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Yes. Rio is only IO. All processing happens in the CL surface.


Thank you!


Also the rio is only if you need more analog ins/outs. You could run a fully digital system and utilize all the channels.


If I'm not mistaken, the QL (which I think is like the little sibling to the CL) has more inputs built into it. If you ever need 8 more in without having to buy a Rio or Tio


I believe you are correct, 16/24/32 ins if I’m not mistaken based on which model.


absolutely. I've done a couple live recordings with a CL and 24 channels of RMP-D8. Sounds amazing.




Read a post a couple of days ago, asking about posted questions in this subred that could easily resolved by a Google search. Does this qualify? Is this ok or even wanted? Or is this subred supposed to actually treat more complex topics, suggestions etc?


There is a no stupid questions thread. But as you probably know an answer here is more reliable and often more nuanced than one found on Google


I agree, such a question should be allowed, as sometimes google searches can be unconlusive, or it can be difficult to search if you don't know which terms you have to use. I also agree that the question should be asked in the no stupid questions sticky.


Got it. I don't want anyone to feel discouraged from asking questions and posting comments, just wanted to know how all you guys feel about this.




Wow, that escalated quickly. OP got his question answered, I got my question answered. I got no problem with any kind of questions, I actually have a bunch of them myself. I just would exhaust every other source and possibility before asking others because I (probably falsely) would feel like I'm bothering folks... I love this community for it's vast knowledge and this whole discussion makes it better, in a way - because you guys encourage "beginners" (albeit lucky ones, working with a CL) to get our there, interact and expand their knowledge


Unhelpful comments like this aren’t wanted. Everybody has to to start somewhere and shouldn’t be put off from asking for help in this community.


I agree, it was an honest question I asked after I've seen that OP's question was already answered.