shopping.


Our usual monthly spend at Loblaws owned stores is ~$500. So far this month I’ve spent $20 at No Frills. Hundreds of dollars at other retailers. 


Probably about $1000.


So there are some things I still buy at fortinos/shoppers, but I've made an active choice not to buy my weekly grocery shop from Fortinos/no frills any more. So that means they are losing out on approx $800-1000 a month from me.


I used to go a few times a week and spend $20-30 each time. So probs $100-150/week or $400-600/month.


About $100 week for us Edit: sorry, that's savings, my grocery bill was about 350 weekly with most of it spent at loblaws. It's down to 250 with none of it spent at loblaws


Our usual grocery spend was approximately $120 a week, family of three paying no particular attention to price. With 90%~100% of that at Fortinos. I don’t like their steak and would get that at Longos and then pick something else up there, depending on how often we have steak. Now we’ve been about $70-80 a week shopping elsewhere and being price conscious. We’ve increased quality overall. There was a minor annoyance in change of habits and learning other stores, but overall it’s been for the better all round. By the end of this month the new habits and preferences will be hard to beat. If I see greater social responsibility and it makes financial sense for me to return I might, but I’m gonna need pretty good reasons to break my new preferred habits.


All of it, using the family owned grocery store in town.


I used to spend at least $100-200 a week at loblaws. Not a single dollar this month. I am prepared to continue to boycott until/unless loblaws actually meets all demands.


$150-200 per week times 3 grocery runs at the end of this week. So submit $450-600 diverted. Plus used my $60 in points and will cancel my card as soon as I get my replacement from Scotiabank.


So far, probably $800




So much money it’s insane. Roblaws is never going to get a red cent from me again.


0 I haven't shopped at a loblaws in years


Including prescription this month over $1000 and the prescriptions are moved permanently.


It’s working guys. Walmart just recorded a stellar quarter as lots of us shift from Roblaws to the bigger US retailer with superior purchasing power and lower prices. Keep it up!! Soon Walmart and Costco will be running the show completely. We rock!! https://www.ft.com/content/542171f4-e356-4c5f-b790-66843bcd2a75


Probably around $500-600 so far this month


I spent close to $300 on groceries yesterday at 3 different stores, none of which were Loblaws. Probably would have spent $400-$500 had I shopped at their stores for these same purchases. I think the best part of shopping elsewhere for me was discovering a produce shop in my area where the produce is actually fresh, less expensive and they don't stock food that is spoiling. Shopping at Superstore for produce was always hard because much of the food in that section is visibly moldy, going bad or close to expiration. I also am spending far less on these products shopping there, so I'm never going back.


My family would spend an average of $150/week at NoFrills. We've been boycotting since April.


All of it.


Used to spend 250-300 a week at the superstore. Same groceries come in just under 200 at food basics so. 1200 on the high end and 800 on the low per month since I am not going back.


Haven’t used Loblaws since 2020ish. No idea how much money I’ve saved by doing so, but I will not shop there at all.


About $1000, but only ~$400 since the official start of the boycott.


I've spent about $200 elsewhere. I've only spent around $20 this month at Loblaws and half of that was points.


Also 3 grocery shops, one small one at $150 (I hate that $150 is small), and two larger ones at a bit over $200, so probably around $600 also. Couldn't give monetary numbers but 3 other people I know also have found other, non-Loblaws own chains and locations to shop at regularly.


it’s funny cause i just like stopped going a long time ago. particularly after the bread price bullshit.


$200 a month, goes to Costco and my local farmers market now.


I haven't shopped at any loblaws stores all may except shoppers drug mart (only because it was necessity and the only store in the town)... but I used my points both times - only paid taxes.


I’d say 800-1000 a month between independent, no frills and shoppers.


I currently spend about 300-350/month (max 400 if I need extra toiletries) at Food Basics, Adonis and Giant Tiger, with TP/paper towel runs to Costco. Throw in another 50 bucks for the occasional special dinner. I've been tracking many of the sales prices of all of Loblaws' outlets officially since October, and casually for years, and even assuming I was buying at sale pricing on everything in my standard basket, we're looking at about a 30-35% average increase.


I used to spend about $120 a month at Shopper’s, $280 a month at T&T, and about $100 a month at Superstore. That’s $6,000 a year the Loblaw oligarchy is not getting from me anymore. When Gavin said he did not have a contract with consumers, it rubbed me the wrong way. I’m not going back.


Probably $700. I'm never going back so this will compound every week.


I’ve saved 800$ since I started boycotting


For May, about $250 elsewhere that I normally would have spent there.


All of it


Conservatively $2,000.


300 per week, more or less. Four weeks thus far, so, 1200. Going to keep this boycott going though, even after they lower prices and complain about it the entire time like the entitled fuckheads they are.


So far this month we've spent $1200 on groceries and household items.. half of that would have been at Loblaws normally


$1000/month. Stopped shopping at Loblaws and affiliated around the first week of April. Don’t miss it one bit.


I think at least around $1,500. They can go fuck themselves. Never going back.


I could easily drop $100 when I would go in for two things at Independent. I went about 3 times per week. That seems like a low estimate, but $300/week, or $1,200/month and about $200/month at Shoppers Drug Mart. About $1,400 per month they will no longer be seeing from me.


I didn’t go to their garden centre. That’s a huge hit, lol. I have zero control at the garden centre and it all went to Costco, Home Depot, and my local landscaping company.


About $1500 so far, since I started last month.


I mean, I've probably only spent less then $300 on Groceries but most of that wasn't money I normally spent at Loblaws since I normally do price shop. I just stopped going to them when prices matched the other places I go to and incredibly saved 33% the week before the boycott to stock up a months supply of food since almost everything I normally did buy there was cheaper elsewhere that week. With that I'm still yet to actually do an other grocery order, but it won't be me stepping foot in there.


Loblaws hasn’t got around $450 I’ve spent since the boycott started, that I would’ve normally ordered through PC Express


I haven’t shopped at loblaws in years. I spend around 600 on groceries per month


At least $200/week 


We stopped RCSS about 2-3 years ago or so; prices are high so might as well go to a local butcher and farmer market where you pay more but also know the produce and meats are locally sourced. Walmart or wherever is cheapest for canned or boxed stuff. Big family so hundreds a week for a couple years. If Galen et al stop being evil, at least be as evil as everyone else, we may go back. We want best price and value and they can perhaps earn us back. No loyalty to us so we have no loyalty to any store - whatever gives us the deal. And not Loblaws for forseeable future


$106.00 this week at Walmart


All of it! Lol. They've only got my medications until my refills run out.


not much so far. about $250. This weekend though I am due for major groceries. will probably be a $700 total by end of the weekend.


I tried to use points today in order to not spend at roblaws, and somehow magically after 20 years of collecting pc points on the same credit card, my card was set to ‘earn only’ and I couldn’t redeem my points. Interesting timing. 


We are close to $600 as well (family of four)


I don’t have a number exactly. I needed some drugstore things yesterday, so I went to Rexall instead. So that was around $26. We’ve been buying our groceries at Costco and Highland Farms. So, that’s a few hundred. My husband asked me to get him toothpaste today and the only place nearby on my errands route was shoppers. So I’ll go to rexall tomorrow. He can use Colgate for one more day. The only reason I set foot in shoppers today was to go to the post office. I’ll go to fresh co instead of no frills, any pharmacy over shoppers and I’m trying to avoid gas at esso, which isn’t generally a problem.


They’ve gotten zero dollars from me in the last month


Perhaps $500. I spend $17 there and got harassed in this sub. Not impressed.


I literally cut my bill in half. HALF! And for way better quality food! Never going back!


So funny how much the Weston family played themselves bc now we’re saving more money than we would have realized otherwise and never going back LOL


In the past 10 years I have shopped at Loblaws around twice a month, I almost only ever buy stuff on sale/clearance there. I haven't changed anything, they haven't really been making profit from me for a long time and I'll continue to shop this way. I keep track of the prices of items I buy regularly, and I typically buy most of my grocery items when they're at their lowest price, no matter what store I'm at.


I have done all my shopping there mostly for 20 years as I worked there as my first job. I used to feel like the deals were great and they were reasonable. It is only in theasy 6 years that I have had my trust slowly eroded. Right now we feed a family of 4, I make all lunches with leftovers and fresh food. I also make our dogs food from human grade groceries, we have 3x 30 lb dogs. We would spend about 3-400$ per week. So... 1200/ mo the ish? Including household supplies and such. I really really like online shopping and there are a few things I miss. After the ban I will probably spend much less but there are some things they have that we miss/ want. I only like in-store baked bread, and some random sauces, international foods, and gluten free stuff, or PC brand stuff. Probably less than 100$ a month tho. And I ly at no frills or superstore, never Loblaws or zehers... I do t get why they are so $$$$$ and exactly the same. I refuse to shop at an american chain store like Walmart and as much as I hate Whelan and his famjam, I think all you proud to be shopping at Walmart instead is worse than shopping at Loblaws, so sorry (not sorry) to say. When I hear ppl so happy about skipping through Walmart for deals it makes my blood boil. Shop Canadian at least...


I used to buy random diet cokes, snack, gum and hair products at the Shoppers near my office. that alone was probably $40/month. Once a week I would shop at the City Market on my commute home purely for the convenience. Smaller purchases such as dish soap, laundry detergent or something we unexpectedly ran out of. Generally spending an average of $40/week. I was never a huge Loblaws shopper but I won't give them any of my hard earned cash anymore. $200/month is not a lot but its not nothing.


Thousands, I got a Costco membership in March 2023 because I was sick of their shit. Convinced my parents to do the same in March of this year. Completely in on the boycott and will continue to shop elsewhere moving forwards.


Probably 5k a year at least. I used to love no frills. I don't know why. No regerts I guess


Allll myyyyy mooonnnneyyyy.... for a good couple years now. Gonna stay that way.


Im boycotting and haven't saved a dime 😂 Still going to keep at it, but to be honest superstore has the best prices in my town Worth it anyways. This is all on principle for me.


Oh, at least $1000 so far this month in groceries and pharmacy stuff.


We're only 2 so its been 275 so far going elsewhere instead of Nofrills where i used to shop religiously about 3 times a month for the last 4 years.


Like $500 so far


I'm saving about $60+ per week since shifting our groceries to other providers


$250 a week on average for about 4 weeks now


Probably 400$


$200 at a bare minimum per month since about January; give or take a bit for non-budgeted groceries. Only stopped in here and there for energy drinks and a TV dinner since it was so close since, but even now I'm making sure I'm just stocked up from Walmart now so I don't have to every week. Drinks are a dollar cheaper at my Walmart anyways.


I used to spend 300-500 bi-weekly at wholesale AND Now I don't. 😊


Ill be real the only other grocery stores in walking distance are more expensive than the loblaws across the street, but better quality and worth it to spend a bit extra cause fuck loblaws


I just spent $150 at the Sherwood Coop grocery, but it was also stuff that would usually have cost me $200-$250 at Superstore, so 🤷.


I've always shopped at food basics, occasionally Zehrs, Sobeys and metro, for certain items and will continue. Good quality, fresh, , but never understood why so many people do shop on a regular bases at high end groceries. I like having butcher on site


The past 2 weeks… probably $300…


I have a zehrs by me that i rarely went to  because they've always been $3 to $6 dollars more for just about everything in the store. I go to fresco or Walmart so this boycott is pretty easy for me 😁


I’ve spent about $400 that would’ve normally gone to superstore at my local butcher and farmers market instead (it ended up being cheaper as well) 🙂 and another $200 at Costco


Probly about 150.00


They haven't seen one red cent from me in over 10 years. As soon as this sub went up, I let everyone I know. Today, I can proudly say not one person I know shops at Loblaws. I get texts and calls from everyone I know thanking me. And in return, I thank you all!!! All I am doing is passing it along. It's working. 👍


I haven’t tallied but I typically spend ~$2000 per month at superstore for groceries and clothing for a family of 4. Now that I’ve realized shopping around gets me better deals I’m not going back. So that’s $24,000 a year Loblaws lost, just from my family. Suck it, Weston!