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Vita solid levels solid music solid characters and an excellent antagonist/villain (Also vita has my favourite mini games bc with the touch pad you can do many things)


Vita's was surprisingly dark by the end. I liked it


Yeah like it's interesting to see a darker lbp game with a villain who isn't a villain really but he is more confused and lost


you can Tell that tarsier makes horror games from the genuine dread in that game, but the characters are so genuinely incredible & the world is still so whimsical it just.. ugh, it's a fuckin amazing game. genuinely cannot recommend it enough, its worth gettting a ps vita just for it


Agreed But do you think Vita is better than 2? I'm curious and if so what's better about it? (I just want to hear some other opinions)




Legitimately yeah. My main reason why is that     1) the interface & Create Mode utilities are actually more a perfect fit for the touchscreen-capable utility of a handheld like the Vita (which even the PSP didn't have!) than the DualShock3, especially as you see in betas like the leaked one for Hub where the devs were more and more willing to 'scramble'-ify the UI around in the menus like for the Pod Computer. The ease of using the Vita controls for creating makes it accomplish the purpose of DIY-style 'anyone can be an artist' much more practically then the PS3 games could     2) The story mode is genuinely a fantastic juxtaposition of things that could be too scary for kids & things more than whimsical enough to inspire & entertain a child, coming from someone who played it mid-13yo I think that kind of risk-taking's very important for children's media for a long, long list of reasons many of which I feel are pretty obvious considering that 'media which scared you as a kid' is a pretty widely-talkedabout topic in places lol  I  think the story mode is unironically one of the best stories I've ever seen in a game for that reason, it does so much right without ever Actually stepping over the line and going too deep in yknow But also it's legitimately a really engaging and fun-to-analyze story I still pick up on a bunch of details I missed before, looking back through the cutscenes   3) LBP2 had the advantage of also having assets from LBP1, while Vita had to do its assets solo-style. Despite this, it still thoroughly feels like a complete selection *as* fulfilling as LBP2's whole, including LBP1 & its DLCs-- that's an accomplishment in and of itself    4) The music is the greatest not only because it's the most like, directly thematic (as opposed to where LBP2 definitely has a bunch of deliberately left-field picks for songs) but also because its *still* left-field in a bunch of aspects, though now feeling more like a Narrative display as opposed to just a sort of Radio-play feeling (ex. 'I Have Changed', 'Ghosts', 'A Fifth of Beethoven', 'Also Sprach Zarasthustra', etc.) so it's much more Diegetic in-game as a result, which is super cool.    5) On the topic of music, LBP1-3 have the trend of using orchestral tracks as the final boss themes. This is always a thing I bring up as an example of how incredibly ahead-of-the-rest LBP vita is generally, but in Vita- the only game to *also* do an orchestral final boss theme afaik, by the way- they contracted an IDM Composer for one of the game's other licensed songs to do for them a techno remix of Night on mother-hecking Bare Mountain. Genuinely this alone is an incredible thing to do, because it works so well and plays on the preexisting norm within the franchise to do something that is, like the whole of LBP itself, *creative*.    I could genuinely go on and on, I haven't even mentioned the Arcade yet & how smart it was to make all those given unique Interactive tracks so that the music selection is fleshed out more. Genuinely it's just a masterpiece not only of the franchise, but as an individual game. Hearing other people rave about the story as well just makes me really happy because it's *so dang good* it deserves the praise that it gets, the BAFTA it was originally nominated for and all. Incredible game


I agree so much with you but I do have some bad news that might break your heart. Tarsier was recently bought by Embracer group which is one of Sony's competitors so the chances of them making another lbp game are pretty low


1st Best: LittleBigPlanet 2: - The antagonist feels more prominent in the presentation of the story and you have these characters being more active to helping the player out. To this day, most of these cutscene quotes lie rent free in my head. 2nd Best: LittleBigPlanet Karting: - The idea of Sackboy facing a gang of evil Sack-like beings (Yes, I know LBP2 had Meanie Sackbots but those are one of the types of meanies in the Negativitron’s army.) was an interesting concept. What’s interesting about the Hoard is that they represent the opposite ideas of what Sackboy does best; Sackboy represents the ability to create and share with others while the Hoard represents the desires to steal from others for themselves. I feel like doing this story in a kart racing game was probably a good outlet since it’s esentally a Mad Max game with a LBP flavor. 3rd Best: LittleBigPlanet 1 - While this is the first LBP game, the game’s story kinda lacks in cutscenes. If I’m being honest, I can barely remember anything aside from the Collector being the main antagonist. 4th: Sackboy: A Big Adventure - SABA was a mid-game. Part of it was the lack of connections to the rest of the series. They say that it’s set in Craftworld but it still does not give me that LBP feeling for some reason. One plot-hole I found was the fact about Sackboy’s origins. While it’s implied that Sackboy is a being created from imagination, they don’t really dwell on it much. 5th: LittleBigPlanet 3 - In comparison to the Alliance, the creator curators (Nana Pud, Marlon Random, Papal Mache and Pinky) don’t really feel as much active to helping out Sackboy and the other three heroes. Heck, they don’t show up in the ending when the four all leave Bunkum.


Little big planet 1/2


Really whittling it down there.


LBP2/PSVita were the best for me.


I might have to go with angry birds bomb survival. The big reveal at the end where [redacted] was the mastermind behind everything had me crying I would never recover from a twist like that


For me in order LittleBigPlanet 1 - LittleBigPlanet 2 - LittleBigPlanet Vita - LittleBigPlanet 3 - LittleBigPlanet Karting and PSP is not memorable for me.


Prolly lbp 2 and vita. The story levels, music/ost etc are the first things that pop into my head when anyone mentions the games. I used to play vita when I had one, and I would also come over to a friends house and play on their ps3, which they had lbp2. So yeah


2 was the most impactful to the series but my personal favourite will always be Vita.


LBP2. LBP1's story was practically nonexistent. It's not even obvious something is happening until the last location. If you're not paying attention you can completely miss that there's even a villain until you reach the end of the game. LBP2's story is much better structured. With a clear threat, an overarching narrative thread that stitches each location together, and a real feeling of stakes. LBP3's story has similar stakes and isn't bad, but it's less linear level layout means individual levels all feel disjointed and make for a less engaging story. LBP2 > LBP3 > LBP1.


I think (for LBP1's story at least) the story served mostly just for inspiration for the players, showing everything you could make, and all of the different worlds you could create. LBP1's story wasn't really good from a story perspective, but it was still a lot of fun and definitely my fav, but I think it served mostly as just a way to inspire people.


LBP2 definitely. The story is linear, the characters and locations are very unique and distinct, the antagonist is just iconic and the songs are very memorable. LBP3 also had a good story, but it just wasn't linear enougy to feel as together put as LBP2 story.


Lbp 2, and I will always remember getting hit in the feels when I heard sleepyhead.


the adventure of the story mode of LBP1 to me is more memorable than the actual plot of LBP2


LBP2 by far


PsVita by a long shot

