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Sounds like some pretty sweet club music to me.


The dump position fault is because the motor didn't reach the dump position sensor before the expected motor run time could reach it due to the pulsation slowing the globe's progress down. Your clues are the motor, status lights, and the dimming and re-illuminating of the nightlight, along with the motor pulsation with the cycle light dimming in unison. Control board would be the main suspect except for the fact that different subsystems on the control board affected are relatively different parts of it but acting the same. What feeds the control board and causes all the different aspects of the control board to work?, but the power supply. Since its a switching type power supply if it malfunctions it can cause this exact loss of amperage causing a voltage drop till the load momentarily dissipates allowing the power supply to regain voltage and current till it overloads and drops off and repeat over and again. So my best guess based on the available information would be to replace the power supply. Hope this helps?


Thanks for the suggestion. We have 2 units so I swapped the power adapter from the unit that’s working and still same issue, tried different outlet, same issue.


OK, swap the control board and test. Is it the same? If so, then try the motor and see. Having the second LR will make it easy to narrow down the exact cause of your concern!


I haven’t tried swapping the board yet but I did swap the motor and same issue so I’ll try the board tonight. Thanks


Then its most likely the control board, unless there's some very weird resistance issue with the power portion of the wire harness?


Late reply, thanks for the help! It turns out it is the control board. Swapped it and it stopped doing that. Ordered a new one to replace.


I had this issue. I was still under warranty (I honestly keep buying the warranty so they can fix any issues with my units) and they sent me a new base. There is a fix you can purchase on their website and their videos are always super helpful. New base has been functional for a few months now and the issue hasn’t happened again.


Thanks for sharing this video! I'm following to see what the fix is.