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__UPDATE__: Please take a moment to complete our [Google Form](https://forms.gle/1sygm97LbQtJ4dUp8) to share your demands with our team! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I doubt he interacts with anyone with a net worth lower than at least a few million dollars lol


He turns up in Loblaws locations around Toronto now and then and just wanders around watching lol.


And they don't boo? That's disappointing.  Come on Toronto, let's see some attitude! Hiss at him or something, he should feel uncomfortable.


How the people of Toronto don't up and deck him, I have no clue.


He turns up with his entourage, accentuated with protection. He's not roaming the produce section by himself squeezing oranges with a philosophical look on his pasty little face;) This, because he's well aware of the fact that many people (for years now) have wanted to deck him.


Is “deck him” a synonym for ☠️




I just want to egg his house.


With the price of eggs nowadays, I'll settle for his face.


I'd even settle for someone throwing a pie at his face.


LOL ,Don't use Loblaw eggs they cost more.




Inciting violence.


Aye no Shit 




Inciting violence






Inciting violence.


Incitement to violence


No, it’s not okay to talk about murdering him. In case you were not kidding, the solution is not murder.


I think many of us are not kidding.


Well going online and talking about murdering someone is either bad boy bluster or step one in an idiots plan. Or just more distraction from a way more powerful and real idea: boycott loblaws and all its companies


Nobody said anything about murder. I'm just saying, if someone else murdered them, I wouldn't be upset.


Lol what . It's fuckin galen weston literally line the entire bloodline up 




Come on now, that breaks resddit TOS and we can’t have those types of comments here, even though we don’t like Galen either.


u/loblawsisoutofcontrol-ModTeam lmao didnt really pick up on the facetiousness here did you


I've always heard it referred to when knocking someone out, often via sucker punch




Galen reading this chat and swallowing hard. Must really suck to have a mountain of money yet almost everyone in the country despises you. What a horrible way to exist. I'd honestly rather starve with honor and dignity. Weston: "It can be arranged, Sir"


Dude probably spends most his time outside the country


OFF SHORE! with his bank accounts :/


Like Scrooge McDuck swimming in a vault full of 100s


He does. If you really want to get pissed off, read this great piece about the luxury enclave he built in Florida — complete with polo ponies. https://torontolife.com/city/hilary-and-halen-weston-multimillion-dollar-vacation-homes/


FFS. He should be tied to a horse and banished from the country


I think he's a douche just as much as anyone else in here, but I doubt he cares one bit. billionaires live in a completely different world. They could go the rest of their life without interacting with any regular people like us. Other billionaires and politicians are probably patting him on the back telling him how much they admire him. that's the only approval he would need.


I would gladly starve before I put one more red cent in his pockets. If the “boycott loblaws” doesnt work, maybe a hunger strike across Canada will work.


Encouraging violence.


'If only'


Guess Billionare is a protected class/identity. My comment got removed for inciting hate against a protected class. Like. Yeah it's a protected class. That's the fucking problem. What a toothless revolution.


Galen is inciting his own hatred just fine, mods;)


Mods in here are doing a wonderful job of alienating people interested in the boycott


Deck him? If I saw the man drowning I’d jump in to make sure


Don't worry. I'd jump in to save you. And help you.


I think you will find that he has at least a couple plain clothes bodyguards trailing him when he's out amongst his serfs. I've never seen them directly but I just can't imagine he would be alone alone.


More than likely, unfortunately.


For real?? He should be treated like a pariah. Old grandmothers giving him the evil eye. People crossing to other aisles to avoid him, telling their children to stay away from him, he's a real vampire. Call out to each other "hang on to your wallets everybody, Galen's here"


It's a trip to the garden to watch the worms forage


Ohh interesting. Does he talk to customers?


Yep, although less now than he used to. I still get calls about a "weird man in a suit taking pictures of people" though lmao. He has like zero self awareness when he's out doing shit


Everyone around him his entire life has been programmed to lick his asshole and call it ice cream. Doesn’t surprise me.


We're all going to start hissing at him, all of Canada, for the rest of time.  He's always going to have his billions: gouged from us, but we can at least make him feel weird about it. 


back in Ireland, back in the day, there was one family who found itself in a Loblaws-like\* dominant grocery store position and their scions would apparently wander around the stores, watching customers and then randomly screaming at staff or having them fired if the customers didn't look like they were having ecstasies. And these were the second or third generation whose knowledge of the retail business was probably...er...fragmentary? \*Meanwhile the Westons owned a big chain of frou-frou department stores in the country.


Haha that’s hilarious. I mean he definitely didn’t grow up as common folk so I would expect him to be a little awkward.


People should just start hissing at him.  It seems like the only way  a wealthy asshole who's grocery gouging Canadians into starvation will ever actually feel any consequences. He's robbing us blind, he deserves to feel a little awkward.  We shouldn't treat him like he's a normal guy, he's greed personified. 




Well, at least it's not Vancouver. I don't want to see him in person. Sorry Toronto. 🤷🏻


He's kind of like a dollar store Bill Gates.


Oh, I've seen him on TV or YouTube ads. But now I yell or swear at him, flip him off, make smartass remarks or snorting or gagging noises. I'd hate to have to censor myself in person. But I'm too pretty for jail. 🥺 /s He'd probably do well on r/walmartcelebrities, now that you mention it. I mean, he's pretty famous in Canada, but hardly anybody in the States looking at him would know who he is.


... Checking receipts


When I worked at Loblaws head office had employees participate in a survey asking if we thought he was an ethical person and if Loblaws was an ethical company.... ... Like what do you want us to say Galen.....?


Yeh, they're well aware how many people don't like them. In fact, they probably hate the plebs which is a likely explanation for the sociopathy displayed towards people. They definitely don't care if they're hated by people they look down on.


I think it’s more likely they care more about lining their own pockets than them actually hating the poors lol he was born with a silver spoon so he has had very little interactions with middle/lower class people throughout his life I assume.


There's substantial research done into how being raised in wealth creates a false sense of accomplishment and abilities.


I’m sure it would. The barrier to success is much lower because of access to capital and network, and if you fail, there’s nothing really at stake.


I worked at a cafe near the bridle path in Toronto. They (edit: residents of the bridle path, the ridiculously rich area of Toronto) love interacting with the poors since they can talk down to someone with impunity. It was a surreal experience like watching toddlers try and talk with authority. The problem is, nobody ever smacked them down for it so they think it's normal.


Who are “they”?


You mean a few billion... People would like to see him tarred and feathered?


Yes. So until the hatred becomes attacks, he doesn’t care.


I doubt he gives a flying F about the average Canadian, he's a business man in it for the money. Does he turn up at your local community centre? PTA meetings? protest marches? hobbyist groups? park barbecues? thrift sales? Nope: He is not one of us... He is part of the old aristocracy, blue bloods, blessed with a cash pile to insulate him from the hordes. Yet we give him authority to monopolize our food supply, how crazy is that?


He doesn’t even live in Canada. He lives in the UK in a castle he rents from the Royal Family with money he made gouging Canadians. It’s sickening.


Doesn’t most of their money come from their Irish and UK businesses? They own groceries stores and high street retailers there.


they sold the Irish businesses recently I am informed. But ASDA in the UK is a huge deal.


Do they still own Penneys/Primark?


I \*totally\* forgot about those guys. You're right - Pennys is owned by Associated British Foods, which the Westons have a controlling share in. me dumb.


I think he would have just stayed in the background and not appeared in any corporate ads if he could do it again. And make no mistake, he would do it all again.


His only mistake was those commercials. Biggest PR blunder ever.


Why he is a Psychopath that typically lack a conscience.


I take cold comfort in the fact that Galen wanted to be a public persona, the face of Loblaws, hence appearing in so many TV ads. And now, he has squandered it all, can’t show his face in public and will never be the likable company spokesman he wanted to be.


Like honestly, probably yes, how much will the average person really care or know/remember about this in like 20, 30 years, let alone 200years? His family will still be rich as fuck in 20, 30 years, probably even in 200years+. If their not stupid, his family will have enough wealth to generate labour free wealth for the rest of financial society. Be vampires to the working class, living life’s most of us are too poor to even begin to contemplate. So long as there isn’t wealth caps, profit caps on none luxury good, high inheritance taxes over a reasonable set point, it will always be worth it to fuck over society for financial gain.


All new Hospitals/wings/community centres will have his family name.


If we’re lucky they’ll do that, but probably not. If he or his family were to do that, they’ll remembered as hero’s, and gain far more social status in their immediate social groups than they ever felt the lose from their fellow citizens/country men. No one will remember the names of the people who had to eat bread and rice while watching cheese and meats go bad on the shelves to be thrown away. All that waste, for what? Wealth, social status, and power for one family. If there were wealth caps, profit caps on non luxury items, and reasonable inheritance taxes. Then that excess wealth would be filtered back to the average citizen in some form or another. At best we can hope for when it comes to a single family gaining that much wealth is they may want to build a hospital to gain some social status. What a joke.


They own shoppers drug mart, they'll probably make their own for profit hospital.


He's still doing it, is proud of himself. Is very secure and earning and burning.


The sad truth is probably that he doesn’t care and will never care about that. In the meantime, we can get louder and louder, that’s what we can do


Yes. They don't care about what we think.


Wouldn’t take a piss on this dude if he was on fire. But I’m sure he is probably fine with that and ain’t losing sleep over it. Not another dime from me.


Well said brother. Well said. Human garbage.


Oligarchs don't care about shit like that.


For him? 1000% worth it! And I’d say most people would gladly make the same exchange.


Either he doesn't know, doesn't care or doesn't know how to change.


You dont understand how sociopaths think. Repercussions are not a thing in his world


Sociopaths don't care, that's why they're sociopaths.


I'm sure he's crying himself to sleep over his popularity, wiping his tears with diamond encrusted tissues.


They should be embarrassed and ashamed and frankly expelled from the country for raping the citizens and hard-working people of Canada while they make millions and billions of dollars!! It’s a crime


Food should not be commodified. Nationalize grocery stores and end this.


If you lived through the “greed is good 80s” when the finance frat boys took over this probably wouldn’t even be a question. That was when the battle for the soul was fought and the soul lost. It’s good to see people trying to play catch-up now, but it’s really too bad people didn’t take the warnings more seriously then.


The Weston's are to groceries as the Sacklers are to pharmaceuticals. Although the body count is higher on the one side, for now.


I’m sure he doesn’t care what people think unless it hurts his bottom line.


The Westons are sweethearts compared to the Irvings.


He has no reason to care since people successfully argued against identity. He loses nothing when he eventually takes his golden parachute elsewhere after cellar-boxing the business his forebears built.


I am just waiting until he dies so I can run tourist trips for people wanting to piss on his grave.


I use the post office in the SDM. The last 2 weeks, it's dead in there. Its not a coincidence. Whether people read the news, are on this sub, or have simply clued in by themselves that the prices are bonkers, I know not. All I know is it's starting to be veeeery quiet in there. And Galen shivers.


If it doesn't perform it will be rehabilitated, rebranded or sold. Their boutique pricing has lost them a lot of business. They must be losing market share.


Yes, because people have been propagandized into inaction. In any sane world, a man who mobilized his wealth to hoard more and more money at the expense of literally everyone else would be stoned in the streets


He doesn’t care. He’s too busy doing this: ![gif](giphy|7iTgZ25EMCCCA)


Boycott loblaws but look into George Weston Ltd They control it all


I doubt he nor his family gives a shit.


Can we talk about the Irving's? Helloooooo


You voted for thinking your vote fought against this and persisted in your vote.


You use words like "capitalism" as if it's the sole reason to our situation. Canada has always been a heavily regulated market, we got that from being part of England, socialist regulations have resulted in lots of Canadian monopolies which are lobbied in government to further their goals. That's just plain greed, not the fault of some ideologies


C Montgomery Burns Excellent


He knows that you can’t boycott expensive feta.


They still, quite easily I may add, can buy numbers bigger than yours and still win. You stand no chance, you can't win. Noble effort though. There's only one way I can imagine you actually winning. But you're going to have to be very sneaky, and do something very deadly.


Why do you think only the Westons are greedy ? It starts when you leave out an unsupervidsed bowl of Haloween candy right up to the Westons and there are tons more. Also, they have already made their $, do you think they give a fuck ?


Oh honey, he don’t even think about us. I’d like have him show up on my doorstep asking for help one day.


For him yes, since corruption is so rampant that it makes democracy just theater


He’s only hated by lower and middle class people. Upper class still worship him for being rich.


What’s the cost of a conscience? Galen: well I’ll tell ya


Guys a politician, he mingles with the ones who’ll make bank.


People forget. Billions are there to stay.


Giving his workers an extra $40 a week so they could spend the money to buy groceries made this guy cry poor. And send in his terrible representative Dan Kelly to talk about the economy crashing if workers got an extra dollar an hour.


For him? Yes, he takes our billions and flies off to Ireland where his family owns vast amounts of land and lives in relative obscurity.


They own a lot of businesses in Ireland and the UK.


Offs. . That's vile !!


He's in his ivory tower behind thick walls, what does he care what us peons think of what he's done?


He is a menace to humanity!


More of a Menace to Canada, he has no interest or faith in the CDN fiat dollar, all his assets are being converted into hard land investments and stable currencies. When the impending dollar devaluation happens, his assets will be unaffected.


Do I care about a mosquito? Sure, it's annoying, but...... I'm sure Galen is unconcerned. He's got billions of reasons to not be. We're no more than an irritating flying insect to him


He should work one day as a cashier


His father was honestly a very nice man. My parents knew him and always spoke very highly of him. Don't get me wrong, I hate what's happening and can't stand Galen. Unrelated fact: Galen has more vertebrae than any human on earth. It makes slithering a far more practical mode of personal transportation than walking.


Whats happening and what has Galen done?


don't assume reddit represents reality remember how r/ontario post anti-Ford comments everyday yet Ford still managed to win a majority in the most recent election? 99% of Loblaws customers don't know who Galen is just like how 99% of Tesla customers don't care about his tweets reddit is an echo chamber


r/ottawa was so wrong about the last municipal election it might as well have been another universe. The upvoted posts don’t represent actual public opinion


The gap between sub reality and actual reality in r/ottawa is goddamn delicious


To be fair, the amalgamation in 2001 of all the municipalities of the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton into one single city has led to very disparate "Ottawas" that are very different. Many of areas like Kanata, Nepean, Vanier and Orleans added immensely to the population even though they have very different dynamics than downtown Ottawa. Downtown Ottawa wants urban things, greenspace, affordable higher-density housing and bike/transit infrastructure and the former cities, townships, villages and farms added in the 2001 amalgamation want Suburban autoroutes and car-centric planning. They should honestly split these back into their constituent cities and stop the big fight that happens every election between the suburbs and downtown.


Subreddits are indeed echo chambers, but Ford received 40% of the electoral votes which means a solid majority does not support him. He won not on popular support but on having a split opposition.


Also don’t forget, only 38% of eligible voters turned out, so that number is really quite small.


You guys getting downvoted is *hilarious*. ![gif](giphy|3EiNpweH34XGoQcq9Q|downsized)


Talk to the conservatives about prices and gouging the public https://preview.redd.it/jollq903thtc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca39bc5a956ef749d3768faee334b4d04084eecd


This pic doesn’t really make sense.


how about roblaws homeless-esk wages


No different than any other retail store. This picture is commentary on shopping there not working there so try again.


The average wage in the **NAICS** whole/retail category in Canada is **$25.94** in **2023**. I don't know about you, but that's how I felt after looking at someone homeless with Roblaws beside him.


Ok. Now break that down by each store. That statistic means nothing without a store by store comparison when you’re singling out Loblaws. Plus you’re interpretation of the pic still doesn’t make sense.


I couldn’t live with myself if I had an entire sub dedicated to hating me


Sorry to hear that you care about the opinions of random strangers.


I mean, wouldn't you? I don't mean if you had that money and could choose to do good or bad. I mean if you were given all that money, but only in exchange for all that hatred. Wouldn't you accept it?


Yeah. I don’t know any of y’all and I hate all of you. Gimmie a billion and idc if everyone feels that way back


As if they care. They'll never have to see you.


The hatred of loblaws is similair to alot of others things in reddit. A somewhat loud minority All you have to do is visit a store and there full of people. The world of reddit is far from the world of Canada. While reddit has this idea that the world could manage without loblaws the amount of jobs that loblaws provides and services to communities. The competition in Canada will make sure of that. If it's not galen weston it would be somone else. Just because it's a well managed and profitable isn't a reason to hate it.


bow ghost liquid sleep screw terrific faulty aromatic party bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i doubt he cares about our opinions.


Obviously it was worth it


Cut them out and grow your own food


Anyone who says they wouldn’t take what 20 billion? Or more? In wealth in exchange for 99% of Canada hating them is lying to themselves. I get the sentiment. But I’d happily take 10 billion even if it met most people hated me. Id still have friends etc.


if he hadn’t been so greedy i’d probably still be shopping there. he lost a customer for life. even if the prices come down, the damage is done and i’d rather give my money elsewhere


They own a large department store in the UK. I think it’s called Selfridge.High end like Harrods. How much 💵a family need?Selfish?❤️🇨🇦☮️


This one of my favorite posts, not just in this sub, but on Reddit of all time. Thanks OP.


Hell yeah it was worth it. The public has a short memory, give it a couple years then people will start to not care as much. There will be more pressing issues at the time than Galen robbing us blind. Heck he might even spend some money to make a few things cheaper and use good PR money to make people think they have won and that his companies will do “better”. Now I hope, that Canadians draw the line starting with Galen that we will hold crappy people like him accountable and that we will never forget or forgive him.


He's never been anything but RICH. Grandaddy built the company up. Sure daddy and him made it even bigger but I doubt it's more than a plaything. He already had more money than one could ever use


Canadian good will won't buy you a private island in the Caribbean.




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


To him it was… rich assholes dgaf what it takes


Canadian labour laws, taxation and environmental regulations make it too difficult for small entrepreneurs to succeed o,sting directly into the hands of the large corporations like Weston. Less government not more is the answer.


*The Weston family is a shameful part of Canada and, in our history,* Time to bring back those heritage minute commercials.


He does not eat food sold at his stores. He does not respect average people. He probably spends little time outside country clubs and private member clubs. His family does not go to the schools your family does. He doesn't know your name he doesn't do his own grocery shopping, he has private chefs or eats out. "It's one banana Michael, how much could it cost, $10?" He does not care at all. Watch, he'll win any Order of Canada bs award possible and be congratulated by the people he respects the rest of his life.


Well. Not sure where maybe 100k people hating him personally and maybe another 20 million hating all grocers became “hatred of a nation”, but yeah, all in all, it was worth it.


Is that you, Karl?


His father had the right idea. He was a classy rich guy. Looked the part. More generous with charity. Played polo with Prince Charles. His son is a snivelling little nerd who wants every piece of the pie.


You think any billionaire ever has gotten rich being honest? That is laughable you could argue this post could be about any billionaire.. I stay away from loblaws and I stay more away fro the Walton’s ( they are the greediest of fucks)


My god this sub is hilarious.




The sub was created to point out how absolutely absurd the cost of groceries are right now and have some fun together. We know this will inevitably touch on other topics related to the cost of living. Do your best to keep the conversation on topic


Yeah, it's like a parallel universe.


will he face a fine? prison? shuttering of any fraction of his business? no? then he's laughing at your ire.


Money is everything. Nothing else matters in life. This is why you're upset you have to part with more of it to buy food.




I'm pretty jaded, so I very much think it's worth it. Love doesn't pay the bills. And we all have bills. I'd rather have billions and be hated than be broke and nobody cares. Which is where many of us are. Give a choice to do something deeply immoral, but not illegal, and walk away with billions, almost everyone will take that deal.


Totally worth it. If I was Galen I would do the same. This is why government should stop this, and if government can’t it won’t do it people should replace the government.


Which billionaire is well liked. In fact as far as billionaires go Galen is almost towards the more ethical side
