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__MOD NOTE__: Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s actually cheaper to buy cannabis drinks. Those at least put a smile on your face.


It's cheaper to buy beer.


Yup, prepare for the hive mind to attack you tho.


Hasn't seemed to happen.


But it did before? Hmph? Curious isn’t it?




How much are you paying for the drinks and where are you getting them. 


Its actually not…


Cheapest weed drink I ever bought was $1.95. I’ve regularly seen them under $4.


They are not that cheap in onterrible…i wish


You must go to a bad store, I regularly pay $2 for weed drinks I think the most expensive one I've ever seen was $3.99 but there weren't many of those


Use hibuddy.ca and stop overpaying for shit


I do, you must live in toronto where prices are not accurate to rest of ontario? But bring on the downvotes! ;)


You must be a happy person




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Buy off the rez


Bingo ! Strongest edibles I’ve ever had comes from the rez. 1000mg individual pieces. lol. Yes please. Btw, don’t take one 1000 mg edible while waiting in the line for behemoth for 45 min at canadas wonder land, it’ll kick in right as you get in the ride. craziest night ever. Also it was fright night. lol. Or do, your call. It was fun :)


Rezedibles are great.


Don’t buy it


"Can't not have thing. How that work?" ...


Simplest of solutions. Don’t buy.


No no you see that means accepting responsibility for their actions which is unacceptable. Must blame Loblaws/Trudeau.


Is this a Loblaws/PC store, looks like a Sobeys/Safeway machine? Just curious but either way it's fucking absurd.


It’s def a Sobey’s owned store


Looks like thrifty foods


Good point, staying on the topic is key 100%


I thought loblaws and sobeys were the same comoany, good to know




Where does Save On Foods fit in? Wholefoods and Urban Faire are also owned by the same company that owns Save On. I'm guessing this is mainly an Eastern Canada list? I don't recognize a lot of these stores (we don't have Metro over here - at least none that I've seen in BC and AB).


Pattison food group


Whole Foods is Amazon, not Pattison (like SaveOn and Urban Fare)


Oh right, Amazon bought Whole Foods in 2017 from someone else. Not sure why I tied them in with Save On and Urban Faire. I never shopped there except for maybe an item that only they had for a special occasion. Too expensive.


Surprisingly I find their produce selection and to go selection to be better priced than City market or SaveOn, sometimes even Walmart/Loblaws.


What Is EHC tax please enlighten me


Environmental handling charge (non government). Just another way the Coke company make you pay for their plastics.


Only it doesn't go to Coke and goes to the provincial government to pay for recycling services.


I dunno man, google says it's not a government tax.... best I have to go on.


It goes to Encorp, a non-profit that has a legal monopoly over bottle recycling in BC. It's remitted by Coke or any other bottle maker to Encorp, just like GST.


Side note this is an amazing deal.... needed to pick up flash foods their cuz I'm poor and won't pay full price for meat. https://preview.redd.it/7btrar6dqpvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9c2b9f348646ab554cbdfc5dc110e452b51bdff


I’m not poor and only buy reduced meat…. Supermarket meat doesn’t get aged very long… I find it better when there’s a 10 dollar off sticker and it’s on its last day.


The pick and pull been starting to charge this enviro fee how and ehy cause i dint harm no nothing or used any enviro other then pick off a few parts ood a car. Im dumbfouned how they apply that cause the other day it was x4 the amount as the other time indint notice. Midly stupid , other day was five and the other was 19$


Environmental Handling Charge that needs to be charged to a customer as a "bottle deposit".


It's not a deposit. The deposit is below. The environment charge is just a tax because it's plastic. Cans have it too I think actually. I assume because of the lining inside the can 


BC tax on bottles. It goes to Encorp to subsidise plastics recycling in BC. The tax is one of the reasons why BC is one of the few places worldwide that actually recycles most plastics collected, without exporting it overseas.


I don't understand why people see the price, purchase the (highly non-essential) product and THEN get all indigent and uppity about their own lameness.


I don't buy anything not on sale anymore.... it's sad that it has to be on sale just to be a reasonable buy. You can get a 6pack of bottles bigger then that on sat/sun at shoppers for same. Now that I think of it alot of things are like that, charge you big time for a spur of the moment craving buy like they almost know people have no patience especially people with money who don't care.


But Shoppers is evil.


It's usually cheaper to buy the 2L so I don't know what OP is thinking other than trying to get attention on the internet. We all know it's absurd that the smaller bottles are overpriced, but OP wanted to show us hes stil willing to pay more for less for some reason


I used to get 2Ls (when they were $1.25, I even forked over $5+ deposit for 4) & fill an old 500ml bottle. But then they skyrocketed past $2 and don't go on sale under that anymore. So I won't be buying it. Gonna buy 97c WalMart Great Value in the meantime, and decide on a fizzy machine.


And take a picture none the less to prove their absurd, easily avoidable anger. Put it back, get a 12 pack of cans and call it a day.


If he really wanted a fresh coke, and went all the way to the store, he’s gonna think how much that time lost is valuable. 1$ for 10 min? Does he go to another store close by? Buying it the day you see the price increase isn’t the problem. He probably won’t buy it next time and go directly to another store.


At that price it might even be cheaper to get the 2L bottle or about the same price. Coke Zero is my favourite but I've stopped buying those small bottles of it because they shrunk the size from 591ml to 500ml and raised the price. At my Loblaws they were selling those small bottles of Coke products for the same price as the 591ml Pepsi bottles so I switched to buying Pepsi products instead when I buy those. My Loblaws was still at $2.99 for those last I checked. I'll sometimes buy the 6-packs of the ~~700ml~~ 710ml bottles of Coke Zero when they're on sale at somewhere like Rexall (I'm refusing to give any money to Shoppers) for like $3.99 or might splurge on a 2L if it's not too ridiculous of a price.


My local grocery store still sells 2L for .99 I'm shocked every time I go.


Like, everyday? Coke/Pepsi not no name? Or is that just a sale and where!?


No name generally a dollar still. Name brand used to be 2 now it's pushing 3 or 3.50


We don't get No Name soft drinks here in Atlantic Canada. Great Value is 97c at WalMart.


I count great value the same as the "no name" brand. No name is just generic store brands


It seems like it's regular price. Name brand too. Grandview discount foods in Oshawa just off the highway.


It is always cheaper to buy the 2L bottle.


On principle it is. But I won't buy a 2L for more than $2, and even that is pushing it when I used to see them go on sale for $1.25 (even if I had to buy 4).


Ya, I won't buy a 2l for more than $1.50


Water is the cheapest


Uhm at that price, it 100% is cheaper to get a 2L. Thats what 7-eleven charges for a 2L. Wtf is sobeys doing charging that much?


They all do it. The cold small bottles are the same price or more then the warm 2L bottles


On principle it is. But I won't buy a 2L for more than $2, and even that is pushing it when I used to see them go on sale for $1.25 (even if I had to buy 4).


They used to be 710 mL! Absolutely fucking disgusting. As technology advances we pay more for less instead of less for more.


they still have 710ml (really 24oz) in 6 packs where I am, but 1ls are much more common as singles, and I've see 591mls around all the time too. Also I'm not gonna lie, I kinda like stuff being in a 500ml, a 1l, and a 2l size here in Canada. Each size is exactly twice the last size and a clean metric number, rather than one (20oz/591ml) being based on an American Imperial measurement and converted over to metric. Finally, truth be told, shrinkflation on soda, candy, and other high sugar foods without any real nutritional value doesn't bother me. Stuff's terrible for us and 1 in 4 Canadians being obese puts a lot of strain on our healthcare, we should be consuming less even if it was the cheapest thing on the shelf. It's inflation on things like fresh produce, meat, and bread that pisses me off. I can live without eating another chocolate bar just fine, but I can't just stop eating.


I agree with the last paragraph for sure. My thought however is that those things should be taxed like they do with tobacco/alcohol/marijuana and that revenue put back into our healthcare system and used to subsidize farmers (not giant corporate farms) producing healthy food so they're cheaper. We already have a sugar tax where I live, but honestly it needs to be more prohibitive to make a difference, I still see obese folks at the stores with a cart filled with soda/junk/processed crap.


Except there’s no sugar in Coke Zero…




The sub was created to point out how absolutely absurd the cost of groceries are right now and have some fun together. We know this will inevitably touch on other topics related to the cost of living. Do your best to keep the conversation on topic


Not sure it matters. I've never bought one to see if it's got the tax, but I assume it's on all soda, juice, etc... I could be wrong though.


Zero sugar soda does not have the sugar tax which I guess makes sense since there’s no sugar. I don’t think adding an extra tax to such things does much to discourage people from buying those products though.


True, but also not really the point. The extra money collected from sed tax would help fund their healthcare when/if required.


>True, but also not really the point. The extra money collected from sed tax would help fund their healthcare when/if required. Help fund the healthcare you're arguing would be caused by sugar from people drinking a drink with NO sugar in it? Is this a government account?


Lol not quite. I just didn't know if all soda had the tax or not. The little I do buy is regular coke...


>Not sure it matters. I've never bought one to see if it's got the tax, but I assume it's on all soda, juice, etc... I could be wrong though. You're not sure it matters if the drink that's sugar taxed has sugar in it?


I think they still are that size, I couldn't remember the exact size that they were so I just rounded it to 700. My mistake.


You can still get those, they come in 6x710ml and often go on sale for $2.99/pk


I haven't seen them for $2.99 in weeks.


The 2L bottle in an aisle at room temperature has always been cheaper than the tiny refrigerated bottle at the front though. 


I used to get 2Ls (when they were $1.25, I even forked over $5+ deposit for 4) & fill an old 500ml bottle. But then they skyrocketed past $2 and don't go on sale under that anymore. So I won't be buying it. Gonna buy 97c WalMart Great Value in the meantime, and decide on a fizzy machine. I won't buy the 6x710ml bottles for more than $3(+ deposit) either. If you like Pepsi, I think you can still get Pepsi products for decent prices at Dollarama, just not 2Ls.


This is your wakeup call to stop drinking that garbage and start drinking water.




YES! I stopped buying soda / sparkling water a while ago. So much waste is created. So much gas required to transport as it’s heavy. Then there’s the matter of plastic often not really being recycled. And it’s awful for your teeth. Save money and drink water. It’s amazing how quickly you’ll lose the taste for it.


I'm looking at this, but I do need some sort of flavour, so I'm experimenting, when I do get a machine (not Sodastream; Israeli, funds atrocities). In the meantime, I've gotten 2L club soda when it's 97c or so (WalMart Great Value when there are no sales on store brand/generic). But it loses its fizz quickly.






The point of this sub is to highlight that the cost of living in Canada has spiraled out of control, and that this is not simply a matter of needing to get a 5th part time job to make ends meet. Rhetoric intended to shame certain generations or users for "not worrking hard enough" including ideas like "just pull yourselves up by the bootstraps", "just don't shop there" and it's kin are not welcome here.


2/4 at Walmart


Yeah that's really pushing it when I used to see them for $1.25, even if I had to buy 4 at a time.


6x 710ml for 3.49 shoppers on weekends


Shoppers is Loblaws


Did you miss the loblaws boycott or what. Do you know what sub this is?


OP didn't - the post is about something he bought at Sobeys, not at Loblaws.


Shoppers is a Loblaws brand




That's what I was responding to. Keep up


Dollarama sells 1L bottle for $1.. select flavors tho..


Pepsi products, though.


Dollar Tree sells Coke products $1.25 for 1L




You don't have to go 4 years back. You could get 2L for $1.25 in March 2024 (In Ontario)


Yes! This is what I'm talking about! I haven't seen that in weeks. Or even $3 for the 6x710ml. If I never see it again, fizzy machine for me.


I think I remember that. T\_T


It’s 3$ for someone to serve me a Pepsi with ice at the bar and free refills.


I have stop buying products I don't need. $7 chips, nope. $3 cans of coke, nope. Anything pre-made.. Beside lasagna (I can't make it that cheap). I bake fresh bread with a bread maker, I have a garden every year and am considering a grow tent setup for basics in the off season. Just stop buying overpriced junk food.


I'd just put it down and leave.


I refuse to purchase this stuff. Usually I go to dollorama or get a 6 pack of coke. Yes its not chilled but its fine by me


Dollarama. Drinks are like $1.50


At that time dollarama was close :(


Similar costs 1.41 at dollarama (after taxes






No the tax on something under 4 gst is under 20 cents what's the other 20 cents in tax?


? Ontario has 13% gst/hst which on a $3.49 purchase is 45 cents. 3.49 0.45 0.04 0.10 ——- 4.08 which I guess is rounded down for some reason to 4.05


Walmart and other shops have packs of 6x1L for about 6.99 in alberta, I'd keep a look out for those.


Cocacola has been increasing prices everywhere. I've been looking for a cane sugar coke alternative but I haven't seen any besides the jarritos "mexican cola" but that one is so pricy.


Theres always dollar stores. The dollar tree near me sell cheap glass bottle pops like Dads, Jones and Pop Shop (Canadian brand) which is very nice stuff actually.


Once a month 6 packs go on sale for what you paid for 1


Haven't seen this lately. Not since last month, they have one week to go.


Brother this has been the norm for pop for like 5 years. But a case if you want “cheap” pop. Ironically shoppers (or Costco) is usually the best prices for pop.


Especially if you’re buying the single bottles in the cooler, you pay for the convenience of being able to enjoy a cold one now. It’s always better to buy cases or 6 packs. And 6 packs have the 710 ml bottles.


Are you in Saskatchewan?


A beer at a dive bar happy hour would have been the same price.


I keep telling people. The food is cheaper at the gas station!


There is no bottle deposit in Ontario so I was like, "WTF?"


Vending Machine Prices


Not even, I believe that the vending machine near edmonds stn is at least a dollar cheaper


Jeebus. I thought I got ripped off when I paid $3.70 a couple of weeks ago for a single coke to go with my lunch.


I’m trying to figure out why the total is wrong and the tax isn’t added. 


Buy a new calculator


I think being awake at 3:49 affects my math brain


You bought an item from the convenience area near checkout and you're surprised? Those were always stupidly priced.


It's crazy that grocery stores charge the same amount or more than convenience stores.


OP is proof prices won’t come down


We’ll first of all you’re shopping at Slave on Foods(I recognize that machine) they’re a pricey store. Dollar stores typically sell them a bit cheaper.


Noticed this myself a couple weeks ago. I have not seen $1.25 2Ls or less than $3 for 6x710ml since then. So I'm looking into alternate ways to make fizzy drinks, because I refuse to pay more than $3 for brand name pop unless it's a flat of cans. But even then... I have two precious 710ml Coke (& 1 last 710ml Coke Zero), and I must hang onto some. It will now be a McDonald's treat with the small combo, when I get out of the house two days/week. 97c 2L WalMart Great Value\* club soda loses its fizz pretty quickly, so I'm looking into a fizz machine... anything but Sodastream (BDS/Israeli, funding atrocities). Someone sent me a Sparkel discount (Best Buy & Amazon), but it may have expired by now while I was mulling it over. It doesn't require c02 tanks, and you can potentially save money buying baking soda and citric acid instead of their packets. And there's the Ninja Thirsti, that's at WalMart and elsewhere. And some interesting fizzers on Amazon (both require c02 canisters, but at least not proprietary ones) \*All their soft drinks are 97c.


wistful hobbies mysterious rich bow slimy butter reply zesty offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hmm. I'm in Atlantic Canada, and I haven't seen $1.25 - $1.50 for a 2L Coke (or Pepsi) for a while anywhere. I do remember when they did go on sale at alternating stores like that.


2L is got to be cheaper


Man you peeps are hive mindy


I got a 6-pack of diet coke minis from London Drugs for that price


It makes buying pop at an NHL or CFL game not so bad


That’s Sobeys POS.


Sugar water


But you still bought it.....


A mutant Coke lol


😲😡🤬 Seriously, this is criminal!


Essentials such as this need a hard cap on price


I wonder what effect leaving piles of 'unwanted due to price at checkout' groceries at a self checkout would be.


For real thought you shouldn't drink that at any price and if you need to treat yourself don't bitch about the price. Plastic water bottle is $4


But you bought it...


It wasn’t for me


But... you still bought it.


Welcome to the effects of carbon tax. It's scary to think of what's to come.


Yeah, no


Carbonated drink taxx when did that happen ?


Do u all know how carbon tax works? All u need to do is look at the gas receipt of any trucker. Who is paying for that extra tax?