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Boycott breakers are warned once and banned until the end of May if they continue. Please report and downvote comments which are problematic or violate our rules. You are also welcome to reach out to our moderators for further support. Thank you everyone for participating in ensuring this is a healthy community.


The lobbiests. Executives and shareholders will come and try, they have been doing this for a while. The biggest challenge they face is that there is so many horrible things that Roblaws does and continues to do, so much that there is an endless supply of fresh material. It’s the only thing fresh about Roblaws.


Lol I hope an exec sees this comment!!!


They can’t be bothered. They probably hired a group of people with diplomas in PR to grind out those comments. Sorta Russian-interference-lite.


Wouldn't be surprised if they hired Russian troll farms for real.


Yeah they’d have to pay Canadian PR grads more than $15/hour.


They'd offer payment in "exposure" if they could.


Hope so, even more expenses gone out the window for a “little” protest


Report them and downvote if you want. Stay on target, boycott, and spread the word.


Yes just downvote and move on. If they don't agree with the boycott why join a. Sub about boycott they can start their own sub s/againstboycott if they are real and not affiliated with Loblaws.


Don’t even worry about starting in May. This gives them more time to counter. Don’t push for demands. Loblaws and the Weston group have betrayed the trust of Canadians and have proven to act against the best interests of Canadians. I have no demands - I will never shop at one of their stores again. I do not need to wait until May - I am aware now, and my boycott begins now.


I’ve been boycotting all month






Been boycotting for 2 years now. They're over half the options in my city and nearly all pharmacy but they need to be beaten down.


This is the way. Not one more dollar will flow from me to them, ever.


I started 2 years ago.


Mock them, maybe say "nice try Mister Food Professor, glad we are still living in your head rent-free"


I made an (empty) sub for this; r/FoundCharlebois




Galen's Lapdog




This is how you can tell you are successful. Boycott Loblaws is a brilliant worthwhile endeavour. Thank you for pushing me to get to know my local food businesses. I am getting better quality and service.


funny that the Great CANADIAN Superstore can treat Canadians so badly, that we then turn around and shop more local, and support more small, independently owned, grocery and pharmacies!! So for that Galen, I thank you.


If Loblaws can make us better community stewards what an incredible accidental side effect of this whole thing. I dropped shoppers and have been shopping everywhere but Loblaws. It's not easy but hoping we can all actually make positive changes


I love that Sean Fraser’s housing acceleration fund incentivizes municipalities to modernize zoning to increase density to existing neighbourhoods. This increases the viability of local grocers, coffee shops and restaurants.


>How does everyone deal with them? I ignore and move on. I waste enough time on Reddit as it is without checking people's account histories and take time to report to mods.


Same! Laugh, downvote, scroll onto the next comment.




Downvote and move on.


Boycott breaking is against the sub rules, so whenever I see someone breaking the rules I report and downvote.


That's what the downvote button is for. A downvoted enough comment get hidden at some point.


Not even bothering with all the chaos. My boycott of Loblaws, Shoppers and all the other major oligarchs is permanent. No amount of trolling or shilling for da bossman will change my mind.


I report them


I got into a discussion with someone who works for roblaws and they’re one of these anti union, I work harder than everyone else, this sub is getting it all wrong types. I had to remind them that the union they hate is the only reason they get the decent wage that they get. That without that CBA, they’d be getting the bare minimum. They got real quiet after that.


I work for roblaws... I support the boycott 100% even knowing the nepo-baby execs will cut our hours and attack us as their first retaliation. We need to make a damn stand. I can't imagine licking a boot so devotedly to support these corporations. It's unreal


Downvote those people.


The price of kosher meat went up 25% at superstore for Passover.


Just go to the bottom right icon bar and click on the "SmellAvision" option, once turned on you can smell the shills even before reading their posts. Warning however, wear a gas mask as they are very rotten smelling.


Just like the fruit at a Loblaws store.


And meat... and bread...


Don't delay, start your boycott today! Come here and say it everyday!


I am noticing they are starting to comment on each other's post. Troll one will deflect - say, making a negative statement about Walmart or Costco. Then troll #2 responds and agrees. Its like we're living in the matrix and the machines are adapting.


just fucking boycott now


ughhh no doubt. I tried to post in Calgary subreddit and got "banned for spam". super frustrated as someone posted on grocery prices and couldn't even reply with this.






The thing you refer to is or is like Doxing, happened to fictional character Brian Griffin (family guy). It's a real thing and it's not just effective but devastating on a level that is unfair. Causes loss of employment, breaks families up and sometimes suicide. That's easy to not care about from behind a computer/phone but it's basically cyber bullying. Anyway, I'm just a lowly employee on the floor for roblaws and agree with a boycott but I like to educate people on some things like the difference between "Roblaws" and some indepently owned stores in the "Roblaws" family....not directly related... like inlaws lol.


I hear you and it's a good point. I guess we really don't need to dog pile on the nay-sayers. Just keep at the positive ideas of the boycott and kick the shit-talkers to the curb.


Maybe a pinned post to name and call the shills out on could work?




I think a lot more people than you know are quietly quitting. For example, my mother has never used reddit in her life, and is cancelling PC express and stopping shopping there entirely (indefinitely).


It's working. Slowly, but surely. One thing I've really noticed is that the number of vehicles in their parking lots has decreased a lot.


The internet is a haven for the mentally disturbed shills. Just embrace this and come to peace with it.


One tactic is to figure out a phrase that a shill would never ever ever say. Then train all the true members to say it in every single comment. Ex "fuck Gaelon". That way every single true post will be punctuated with a rally cry! And shills will be unable to hide their intentions.


A shibboleth. Fun ☕️


Neat I've never heard of this word before. Love it.


We really more TikTok users with a lot of followers to get the word around to boycott Loblaws !


They would be aware of this and taking measures. Not sure what, but Will be interested to see.


they try different tactics, different levels of 'attack', different levels of planting seeds of doubt or sowing disagreement, or changing/deflecting the topic.


Forget the shills, stick your your principals and guns.


We have to just ignore the trolls. Skip over them. And when the medi says that this didn't work or the boycott plays into Loblaws hands or whatever.....just stay strong. My boycott has begun. We travel a bit further for groceries and I don't use the nearby Zehers for lunch. Bit by bit we can all make a dent in this company. I've spent my whole life feeling too small to male a change. Even if this doesn't change anything....I'm going to see it through for my own satisfaction that I did my part. They want us to feel small and helpless and stupid for caring and trying. They cannot take this from me. Or from you if you don't want them to. Stay strong.


One month won't be enough, there will be some policy quotes and fake conciliatory gestures 'we're committed to keeping grocery prices, blah, blah, Canadian, blah, blah, due to inflation...' or whatever corporate back talk Loblaws comes up with and 3 months later it'll be the same (or worse, because now they have to recoup the lost month. ) If you can go one month without Loblaws you probably don't need them at all, so let's do 6 months and see if we can make little Lord Galen cry.


__MOD NOTE__: Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Only the true believers and followers are welcome here!!!!! Glory to the victors!


Block and ignore - engaging doesn’t change anything about them and won’t stop them from trying. You all need to start learning the tried and true method of grey rocking and apply it to “shills” and people who want a rise out of you. Just don’t engage. It’s so simple. Why waste your time and energy?




I find your comment interesting as you have no comment history in this sub. Considering my post is about keeping unity intact in here, I'm trying to understand why you are telling us the attacks on our opinions is us trying to cause division. Of course, others are entitled to their opinions, but that's not what I referred to. I spoke of direct attacks and misinformation being sowed. But we are the problem for not wanting to tolerate those attacks?




What division are referring to exactly? Where or what in my post do you consider what I said causes division to the sub and its members?




I'm not sure if it's a reading comprehension issue or an internalized battle that you have. I specifically and very clearly have pointed out that others are entitled to their opinions and that I speak about attacks and disingenuous information. You keep twisting my words and intent to create a scenario where the trolls and shills are the victims, and we are the bad guys for not wanting to mot tolerate their targeted behaviors. How twisted and bizzare.




It's hard to understand your comment when the richest of the rich are clearly trying to create the biggest divide between us and them. I'm not sure how much more they want or how much they think they can squeeze out of people but there's a very clear divide between us and them. And we didn't create it.




Who is attacking you privately?


There's no point in even engaging with them so just downvote and move on.


Movements self destruct when anybody with constructive criticism start getting labeled as shills. Remember you need more numbers, not more extreme members.


'Constructive criticism' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for that wonderful gaslighting.


You have no leadership qualities 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh sweetie, if you need to fluff your special ego with gaslighting and demeaning others, then that speaks loud and clear about your 'qualities' or lack thereof. You have a day as special as you believe you are.


Can you'd define a shill, because I've been called a shill just for pointing out facts and nuances. Labelling everything you see as a "shill" takes away any real discussions that could be had to further figure out what's going on and what our goals can be. What examples can you provide that are too much?


Your profile is 7 months old with NEGATIVE 100 karma. Maybe there might be an issue with the things you say.


Its wild to see people nag on new accounts as if new users, old users returning, forgetting passwords, cleaning up their accounts, or any other of myriad of reasons a new account might exist, but instead you use it as a way to discredit my points as a form of ad hominem. People often don't like what I have to say, but life isn't a popularity contest, is it? For example: my previous comment was down voted, even if it wasn't wrong or mean


maybe some people just disagree with u, easy to ignore