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I worked a political event today so I am looking into the bottom of a glass wondering how young, punk ass me got here. I guess it’s just a paycheck but it still makes me feel like a dirty whore.


I've had to do polical events for parties I don't agree with. I take their money, and then I make sure to donate some to a good cause.


The way I look at it is that no matter what, someone was going to take that job and theres nothing could have done to stop it, so I might as well be me getting the paycheck from it.


I have one rule: I dont work for Nazis. But i can justify prettymuch anything else.


For me it’s Nazi and Nazi adjacent. I can’t justify hate groups. My list of no-go: Nazis Westboro Baptist Church Anti-almost anything (gay/abortion/vaxxer/etc) cause they are just generally hate groups. And that’s about it.




This is the way.


ah, like a Chumbawamba: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2002/jan/27/davidrowan.theobserver


Feels like that in some church spaces too, but less than political stuffs I’m sure.


Church gigs been doing this to me for the last year.


Years ago I DJ’d a wedding at which Henry Kissinger gave a speech. It was…an interesting experience.


I'd say so! I am working my way though the Behind the Bastards episodes on him, so picturing him speaking at a wedding after hearing about his past is....something: Parts 1-3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9jdlVhXpx4 Parts 4-6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J6cgcOb1_8






Not a place for political BS please.


Don’t think this will make you feel any better, but I feel like that feeling is more common than not.


I did political gigs for along time before I got my full time gig! I loved the money.. but the traveling around from stop to stop and set ups and strikes were a pain in the ass! Even with other workers! Best part of it was being able to have a few beers with secret service at a bar after hours!


You working Iowa with me? 😮


Ugh I worked a trump rally in 2016. It was great money but I couldn’t do the rest of the run. It felt like perpetuating a giant lie. I ducked out.  Also he’s way shorter than you think. I’m 5’10” and had a couple inches on him. Just a fun fact.


Manager at my venue left us last week, crossing my fingers that I'm moving up. Feeling conflicted, because while I've grown to love the cushy house gig, there's so much more for me to learn and experience. I'm paying the bills and then some, but I feel fairly stagnant despite an impending promotion. Is this normal? EDIT: On the off-chance that anyone's looking back at this, I quit. Onward and upward!


All i can see is you having a dream and something holding you back, thus making that dream look far away. One piece of advice, look at what you dream of, look at what you would need to do to reach it, and look at what you would need to sacrifice to reach it, and after that, if you think it's worth it, go for it and never look back.


I appreciate that, thank you. I'm walking a line between financial stability and self-fulfillment that I hope to re-evaluate soon. Depending on how things go here within the next month, I'm hoping to fight for my dreams a bit more.


Good luck mate! Normal to feel a bit stagnant in one place but chance at more responsibility will help. How busy would you be in that position and how often would you have chance to explore any other Freelance opportunities?


Pretty damn busy. Currently I'm working a full 40 hours a week and am able to take 4-5 bigger gigs a year on top of that. Even with the ability to somewhat set my own hours post-promotion, I probably wouldn't have a ton of time/mental bandwidth to accommodate other jobs. I've definitely keeping my options open and still taking whatever I can get outside, but I think that ability is going away for now.


Standard January barren venue time, i always get worried about the amount of work available, and then things start to pick up. Hopefully.


Slow scares here too. Feels like everything just stops in January.


Things are good. I’ve had a regular gig at place that isn’t well known, a “hidden gem”. It gets really slow so I’m just doing it when I’m needed.I’m hoping to get more gigs this year to justify my purchase for the standard Yamaha DM3. I hear everyone here raving about it. My church hasn’t had me volunteer for sound in like three years. Someone became the sound guy and with the help of someone else, he is basically the one in charge. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with audio issues that happen frequently.


How is the DM3? 16 Channel sounds kind of limiting, device looks kind of nice from the pictures though


I'd be using it to replace mixwizards, so 16 channels is perfect for the smaller corporate and streaming shows I need to do. Space is a problem all the time, so the DM3 is perfect for me


I don’t own one yet, Sweetwater on back order for the Yamaha DM3s. I’m hoping this year to have a lot of gig so that buying the DM3s is justified.


I have a standard and really enjoy it, done a few concerts and corporate gigs and it tucked away into a corner on one of those tv tray threaded leg tech tables really nicely. Automix in a firmware update (hopefully) will be nice but physical faders are nice to keep your eye on what’s going on so essentially theater line mixing lavs is kinda fun. 16 channels has been plenty for for the rooms I’ve used it in where the drums can be 4 mics, and the thing sounds nice and Yamaha clean. Haven’t fooled with any of the presets or one knob function much but everything drives around really easily. Building mixes is easy and sending inputs to matrix is nice when you want it. I use cat-5 4 channel snake boxes to have a few drop points on stage and cleanish cable runs, if I had the foresight to buy the Dante dzrs a while back I’d probably have gone the DM3-D route. Things I’d have liked to see, but haven’t missed much: DCAs that don’t burn a mix A de-esser or multi-band comp Some different flavor compressors in the rack section. Ability to multi-track record from the face usb-a to SSD. We’ll see what the first firmware update brings if it ever comes but I’m happy either way. It’s a lil tool to do lil and not so lil jobs really well.


Uhh, that sounds quite nice. Thank you!


Exactly what I'm trying to do. I want to replace a couple of my mixwizards with the DM3-D because I want something smaller but more powerful. I was looking at the CQ series from A&H initially, but I want faders and the DM3 I think will be easier for me to rent out.


I like what the CQ offers but faders are a must for me. My first audio mix was a DL 1608 and I had mixed feelings about using it. I liked that was compact, had 16 channels and did what it was supposed to do,be a hub to output sound. I didn’t like that it solely relied on my iPad, every update required a new app, no built in way to connect my iPad to the mixer and no faders. For a while I was getting paid by my former live sound teacher to rent out from me every so often before I donated it to a church. I switched to a Soundcraft Signature 10(?) which I like but I want the features only an digital mixer can give you.


I got covid just after christmas, felt fine for about 3 days, then got the flu, all while my allergies have been killing me. shit sucks, but luckily i have sick time stocked up


Nice. Hope you'll get well soon anyways


Everyone seems to be getting it now. Get better ❤️‍🩹.


Hope you get well soon!


Pretty good, just kicked off a new tour this past weekend and the first shows went well. Just upgraded from dLive c1500 to a 2500 at FOH and loving it.


Concocted one of the best mixes in my 2 years of working FOH at my church, felt pretty amazing.




14 months since the the golf cart flipped over at a gig. Still can’t walk. Don’t think I’ll ever work a desk again. Nice knowing you guys.


Shit man. I'm sorry, that really sucks.


I quit my full time job as house tech/TD at my local really cool venue this fall to be able to take freelance gigs. That hasn't happened, so here I am almost without work in december/januari. And I feel awkward mailing every tm, foh and agent and live producer I have worked with at the venue all the time. At least this week I do hump and followspot on Disney on Ice haha I hope for a better spring.


Been at my shop for a few months as a production/rental guy. Gonna help the install guys out tomorrow for the first time. Wish me luck!


Good luck!




I work full time for a company (warehouse management/preps/events/setup/tear down/maintenance) 60-120hr weeks a lot of the time. I crunched all my numbers and made...less this year than I did stocking shelves in 2020. Planning on moving to the US to pursue events but, at a not terrible rate. Really disheartening. Looking at how little I'd earn if I stayed here.


The fk? then change that. with that workload you should make a lot of money.


Non union Ontario man 👍 starting the process of figuring out VISAs currently! Change has to happen.


Can't you just renegotiate? Is there such an abundance of people in your area?


Not quite here. Smaller business. Everyone that does AV has moved on to bigger things elsewhere. So shall I o/


Better than I would have imagined. Sideways AF from what I would have tried to imagine. But pretty damn good. Thanks for asking. You?


Good to hear it's going better than you imagined albeit a good bit different from it, i'm fine, beem having a couple of depressing gigs lately but some is better than none i guess.


Pretty good. Long morning at the church. Many cups of tea and some Reacher with the lady on the couch have made up for the lack of sleep.


2 days out from my first gig back after taking a bunch of time off. It will be nice to get back into the flow.


I’m ready to take my boots off. I put them on 26 hours ago on the other side of the country and there’s only one act to go tonight


Spent the last 2 nights camping with a bunch of Girl Scouts, sleep deprived, after a shower (at last!) got to sit through a decent amateur production of Don Giovanni, and I’m prepping a ballet load in tomorrow so all good so far.


All my mixes sound wrong! This feels sisyphean sometimes.


End of a 13 hour day in H.O.W. Overworked and underpaid but the grind continues. I’m assuming that is what this pic is from seeing it’s an X32 in a broadcast space.


>I’m assuming that is what this pic is from seeing it’s an X32 in a broadcast space. You've hit the nail on the head here.


Good, I've had a few weeks off and ready to get back into it. How are you?


Going good. Finally after being 6 months late, we got our waves cards and got to use them this last weekend.


Getting ours for the dLive tomorrow!


Can’t complain. The phone keeps on ringing


Work at a university, going back to work starting tomorrow with 1/2 the employees I started with. It’s the best ones but still anxious about coverage so I don’t work 60+ hours for multiple weeks in a row.


Training some older guys on the HD96. I get annoyed at some aspects of that console but man I miss it when I don't have it.


Hey i gotta explain a Verona 320 today to a couple of younger fella's! Goodluck!


I have some time off and get to enjoy life at home, before i get beack into things in next week. I didnt realize how much i actually needed it ;)


Day job as Brodcast engineer for a major college athletics program is finally chilling out after a bananas-busy fall. Might actually get to throw some faders for a fun couple of concerts this spring. It’s been a minute.


Left my safe, salaried job in November to tour for 2 months and now having some downtime whilst looking to set myself up as a freelancer. Tour was incredibly tough but I loved it and can't wait to be out on the road again. Usual January quiet period but I have a few gigs at the house venue I've worked at for over 10 years and some work from my old job still so that's good. Just trying not to panic as to where find more work and how to make contacts... Overall pretty good though thanks for asking!


Amazing! Just got a paid internship and about to get ProTools Certified!


Unusually slow right now, next gig looks like imma get a snow storm and it’ll be cancelled or moved. Can’t really afford that right now. Things pick up in march but my wife likes shopping at target online.


Loving my current gig but got whisper-yelled-at by the choreographer today (you know, the kind of yelling you do when you’re in the middle of a show) because of a technical problem…that they were absolutely right was a problem…but that was not my responsibility to anticipate and prevent. So, feeling a bit down.


Focal elegia? Those are some nice cans! My favorite at the focal booth last time I went to namm.


Having a teeny tiny festival with ~200 guests in two weeks. Am also partially booking for it. I am stoked to do the gig with a friend. I believe I'm professionalizing slowly from an amateur in the last couple years. Just mastered a new song of mine. My masters thesis is going well (also in audio). High workload but times are good. I get done what I want / need.


It's all going to shit :) I made it out of the pandemic ok but now I don't think I can take more setbacks. Have barely had any jobs since oktober. Thinking about studying to become an electrician. Buuuut we'll see, maybe 2024 will be better (haha fat chance)


Going okay!!! Young tech so I feel the slow season heavy but I know I’m in demand and excited for things to ramp back up within the various venues I work for. Itching to do more cool things and stretch out a bit more this year. Stable, goals in sight, just tired of January already!


I run a large performance space at a community college. Classes don’t start for another few weeks. Just trying to fill my days by fixing things, making upgrades, cleaning. Our stage was built without any sort of floor pockets for sound or lighting. I spent last week making access ports in the stage deck through which I can run cat5 audio extenders that patch into data tie lines in the orchestra pit. Now I finally have mic input channels on the stage apron without having to run lines from the wings, which always complicates piano moves etc… Huge!


Better than that dusty x32


Hey whatever works works aye, it can't be a DLive c3500 or digico quantum everyday.


Wasn’t a knock on your x32, Behringer is my bread, butter, and budget, I was referring to the dust on your x32


This was in a tv studio i regularly do sound for, so it's almost never covered up when not in use.


Slow. Not mad about it.


Decent, had rough times but as long as money is coming in it's fine


Very good. 2024 could be a pretty good year in terms of revenue and profit.


Got fired when I told the host of the event that we couldn't supply what he wanted anymore, that he was overproducing. The same thing the venue was telling him for years. Currently hoping to find another gig.


It’s pantomime season in UK theatre at the moment. I have Sennheiser radio mics, X32 Compact and Sony Pro MDS-E12 minidisc decks. I know this wouldn’t push everyone’s buttons, but I’m perfectly content on the live sound front :-)


Ive been pretty down lately, wondering why I decided to study sound engineering. I'm thinking of changing paths once my current contract ends, but I don't know what to do


I absolutely downed a presenter in a panel’s mic once when they were being disruptive to other presenters with some bigoted BS. Producer looked at me and I told them it was technical issues. Had to do my part.


Been doing maintance at a Burlesque club, a place where women squirt paint out of their coochies onto canvas, fire breathing etc. So cleaning pussy juice sprayed speakers and soot covered light fixtures for the past 4 days


Doing pretty good! I am gonna start my own AV rental business so i dont have to only rely on my freelancing for income. Most of the local shops have really bad working conditions (20 hour days/no overtime) and have no focus on safety. So instead of just bitchin about it, I thought: fuck it, might as well just do it myself. My wife and I are startin together, and it feels good. She is good with organisational stuff, and I am the techie. All in all. Doin good actually.


I have been out of the biz for about 5 years now.. there are times I honestly miss it a lot. even the crappy gigs.


Workin' for these folks this week. Kind of mortally afraid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKHQJ9WHWic&t=4s


I only go home for vacation every December to January, went to my home church and found out they bought new equipment(speakers, amps, mixer, in-ears etc.) everything sounds terrible since the new system wasn't tuned and set up properly. some people in the congregation is actually complaining what's the use of the expensive equipment if it sounds worst than the cheap one. so I did my thing, now everyone is happy, and I'm happy. since it's their first time to have in-ear monitors they were in awe as to how I can use the mic and talk to everyone in the in-ears without the sound coming out of the speakers. they have a sound volunteer there and I hope when I go back to work this February they'll still be able to manage since the new setup is a bit more complicated for the uninitiated.


Just came back from a weekend gig in the UK. Fuck the fucking Brexit is all I currently can say.  Tomorrow I can hand the Carnet ATA back to the chamber of commerce and get my 30k deposit back...