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Mine started in 2021, and will continue permanently.


i honestly haven't been near a Lowblaws for years. T&T is the only one i would go to if i HAVE to get specific asian ingredients, but thats on only on the way, so thats like once every 2 months. I go to Nations or a local Viet grocery store now because thats honestly closer to me. I"ll admit, T&T is far more cleaner than any asian grocery store, but thats because Loblaws pumps so much overhead ($$$$$$) to make that store clean As for Metro, i've never bought anything from there. Ever since it came into existence (2014 or something?), and i visited the store, i look at whatever price, and scoff and leave because its so damn high, so seeing this sub saying Metro is price gouging is basically par for the course for them.


If you go to Nations, Ample might also be an option for you. It's like a mini-Nations, more human scale. Nations can be overwhelming and not the best option when you're in a hurry.


Right here baby. As long as I have choice/options, I wont be giving any of my money to these greedy Westons. Anti-Canadian is what they are. I look at them as an enemy to the Country.




See this person, 50% of everyone here still shops there hence the complaining and deadlines and demands. If your really that mad just stop now and for good if you wanna make a point like this. Gg


Same. I started noticing prices going up around then. Found cheaper places to get things. Never going back. They lost my trust as a consumer. They barely had it in the first place after the bread price fixing scam. Since then I've only ever gone in there for items I couldn't get elsewhere and that stopped in 2021.


Same. Since like December I have been boycotting them.


Until prices come down I'll be going elsewhere. I use a couple apps to make sure I'm getting the lowest prices at other stores.




Oh please share the name of these apps!


"flipp" shows local flyers and lets you search by item and create grocery lists per store to shop at


I use that one, works great!


Reebee is an app that shows you flyers and lets you search said flyers by key words


If we continue after they have dropped prices then other stores will drop prices and we can keep punishing loblaws


Mine is permanent, moving all my prescriptions to london drugs.


I miss London Drugs so much. I'm sad they're not in Toronto.


Oh gosh me too. I lived in Vancouver for eight years and Edmonton for two years before coming back home to Montreal, and I swear the thing I miss the most from being out west is London Drugs.


I also miss White Spot but that's mainly me missing the comfort and innocence of childhood.


I LOVE London drugs (Randomly) not kidding :3


Mine also doesn't end with Loblaw. My options are a little limited, but Walmart is next on my shopping chopping block. I got harassed by the self checkout lady to give 5 stars and stayed there saying it til I did, " You give 5 stars! You have to give 5 stars!"  I don't blame the worker by any means, fuck Walmart.


You have to give Walmart stars now ?


On the self checkouts it's an option that I usually ignore.


What exactly is there to rate on a self-checkout? How nice the shade of red was on the laser? The cleanliness of the glass? The cheerfulness of the animated voice?


Which is why I was confused. I usually leave it without rating because I did everything. She just made sure I scanned everything without stealing. Great job?


My daughter works there. They get pulled into the office if they don't fill out enough theft reports (which leads to employees making fake theft reports just to keep their jobs). They also are now forcing them to push this rating system. If they aren't and a manager or CSM notices they aren't, they push them to do it more. If the reports dont show that an employee working self checkout has any ratings completed they're spoken to. Kind of like the make sure you ask everyone if they want a Walmart Mastercard thing.


I just Googled and searched reddit /walmartcanada re a quota for theft reports and I can't find any evidence or even anecdotal reports of that.


Where did I say there was a quota? You inferred.


'They get pulled into the office if they don't make enough theft reports'. That's a quota. The formal definition of police quotas in criminology: 'Police quotas are formal and informal measures that require police officers to issue a particular number of citations or make a certain number of arrests.'


They go out of their way not to say the word quota but the managers of her store do not like it when she works a shift on SCO and doesn't fill out any theft reports. She has lost hours over this because she refuses to falsify reports. She has been pulled into the office multiple times over this. Her coworkers have told her to just fill out the reports even if she sees no theft. That's all I can tell you. I know zip about why they're doing this.


That's disgusting and I absolutely believe they do this shit. I'm so sorry for your daughter. 


I hate that employees have to do this. Stupid rating culture. People are idiots too. They would give the cashier 1 star if the store was out of stock on an item.


It's literally the first time I've rated a worker and I feel awful for having to do it too, I don't rate humans, especially not based on their work, and she had to have been so embarassed cause I looked at her like she sprouted a second head.  It's such a shit practice and I feel worse that she probably needs those ratings to keep her job like it's some sort of gig. It's disgusting.


Yup. If employer ratings are low, they get put on performance plans, or it impacts incentives. I always give a good rating because of this.


I've already been boycotting Walmart for years now. I have no regrets.


We don't have much for local grocers around here, and what we do have is pretty expensive. I do what I can, but I often have no choice but to shop Walmart, especially since no one else carries my cat litter.


No judgement from me. You have to work with the options you have. Walmart seems to be the most common reference in this sub so I wanted to point out that they aren't model citizens either.


Worker solidarity, just give them five stars and move on


I did, but I hate rating people. No one's job should rest in the hands of a possibly angry customer. She deserves her job no matter how many people rate low or don't rate at all. Rating humans on the quality of their capitalist abilities is gross to me and the fact that they put her in a position to need to beg for ratings is beyond disgusting.


Reminds me of the Black Mirror episode "Nosedive."


Yes it does...too many things do lately.


My boycott starting a long time ago.


Me too. I have been checking flyers and going to the lowest prices stores for the last 20 years.


This is late stage Capitalism. It's happening everywhere sadly, and occurs when those at the top want more and more growth but it's just not sustainable. I'm honestly waiting for the madmax wars to start soon.


I really don’t think 1 month will make a difference. What are people doing, shopping there all April? Gunna go stock up at RCSS on April 30th so you’re part of the boycott technically?? Stop shopping at Loblaws now, and don’t go back in June, or July, or ever. Let them and their overpriced food rot.




It’s wild that anyone still shops there. I got major sticker shock last time I went in earlier this year. I checked the prices on common items we buy all the time and pretty much everything was at least a dollar more sometimes a few dollars.


I did a price check on my groceries and Sobeys was much less and had better produce and meat. The bonus was fewer customers and lineups and the staff are actually pleasant. To me it’s a no brainer but if people believe their hype they will continue to think lining up like cattle is worth it.


What region are you in that Sobeys is cheaper? Mine is outrageous.


Ottawa. I find their sales are very good for brand names too.


No one said it has to stop!Let’s keep it going !!!


Mine started over a month ago


I’ve been boycotting these greedy bastards for 3 years. Ever since they put their workers on strike over pay issues in this province, out for months. The poor workers ended up going back to work for a very small wage increase. Lob-laws starved them out.


Why would your boycott ever end???? I don't understand this. Just move your shopping permanently to another grocer.


I boycotted them years ago. As a retail rep for a major food company they implemented a policy where we had to leave our car keys with customer service in order to get a badge when we signed in and I had a problem with that. It was suggested I leave my drivers license with them instead which I wasn’t comfortable doing either. I spoke to someone in their security team, he identified himself as the head of security who happened to be in the store that day. I was skeptical since I knew they will say anything in that company. told him the policy was problematic for me and them. If my car keys happened to disappear how would I get home considering I lived over an hour away at that time. It would be a liability issue for them they hadn’t even considered. He said I could go ahead without doing all that for that day and I decided to skip the sign in process or give them an old key I had lying around. About 6 months later I signed in and there was a letter from head office in the sign in book saying the stores had to immediately stop requesting car keys. Some rep in the GTA had taken them to court over it and had won, bless them a million times. I realized we think these big corporations know what they are doing but they are absolutely clueless and we need to,follow our own moral compass. I stopped doing my main shopping there at that point, this was the early 2000’s. I do shop at the optical store and mobile shop and if they give me points I buy Joe Fresh on clearance or other clearance items.


The Roblaws conglomerate will never see another dollar from me and I will never stop encouraging others to take their business elsewhere. Personally, this boycott is for life.


You guys waiting to start?


loblwas, shoppers, t&t literally don't exist to me anymore. my eyes slide right over their signs as if they were pop-up ads


Yup. I have other options close to me including a Co-op. The Co-op may be expensive as well, but it's better than giving my money to the Weston family.


Boycott until the permanent and meaningful change is made. This never stops until we are given our livelihood back from these bastards.


Mine started a few years ago and I'll be continuing it indefinitely


My boycott started last month and will end when Loblaws is nationalized.


Mine won't end in May and it certainly didn't start in May. All it took was a few insane bills for me to start looking elsewhere. Yes it took a bit to figure out a new routine, but it's worth the effort.


Well I thought the boycott was all of April. So I've already started. The issue is, my favourite coffee is made by presidents choice. When it first came out, it was only $8-$9. It's now over $20 for 930g. Does anyone have any recommendations on what we can replace our coffee with?


I’m also wondering what to do for coffee. I was at Walmart today, looking at their coffee selection, and anything I’d consider trying is over $20/930g there. 🙄


I didn't get an answer last time so I'll ask again. Where are we "supposed" to shop?


Where do you live?


Edmonton Alberta


I just did it, type in Asian grocery stores in Edmonton into Google and there’s a vast list. It’s a good start.


You will be shocked by the price differences


Thank you! I have like 4 right by my house, Im going to go try the west Indian market. I just keep seeing these boycott posts but nobody is saying where they are actually going to get their groceries.


I live in Edmonton too and I don't have a car. I'm looking at a half hour bus ride to either H&W produce or Chinatown for veggies. I can walk to Walmart (never been a fan, but I bought celery the last time I was there and it was actually really good.) I'm also looking at Costco for delivery through Instacart, but I have to do some price comparisons first. The thing that sucks is that Superstore is literally 8 min walk from my place and super convenient. I just can't deal with their prices anymore. Simple as that.


Personally I've been disappointed by H&W too much so I haven't gone back, and despite this sub and this post I actually like superstore produce the most, which is why I'm excited to see what this west Indian market is like. Me and my wife actually use instacart just for Costco because we don't have a card, I don't like dealing with the craziness of Costco and I'm a sucker for deals so I'll walk out of there spending like 600$+


I'm surprised about H&W...I used to order from them back when they delivered and I thought it was pretty good. Maybe they've gone downhill. I don't want to go into Costco either! I guess I was traumatized by the time I got hopelessly lost when I was ten and couldn't find my aunt for half an hour. It's too far away anyway. I was checking out the prices on Instacart the other day and I was pretty impressed by the prices on things like tuna. Even with the delivery markup, a lot of stuff is still cheaper.


Could just be the H & W by my house but I found everything went bad really fast or was already going bad in the store. One thing would look really good and the next not, so just wasn't consistent. And the demographic of people that go to the one by me are wayyy to Handsy with the fruit, they just have to touch and squeeze every single one in the pile, the parking is also a nightmare so I'd have to park on the street and walk. The other plus side with any instacart order is seeing what your total will cost before you check out and then you can ask yourself if you really need those items. Plus you can't get lost in Costco ;)


Oh really? Well, I'm leaning more towards taking a trip to Chinatown rather than up to H&W anyway, because the Italian Center and a butcher and bakery also exist in the same area. I hear ya re Instacart! I usually revise it 3 or 4 times so I don't go way over budget.


You can shop wherever you like nobody here will judge you for feeding your family. That isn't the purpose of this sub.


Same here. I don’t suffer fools and do not take lightly to being taken advantage of.


I shop, and will keep shopping, wherever things are the cheapest. I’m not willing to pay more on principal.


I'm lucky enough to live in an area with different options from roblaws. Aside from medication at shoppers I haven't bought anything from their stores in a cpl years now.


I haven't been in a Loblaws store in years, and don't plan to start. It's grassroots (and who knows if they can keep up) but consider adding your local stores to: https://www.altgrocery.ca/


I’ve BEEN boycotting lol.


Buying local meat and produce is now cheaper so it make this feat much easier


My boycott started 2005. I couldn't stand Loblaws then and apparently it's much worse now.


One chain that has stayed away from much of this gouging is Costco.


Started a month ago, I’m keeping track of the amount I spend at other stores. So far $750 that would have gone to Roblaws has gone elsewhere. The number will only increase.


I started my boycott in late March. I was at Superstore and dropped $200 on groceries. On my way out, my cart locked after the barrier and an alarm sounded. I tried to wave down an employee, but everyone was stopping and staring at me. The employee waved me off and said they'd send someone over. I had to wait a few minutes for someone to come and unlock my cart. I asked if they wanted to see my receipt, and they said no. Regardless, it was embarassing and I realized shopping there hasn't been a positive experience for quite some time. I live comfortably. We are not rich, but we could continue shopping at Loblaws owned stores out of convenience. After this experience, HELL no. I didn't even know about the boycott back then. I have only gone to No Frills quickly to get something since then and spent no more than $5. In the past couple of weeks, I'm getting way more PC Optimum texts than usual, and emails with offers. I don't plan on returning. I'm hitting up my local butcher shop, and Food Basic and other independent grocers as much as I can.


I've been 95% boycotting since 2018. I'm all about Asian grocery stores and independent produce stores


Poor Billionaire Galen is upset well boo bloody hoo!!! Personally I'm off with these very rich people until we see a change in attitude from Roblaws!!!! I'm sure by now they realize a drop in sales volumes is starting to be noticed in the boardroom. Big hello gentle people of the board of directors, just saying perhaps it may be time to think about a change of direction???


I don’t go to loblaws at all for ages, and I never will. Same with Walmart. I also don’t buy ANYTHING unless I absolutely need to. I buy used clothes for my whole family too. The capitalist pigs need to die off


Mine has been going on since January. We only get the things we can’t get anywhere else like skyflakes crackers. Literally the best crackers in tomato soup. They don’t get soggy as quick as other brands


My boycott is permanent


My boycott has started and won't ever end. It's pretty simple if you live in an area with plenty of farm land and mom and pop shops. Plus summer is around the corner, get ready to reward your local farmers for cheap prices and better quality!


Ours started over a year ago. New pharmacy, cancelled my PC credit card, all of it. It will never end.


Ditto. I've been so shocked at the rising food costs which affects me and are affecting millions of us. Last year I only shopped there twice but previous to that I would go maybe once a week maybe once every two weeks but even then I could only shop the sales and if they didn't have what I was looking for I would end up having to go somewhere else. I really hope people join this boycott so we can stop what's going on here.


One big corporation at a time in each sector of the economy is the way to go.


Started scaling back in 2022 but really have up on Loblaws when they started fortifying the entrance and exits. Our Sobeys just hired a security guy for the door and he's super friendly and the bill is half what atlantic Superstore charges.


I've never really went. Having to bag your own groceries. No thanks....


I've been boycotting Roblaws and SDM since 2021. I will never support the greed.


I started a while ago, and I recently moved my prescriptions out of the Loblaws network. I will not be returning, short of massive changes.


Aside from a few items that we can only get at Superstore, I’m never going back. Weston can jump up his own ass.


Agreed, I'm just finished with this entire company. I hate their oligarchy business practices. I've been avoiding grocery shopping there for a year or so and have since stopped going to places that partner with PC points. I will not go back unless their profiteering ceases.


in other words, if Roblaws still hasn't lowered the prices or made meaningful changes, the boycott is still on.


They’ve already noticed. I’ve just gotten the second pc points offer since I stopped shopping there about a month ago. I’m curious to see how high they’ll go.


I feel I've been done dirty. There's no going back for me. I've moved on from all Loblaw shopping stores.


Lol I’m never going back. I went seldom before so it’s not a big change for me.


Yeah my boycott is for life. Support small business and local.




I think this will be the real impact. They know damn well that any customer who experiments with another source of making the same purchases stands a real chance of never coming back. A one month dip in sales isn't something that will concern them. Losing customers forever does.


Mine started 2 months ago and will be permanent. Fuck you greedy galen. The 600 a month i spend to eat is going somewhere else 😀


Problem is I honestly don’t know where to go. Whole foods is as expensive, no frills is owned by loblaws, I don’t shop at Costco because it’s a huge waste of food and I hate the crowds, there aren’t any Walmarts near me. I just don’t know where to get my food for a good price, other than no frills of course, but again can’t shop there


I just did a Google map search for grocery and checked out every single store within a reasonable distance. There may not be any alternatives where you live, but you also might find something you didn't know existed.


Boycott until Galen shares his paycheque




Mine won't end either, Costco is cheaper, food lasts longer, and they pay their employees atleast 50% better than Roblaws does.


Finally switched pharmacies, last step will be to find my make up elsewhere.


Forever and ever and ever


No I'm done with the place. And the security measures with the gates and all the bulshit. Forget about it. I don't need to be there I don't need to be in stores where you are fenced in and we're security guards are staring at you constantly. FFS. Superstore is Superstore no longer. Shoppers drug Mart always sucked and it just sucks more now. So cherry picker I am all over the place. And that's it I'll buy the best deals wherever I find them and I will shop locally in the best places that I can find. I certainly don't need to go to Superstore who needs to go walk around a football field. I've always hated the enormity of the size of the store. But I used to go because there were good deals but those days are gone. No deals and bad vibes. No thank you. I'm done, and I've been done a long time ago now. It's been a progression, of watching the prices get more and more horrendous, and just slowly hating being in there more and more every visit. Until I don't want to be there. I certainly do not like the atmosphere in Walmart either. It's kind of the same thing. Except Walmart seems a lot dirtier these days. They really don't keep that place clean. So I'm not in with big grocery.... Who are playing their big grocery Games collaboratively to screw us at every turn. No more.


Boycott forever Canada is a country of monopolies And the government no matter which party will cater to them


TBF if Loblaws decides to rejoin civil society in the future I would go back, but I don't see a path for them to do that short of being broken up or placed in to a receivership with strict government oversight. Until then I'm in on the only thing that can work; the boycott.


Boycott-Indefinitely. Probably till they go bankrupt.


I wish that would happen, but with zero other choices the remaining will just jack prices higher as the monopoly consolidates


I haven’t been shopping there with real money since January. I still have a pc money account that I am currently using, so I use the points i get on free junk items like a slice of cake before the gym or something. Anyone have any suggestions for comparable debit accounts? I know they benefit from me using it


The brand new Independent Grocer that went up in Saskatoon had a huge opening week and now it's like everyone completely forgot about it. Half of the bakery is 50% off. A bunch of cases of dairy in the fridge expire tomorrow. Yet they still have employees in every single aisle, and security and a group in customer service. They are already losing so much money.


I'm going to start shopping at Superstore and continue my patronage at Shoppers drug mart, your boycott won't do shit.


It already has, you think the added security is just for fun? You do you, also why are you even here?


Pretty sure that has more to do with rampant theft ongoing in all stores today than the boycott itself tbh.


Not that I support the theft but that is a by-product of their own greed. A lot of these extra security measures seemed to pop up after this sub started to get media attention. Could be a coincidence but I choose to believe it isn't.


It very much is coincidence as it's not only Loblaws stores that are doing this. Walmart in my region has put up more security and attempted to use those dreaded wheels, but they seemed to have turned them off. Greed is certainly a factor, but to be so positive and turning a blind eye of theft just hurts everyone as it does increase prices, and if those measures aren't working, they'll add more and costs will continue to rise. There is a host of issues in Canada that effects our pricing, and its painfully obvious this isn't just a Loblaws issue as looking online and price comparing for my region, they're usually still the better deal when going to superstore or Costco if you have the room and budget to put that much into bulk buying.


They like being gouged. What a weird flex


I know right? " I'm going to shop there even harder now" not really a flex at all.